Chapter 17 - Healing

Aqua's eyes flew open as she shot up, gasping for air.

To her surprise, she found herself to be in her hotel room, light filtering through the windows. How long has she been out? It was so unlike her to lose consciousness. Especially for a long time such as overnight. But then again, she no longer was immortal.

At this thought, Aqua's eyes widened and her heart went tight, the sensation persistent, as if an invisible fist insisted on applying pressure. With no means of stopping. Her skin burned, and surely, soft itching began pestering her.

She needed Jayden. Now more than ever.

"Stupid Igujin..." she pounded her fist against the cushions, "stupid Jayden." She pushed herself off the bed and headed to the mirror, the sight in front of her nothing like she'd seen.

In all honesty, she thought she'd look eighty or something, but thankfully, her youthful appearance remained, just a little worn out. Her eyes lost their steely shine, and dark circles occupied the surface beneath them. Even her skin looked dull compared to what it was before. "He just had to interfere, this jerk."

She scrunched up her nose, shaking her head in disapproval. Perhaps it's a thing between mortals to be arguably plain. Sighing, Aqua walked away and into the bathroom, ready to take a shower before she left to see Jayden.

* * *

"Allen..." she said, stepping into Jayden's room. He made space for her to enter, closing the door after her. "I expected to see Brooke here instead."

"Brooke passed out on the way to the hotel so we rushed her back to the hospital. I don't even know how she got out of there in the first place." Allen resumed his seat next to the bed, his face exhausted, overwhelmed with stress. "I'm really glad you came. I was about to go visit her but I really didn't want to leave him alone." He glanced at his son, a glossy sheen clear in his eyes.

"Do you know what happened?" She undoubtedly felt stupid asking such a question, but she had to make sure nobody knew what went on last night. More for her pride than anything.

"No one does. I got a vague call from Brooke, and when Bernard and I went to get them, she insisted we take him to the hotel."

All the while he spoke, his soft gaze never parted from Jayden. This sight slightly moved Aqua, almost made her rethink things.


"I have no idea what happened or how it did..."

"Wait, Allen, was anyone else there?"

He looked up at her, shaking his head. "No, why?"

"Nothing." She frowned, turning away from him, fiddling with a pen she'd just grabbed from the bedside table. If Allen and Bernard weren't the ones who brought her back, who did? How come they didn't see her?

"I have to go now." Allen pushed his chair back, standing up to his full height. "Please, stay with him as long as possible. I don't want him alone."

"I get it. Be safe, I guess." She shrugged, watching him bow his head in her direction before grabbing his jacket and heading outside. With the door locking softly behind him, Aqua turned to Jayden, regarding his peaceful face with pure dissatisfaction. She clicked her tongue. "Stupid. Caring for people doesn't do you any good. Look where it has gotten you now."

She took a seat on the edge of his bed, careful not to come in contact with him. "Why did you do this...? Because of you I..." Her voice cracked, a murmur, barely audible. Just as weak as her heart. "Do you know how much I treasured my immortality? All the way here, I thought it didn't bother me. I thought it was fine..." Eliciting a flow of blue clouds through her fingers, them slowly lighting up, empowered by her raw emotions, she stared at her hand. "It's not. And I only felt that way when I saw you."

Her attitude towards him may have never been the best, and for what he's done, it could've gotten worse. But she was desperate. More hurt than she was indignant. "You caused this you damned-" she cut herself off, tears gathering at her eyes. Shaking her head, she rested her glowing palm against his chest, right where she could feel the steady beating of his heart. Without fail, she felt the magic string into him, overpowering the curse.

This was the first time she'd used her healing abilities on someone other than Ruth. And it felt just as right. However, looking back now, she knows that helping Ruth was the worst action she could've taken. Her attachment to her then veiled how much of a sly nature Ruth truly acquired. But surely, with Jayden, it wouldn't be like that. She didn't know him well, nor did she want to, but he seemed to be the straightforward type. The one you could easily understand.

One who wouldn't deceive.

The smoke within him faded away, like a flame dying out. Its distinctive colour turned faint, surrendering its place to her magic.

Aqua was sure he'd wake up in no time, and she wished Igujin would see.

Up till now, her immortality being absent has not yet proved any difference in her power. Physically, she was fine, save for a simple loss in her appeal. Mentally, she felt deteriorated. Trying to convince herself she was okay. Truth be told, she never cared that much about an everlasting life. The only life she wanted was one where she'd always be on top. Ruthless, almighty, unbeatable. But immortality, in a way, granted her that. She was conflicted.

Turning her head towards Jayden, she noticed his eyes squeezing shut. "I can close the curtains if you want."

"Yes, please." His arm raised to cover his face, wincing. She got up from his side and pulled the curtains closed, switching on a lamp away from his bed before she resumed her place.

Jayden seemed disoriented, his gaze at her confused and lost, soft too. The yellow light shone against one half of his face, the other darkening in contrast. After a moment of utter silence, he frowned. "Aqua... your wrist."

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