
Chapter 8

Chapter 6

After walking for half a day they rested, she napped longer than she wanted too but when she woke up she wasn’t in the same spot she was when she fell asleep. When she woke up they were in another small house, or what seemed like a small house. Her leg hurt and her arm hurt. She was looking at a big gash in her leg when an elf stood in the doorway to the room she was resting in.

“Princess Aeyla, Welcome to the old Elfkin country. I am Lord Graver.” He bowed, even though he didn’t need to bow to a halfling.

“Nice to meet you. How did I get here though?”

“You were attacked by the Chimera that roam the country before what used to be ours. Over behind that mountain.” He stepped over to the window and pointed in the direction of a mountain with a long peak at the top of it. “You fought bravely Princess but we put you under a sleeping spell until we got you to safety. Your guard and escort are in the main hall at the castle. Come, come.” He helped her up, held his hand over her gash and a green light appeared as the gash cleared away right before her eyes.

“Elves can heal?” She said more surprised than she meant too.

“I can.” Graver said smiling then winked at her.

She followed Graver out of the house, which wasn’t so small after all. She gasped as she looked out over the Elfkin community, again underground. Right before her was a beautiful garden with all kinds of beautiful colorful flowers. A path through them led to a river, pure crystal looking water flowed making the most amazing soothing sound. A huge majestic castle lay in front of her over a small hill of purple stone. As she walked she noticed how soft the ground was. How could the underground look like this? Before her still were houses, made in what looked like emerald stones. They were big and beautiful. Elflkin people were out doing their daily chores, talking, playing, and singing. The river flew into multiple streams making the stones near them glimmer and shine from the wet. Each of the houses had small gardens like the one outside the house she was just in. She followed her leader to the castle which was perched up on the “mountain” in the underground sanctuary. It had two peaks, with guards standing watch over them and a great balcony going all the way around the big castle.

Graver took her through the big jeweled doors into a big foyer where Niko and Flash were waiting for her.

“Aeyla… I mean Princess, you’re alright!?” Niko said with a sigh of relief.

“I’m alright.” She said with a smile, glad to see she was with familiar faces again.

“After the Chimera attacked, you were cut pretty badly.” Flash told her.

“What exactly happened?” Aeyla asked him.

“We were walking in the rock country and out of no-where Chimera came and attacked us. Thank ancient Elohim the Elfkin army was out on patrol. It’s not like Chimera to be over this far from their volcano mountains.” Flash was so excited he was talking too fast, but Aeyla got the gist of what he said. “Princess the elves took you as soon as they realized who you were and brought you here to be safe while we fought off the Chimera. Only one of them escaped. We are not sure if they are on Craceeris’s side or not. They are not ones to side with anyone in a war since they usually just kill whoever gets in their path.”

Aeyla nodded, she turned to Graver, “Thank you for saving me.”

“You are more than welcome, come, let us meet my father and we will see if we can help defeat Craceeris and her vicious ways together.” Graver led them into the old Elfkin throne room. They walked through the grand room to a back door and went down a corridor to another tall door that led into another big room with a table in the middle of it. At the table sat a couple of the Elfkin army, King Lekinser (Lord Gravers father) a Dwarf, a being wearing all black and a full-face hood, two fairies, a Giant, and two other beings that Aeyla couldn’t quite put her finger on what they were.

“Princess Aeyla, you’ve awakened. Come sit at my table.” The King said motioning to a seat next to his. “We have assembled some of our other kinship here in Old Atagia to help in your quest for your sister, parents, and son. We are sorry we are meeting in the old home of the elves, we did not want to put our people in danger who are in our new kingdom. Sit, sit.”

“My son?” Aeyla asked with horror in her eyes and turning to Niko. “I have a son and you didn’t tell me?!”

“I’m sorry princess, I wanted you to remember more before I bombarded you with all of that. We were going to tell you when we got to your castle in Wingston.” Niko bowed, ashamed he didn’t tell her sooner.

“It’s alright. We do have a lot to deal with Niko.” She waved it away and turned her attention back to the King.

“We will help you how we can.” The King started. “Our priority can be either your sister, your parents, or your son, it will be your choice. Craceeris must be stopped and we know she’d never put all of them in one place so for your army to go for all of them you’d have to split them up and that would be impossible against her forces right now. We don’t know how many creatures she has I her grasp or how many she’s created herself.” The King paused so Aeyla could think about what he was saying. “Craceeris has one of your parents’ magical items also princess, she’s too powerful but she also has a lot of disadvantages that we can play too. Do not worry we will get your family back.” He smiled and she nodded.

“Thank you King Lekinser. Do you know where either of them could be?”

“I have sent our scouts out, if it is alright with you when they return we will go for the one we feel is closest to here. I doubt she is anywhere near either your son or your sister at this point. We will send some troops with you so you can make it out of the Atagian and LilaSelan lands without harm.” King Lekinser stood and looked at Niko. “You know where to go after you are out of Atagia I presume? If you need assistance when you go to get Craceeris you only need to ask.”

Niko nodded. “Thank you for your troops and your help your Majesty.” He bowed and turned to face Aeyla. She looked at him with pain and hurt in her eyes.

He walked passed her to follow Lord Graver. She would have to wait for an explanation because his son too was missing and he was not ready to tell her that just yet.

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