Archer’s Voice (Where Love Meets Destiny)

Archer’s Voice: Chapter 23

The next day I left Archer tangled in the sheets of his bed. A blanket barely covered the muscular globes of his ass and his arms were wrapped around the pillow under his head so that his beautiful back, all hard planes and ridges, was fully on display. I briefly considered waking him up to enjoy all those planes and ridges again, but I knew that Phoebe probably needed to do her business and I had sadly neglected my cottage and my life–it was a mess and I didn’t have any clean underwear left. So I tore myself away to do some necessary chores, leaving a small, light kiss on Archer’s shoulder. He was tired–he had exerted a whole lot of energy the night before. I squeezed my thighs together at the memory and forced my feet to move me out of the small bedroom.

When I got home, I let Phoebe out quickly and took a long, hot shower.

After I got dressed, I powered up my phone and saw that I had a couple messages–both from Natalie, both telling me that the detective who had worked on my dad’s murder investigation had called her looking for me a couple times and that I should call him. I took a deep breath and sat down. I had called the detective many times in the months following my dad’s murder and there had never been a scrap of evidence. Once I took off, I hadn’t checked back in. I hadn’t figured it was necessary. But now there was suddenly something new? Why?

I dialed the number that I still knew by heart and when Detective McIntyre picked up the line and I told him who it was, he greeted me warmly. ‘Bree, how have you been?’

‘I’ve been good, actually, Detective. I know I haven’t checked in for a while, and my phone number changed…’

‘It’s okay. I’m glad you’d given me your friend’s number where you were staying after the crime.’ I noted that he didn’t say ‘murder.’

‘So is anything new?’ I asked, getting right to the point.

‘Actually, yes. We have a person of interest in the case. We want you to come in for a photo lineup,’ he said gently.

My heart started beating faster, and I breathed out, ‘Oh,’ and then sat there quietly.

The detective cleared his throat. ‘I know, it’s surprising after so many months have passed, but we actually got this information from a small-time drug dealer trying to save himself some jail time.’

‘Okay,’ I said. ‘When do I need to come back?’

‘As soon as possible. How soon can you get here?’

I bit my lip. ‘Uh…’ I considered for a minute, ‘three days?’

‘If that’s the quickest you can get here then that will have to work.’

I felt slightly numb. ‘Okay, detective, I’ll call you as soon as I get back into town.’

We said our goodbyes and hung up, and I sat on my bed for a good long while just staring out the window, feeling in a way like some bubble had just burst. I wasn’t sure exactly how to classify it though, because I knew I was happy that there might possibly be a breakthrough in my dad’s case. If there was an arrest made… I wouldn’t have to wonder anymore… I could finally feel completely safe. And my dad would get the justice he deserved.

I picked up my phone and dialed Natalie and told her the news. When I was done, she let out a big breath and said, ‘God, Bree, I’m afraid to hope too hard, but… I’m hoping so hard,’ she finished quietly.

‘I know,’ I said. ‘I know. Me too.’

She was quiet for a second before she said, ‘Listen, I have an idea. What if I fly there and drive back with you to keep you company?’

I let out a breath. ‘You’d do that?’

‘Yes, of course I would. Plus, you know my mom has so many miles saved up from all the traveling she does. It won’t even cost me a thing.’

I smiled. ‘That would… I would love that. We’ll have a good long car ride to catch up.’

I heard the smile in her voice when she said, ‘Good. I’ll arrange it. Are you gonna be able to get the time off at work?’

‘Yes, I’m sure it will be fine. The people I work for are great, and when I tell them what it’s for…’

‘Bree, they know you’re only there temporarily, right?’

I paused and lay back on my bed. ‘I didn’t mention that to them, no.’ I put my hand on my forehead. ‘And the thing is, it’s not temporary, Nat. I kind of… I’ve decided to stay.’ I closed my eyes waiting for her reaction.

‘What? Staying? Are you being serious? Because of that guy you mentioned?’ She sounded surprised and confused.

‘Mostly, yes. I just… it’s sort of complicated. I’ll tell you all about it on the car ride, okay? Is that okay?’

‘Okay… okay, yes. I can’t wait to see you, honey. I’ll text you with the details of my flight.’

