Anti-Hero (Wild Heart Ranch Book 4)

Anti-Hero: Chapter 25

In a fun bit of torture, I have to endure a nearly three-hour flight with a raging hard-on. Can’t exactly relieve myself with my abuela sitting just behind me. Worse, the hot pilot keeps accidentally-on-purpose drifting his fingers across my thighs, always stopping just short of the goods.

“I am so going to make you pay for this,” I whisper furiously.

“Whatever. You like it.”

Gael’s head appears between the two seats. “If you two think your flirting is subtle, it is not.”

Erik shakes his head. “I don’t do subtle, Gael. I just like pissing off your cousin.”

Gael, the traitor, holds up his hand, and Erik high-fives him.

“Who knew Erik could talk while flying,” Yaya says, joining her two-timing son.

Erik flushes red and dips his chin. Fuck, that’s adorable.

“Can I assume we will be sleeping on the other side of the house?” Yaya asks with an innocent smile.

I nod confidently. “With earplugs.”

Yaya high-fives me before she and Gael go to the back of the plane. Aside from the usual suspects, Abuelo and Abuela are taking their first flight ever. Erik was unbearably sexy when he offered them both the little plastic wings captains give out to first-time fliers. While they started off slightly terrified, the view of Mexico from up here is far too beautiful to remain terrified forever.

Additionally, Wimberley gave us the go-ahead to bring Sara and her daughter, Antonia, with us. It hurt at first to hear what my grandfather had named his daughter. I’m sure he meant it as some kind of dig or to erase me, but I have decided that it means she and I have a connection. She’s already teased me about being both “Ant’s Aunt” and nearly as tall as me.

Five-year-olds are mean, y’all.

I’m happy to see that Sara is a good mother. She doesn’t know where she wants to go next, but getting out of Mexico is a priority while Wimberley chases down the syndicate.

While we’ve been in the air, they’ve confirmed four drone strikes on four high-target locations, including what appears to be the headquarters outside of Mexico City. Anders is still butthurt about not being included, and it makes me nervous to help him and Hopper understand that I’m not really one of them after all.

Maybe that sounds crazy to say after my little killing spree, but that’s how it feels in my head. My brain will be a tangled mess for a while, but I can hear Hedy saying it’s okay to sit in confusion while I work it out.

Anyway, I’m just looking forward to getting home.

ERIK and I don’t get to fuck right away because, well, my abuela is here, and I’m not about to swing from the light fixtures in front of her. Additionally, none of us have had anything to eat since breakfast, and we’re all starving. Erik makes a quick spaghetti meal that is more delicious than a jar of sauce and a packet of dry pasta has any right to be.

Finally, everyone gets settled in, and it’s just me and Erik in the kitchen. I’m making myself a cup of tea, and he comes up behind me, gently placing his chin on my head.

“You didn’t have to give Emil and Yaya your bed,” I say, smiling.

“Oh yes, I did.”

Stirring in the honey, I ask, completely innocently, “Yeah? Why is that?”

“If I have to spell that out for you then—”

Before he can finish the sentence, however, someone clears their throat. Erik and I spin around, and Javier stands there with Levy, looking a little sheepish.

“Uh, just wanted to let you know we were taking off,” Levy says, stifling a laugh.

I crack up. “Sorry, didn’t mean to traumatize you.”

“There’s literally nothing you could say that would traumatize me more than overhearing Nacho call my brother Dr. Barlowe in that submissive voice of his.”

We all laugh because we’ve all heard it.

Levy pulls me into a hug. “Tomorrow night is Friday. We were going to do dinner over at Bram’s house, but if your family would enjoy it, we’d rather have Friday dinner here. What do you think?”

“I think that’s a great idea. I miss having dinner here, and I have a big something I’m grateful for to share.”

“That’s me, right?” Erik cracks.

I wrinkle my nose. “It was. Now I’m not so sure.”

