Archer’s Voice (Where Love Meets Destiny)

Archer’s Voice: Chapter 26

The next morning I got up early for work and Archer got up with me, kissing me at the door. He looked sleepy and sexy and I took a few more minutes than I should, lingering at his lips, just rubbing mine over his. I still needed to go home and shower and get my uniform. Hopefully Natalie had taken Phoebe out and fed her. When I leaned back away from Archer, I said, Natalie and Jordan are picking me up right after work, so I’ll see you as soon as I get back, okay?

He nodded at me, his face going serious.

Hey, I joked, take this time to get some actual sleep. Think of it as a week long break from having to service my insatiable sexual needs constantly.

He grinned a sleepy grin and signed back, I love your insatiable sexual needs. Hurry back to me.

I laughed a small laugh and breathed out. I will. I love you, Archer.

I love you, Bree. He smiled a sweet smile at me and I lingered, not wanting to say goodbye. Finally, he smacked me playfully on the butt and said, Go. I laughed softly and waved at him as I walked up the driveway, blowing him kisses before I shut the gate behind me. He stood there in his jeans, no shirt on, his hands in his front pockets, a small smile on his face. God, I’d miss him.






It was a busy day at the diner which was good since the day passed quickly, and I didn’t have too long to linger in my thoughts over how much I was going to miss Archer–hell, how much I was going to miss the entire town. It had been such a short time, really, but already I felt like this was home. I missed my friends back in Ohio, but I knew that my life was here now.

Natalie and Jordan picked me up right at three o’clock, and I changed into jeans and a t-shirt in the bathroom and said quick goodbyes to Maggie and Norm. We hopped in my car, Jordan driving and Phoebe chuffing softly at me from her carrier, and got right on the road.

‘What’d you guys do all day?’ I asked, trying to distract myself from the ball of emotion that was already moving up my throat as we got on the highway and moved further away from Pelion.

‘We walked along the lake for a little bit,’ Natalie said. ‘But it was so cold we didn’t stay long. We drove across the lake to the town on the other side for lunch and checked out some of the shops. It was really nice, Bree. I can see why you like it here.’

I nodded. ‘The summer was beautiful, but the fall is–’ My phone chimed, cutting me off. I frowned. Who could that be? Maybe Avery? The only other people who ever texted me were sitting in the car.

I picked my phone up and looked at the text from an unknown number. I frowned, clicking on it. It said:


Is it too soon to start missing you? Archer


My eyes widened and I pulled back from the phone, surprise taking over. I sucked in a breath. Archer? How in the world?

I looked up to the front passenger seat where Natalie was sitting. ‘Archer’s texting me!’ I said. ‘How is Archer texting me?’

Natalie just smiled a knowing smile. I gaped. ‘Oh my God! Did you get him a cell phone?’

Natalie shook her head, smiling and pointed next to her to Jordan in the driver’s seat. He looked in the rearview mirror at me sheepishly.

‘You got Archer a cell phone?’ I whispered, tears springing into my eyes.

‘Whoa, whoa. Don’t get all emotional. It’s just a cell phone. How else are you guys gonna communicate while you’re gone? I’m surprised you didn’t think of it yourself.’

Tears were sliding down my cheeks now, and I choked out a little laugh, shaking my head. ‘You’re… I can’t…’ I sputtered, looking back over at Natalie who was crying and laughing now, too, swiping the tears off of her cheeks.

‘Isn’t he?’ she asked.

I nodded, a new flood of tears falling out of my eyes as I laughed and wiped them off my cheeks. We were a mess–both of us laughing and crying.

I looked at Jordan in the rearview mirror, and he rubbed a fist into one eye, cringing slightly and saying, ‘Something in my eye there. Okay, stop all the blubbering. You two are embarrassing. And text him back already. He’s waiting, I’m sure.’

‘What’d he say when you brought it to him?’ I asked, my eyes wide.

Jordan shrugged and glanced in the rearview mirror at me. ‘He looked at me like he was wondering what my ulterior motives were. But I just showed him how to use it and left.’ He shrugged again like it was no big deal.

‘I love you Jordan Scott,’ I said, leaning forward and kissing him lightly on his cheek.

‘I know you do,’ he said, grinning at me in the mirror again. ‘And getting laid by hot blondes puts me in a generous mood so there you go.’

I laughed, sniffling and bringing my phone up again.


Me: I hope not because I started missing you before I even left. We’re about twenty minutes outside of town. What are you doing?


I waited about a minute before his next message came through.


Archer: Reading. It just started raining outside. Hopefully you’re moving away from it.


Me: I think so. Skies look clear ahead. Wish I was cuddled up with you. What are you reading?


Archer: Wish you were too. But what you’re doing is important. I’m reading Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton. Have you read it?


