Apprentice of Death

Chapter 2

Cinder found herself wandering the woods alone, looking for Sebastian, frightened as she looked around her. He was nowhere to be seen as she searched, looking in every direction. She began running, frantically calling his name. She came to a halt when someone walked out from behind a tree.

“Garret?” whispered Cinder. He smiled at her and started coming toward her, hands opening for a hug, while he smiled at her with his dimples and soft brown eyes. She drew in a breath at the sight of him.

From the side, Cinder spotted some hunters approaching Garret with their knives drawn. She made to charge them, screaming for Garret to run, when a set of arms grabbed her from behind, restraining her and holding her as she fought them. The hunters surrounded Garret and began stabbing him while he cried out for her to help him, reaching for her as his brown eyes rolled up into his skull. The arms holding her turned her around.

Rhys leaned his head down and whispered in her ear, “You’re mine, Cinder.” When he lifted his head, he had turned into Dominique. Dominique smiled with his fangs extending, and his eyes began to glow a deep red. With a snarl, he pulled her to him and sank his fangs into her neck while she screamed and thrashed, desperately trying to escape him.

Cinder screamed in real life, as her nightmare became too much and she sat up in bed, drenched in a cold sweat. It had been a week since they arrived at Celeste’s Fortress, and she was supposed to appear at Dominique’s Fortress the following morning, to begin working for him. Sebastian came into her room on alert.

“It’s ok, Sebastian. It was just a bad dream.” He was relieved and approached the bed, crawling over to her from the opposite side. He pulled her to his bare chest, sighed, and settled into bed.

“Would you like to tell me about it?” She simply repeated what she had seen for him in his mind. He tightened his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. He was also worried about her time with Dominique.

He sighed and rubbed her back, thinking, “Shhhh. You are smart and talented, Cinder. You’ll get through this. Take it one day at a time, alright?” She nodded and snuggled deeper into his embrace, sighing with the feeling of his strong arms around her, bringing her peace and comfort.

She couldn’t get the images of Garret and Dominique out of her mind.

“Shhh. Watch . . .,” Sebastian started imagining the two of them running through the forest together, hand in hand.

They sailed through the trees, and then he caught her up in his arms, twirling her around. He set her down and began dancing with her close to him. He spun her around and caught her close to him again for a kiss. They continued to dance in the forest in their bare feet, gazing into each other’s eyes. Cinder watched the vision playing in his head for her to focus on. He didn’t stop until she had fallen asleep in his arms, and her dreams invaded his mind.

Her nightmare had him regretting agreeing to sleep in separate rooms. They had discussed what would be best since most witches could sense where others were unless they were being blocked and had decided that they would sleep in separate chambers for the duration of Dominique’s visit. Celeste had warned them that they should hide their relationship from Dominique, that it would aggravate matters in the area of Dominique wanting to control Cinder or possess her. Dominique had left after three nights, but they had just continued to sleep apart. He eventually drifted off as well, watching her now-peaceful dreams.

When they awoke, Cinder began getting ready to head to Dominique’s. She selected a leaf-green gown with a fitted bodice, flowing sleeves and skirt. Beautiful detailing was on the dress, with embroidered leaves and vines following the neckline and the V flowing from her hips to the skirt. She put her hair up in pinned curls, with a few hanging at the nape of her neck, unsure of what work Dominique would require of her; she didn’t want it to get in her way. She entered the sitting room, where Sebastian was waiting for her.

He came to her with a smile to instill confidence, thinking, “You will do wonderfully. Just don’t let him get to you; don’t let him know you can hear his mind like Celeste suggested. You can do this.” She nodded and looked down, still nervous.

From what they had heard, Dominique was ‘the great evil’ living in the mountains that the travelers had warned her about on their journey. Sebastian lifted her chin and kissed her lightly. She slid her hands around his waist and up his back, stepping close to him, breathing him in. His arms surrounded her and he pulled her in for a deeper kiss, causing her to sigh and open for him to possess her with his tongue, setting her aflame.

Cinder held him close, kissing him passionately, desire welling up inside of her, even as his thoughts met her, “You’re going to be late, Cinder.” She finished the kiss and just hugged him.

“Will you walk with me?”

He gave her a smile, nodding, “I was planning to. I wouldn’t leave you alone in that forest, and I’m torn up inside that I’ll have to let you enter that place alone. I’ll wait for you outside, alright? Tonight is the full moon, and we have to spend it out in the forest, anyways.”

