. Apostasy . A Luna's Struggle

Chapter Alphas

The Monarch and the Princess glared at each other in a war of wills. Neither looked away, proving the Princess’ wolf was over the Monarch wolf line.

Anulla realized that there were five more of the far west alphas with warriors standing just behind Androma. The largest came to stand on her left. He was a huge male, dark skin and eyed, silky black hair tied in a neat manbun. Tribal tattoos painted the side of his face and backs of his hands; only silver ink and silver needles could have made them. She realized this alpha was Androma’s mate and he was about to attack Orion, and if Orion died so might her pup. Her instincts kicked in to save her pup, she could not bear to lose another one, but she would rejoice if Orion died after he was born. She stepped forward.

“Princess Androma, I am glad that you are alive to be an aunt to our pup. Is this your mate?” Anulla’s voice was calm and steady, as everyone stared at her surprised.

Androma’s mate laughed, it was a hearty, full sound that echoed around them like thunder. His voice wasn’t much different. “Forgive me, Luna Anulla. I was not expecting that my mate’s brother would be blessed with a true Luna. I am Tlingti, son of Tututni, grandson of Tolowa, Alpha of the Pacific Northwest. It is my honor to meet you. May your pup and heir rule well.”

Anulla struggled not to shake as she stepped further down the stairs, “Thank you, Alpha Tlingti. Would you like to be seated before the feast and ball commence? It is a long journey from our borders.” She said as she inclined her hand toward the banquet hall. “Princess Androma, I am sure there is much that you and my mate need to discuss, but perhaps it can wait for tomorrow. Tonight, we are celebrating and announcing our pup. Alphas, Luna Mira.” She inclined her head slightly toward the hall, before turning her head to Orion and holding out her hand to him with a sweet smile. “He’s hungry again,” she said in a light tone and patted her stomach.

The Monarch smiled as he took her hand, but rage rolled through the bond and buffeted her like a storm, “Of course, my golden one. A strong pup needs lots of nourishment.” He nodded toward the other alphas, “All she cares about is food.” He began down the hall toward the banquet room.

The Southern Desert Alpha grinned at him; his tone was almost friendly, “Wait until the cravings start, she will eat the craziest things, amigo. Like guacamole and smoked chiles on chocolate cake... Your Luna and females all seem well taken care of.”

“Of course, they are. There is no reason they would not be,” the Monarch responded smoothly.

He showed his teeth to the monarch, his tone much less friendly as he continued, “I am glad that things in your territory are not what we were led to believe in regard to mates and she-wolves. Your father betrayed the Goddess and her teachings. It has many wolves... concerned.”

Orion stiffened slightly, through the bond Anulla felt him snarling, but his perfectly polished facade remained. “My father did many foolish things after my mother died, he took many things to extremes. Honestly, he went mad, and sadly, I had to kill him. But like him, I feel superstitions have no place in my kingdom. Females have their place and duty to the kingdom like any male. It is their honor to do their time of service to keep our warriors contented before they find their mates.”

“You mean, they are forced to be sex slaves to entertain your soldiers,” Androma spat in disgust.

“Like males spend required time as warriors, it is a time of service the females perform as is their duty and they understand this,” Orion snarled back as he placed Anulla in a chair and slid her up to the table. “Even Anulla did her service duty, there is no shame in it. It is a female’s place to provide comfort and relief to males.”

There was a collective inhale of shock from the Alphas of the West, only Alpha Troy stood stoically as he seated his mate. The Monarch had allowed his mate to be touched by other males. Things were exactly as Alpha Troy had told them. They all look to Anulla who had her head slightly bowed. None failed to notice the black collar around her neck. She was his Luna and mate, but he marked her like a pet.

The San Andreas Alpha, narrowed his eyes dangerously, “And when you found her, you were contented with her virtue being taken by another for entertainment?”

“I took her virtue before she served her time of service, she has lived here with me since she returned. Even though she was to be my Luna and Queen, she could not be excused from her duty and she understood this,” The Monarch explained smoothly but he did not miss the open animosity with which the Central Mountain Alpha and Luna looked at him.

‘Say something pleasant Luna, or I will punish you. Pup or no pup.’ Orion ordered in her mind.

Softly she recounted the mantra that had been beaten and raped into her since she was a child, “It is the duty of females to know their place, to always be respectful, and do as a male request promptly and without resistance.” Anulla swallowed and forced herself to continue, “All she-wolves are schooled from a young age on how to behave with respectful propriety. When they come of age, they are given training classes before their time of service, then released to their mates as a reward for doing their duty to the kingdom.” She dared not mention the collar price.

“So Luna, y’all allow your daughters to be trained as whores while they are still children?” The Texica Alpha sounded offended. “Is it true y’all sell their virtue off ta’ tha’ highest bidder?”