Me: No. Is it good?


Archer: Yeah. Well, no. It’s well written, but it’s probably one of the most depressing books of all time.


Me: Lol. So you’ve read it before? Why read it again if it’s depressing? What’s it about?


Archer: What’s lol?


I paused and smiled, realizing this was Archer’s very first time texting. Of course he didn’t know what lol meant.


Me: Laugh out loud. Text lingo.


Archer: Oh, okay. I’m not sure why I picked this book up today. My uncle seemed to like it. It’s about a miserable man in a loveless marriage who falls in love with his wife’s cousin and they try to commit suicide to be together, but only end up broken and paralyzed and still miserable.


Me: Oh God! That’s… that’s awful! Put the depressing book down, Archer Hale!


Archer: Lol.


I laughed out loud for real when I saw his reply. ‘Keep it down back there,’ Natalie grumped, keeping her eyes closed, but smiling slightly as she turned her head on her seat back. My phone dinged softly again, indicating another text from Archer.


Archer: No, really, it’s about isolation and a girl who represents happiness for a man who’s never had any. I guess I can relate to some of the themes.


I swallowed heavily, my heart squeezing for the man I loved.


Me: I love you, Archer.


Archer: I love you too, Bree.


Me: Pulling into a gas station. Text you in a bit.


Archer: Okay.






Me: What’s on your happy list?


Archer: What’s a happy list?


Me: Just a short list of a few, simple things that make you happy.


My phone remained quiet for a few minutes before it finally dinged.


Archer: The smell of the earth after it rains, the feeling of falling asleep, the small freckle on the inside of your right thigh. What’s on your happy list?


I smiled and leaned my head back on the seat.


Me: Summer evenings, when the clouds part and a ray of golden light suddenly breaks through, knowing you’re mine.


Archer: Always.


I leaned back on the seat again, a small dreamy smile on my face. After a minute or two, my phone dinged again.


Archer: When do you think you’ll get to Ohio?


Me: Probably about 8 am. I’m up next to drive so I better try to get some rest. I’ll text you constantly to let you know what’s going on, okay?


Archer: Okay. Will you tell Jordan I said thanks for the phone? I’d like to pay him for it. I didn’t think to offer when he came over.


Me: I doubt if he’d take it anyway. But I’ll tell him. I love you.


Archer: I love you too.






Me: Slept for a couple hours. Dreamed about you. Stopping for dinner and then I’m going to drive for the next five hrs or so.


Archer: Dream? What kind of dream?


I laughed.


Me: A really, really good dream. 😉 Remember that time on the lake shore?


Archer: I’ll never forget. I was washing sand out of places sand should never be for a week.


Me: Lol. It was worth it though, right? I miss you.


Archer: Very worth it. I miss you too. Guess what? I went into town for a few things and now I’m walking down the street texting you. I think Mrs. Grady almost had a heart attack. I heard her refer to me as the Unibomber, Jr. once when she passed me in the grocery store. I had to look up who that was at the library. I realized that it hadn’t been a compliment.


I groaned, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. Some people could be so ignorant. I pictured that isolated teenager bravely fighting his way up to the gate where he would walk out into the world for the first time since he was a small child, and then getting a reception like that. I cringed. Every cell in my body screamed out to protect him, but I couldn’t. It had already happened. I didn’t even know him then–but the fact that I hadn’t been there, shot through my body as guilt and grief anyway. It wasn’t rational. It was love.


Me: I’d read your manifesto, Archer Hale. Every word. I bet it’d be beautiful.


Archer: Lol. Which, incidentally, in my case should actually be los (laugh out silently).


Me: 😀 You being funny? 😀


Archer: Yes. What’s on your funny list?


I grinned, thinking for a second before typing.


Me: Watching the puppies waddle because their tummies are so fat, hearing other people laugh (it’s contagious), funny fail moments. What’s on your funny list?


Archer: Mr. Bivens in his crooked hairpiece, the look on a dog’s face as it rides by with its head out the window of a car, people who snort when they laugh.


Me: I’m laughing now (maybe snorting) as I’m walking in to the restaurant. 😀 I’ll text in the morning. Ilu.


Archer: Okay. Goodnight, Ilu too.


‘Geez, Bree, you’re not supposed to be writing novels on text. Both of your fingers are going to be too tired for anything good when you get back,’ Natalie joked.

I laughed and sighed–it might have been slightly swoony. Natalie rolled her eyes. ‘I love it. I feel like I’m getting to know him even better this way.’

Natalie wrapped her arm around my shoulder and pulled me into her, and we walked in to the restaurant smiling.






Me: Morning. You up? We only have another hour on the road. Nat’s driving now.


