. Apostasy . A Luna's Struggle

Chapter Sacrifices

Orion sat in his office. In a few short days, his Beta Henry would return with his mate, Anulla. The daughter of the Beta of Wheatland, born on the night his mother died...

Anulla, golden haired and blue eyes that haunted him...

Anulla, his mate and greatest weakness...

Her name sent shivers across his skin. He remembered every detail of her body, but it had begun to disturb him that his only memories of her skin had it sticky with her own blood. His wolf hated him for what he had done to her. How he had been brutal with their delicate golden lily. He had lost control when he had seen all the things another had done to her body. He hated himself for that weakness and hated her for making him weak. He should not care about what happens to a female, even his female. His wolf paced restlessly in the background of his thoughts, snarling jealously at the thought of any other male touching what was theirs. Orion pushed him back into his cage. He was the Monarch, the highest example of the laws of their kingdom. His mate would be treated as all females in the kingdom where, she would be returned, bare his heir and finish her time of service with daily and weekly punishments. No longer would she-wolves be given the freedom of death for running away. There were fates far worse than going into the afterlife with their dead Goddess.

Suddenly, his wolf howled in his head and he shifted, his mate was being harmed. His great dark wolf jumped from the parapet and ran westward as the pain continued. A dozen of his warriors ran after him, falling farther and farther behind. At last a heaving, tearing sensation as she finished giving birth, and he actually heard her screams.

His wolf howled as he heard a voice he did not know speaking to his mate, “Oh Anulla, I’m sorry, he’s gone.”

There was no newborn crying after she finished birthing, only her sobs as she was sedated, and the link was lost. His wolf went insane; their heir, their pup was lost because someone had harmed their mate. He would have revenge if it meant killing everyone in the world.


Anulla woke up. Her hands immediately went to the belly, it was flat. Horrifyingly flat. She began searching the room, looking desperately for a crib or bassinet or any sign of her child. Praying it had been a nightmare, but the way her wolf moaned, she knew it wasn’t. She cried out, shouting for anyone to come. She wasn’t surprised when Luna Mira and Cathy rushed in, looking exhausted and grieved.

“My...” Anulla couldn’t make herself asked the question.

When Luna Mira embraced her and rocked her, she wept the bitter tears of a mother who had lost a child and her hope.

“Anulla, I’m so sorry,” Cathy whispered.

“It was Brenna’s mate, his name was Henry. He claimed he worked for my mate. He pushed me down the stairs, then kicked me. He killed my pup on purpose. He killed Cassie, then Brenna. I’m sorry... I’m sorry... I’m s-so s-sorry, ” Anulla forced out the words between sobs .

“Anulla, breathe.” Mira whispered. “You didn’t do this, Henry is the Beta of the Monarch, he did it. He killed three guards as well. Troy and his allies are ready to go to war, but...”

“But what?” Anulla looked up at them with red rimmed eyes.

“Brenna isn’t dead, Henry took her. Joel tracked him to the border. Henry says he will kill Brenna if we don’t give him you in two days. He is threatening to tell the Monarch, we killed his child. We think he wants to kill you too. There are hundreds of Monarchy warriors with him in Wheatland. He wants war, and he will get the Monarch to believe him. He is delusional, insane,” Cathy explained, shaking her head.

Mire added, “We cannot give you to him, he is as bad as the Monarch, if not worse. I won’t let you die that way.”

Anulla sat silently, her hands resting on her now empty belly. Her soul felt cold. Brenna and her family had taken her in, sheltered her, and now suffered to protect her. “Trade me for Brenna, I will stop the war. I will find a way to weaken the Monarch enough to overcome him, then the western packs can kill him and those who follow him. I can’t let them take Brenna back to the Monarch pack, she won’t survive a year.”

Mira shook her head, “There is no way Troy will sacrifice you to that monster.”

“It is my choice! I have nothing left to live for, please let me do this,” Anulla begged. “Let me finish what Queen Cassiopeia started.”

“He’ll refuse, Troy is too angry about his territory being invaded and my mother being killed in our home to agree.” The Luna revealed, wringing her hands.

“Mira, are the packs ready for war against the Monarch’s army?” Anulla asked quietly.

“No, we need two or three more years. Why?” Mira demanded.

“I can survive that long, I can be your spy. He won’t know, Brenna taught me how to hide things from him. His wolf won’t let him kill me. Is the Monarch with Henry at the border now?” Anulla knew what she must do.

“No one has seen him, Troy’s spy sent word he left his castle suddenly about the time you went into labor, no one knows where he is,” Mira replied. Her eyes held sorrow for bringing up her lost child and Anulla turned away for a moment. She refused to let her tears fall, Brenna needed her. A moment later she turned back, head held high.

“We need to get him to the border. I will show him the truth through our bond, and he will kill Henry for us. Then when the time comes, I will help you, but you have to convince Troy not to go to war until he is ready.” Anulla pushed the covers off, standing shakily but with determination. “I need to get a message to my mate.”

“Troy will never agree to this, he has grown quite fond of you, Anulla,” Cathy insisted.

“And I am fond of all of you, but we have to do this. Please, the longer Henry has Brenna, the more he will hurt her.” They couldn’t argue with Anulla, because they knew Henry was a monster.

“You are an amazing Luna, Anulla. Any other mate would be proud.” Mira praised her softly.

“My mate is a monster ruling a kingdom of such, it is my duty to the Moon, who chose me to be a Luna, to help end it.”


The Monarch’s wolf trotted into Wheatlands main settlement it is mid-morning but almost nothing was stirring in the once bustling farm community. The buildings were falling into disrepair, the fields were not ready for planting, and no one seemed to care. If the fields weren’t planted soon, there would be no grain or other crops to feed the kingdom. The more he looked around, the angrier he got. There were no workers to be seen, only slacking warriors. It was as if they were all rogues. The few that notice him immediately rolled belly up in respect to his power. He shifted and two lesser ranked wolves ran to him with clothing.

