Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 179: Hunters

Chu Han just looked at the people before him, and he didn’t answer the slim young man’s question. Someone acting in such an arrogant manner would get off with it easily in a civilized period, but after the apocalypse, someone stronger would instantly beat him up. Although Chu Han was more powerful than them, he was in a good mood.

"Get back." The dark leader said.

The slim young man shut his mouth unwillingly and glanced at Chu Han arrogantly scanning him in the process.

The dark man smiled at Chu Han and apologized, "Brother, don’t take it to heart. It’s been a long time since we’ve met another individual who’s not from our village. After the apocalypse, zombies have been blocking the village’s entrance, and the mountain gets more dangerous with each passing day. Naturally, we were quite shocked seeing you here."

Chu Han nodded, and it was as he expected; those people were trapped.

"Since we’re all survivors, we shouldn’t be hostile." The leader took the initiative to approach Chu Han stretching out his hand in a friendly manner. "Hello, my name is Hua Yongzhi."

Seeing Hua Yongzhi’s behavior, the other five frowned and looked at each other. They were unwilling to take another step, so they stayed in the same spot.

Chu Han got wind of the others’ reaction but ignored them, and he shook Hua Yongzhi hand. He didn’t need to be friendly with them since their attitude was terrible.contemporary romance

"Hello, my name is Chu Han." Loosening his grip, Chu Han still kept a proper distance with Hua Yongzhi.

"Nice to meet you brother Chu. We haven’t seen a newcomer for a long time." Hua Yongzhi was eager to lead Chu Han to the small base in the far place. "You should come with us back to the base. It’s my treat tonight. I’ll ask my wife to cook something good."

"Thank you." Chu Han thanked casually.

The five people’s faces turned green from envy. The food shortage was their biggest problem as they were trapped. Countless zombies were blocking them from leaving, while the mountain was dangerous due to huge beast lurking around. If food were not insufficient, there’d be no need for them to go and hunt smaller animals. A table filled with delicious food was worth killing for. However, Chu Han’s casual behavior angered them.

"You are really ungrateful!" The only woman in the company couldn’t help but reprimand Chu Han with hostility.

"Wang Yan, don’t act like that! Brother Chu has nothing on him, and he must be starving." Hua Yongzhi hurried to persuade, and then he apologized to Chu Han again, "Sorry, Brother Chu. Forgive her behavior."

"It’s okay." Chu Han answered calmly but his eyes focused on their backs; wild rabbits or pheasants were hanging on them.

They were hunters!

Hunter would become a general term in the future. Most of the cities would be zombie-infested, and many people would choose to live in the wilderness since it was scarce of humans. Without the threat of zombies, they would hunt to live. In the beginning, they’d start with small preys but then hunt fiercer beasts. Some mighty hunters would even hunt mutated beasts. Gradually, it would become a profession. 

Hunters preferred working alone, and they seldom formed teams with only a few members at best. No base was controlling them, instead, they were hired to hunt animal after their influence spread. However, their profession kept evolving, and beasts weren’t their only prey; humans were fair game too!

Hunters would even create a Hunter’s Union.

The six people before Chu Han were unknowingly taking the future hunting path.

Chu Han was staring at the preys on their backs while thinking. Unfortunately, Wang Yan and the slim monkey noticed him. They looked at each other tacitly, and there were contempt and disgust in their eyes.

"He’s really shameless." Wnag Yan said quietly.

"He is!" The slim young guy also said, "He didn’t even dare to answer my questions honestly, and he even wants to eat our food!"

Even though they were complaining in low voices in the back, all of them were evolutionaries so everyone could listen to their conversation. Hua Yongzhi only stared at those two, and then apologetically looked at Chu Han. As he was about to say something he stopped because Chu Han just kept walking forward.

Suddenly, Hua Yongzhi thought that Chu Han may be an ordinary person so he could not listen to their conversation; he was under the impression that there weren’t many evolutionaries.

Seeing Chu Han walking without turning back and changing his pace, Wang Yan and the slim young man’s contempt skyrocketed, and they couldn’t restrain themselves anymore. 

"Sh*t! He is an ordinary person!" Wang Yan could not hide her displeasure.

"Every ordinary person treats us as their master. That guy’s too much. He can’t act so arrogantly! The slim young guy was unhappy.

"We should show him how we treat arrogant people at the base. He may be someone rich with a team escorting him here." Wang Yan coldly said, "Hum! I have to let him know that money has no value in our place."

"Come on. You should stop. He won’t take any of our food. Since brother Hua asked him to it eat at his house, it’s none of our business." Someone tried to persuade those two.

"Did you forget the incident with the rich second-generation?" Wang Yan looked at him coldly. "He just got everything we had and became much more arrogant."

"You’ve already taught that guy his lesson. Not to mention that if you weren’t blinded by greed, he wouldn’t act like that."

"Shut up! Stop mentioning it!" Wang Yan said coldly.

Chu Han walking in front of them listened to the spirited conversation, and he learned some things. It was natural they didn’t know he was an evolutionary. Generally speaking, evolutionaries and enhanced could only be distinguished while fighting, but there were some unique methods used to recognize them. Previously, Chu Han had recognized they were evolutionaries due to their speed since new ones didn’t know how to control it.

Being an evolutionary was nothing special, but it was better to hide it in the apocalypse’s early stage. For example, the experienced Chu Han had already seen through them.

"We’re here. This is the base that we built." Hua Yonzhi pointed at the high wooden wall, and then he smiled to Chu Han. "You have a good physique!"

Hua Yongzhi did not overthink, and he only felt that it was peculiar that Chu Han hadn’t mentioned getting tired.


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