Wordlessly, Erik scoops me up and tosses me over his shoulder. “Sorry, y’all. I’ve got to teach this one a lesson.”

Levy shakes his head. “I will never get used to hearing y’all in a Norwegian accent.”

Still holding me, Erik hugs Javier and promises, “We’ll get this all figured out in the morning.”

He nods. “We’ll come by for breakfast.”

“Um, Erik, can you let me down now?”

“Nah. I kind of like you here. I’ve got you right where I want you.”

After saying goodbye to Javier and Levy, Erik walks us into the bathroom, where he gently puts me down and starts the shower. We strip and stand under the water, wrapped around each other. After a few minutes, we quickly bathe and shampoo, then dry off and brush our teeth as though it were a normal day.

With towels wrapped around our waists, we carry our clothes and shoes to my room and dump them all on the ground before sliding into bed naked and exhausted.

“As horny as I was on the plane, I’m fucking exhausted,” I admit as the back of my head sinks into the cool pillow.

“No worries, baby,” Erik says, patting my chest. “I’ll have my way with you in the morning.”

Pulling the soft sheets up to my chin, I murmur, “Sorry that my kidnapping and near death are interfering with your fuck schedule.”

Too tired to move his head, Erik side-eyes me. “Oh my God. So dramatic. According to Anders and Hopper, who watched your brutal takedown with a bowl of popcorn, you were never in any real danger.”

Offended, I sit up. “I was kidnapped by my traffickers, told I’d be forced back into the life, then shot and stabbed. I don’t think I can overdramatize that,” I say, gesturing broadly.

Laughing, he slowly pushes into a sit, then presses his shoulder into mine. “The bullet barely grazed you, and the serum took care of super unimpressive stab wounds. I swear, one little kidnapping and you become such a drama queen.”

Deepening my voice, I imitate—badly—his accent, “Sorry, not all of us can be unaffected Viking assholes.”

He cracks up, then cups the back of my head and gently pulls me in for a kiss before touching our foreheads together. His smile dissolves into a serious expression. “I have never been more scared in my entire life. I have never been more willing to bring down an army than I was today.”

I close my eyes, leaning into the pressure. “Who needs an army when you’ve got me?”

“True enough,” he whispers, and I hear the smile on his lips.

After another moment of breathing in while he breathes out, Erik scoots back down to his pillow, taking me with him as he tucks me into his side. Snaking his arm down my back, he cups my tiny ass with one large, perfect hand.

“This is my favorite way to sleep now,” I say, snuggling into him.

“Mine too, little one.”

After a few quiet moments, I break the silence. “I don’t know what I’m going to do next,” I admit, “and that scares me a little.”

Erik adjusts, somehow fitting me just a little bit closer. Kissing the top of my head, he answers, “Whatever your choice is, you will have all of us backing you up. Me specifically. This has been a long, shitty day though, and everything will look better after a solid night of sleep.”

I make agreeable noises in the back of my throat, then lift my hand to his soft cock.

“You know what would really help me sleep?”


“A little warm milk.”

He groans at the bad joke, then goes quiet when I lean over and take him in my mouth. He runs his hands through my hair. “You don’t have to,” he whispers.

I pull back from nursing him and look up, capturing his eyes. “I do.”

His eyes fill with understanding, and he nods.

I start again with soft, gentle, sucking, loving how I’m surrounded by his body, the sense of safety more sensual than anything I’ve ever experienced. As he hardens, I increase the suction and play with his balls, laughing at how comically big they look in my hands.

Erik groans quietly and shifts his hips. Pulling back, I dip my two middle fingers in my mouth.

“Yes, finger-fuck me,” he rasps out, sleepy and a little desperate.

When the muscle softens, I carefully push inside him as I bob on his hard cock. First, one finger, then two, increasing their angle as his moans increase in volume and intensity. His hips shift with the oncoming orgasm, and I deepen my strokes inside him, petting that bit of nerves until he’s jolting with pleasure.