‘Okay. Thank you so much. I love you.’

‘Love you too, babe. I’ll be in touch.’

We hung up and I lay there for a few minutes thankful that my best friend was coming to make the trip back with me. It would make the whole thing easier. And then I’d come back. I had told Natalie that I was going to stay permanently. And in saying it out loud to someone other than Archer, I realized how right it felt. There was no way I was moving back to Ohio. My life was here now. My life was with Archer–whatever that meant, I knew it was true.






The next morning at work, I hesitantly told Maggie about the situation in Ohio and how I was needed back there. I hadn’t shared the details of my dad’s death with her, but she was just as understanding and sympathetic as I knew she would be. Her warm hug and comforting words soothed me–it had been a long time since I was mothered by anyone.

Although I was thankful that there was a break in the case, as I knew it was a rare occurrence once a certain amount of time had passed, I worried that simply being back in Ohio would dredge up my feelings of hopelessness and grief. I felt safe in Pelion–I felt safe with Archer. I still needed to tell him about this development. I had done stuff around my cottage yesterday and then fallen asleep at about seven o’clock, I was so tired. I hated that I had no way of communicating with him when we weren’t together. But I knew it was good for us to spend a day apart here and there. We’d been practically inseparable lately and a little distance was a healthy thing.

As the end of my shift was nearing, the bell jingled and I looked up to see Travis walking in, uniform and aviator sunglasses on. I almost rolled my eyes at how ridiculously good-looking he was, not because that in and of itself was cringe-worthy, but because of the fact that it was so obvious that he knew it.

‘Travis,’ I said, continuing to wipe down the menus in front of me.

‘Hey, Bree,’ he said, his lips curving up in what appeared to be a sincere smile.

‘What can I get you?’ I asked.


I nodded at him and turned to get him a cup. I poured coffee and placed it in front of him and turned away.

‘Still mad at me?’ he asked.

‘Not mad, Travis. Just not impressed with the way you treat your cousin.’

He pursed his lips. ‘Listen, Bree, he’s my family, and we didn’t communicate for a lot of years–I can see that that was mostly my fault, but me and Archer were always… competitive as kids. Maybe that carried forward a little more than I should have let it when it came to you. I’ll admit that. But he’s game too, trust me there.’

‘Competitive?’ I scoffed. ‘Jesus, Travis.’ I raised my voice slightly, and a few people looked over and then looked away when I gave them a tight smile before turning back to Travis. ‘Don’t you think he deserves for someone to be on his side for once in his life? Don’t you think he deserves for someone to root for him, rather than competing against him? Couldn’t you have tried to be that person?’

‘So that’s what it is for you–some pity deal?’

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath so that I didn’t throw a pot of hot coffee in his face. ‘No, he doesn’t need anyone’s pity. He’s… he’s incredible, Travis.’ I pictured him in my mind, his gentle eyes and the way his smile lit up his face when he was truly happy. ‘He’s incredible.’ I looked down, feeling slightly embarrassed all of a sudden.

Travis was silent for a second. He opened his mouth to say something when the bell jingled again and I looked up. My eyes grew big.

Natalie was standing there, and our friend Jordan was standing slightly behind her, his hands in his pockets, looking embarrassed.

I dropped the menu in my hand and hurried around the counter. ‘Oh MY God! What are you doing here?’ I squealed. I was still waiting for a text telling me when her flight was getting in. Natalie walked quickly to meet me and we hugged, laughing.

‘Surprise!’ she said, hugging me one more time tightly. ‘I missed you.’

‘I missed you too,’ I said, my smile fading as I looked over at Jordan who still hadn’t moved away from the door.

Natalie looked over and then looked back at me. ‘He practically begged me to bring him with me so he could apologize to you in person.’

I let out a sigh and gestured for Jordan to come over to us. Relief washed over his face and he walked to me, hugging me to him. ‘I’m so sorry, Bree,’ he said, his voice gravely. I hugged him back. I had missed him too. Jordan was one of my best friends. Me, Jordan, Natalie and our friend, Avery, had been inseparable since we were in grade school. We had grown up together. But Jordan was also the figurative straw that had caused me to throw my stuff in a backpack and drive out of town.

