Arith : The Undiscovered Planet

Chapter CHAPTER 4

Eric smiled as he looked at the pictures he took when he was in space. Seeing the pictures, didn’t look real like he had seen them up close in space. It had been three days since he came back from his exploration. He was in his father’s house for the time being. His dad didn’t allow him go to his own apartment.

“I want you to get back to your normal self here. I understand the effects of space travel. I remember, it took your mum about a week to recover. She wasn’t used to walking fast for sometime, having spent about three days in space”. Derek , his dad had said .

At this moment, his dad was making lunch for him. He had tried dissuading his dad. But his dad couldn’t have any of it. With his usual ‘let-me-take-care-of-you’ words. Eric had no other option but to accept his dad’s ’care’.

People always think space travel is a big deal, Eric thought. He shrugged and continued looking at the pictures of his exploit, he looked for some moments.

Then he came across a picture. A very lustrous element, siredanium. Back in space, he was just taking random pictures. If not, he wouldn’t have taken pictures of this element . He was always disinterested in things that were outlawed to acquire.

Their instructor had told them about the element. Being the most expensive and all. And it was a rule to never take anything in space, except, it was going to be used for experiments, constructions. Hence Eric felt it wasn’t relevant to know very much about this ‘siredanium’.

But the more Eric looked at this picture, the more it looked familiar. Where had he seen this picture? He couldn’t remember. He tried thinking but nothing came to him. Well he would still think because he knew that he had seen this picture somehow. Could it be in their class, or…. Where? Fine he would just relax himself and think deeply, yes deeply, after eating… definitely.

To make matters worse, his dad brought his meal to his bed. Eric felt discomfited by this level of care. He felt so much better already, and he was still taking care of him? Wait… did his father think he would have died?

“Whats up with the face Eric? Can’t you allow your old man take care of you”? His dad asked unsure.

“Dad , seriously I’m good. I should be the one taking care of you” he said.

“Fine, I know that son. But let me do this. I thought I’d lost you. You’re the only one I have”.

“Fine dad” Eric said quickly, so that his dad wouldn’t declare those uncomfortable lines again.


When he was done with lunch, he met Derek in the courtyard and they drank beer together. He always enjoyed this moment with his dad, when they would start talking about things going on.

“Oh that reminds me, I haven’t spoken to Tessy since you got back”

His dad put his hand in his pockets, looking for his phone but he couldn’t find it.

“Could be you left it in your room while cooking dad. Let me get it”

Eric said as he got up and headed to his dad’s room.

“I think it’s in my drawer, just check there” his dad called out.


Eric entered his dad’s room and headed to the drawer. Just like his dad said, he saw the phone. As he was about grabbing the phone , he saw a picture under the phone. So he took out the phone and saw the picture clearly. The picture was of siredanium , the same element he had snapped. This was the same picture he had seen, the one he had thought about. Then immediately, as if his brain was waiting for this moment, he had a flashback of his mum talking to his dad about the picture. Though he wasn’t sure, he remembered his mum telling his dad about someone stealing something, when she handed the picture to his dad. This was two weeks before she went on the space exploration that took her life. He was ten years old then. Hence, he wasn’t so sure…

“Are you okay in there son”?

His dad called out. So Eric hurried to meet his dad outside.

“You took so long in there, hope you’re okay”? His dad asked looking concerned.

“Dad I have your phone, here it is”

Eric handed the phone back to his dad. His dad took the phone , really looked at him and asked

“What is it son”?

He gave his dad the picture, his dad took it , looked at it and was like ‘yeah-so’? His dad kept giving him the ‘what-has-happened-to-my-son during-the-space-travel' look.

“Why did mum give you this picture dad”?

“Oohh , you had me scared son. Well she said someone was stealing the element. She called it em… sir.. something”.

“Siredanium , yes it was recently discovered. The most expensive element in the world. But can only be found in space. So it was prohibited for anyone to acquire it in any form”.

“Oh interesting, so why is this special to you now son”?

“Well dad, I feel she told the wrong person about this, and I have suspicions that what happened to her wasn’t an accident, it was deliberate. I know mum actually saw someone trying to steal it. This 'someone’ or their group, didn’t want to be exposed. So they did that to mum”.

“Well son, I had already thought about that. But I think I was the only one she told. Well …I don’t know anymore”. He dad said thinking.

“You know what dad, I will just have to tell someone I trust so much ; aunt Tessy. So that she can make the arrangements for both of us to go to space and check the element's area out. I just want evidence that someone is actually stealing it”.

“You are the only one I have dear. But promise me it’s only Tessy you will tell”.

“I promise dad, she is like a mother to me and she has the right connections. She will definitely help me out”.

“Okay son”.


“Eric hope you’re okay. You look anxious” His aunt said, looking at him with concern.

Eric was already tired of these looks.

“I’m very well. Just discovered something”.

“Okay”? aunt Tessy asked

“Its about the element ‘siredanium’, mum discovered people stealing it and she was killed”

Aunt Tessy was shocked

“What ? You mean she was deliberately killed? How could people be this wicked ? I can’t believe there are killers in our headquarters” . Eric nodded sadly and said:

“So that’s why I want to go up there to be sure. Can you help me out aunty? Please”?

“You just came back son, isn’t it too soon to go up there again”?

“Like this moment aunt, I’m indifferent to any other thing. Just want to get to the bottom of this”.

“Oh no , I care , okay? Will not allow you endanger your life. You’re just recovering from your first space travel. I certainly care”.

Eric knew he wasn’t going anywhere with his aunt, if he continued like this. So he opted for the innocent plea.

“Please aunt, please please? He gave her his most innocent look, she wouldn’t ignore. His aunt sighed and said:

“Well, let’s see dear, it could take weeks if not months to get everything ready. Let’s … ahhh … do not give me that look Eric . Of course, I would never tell them what we would be doing in space. Okay”?

“Oh , I’m glad to hear that. I love we’re doing this for my mum. But could you make it like in three weeks “?

“Hmmm”. Aunt Tessy was looking at him as if he was a joking. Eric gave her his serious look , his aunt didn't know what else to do.

“Well … fine. Do not worry love, we’re in this together”. She said.

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