I swirl my tongue around him as I take him deeper, swallowing around his sensitive head until he’s panting with want.

“Ant, baby,” he whispers, thrusting his hips, flooding my mouth.

I swallow everything he has to offer, the act somehow setting things right in my brain. Like flipping the finger to those motherfuckers who hurt me. More importantly, it reminds me I belong here. With him.

He tugs me onto his chest and takes my mouth in a slow sensual kiss. His large hand engulfs my cock.

“Fuck, this tiny dick does terrible things to my brain,” he whispers, popping his brows.

“It’s not tiny. It’s average. It’s not my fault you have huge man hands.” I pout.

“Whatever you say, darling. Now shush. Let me play with your sweet little cock.”

I roll my eyes, then groan as he teases me with lazy, two-fingered strokes, building the desire locked in my chest. He tightens his grip, drawing more sounds from the back of my throat as he quiets me with more kisses, speeding up until I’m spending on his tight belly. He reaches over the side of the bed and grabs the T-shirt he’d thrown to the floor, wiping us both down, then resettling me into our new favorite position.

“I love you so much,” he whispers. “I’m sorry it took me so long to say it.”

I sweep my hand over his broad chest as sleep begins to overtake me. “That’s okay. I won in the end.”

He chuckles, and we both drop off like two coins in a well.

I WAKE on my belly with soft kisses being placed along my neck and shoulders, alternating with a large slick cock sliding between my ass cheeks.

“Somebody’s in a good mood this morning,” I murmur, lifting my hips to push against Erik’s insistent thrusts.

“Is that a complaint?” Erik asks, sitting back to swirl a finger against my hole.

I rock back against him until the tip of his finger breaches the tight muscle. “Nope. Not even a little.”

“Good, because I’m about to fuck you into this mattress,” he growls, pressing his finger farther inside the tight squeeze of my body, quickly adding another.

“Mm, yes, please. I want all your weight pushing me into the bed. Don’t tease me with your fingers. I need your cock.”

Gently nipping my ass, he warns me, “I’m in a mood this morning.”

“Oh yeah? What kind of mood?” I ask, reaching back to palm his head as he bites down. It doesn’t matter what he says—he already knows my hard limits and would never ask anything of me I wouldn’t happily give. We haven’t even begun, and I’m already on board with whatever he has in mind.

Smiling against the sensitized flesh, he pulls aside one of my cheeks, scissoring his fingers as he answers, “It’s simple, really. I just want a tiny, cooperative hole I can stretch and fill.”

Fuck. Yes.

“I’ll be your hole, baby,” I purr, gripping his hair by the root. “I’ll be whatever you need.”

A grumbly, happy sound comes from the back of his throat as he removes his fingers. I barely register the sound of him slicking his cock before he pushes inside me.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I curse softly into the pillows, pounding them with a fist as he slowly, deliciously, painfully fills me.

His large hand covers mine. “Now, don’t move a muscle. Tap the bed if you can’t breathe. Otherwise, your only job is to lie there for me like a good fuck toy. Tiny and so perfectly still.”

I gasp, nodding, loving the dirty edge of his words, loving how he’ll go there and not think I can’t handle it. I still my hips, even though I want desperately to push back on him. Instead, I lie there and let him continue to fill me, helpless against his enormous size.

“Yes, take it. Fucking take my big cock, baby,” he says, laying his full weight on top of me, smashing my face into the pillows as he grunts above me, thrusting hard and slow. “Don’t make a sound.”

The compression in my lungs squeezes out any remaining anxiety from yesterday, and his weight pushing me into the mattress makes me feel so fucking cared for. His thrusts press my trapped cock between the mattress and my belly, ripping sounds from me I’ve never made before.

“Shh, shh, shh, baby. Absolute quiet,” he warns, fucking into me harder, stealing more of my oxygen.

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