At the height of my grief and emotional turmoil, I had gone to him as a friend and he had cornered me and kissed me, pushing it even though I resisted, telling me that he was in love with me, begging me to let him take care of me. It had been too much and the very last thing that I had needed at the time.

Natalie put her arms around us both and we all laughed softly, finally pulling apart. I glanced at the room around me–there were only a couple people in the diner and Maggie was in the back with Norm, closing the kitchen.

‘Come sit at the counter while I finish up,’ I said, smiling.

Natalie sat down next to Travis who looked over at her, taking a sip of his coffee.

‘Well hello there,’ Natalie said, flipping her long, blonde hair and crossing her legs as she swiveled the counter stool so that she was half facing him. She smiled her best flirty smile. I snorted. She ignored me and so did Travis.

‘Travis Hale,’ he said, smiling back and reaching for her hand.

I shook my head slightly and introduced Travis to Jordan.

They all said hi and then Travis stood up, placing a five on the counter.

‘Bree,’ he said, glancing at me. ‘Natalie, Jordan, enjoy your stay in Pelion. Nice to meet you. Bree, tell Maggie I said hi.’ Then he turned and made his way out of the diner.

I turned to Natalie who was still watching his ass as he walked to his police cruiser outside. She turned back to me. ‘Well, no wonder you want to stay here.’

I laughed. ‘He’s not the reason I want to stay here.’

Natalie glanced over at Jordan who was looking at a menu. I went serious and changed the subject. I had had an idea for years that Jordan had a crush on me, but I hadn’t known he thought he was in love with me. I loved him too, but not like that and I knew I never would. I just hoped we could somehow go back to the friendship we’d had before. I really did miss him.

‘Have you eaten?’ I asked. The kitchen was closing, but I could make them a sandwich or something.

‘Yeah, fast food about an hour ago.’ Natalie looked at Jordan looking over the menu. ‘You’re not hungry again already, are you?’

He looked up. ‘Nah, just looking.’ He set it down, obviously still a little uncomfortable. I cleared my throat.

‘Okay, let me go tell Maggie I’m leaving and I’ll grab my stuff.’

Fifteen minutes later we were in my little car headed to my cottage.

I got Jordan settled in to the front room, and Natalie brought her stuff back to my bedroom, and we all took turns showering, and then sat in the front room chatting and laughing at Natalie’s stories about dating her new boss. Jordan already looked more comfortable and I was so happy to have them there.

‘Do you want to go to dinner in town?’ I asked. ‘I’ll run over and ask Archer if he’d like to come with us while you get ready.’

‘Why don’t you just call him?’ Natalie asked.

‘Well, he doesn’t exactly speak,’ I said quietly.

‘Huh?’ she and Jordan both said at the same time.

I told them about Archer and how he had been raised, a little bit about his uncle and what I knew about his accident, even though he hadn’t told me anything personally about it.

They both stared at me with wide eyes. ‘Holy shit, honey,’ Natalie said.

‘I know, guys,’ I said. ‘It’s a crazy story–and I don’t even know all of it yet. But wait until you meet him. He’s so sweet and just… amazing. I’ll have to interpret for you, but he speaks sign fluently.’

‘Wow,’ Jordan said. ‘So if he never really even came off his property all those years, and he doesn’t speak, what exactly is he planning on doing with his life?’

I looked down. ‘He’s still figuring that out,’ I said, feeling suddenly defensive of him. ‘He will though. He’s just still working on a few of the basics.’

They looked at me and I felt suddenly embarrassed for some reason. ‘Anyway,‘ I went on, ‘I’ll go tell him our plans and hopefully he’ll agree to come with us.’ I got up and went to put on my shoes and coat.

‘Okay,’ Natalie said. ‘So is this a jeans and t-shirt type of place, or should I go dressier?’

I laughed. ‘Definitely jeans and t-shirt.’

‘Think Travis will be there?’ she asked me.

I groaned. ‘Oh guys, I have so much to catch you up on. This could take a while. I’ll be back in a few, okay?’

‘Okay!’ Natalie sang, getting up. Jordan was rooting through his small suitcase for something.

‘Okay,’ he said too, looking back.

I headed out, jumping in my car and turning toward Archer’s road.

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