They started walking out to the courtyard together. When they arrived in the courtyard, a servant brought Cinder’s horse to her, ready to go. She thanked the man, taking ahold of the reigns. Sebastian was planning on transforming once they were outside of the walls.

They walked toward the gate together as he continued, ”I thought I would take the opportunity to scout out a good place to spend the night while I endure the change. I won’t be far if you need me, and I will be back at the entrance waiting for you when it’s time.”

She smiled at him, replying, “That sounds like a good use of your time. I’m sorry, I had forgotten about tonight, in all of this madness. It shouldn’t be a problem, though.”

They walked through the massive fortress gates and on a path heading alongside the side of the mountain to the East. According to Celeste, Dominique’s Fortress was up higher in the mountain range, a short ride away.

Once they had gone a small distance from Celeste’s Keep, Sebastian stripped out of his clothes and handed them to Cinder, to place in the saddle bags on her horse. He changed into his wolf form and ran ahead of her on the trail, checking out the area with his keen sense of smell. The journey to Dominique’s was short, only half an hour at a leisurely pace, and they soon found themselves in front of his Fortress. It was made from black stone and had a very sharp gothic-like architecture.

“Typical,” thought Sebastian, looking up at the black iron doors in the wall surrounding the main castle. “Nothing like a dark, creepy place to create a great atmosphere.” Cinder smiled at him and chuckled at his humor.

She dismounted and walked her horse over to the gate and simply knocked on it, the iron ringing out to alert the gatekeeper inside of her presence. A viewing port opened and was shut quickly with a clank. The great gates swung open outward, forcing her to back up some.

“See you later then, I guess,” Sebastian told her and ran off into the forest.

She watched him go for a second and took a deep breath before turning back to walk through the large open gates. Another servant dressed in black came for her horse and led it over to a hitching post for visitors.

Cinder was unsure what to do and where to go, so she waited in the courtyard near her horse. Looking around, she saw many people going about their business, but she saw very little life in the place, in the people there. There was no joy, smiling, or even genuine attentiveness in their tasks, like the life had been sucked right out of them.

In one corner, her eyes landed on suspended iron cages holding some human forms. The crows were picking at one that was dead, but the others were still alive, but barely. Cinder sucked in a breath and turned away from the horrendous sight. Looking around, she noticed that she was the only source of color in the place; everywhere she looked, it was black, grey, and lifeless.

The courtyard here formed a ‘C’ around the ascending steps that led into the massive Keep; she was standing near the gate, looking at the side of the main castle. It, too, was made of black stone and had iron doors facing the wall on her far left.

As she looked at the building, the massive doors swung open, and Dominique began walking down the steps toward the courtyard’s center. When he reached the bottom he turned left, coming toward her. His mind was arrogant and rang of a cruel satisfaction that he had forced her here. Celeste was right when she had said that he intended to force Cinder to bond with him, in one way or another, or give him her capacity; his quest for power consumed his mind, even down to the lower levels. He was jealous of Celeste and her title as the most powerful witch in the world; he refused to settle for second. First would guarantee him the power to control those seeking help, so he could exploit them. He disgusted her.

He came over to her and openly looked her up and down, with a hunger in his dark eyes. He smiled, and his fangs showed as he reached for her hand to kiss it.

“Welcome to my home, Cinder,” he hissed her name like a feline. His movements also reminded her of a great cat surveying the world for prey, with a powerful build but smooth movement. The hair on the back of her neck stood at his cold un-giving touch. His eyes met hers as he lifted his face and smiled, knowing her reaction to him. She stole a breath, as he pulled her close to examine her face, while he spoke. “I would like you here three times a week. Will this be a problem with Celeste?” he asked, knowing that he could make any demand and it would be answered.

“No, that shouldn’t be a problem.”

“Good. You will be escorted everywhere you go, while you are here. Everyone within my walls will be under instructions to keep you safe, but we deal with some,” Dominique paused for dramatic effect, “unsavory characters here that could cause you harm. Do not wander around on your own. Do I make myself clear?”

She bowed her head and curtsied in answer because she couldn’t trust her voice at that moment. He seemed pleased at her fear but even more at how she was mastering it.

“You will need that tough spirit working here, sweet one. How long will it take to break it, I wonder?” She set her jaw and clenched her teeth at his thoughts that he wasn’t aware she could hear.

“Come,” he commanded, not letting go of her hand.

