
Chapter 18

“Captain. It looks like we’re going around in circles.” One of Zelexko’s men had come up to him as he stood on the hill looking down.

“It’s the forest, it wants us to think that’s what we’re doing.” Zelexko calmly said to his soldier. “We need to keep following the wind. It blows east.”

“Yes Captain.” The soldier walked back into formation and continued leading the troops behind him.

“Where exactly are we going?” Said Zelexko’s’ second in command, Onfrio.

“We are following where King Lekinser’s scouts went earlier. They had seen signs of Aeyla’s parents in Bithal Mountains. So now we are following their other leads down to the shore town of Beckinsdale. We will meet some of The Elf Kings men there.”

“They have information, why couldn’t the other Elf troops tell us that earlier.” Onfrio asked Zelexko.

“The Troops we saw came from a different part of Aquirya. They only heard the troops in Beckinsdale have information for us. They are keeping an eye on the man that has been said to have kidnapped the High King and Queen.”

“Thank you, sir.” Onfrio went back in line.

They were walking through the “Turmoil Forest”, which was actually the nickname for the forest, No one knew of its real name. The forest wasn’t thick but it looked the same everywhere you looked. The problem with this forest was there was a spell cast on it thousands of years ago. The spell disoriented anyone who came through. Therefore, most people that went from East Aquirya to the west usually didn’t take Vita Pass. The Bithal Mountains’ were easy enough to navigate through, but usually people didn’t want to deal with the forest that was on the East side of the mountains. A lot went in there but most never came out. People would usually take boats or ships through Vita bay from Hullsbeck on the west bank and Ramshorn on the east bank. They were large shore cities. Ramshorn was named after an ancient King of Aquirya who was born there when it wasn’t as large a city as it is today. He grew up a farm boy, helped free slaves, you know the usual hero and they made him a king. King Ramshorn was a kind king and no other king would ever come to the heroicness he displayed throughout his reign. Hullsbeck was named for the fish they caught and sold thousands of each year. Leaders of both these cities were at odds but cordial with each other when in the same room or in the others city. A family feud of centuries or something of that nature had divided the largest two shipping and trading cities of Aquirya. The Millguards, Earls in Hullsbeck, had major alliances with elves, dwarves, and housed the high queen and king on multiple excursions. Earl Hannah Millguard became leader of Hullsbeck when her father died and her mother wasn’t able to handle leading. This family took over Hullsbeck years ago because of their wealth in the city. The former family that lead the city was killed while out to sea in the Zakin Sea and a terrible storm took their lives. Their ship, “The Favershem” had never been found, except for pieces of the ship that had washed up on the shores of Jylfsha Island. The Ramshorns still reigned as Earls in Ramshorn.

The troops came upon The Lands of the Ancients. Mostly desert, the Lands of the Ancients were burial grounds and sacred lands for the kings of the past. Or so the legends said. No burial ground have been found as of yet. The sacred part, was evident. People were killed instantly if they stepped in certain places of the desert. Some times people were instantly healed of all ailments in other places. Legend was that this was where the Creator lived. The places where people were instantly killed were thought to be the places where the burial grounds were. The places where people were healed, were said to be where the Creator walked. The whole place was protected so most people tried to go around the desert.

Zelexko decided to take his troops around the desert, they’d already dealt with the difficulties of the forest. They had to get to Beckinsdale in one piece. He wasn’t sure where the different places were at in the desert and this was the smart thing to do. They set up camp near the Ennz River. Beckinsdale was North of the river so they had about a days journey left.

A rider came into the camp around midnight looking for Zelexko at the first guard he saw. “It’s urgent, I need to speak to the Captain.”

“You can stay until morning and speak to him then.”

“It’s urgent! What part of urgent didn’t you get?” The newcomer kept looking behind him and seemed worried and scared.

“I will wake him, but if he gets mad it’s on you, not me.” The guard said noticing the newcomers mannerisms.

The new comer followed the guard to the tenet that was bigger than the rest. The captain was still awake, a candle still burned on the desk he was working at.

“Captain…” The guard turned in the new comers direction and yelled to him from inside the tent. “What’s your name rider?”

“Oh its, well my name doesn’t matter…” The new comer came into the tent. “Captain I’m here because there is an army on it’s way here. I saw them from my camp ahead on the road. They heard of you coming to find the Queen and King. They are hostile lord, and they’re coming quickly.”

Zelexko eyed the newcomer knowingly, “How did you know of any of this?”

“I’m observant.” The newcomer smiled. “They’ll be here in about 3 hours sir. You may want to get your troops ready.”

The captain sat thinking for a few minutes. “Trezan, tell the others to pack up, we will be moving out in 30.” The guard nodded his head and left the tent.

Zelexko turned to the newcomer. “Thank you Celi.” Celi smiled and left the tent and disappeared. Zelexko started packing up his things when his troops came in and started moving things onto the wagons. Horses were bridled, fires were put out, tents were taken down, Food was packed up, and in the next half hour they were moving out on the back roads since the other army was coming on the main road. It was even more dire that they get to their destination since the other army belonged to Craceeris and Beckinsdale was in terrible danger.

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