
Chapter 11

“What’s the first thing we have to do?” Aeyla was standing in her war room looking at her items as they glowed in their holders. Flash and Niko were standing on either side of her at attention, already in armor. She looked at Niko. “We’re starting, right?”

“Just relax princess, close your eyes, they’ll come to you.”

She stood there and as soon as she closed her eyes she felt something changing. Her clothes were moving. She fought the temptation to open her eyes to see what was happening. It took about 10 minutes, then Niko told her to open her eyes. She was in a pant and crisscross shirt set it was royal colors and had a certain kind of leather shininess to it. She had a sword at her side with a shield in her hand. She had daggers, and other weapons at the ready around her waist, a bow and arrows on her back. Her boots were black and also of the same shininess the rest of her suit was.

“The suit, of course, is magical and will repair itself, heal you, and also protect you from most anything. Within it is Truth, Righteousness, Faith, Knowledge, and Peace. It has many powers and will help you in all combats.” Aeyla turned at the voice of Quico, the weapons expert. “You’re training from today should of brought back memories of training you’ve had your whole life princess.”

“It did.” She said as she walked toward the door. “Thank you Quico. You have helped me remember more today than I have in the last couple days.” She hugged him and walked out of the room. Aeyla left the armory Niko and Flash met her.

The rest of the inner royal counsel was waiting at the front doors of the castle, along with other upper houses of people from the Kingdom. Frixon the Wise came forward.

“You’ve remembered.” He said solemnly.

Suddenly, the castle shook with great force.

The people standing turned and walked away or bowed their heads and backed away from the front hall. “It’s Time.” Frixon said.

“Are the troops ready?” Aeyla turned to Captain Zelexko.

“Yes ma lady we ….” Zelexko was interrupted by Leo, the court messanger.

“Ma lady, court…. Ma lady..y.” Leo was running, excited, and was out of breath. “The elves. Ma lady..” he tripped over himself and slid right into Niko. Leo stood up, “I’m sorry Niko, I came as soon as I heard. I’m sorry.” He bowed to Niko and turned to Aeyla.

“What is it Leo?” She said to him.

“The Elves, They’ve saved your Son!” Leo bowed again. “I’m sorry for running, I apologize for not being proper your majesty but I didn’t want you to not know before you left for Komatiite.” He bowed again then kneeled. “They also know where to find your sister.”

“Leo, it’s alright.” Aeyla leaned down putting her hand under his chin and raising his head. “Where was, my son found?”

“The Pools of Souls.” Leo said shuttering. “In the east, near Tarna Ait Island, Smelly, ugly green and brown bubbling…” He stopped when he realized he was rambling.

Aeyla stood straight. She knew what those were. She was starting to remember things. “Where is my son now? Is he harmed?” She said.

“The Elves are keeping him in New Atagia until you are able to send troops to go get him. They want you to be able to focus on your parents and your sister. He had a few cuts, bruises, burns, and scraps but the elves are healing him.” Leo bowed again.

“Graver.” She whispered knowingly. “Where did they hear that my sister is?” She asked him.

“Their scouts’ say they followed the goblins that captured her and brought her to Trachyte Volcano, land of the fire people. There are Elfkin troops waiting in Beckinsdale for reinforcements. There is also word there of a bounty hunter who knows information about your parents.” and he backed away from her then turned around and walked out of the room back to his quarters.

“Your son is safe.” Flash whispered to Niko. Niko smiled.

“I didn’t doubt the Elves for a second.” Niko said turning to Flash with a wink. He turned to look at Aeyla.

“Has she remembered who you are yet?” Flash said to Niko.

“No, I don’t think she has. Not yet and we will not tell her until everything is quiet, and back to normal, do you understand, Flash?”

“Yes sir. I understand.” Flash bowed his head. “Shall I go to the troops and wait sir?

“Yes Flash. Tell them to be ready to go soon. We will meet them at the tunnel entrance to the underground village of Grazia. Thank you.” Niko said nodding at him and Flash turned to go to his duties.

“Niko. I am ready.” Aeyla said coming up to him.

“Where do you want the army to go and where do you want us to go?” Niko was hoping they’d go together to find Craceeris and that she’d send the army for her sister.

“We need to find Craceeris and end this. The army needs to find my sister, do they need anything else?” Aeyla was hoping she was sounding more like herself now. Everything was coming back to her, her son, her sister, what they looked like. Her love for all of them. Her love for her kingdom. Her love for her subjects. What the world she lived in looked like before Craceeris got a hold of it. She was remembering the creatures that lived in Aquirya, who her allies were who here enemies were and what creatures didn’t care either way. She remembered the fight Craceeris and her, had that sent her to earth. She remembered who the father of her child was. She knew who she was now. It was time to get her kingdom, sister, and world back.

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