He took it and slid it around his forearm to escort her. She felt nervous being so close to him, touching him; it took courage to not pull away from him. He led her to a building to the castle’s right, directly across from where her horse was tethered on the left of the gate. The main door on the side building was opened for him, and he escorted her inside.

His mind relished having her on his arm and briefly imagined her next to him as his vampire queen, bonded with him. Her bond would ensure that he was the most powerful warlock in the world, the most powerful vampire sorcerer. He was planning on forcing her to bond with him and then he would turn her, so his hold over the power wouldn’t end with her death. He could rule for eternity with her by his side. The image in his mind made her shiver with dread. He felt it and wondered if she was cold.

They entered a vast room that held many different prisoners chained to the walls and tables, and some were suspended in iron cages like she had seen outside. Though barely audible, he heard her gasp with his vampire hearing.

He turned his amused black eyes on her, thinking to himself, “So delicate and unspoiled, my sweet one. How much you have to learn, and I shall enjoy teaching you. Breaking you down piece by piece to build you up into my vampire queen.” His thoughts turned to her blood as he looked at her neck, and she swallowed in response, exciting him.

While he swallowed back his hunger for her blood, he spoke, “These are prisoners who have done various crimes against me and my home. They now serve my purposes, and one of your main tasks, while you are here, will be to heal them as they need it. For the rest of your time here today, you will do this, understood?” He stepped in front of her to look into her eyes as she curtsied by way of answer. “What do you need for supplies?” he looked into her eyes as he spoke.

“Such unspoiled beauty looks back at me with those violet eyes.” A flash of his desire to bed her entered his mind, and she saw an image of him reaching out to grasp her jaw as he devoured her with a kiss, his pale, cold skin contrasting with her caramel warmth.

“I can get you a list of the things I will need on hand, to do my work,” she answered, trying to remain impassive, despite what she was hearing and seeing in his mind.

His thoughts were hungry; hungry for blood, hungry for power, and hungry for her. She couldn’t help her reaction to him and took a small step back. His predatory eyes tracked the movement, and he advanced a step toward her, causing her to try to back away more, and she bumped into one of the tables holding a prisoner. Dominique came up close to her, hiding a pleased smile at her reaction to him.

“I will have you, innocent one.” As his hunger grew, his thoughts scared her even more than the red hue entering his eyes. Even Rhys had never intimidated her this much, but that was before she had been trained as an Eradicator; even so, she was frightened of Dominique. That frustrated her even more than being forced to work for him.

“You had best get started for the day, and I have things to attend to,” he whispered as he brought his cold hand to her neck. His fingers slid around the back of her neck and pulled her to him. His fingers felt like ice, sending shivers down into her very core. She turned her head, trying to pull away from his touch, seeking to resist and escape him. A quick jerk from him had her looking at him and going still. He smiled, his eyes narrowing in sadistic pleasure at her submission. He stepped up so their bodies were brushing, and he was standing over her. He looked down at her with his black eyes, partially rouged, and smiled in a threatening display, showing his fangs. His fingers on the back of her neck squeezed a little more, and he lowered his face to just above hers, almost touching her.

She drew in a breath at the proximity and could smell blood on his breath as he spoke, “Do not leave this room without an escort.”

“Yes, Sir.”

He smiled and said in a falsely friendly voice, “You may call me Dominique, Cinder. We will be getting to know each other well over our time.”

“Yes, Dominique.” He had a twinge of pleasure from her voicing his name and the resistance with which she said it. He knew she didn’t want to become familiar with him.

He brought his face down, brushing his lips along her face and jaw, lowering his face to her neck, opposite his hand, like he intended to kiss or bite her there. She drew in a silent gasp, freezing completely, holding her breath, not daring to move or breathe. He took an audible whiff, brushing his lips along her neck, right over her pulse, making her heart pound in her chest. She felt his delighted smile directly before he lifted his head to look into her eyes.

“Lovely,” he commented, his thirst and desire for her increasing. He then released her, stepped away, and turned, leaving her standing there as he shut the door to the prison behind him.

Cinder heaved a sigh of relief once he had gone and tried to get control of her shaking limbs and pounding heart. Even after all of her training, her fear response around him was hard to manage, but at least the fear hadn’t illuminated her eyes.

She turned to look around her at the prisoners. Some were moaning, and all had given up on life. She turned to the woman lying on the table behind her and examined her. How Dominique used them “to his own purposes,” was made clear when she saw the fang marks on the woman’s neck. He had a collection of slaves that he used as blood donors. He wanted her to heal them, so he could continue to feed off of them.

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