“Where are the ones I left in charge of the farms?” He growled out. “Where are all the workers? Why are the fields not planted?”

“Forgive me, Monarch Balthazar, I don’t know. I haven’t met a farmhand since I came here with Beta Henry, two months ago.”

“Has Beta Henry returned?” He growled.

“Yes Monarch, the Beta returned last night with a red headed female. Her screams were heard until early this morning.” The second wolf responded.

Orion’s eyes turned dark with his rage and the wolves cowered. “YOU! Take me to them. YOU, find me any of the surviving farm workers, no matter how young they are. Wake those dogs and all of you get started on the fields.”

The wolf scurried ahead of the monarch. The other ran away from him. He was led into the pack house, and toward the former Alpha’s quarters on the third floor.

On the stairs, another wolf meekly approached with a phone, “For you, Monarch Balthazar.”

“This is Monarch Balthazar.”

“Hello Orion, the Western Alliance Alpha would like to talk to you, but I need to tell you something first,” Anulla’s soft voice sent shivers through his body.

Orion stepped into the first room and shut the door, minutes later there was the sound of furniture being destroyed and growling. When he stepped out, his face was a hardened scowl and he motioned for the wolf to lead him on. The room he left was destroyed.

The door to the late Alpha’s bedroom was locked. Orion knocked politely once, waited a few moments, then knocked again not so politely. A stream of profanities erupted from the other side of the door then it opened. He pinned his first Beta to the wall, claws at his throat. His eyes took in the room, it reeked of fear and blood and sex. His Beta’s mate was tied to the bed, unresponsive and battered.

“Tell me Henry, how is it that your brought back your mate and not mine?” Orion growled.

Henry writhed but he couldn’t answer, he couldn’t even breathe as the Monarch growled. “You failed me.”

Henry’s face was turning blue as he clawed at Orion’s arms. Smirking, Orion dropped him on the floor.

He turned to face the bed, his eyes darken, “Get out.”

Henry coughed, “Let... me... explain...”

“In two days, we are meeting with the Western Alliance to delay the war you started and trade them your mate for mine. You were sent to bring back my mate and my heir, you failed on both counts. So, until we leave tomorrow at noon, I claim your mate as tribute, while I decide on your punishment. Now. GET. OUT.” Orion’s alpha command resonated in his voice as Henry stood up and struggled to leave but Orion grabbed the back of his neck and hissed in his ear. “Oh and Henry, I want the fields prepared for planting before we leave tomorrow. Gather the warriors and Gammas who have been here all winter and make them get it all done. They are not dogs to lay around and sleep all day. My kingdom will not starve, tell them I said, I would feed my subjects their lazy carcasses first. My chauffeurs are bringing three SUVs and my other car for the trip back with my mate, make sure they are cleaned and fueled. Do not disappoint me again, Henry.”

Shoving him into the hall, Orion shut the door softly. He stood over the bed watching his Beta’s mate sleeping and hoped she survived the day and night. As much as he wanted to bed her and beat her for aiding his mate, he couldn’t take the risk she might die before tomorrow. If she died, the war would begin immediately. He hated that the fate of two females could determine the fate of his kingdom. But it did, he did not have enough skilled warriors to go to war with the Western Alliance packs and he knew it, he was glad they didn’t. Going into the bathroom, he got a basin of warm water and a cloth. He found some healing balms and took them into where Brenna laid. He tried to be gentle as he cleaned her up and treated her wounds. He called down for some broth to be brought to him, cursing the fact there were no healers in Wheatlands.


To the west, the moon was setting in the lightening dawn. Anulla stood at one side of the bridge over the river, Alpha Troy and a dozen stood beside her. She could see Henry on the other side carrying an obviously abused Brenna, just in front of them was her mate, the Monarch. A dozen terrifying looking warriors followed. Slowly they walked toward the center.

They stopped only a few steps away from the center of the bridge. A stone tower. Anulla imagined that if this was Dante’s Inferno, there would be a sign. “Abandon hope all ye who enter here.”

Henry put Brenna on her feet, and she staggered toward Anulla who hugged her.

“Please don’t do this,” Brenna whispered.

“I love you, my sister,” Anulla barely whispered back before the Monarch seized her arm and shoved her at one of his men.

“One more thing and our business is concluded, Alpha Troy,” the Monarch announced coolly, then he turned to Henry, declaring loudly. “You went into our neighbor’s territory without permission to steal the mate who had rejected you and killed their Luna’s mother. Your punishment is death for treason and attempting to incite war.”

He seized Henry by the throat and whispered into his ear, “Sorry old friend, but sacrifices must be made.” And with a smooth even motion he removed Henry’s head and tossed it to the decking by Alpha Troy’s feet.

Brenna screamed once and fainted. Anulla just watched horrified, fighting the urge to vomit, but grateful that Cassie and her pup had some form of justice. The Monarch turned to face Anulla, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her against him. He inhaled her scent. She immediately looked down. She could feel him in her mind, looking at the memories of that night again, his growl resonated from his chest and shook her body. Her legs trembled as fear and grief washed over her like a flood. She wanted to pull away and run as he gently drew the tips of his bloody fingers across her cheek, making her look up at him.

“That was for my heir, and for you, kitten. But it is time for you to return to your rightful place with me and face your punishment for leaving our kingdom. Come.”

He lifted her into his arms bridal style and carried her swiftly away from those who loved her and back into the land of her nightmares. A sacrifice she vowed to never regret as she choked on her fear.

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