
Chapter 20

Zelexko’s army was moving around the back part of the Ennz River toward Beckinsdale. He wasn’t sure what was waiting for them in Beckinsdale but his main objective was to find the Elves that had information for him. It was becoming quite clear that Craceeris wasn’t the only one that was working for ZamzaFa though.

The troops were tired and they were walking all night and into the morning, they were hungry and complaining. Zelexko knew that if they didn’t get any rest they wouldn’t be any good once they reached Beckinsdale. He told the troops they would set up camp in Kina, a farming town hidden by the river and a very dense forest. They have a market there, although it was small the farms there would help to feed them and he would leave troops there to help defend them if anything came against them after they left.

They were about 3 miles from the outskirts of Kina when they realized they were too late. The burn marks were on the dirt road, trees, bushes and grass was gone in some spots.

“They’ve attacked Kina. Why? It’s only farmers?” Onfrio half whispered with surprise and disgust in his voice, riding up next to his Captain. “They are quiet people here. Self reliant.”

“Evil doesn’t care, Onfrio. Actually, evil would attack the most helpless because you see, Evil is not that powerful. It preys on the weak.” Zelexko said still looking ahead to the tragic scene before him. “Let’s move on and look for survivors” He yelled loud enough for most of the troops to hear.

They traveled on, making sure they fanned out and went slow enough to look for survivors and signs of life. Three miles later they came to the first farm of the town. The Lambert farm, known for their squashes, pumpkin and squash pies, stews, and butters. It was a smaller farm but it was successful. They also had some apple trees on the farm. It was completely ruined. The house was still smoking, the barn in the back was gone. The troops moved along the farm checking around for the family or any of the animals.

“Maybe they have something underground and their all safe.” One of the troops behind Zelexko said.

“I hope so.” Zelexko whispered. “Oh please I hope so.” He said prayfully.

They continued on, coming next to a fruit farm, one of the bigger farms of the area. Most of it destroyed, the barn however was still standing. A little charred on the sides of It, but otherwise still there.

The barn was checked inside and out, no one was there, no animals nothing.

“We haven’t found any bodies, Captain.” Reported one of the Lieutenants. “Which is weird because everything is either burned or destroyed. Maybe they do have some underground living just like a lot of the other towns do.”

They moved on, “We still have to find a place to camp for and let the troops rest sir.” Onfrio reminded Zelexko.

“We will, when we get to the middle of town.” Zelexko told his second in command.

As they approached the beginning of town they saw two people standing outside the entrance.

“Halt!” One of them screamed with a quiver in his voice, clearly not soldiers.

Zelexko got down from his horse and came over to the man that had just spoke.

“We are the army of Grazia. We bring no harm kind sir.” Zelexko kneeled and then stood back up.

“I am Fargo, we, my son and I are trying to, well I mean…” Fargo started scratching his head and looking over at the younger man next to him.

“What my father is trying to say is, we don’t want any more burnings or trouble in our town.” The younger man stepped towards Zelexko.

“We don’t want that to come to you either. We’re on our way to Beckinsdale to help in the search for the High Queen, King, and Princess Alierriaes. What happened here? There are destroyed farms along the road but the town seems intact.”

“Yes, some men from, we think ZamzaFas’ creations came through so we put a protection prayer around the town itself. We know we lost some farms in the south but the farms in the north were untouched.” The younger man started walking into the town.

“We need a camping area or rooms, if you could show us where we can…” Onfrio started.

“Rooms are all filled up, towns people have taken all of them. Up the road to the north, there is a field there you can all set up the camp there. It is near Jusda Lake, which is quite refreshing and cleansing.” The younger man said.

“Thank you.. you never said your name.” Zelexko put his hand out to the younger man.

“It’s Harcel, sorry about that. You’re all welcome to eat at the celebration tonight too.”

“Celebration? But your towns been destroyed.” Onfrio replied confused.

“No, sir, some of our farms have been destroyed. Not our town.” Harcel waved his arm to point out the small town was still standing. “And our people are still well, they’re alive. We can rebuild and regrow. Please come celebrate with us tonight. There is food, enough for all.”

Zelexko said thank you and moved his troops to the field they were told about. They set up camp, cleaned up in the Justa lake behind where they set up. The troops ate, drank, and mingled at the celebration that night. Zelexko spoke to the town leaders and promised them 3o troops to stay behind and help guard the other farms and town. In the morning, the troops traveled on and came to Beckinsdale borders that afternoon. The area seemed untouched by the attackers that ruined some of Kitas’ farms. They set up another camp outside the gates and Zelexko and a couple of his leaders went into the city to find the elves they would be meeting with.

They came upon the tavern and inn where the elves were staying and went inside. Zelexko went to the bartender and asked him the question he was told to so they’d know who he was. The bartender told him their room upstairs was waiting and ready for them. He and his commanders followed him up the stairs to the room the bartender told them to go to.

Zelexko knocked and no one answered. He knocked again and the door swung open. Inside the room were two elves laying in their respective beds. They were both laying on their backs looking straight up into the ceiling. As Zelexko got closer he knew they were both gone. There was a pool of blood under both their heads and neither one of them were breathing. On the table in between the beds was a note.

“Stop trying to interfere or more are going to die.” A

Zelexko read the note then looked up out the window and saw a rider riding away from the Inn. Something in his gut told him that was the assassin who killed these two. He quickly sent three men after the rider and two others to clean up the mess before him. He searched the room and found a journal that, he assumed, one of the elves had written. He handed it to Onfrio who started flipping through it. He stopped at a page when something caught his eye and started reading. Zelexko found a bow and put it on his back.

“Captain.” Onfrio said still looking at the journal.

“Yes, Onfrio.” Zelexko answered still searching the room.

“I think everything we need to know is written in here.” Onfrio handed the journal to Zelexkos’ waiting hand.

After reading a bit Zelexko looked up at Onfrio. “I think this goes way deeper than just kidnapping royals and assassinations.”

“Princess Alierriaes is involved and she’s not involved in a good way.” Onfrio said leaving the room.

To Be Continued…

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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