Archer: Yeah, I’m up. Walking on the shore with the dogs. Hawk just ate a dead fish. He won’t be coming inside today.


I laughed, still sleepy. I sat up and moved my neck from side to side. Sleeping in the front seat of a car was not comfortable. Natalie was at the wheel, sipping a cup of McDonalds coffee, and Jordan was snoring softly in the back seat.


Me: Eww! Hawk! What’s on your gross-out list?


Archer: Really long, curved fingernails, barnacles, mushrooms. What’s on your gross-out list?


Me: Wait – you don’t like mushrooms? I’m going to cook something that will change your mind when I get back.


Archer: No, thanks.


I laughed.


Me: Cigarette breath, maggots, gas station bathrooms.


Archer: I’ll be right back. I need to go take a shower.


Me: Lol.


I laughed, but then I paused before typing.


Me: Thank you, I needed that. I’m a little nervous about today.


Archer: You’re going to be fine. I promise, it’s going to be fine. You can do this.


I smiled.


Me: Do you think you would do me a favor? If I call you right before I go into the police station, and put the phone in my pocket, will you just… be with me?


Archer: Yes, yes. Of course I will. And I promise not to say anything.


I laughed.


Me: Funny. Ilu, Archer.


Archer: Ilu, Bree.






I sat in the police station and looked at the pictures in front of me as the detective sat across the table, his hands folded, watching me closely.

My eyes zeroed in on the face I’d never forget. Lay down, I heard him command in my mind. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, feeling Archer on the line against my body, feeling his very being as if he was right there, holding me close, whispering in my ear, You can do this, you’re brave, you can do this. And as I sat there, Archer’s voice was stronger, louder. His voice was all I heard.

‘This one,’ I said, pointing my finger at the man on the page in front of me. I didn’t even shake.

‘You’re sure?’ the detective asked.

‘One hundred and ten percent sure,’ I said steadily. ‘That’s the man who killed my father.’

The detective nodded and took the pictures away. ‘Thank you, Ms. Prescott.’

‘Are you going to bring him in now?’

‘Yes. We’ll notify you as soon as we do.’

I nodded. ‘Thank you so much, Detective. Thank you.’

Twenty minutes later after completing some paperwork, I was walking down the police station steps. I took my phone out of my pocket and said into the open line, ‘Did you hear all that? I picked him out, Archer! I didn’t even hesitate. I saw him in the picture in front of me and I knew it was him the instant I looked at him. Oh my God, I’m shaking like a leaf now.’ I laughed softly. ‘Thank you for being there. You made all the difference. I’m going to hang up now so you can text me. God, I love you. Thank you.’

A second later my phone dinged.


Archer: You did good, Bree. So, so good. This is really hard. I want to hold you right now.


Me: I know, I know, Archer. I want that too. Whew. Deep breath. Oh God, the tears are coming now. But I’m happy. I can’t believe this. My dad’s going to get justice.


Archer: I’m so happy about that.


Me: Oh God, me too. What are you doing right now? I need to talk about something else while I calm down.


Archer: I just started a run.


I laughed and sniffled.


Me: You’re on a run and texting at the same time???


Archer: I’ve gotten good at texting.


Me: No kidding, overachiever. Why am I not surprised?


Archer: You shouldn’t be. Technology loves me.


I laughed, and then cried a little more, emotion overcoming me.


Me: Thank you for being with me. It made all the difference. You made me brave.


Archer: No, you were brave long before you met me. What’s on your calm list?


I took a deep breath, thinking of the things that calmed me, soothed me, comforted my heart.


Me: The sound of the lake hitting the shore, a cup of hot tea, you. What’s on your calm list?


Archer: Flannel sheets, looking up at the stars, you.


Me: Hey, Natalie’s pulling up at the curb. We’re going to my dad’s house to pack up a few more things. I’ll text you later. Thank you, thank you. Ilu.


Archer: Ilu2.






Me: Guess what? I’m back on the road.


Archer: What? How?


Me: I miss you. I need to come home.


Archer: Is this your home, Bree?


Me: Yes, Archer, my home is where you are.


Archer: Did you sleep this morning? You shouldn’t drive when you’re tired.


Me: I’ll be okay. I’ll make lots of coffee stops.


Archer: Drive safely. Drive carefully. Come back to me, Bree. I miss you so much it feels like a part of myself is missing.


Me: Me too, Archer. My Archer. I’m coming back to you. I’ll be there soon. I love you.


Archer: I love you, too. Always.






Archer: Don’t text me while you’re driving, but next time you stop, let me know where you are.






Archer: Bree? It’s been a couple hours and I haven’t heard from you…






Archer: Bree? You’re scaring me. Please be okay.






Archer: Bree… please… I’m losing my mind. Please text me. Please be okay. Please be okay. Please be okay.

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