“They are not whores,” Anulla snapped back, thinking regretfully, ‘whores have the dignity of a trade and get paid for their suffering.’

“Our ways are not the same as yours, but as you see they work well in our kingdom, our females do not disrespect us as they do in your territories,” Orion scoffed at them haughtily, but he squeezed her hand painfully for her thoughts. “Aunlla’s service ends at midnight tonight. She performed her duties diligently and with pride. I am honored to have such a proper and dutiful female as my queen. Pack before self is one of our most valued teachings.”

As he boasted, food was placed in front of them and Anulla waited for Orion to take a bite. Looking down at her hands, she willed her tears not to fall. Orion made all her years of suffering, the child she lost, all the times he abused her, or let others abuse her and made her watch as he abused others, seem like something she had volunteered for. Like it was something she wanted to do and did willingly. Orion offered her a bite from her plate, which she ate slowly. The food tasted like sawdust.

After the meal, the Monarch nodded to Seneschal Matthias who announced loudly to the gathered guests. “Wolves of the Monarch Kingdom, visitors from many lesser territories...” There were growls at his insult, but he ignored them as he continued, “Tonight we celebrate our Monarch’s mate’s 20th birthday and presentation as our Queen and Luna. Also, we have extra news of good fortune. Luna Anulla is pregnant; the kingdom has an heir.”

Several males howl their respect, but many of the she-wolves lifted their eyes only enough to give their Queen a look of pity.

The Monarch led his Luna to the dance floor for the first dance. Orion and Anulla moved gracefully and held themselves regally as a king and queen should. It was an elegant illusion. Halfway through the music, Alpha Troy and Luna Mira started to dance, more followed quickly. As soon as the next song started, Alpha Tlingti cut in, trading Anulla for Luna Mira, much to Orion’s annoyance. His eyes told her to say nothing about the way things were. His sister was dancing with Alpha Troy. The Texica Alpha danced with her next, followed by Alpha Troy.

Anulla kept her eyes down as they gracefully moved to the music. In a lower voice Troy murmured, “Things appear better than when you came to us.”

Under her breath, she breathed out the truth, “They are worse, he lured you here. He is going to use his rogue mercenaries to attack your pack tomorrow while you’re here to test your defenses. You must go tonight, I’ll keep him busy.”

Troy stiffened slightly, “Come with us, Anulla, he’ll kill you.”

“Not until his heir comes, and he won’t let me go... Ever. You know what he’ll do to get me back.” She whispered softly. “He’s going to invade as soon as the spring thaw comes.”

“That’s...“Troy started softly, then louder said, “That would be very nice to name the pup after Balthazar and Androma’s late Uncle Sovereign. My father was friends with him, he was a great man who honored the Moon.”

“Anulla.” Orion’s voice was firm as she took his hand, “Alpha Troy, we do not hold to such superstitions about the Moon.”

“Monarch Sovereign died as a warrior defending the Kingdom from rogues, that is why I want to honor him,” Anulla said, repeating the lie that had been told to her since she was a child.

After coming to the castle, she had learned Sade had imprisoned his brother and taken his Luna for his own after his mate had committed suicide. The visions she had from her time in solitary confinement still haunted her. Orion appraised her but she showed no sign that she would reveal what had happened during Sade’s reign, she was too afraid for the pup she carried to risk his wrath.

Anulla pretended to yawn, then apologized shyly, “Forgive me Alpha Troy, it has been a long day of preparations.”

“Of course, Luna Anulla. A pregnant she-wolf needs much rest and gentle handling. May the Goddess bless your dreams and your pup.”

The other alphas, Luna Mira, and Androma all repeated the goodnight wish. Rage poured through the bond from Orion, but he smiled, “How quaint. Excuse me, I do not wish to be a poor host, but I need to see my mate to bed. Please enjoy our hospitality.” He bowed his head slightly, “Alphas, Luna... sister.” Their identical eyes shared barely contained hostility.

“Thank you for coming to my celebration and sharing the announcement of our pup,” Anulla said softly.

As they left the ballroom, Orion’s grip on her arm bruised her flesh. Once in their chambers, Orion towered over her. “Did you enjoy your party, mate? Getting to dance with all those powerful wolves and letting them grope you?”

“We just danced, I only spoke to Alpha Troy when he asked what we were naming the pup. I didn’t enjoy them touching me,” she let him feel her fear as she backed away.

He tore her gown in twain, growling, “Do not move.”

He pushed her down to sit on the edge of the bed and spread her legs before pressed his nose to her stomach and between her legs. Her breath hissed out as he bit her thigh, then licked her.

“Mmmm, Mommy tastes so good...”

She wanted to shrink away in disgust at his comment, but instead, she moaned his name and ran her fingers through his hair, letting her body and the bond do the rest. She had to keep him with her till morning so the Alphas and Luna Mira could escape.

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