Another Half

BLADE -- Chapter 16

May 2012

Azul Springs

Blade felt as if she'd been kicked in the gut. When she finally recovered, Joanna was calling her name. She sounded worried, and Blade inhaled

“Wait—what?!” Blade shouted into her phone. “That's not true! My grandfather was an omega-–an omega!–-just like my father and my brother and me! If he hadn’t been an omega, he wouldn’t have cared so much about training omegas properly, teaching them to defend themselves against bigger, stronger opponents! He wouldn’t have cared about how they don’t get fair treatment from ranked wolves because let’s be honest, ranked wolves don’t give a shit about omegas! We were all omegas, except my bitter, stuck-up grandmother, who claimed she had beta blood, but—you know what?—none of us cared!”

By the time she stopped, Blade was breathing hard and tears were running down her cheeks.

Maverick was wrong! It hadn’t taken Blade long to realize after their conversation that he lied to her because Abuelo would have never lied to Blade. He loved her too much for that.

After a long pause, Joanna finally spoke.

“I apologize, Blade. I should have treated that delicate information with more finesse. Let me explain. Your grandfather ran his large spy ring like a pack. It was a pack that transcended the borders of several packs,” Joanna said carefully. “Did he ever tell you that?”

Blade hesitated. It definitely sounded like something Felix would do.

“No, some things he had to keep to himself to protect us.”

“Of course. His line of work required the highest order of discretion. One of his codenames was Alpha and one of my father’s codenames, as his second-in-command, was Beta. You may not remember Aureliano Dia, but he was called Gamma—among other things. Again, I apologize for the confusion I caused; please disregard it. Unfortunately, I have a client waiting for me right now, but let’s keep in touch and remember everything I told you before I decided to carelessly run my mouth. You, and especially Andy, need protection. Please don’t disregard that. Too much is at stake.”

Blade didn’t get to tell her that she accepted her apology or to ask her what she meant because Joanna hung up.

Ah, shit. Joanna is our only connection to our family and our old life, and I had to screw it all up by yelling at her.

Before Talon could respond, Crys found her.

“Sergio feels bad,” she said. “He’s sorry he didn’t get to meet you yesterday, but he’s wondering if you’d be willing to spend a few minutes with him right now. Spoiler alert, though. He’s going to try to convince you to move into the pack.”


“Yeah, I’m sorry. I told him that you weren’t interested, that you were doing just fine on your own, but that only made it worse. He thinks he can persuade anyone to do anything, and well now you’re a challenge.”

Blade laughed. Crys’s mate just made things a whole lot easier for Blade.

This is going to be fun! Talon said.

Crys looked amused. “Don’t let him bully you into accepting something you don’t want. Betas think they’re such tricky bastards, and they can be if you lower your guard.”

“Don’t worry, Crys,” Blade said with a shrug. “I won’t go down without a fight.” She winked at her.

Crys looked hopeful. “Does that mean…”

Blade nodded. “My being kidnapped showed me that, for Andy’s sake, I need the protection of a pack,” she whispered and then grinned at her. “Is there anything you’d like to get out of the deal I’m about to broker with your mate?”

Crystal laughed with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Half an hour later, Blade got a summons to Beta Sergio Segundo’s office. Crys offered to go with her and make the formal introductions, but Blade politely declined, arguing that it would subtract effectiveness from what she had planned.

The light, cream-colored hallways of Azul’s Pack House were well-lit with large windows on one side. The windows were dressed with deep blue drapes that barely swept the floor, and gold rope cords and tassels tied each drape to the sides while white lace curtains covered each window. Blade looked out one of the windows, and she saw the Pack House’s huge Spanish villa-style courtyard, which was covered with gray stone tiles. Off to one side of the courtyard rose the massive dark gray stone tower visible from the university. She knew it was large, but she had no idea then just how imposing it was up close.

Blade continued her journey down the dark hardwood hallway.

They have a thing for dark wood, Talon commented.

Very shiny, dark wood, Blade said. But it smells nice.

She passed several doors until she reached the right one and knocked.

Crystal’s mate was tall but lean. One could argue that he was sinewy, but never as bulky as a Gamma or much less an Alpha. Betas were an alpha’s top advisor; they could fight, of course, but their main purpose was to hold down the pack while the Alpha was away, presumably defending the pack or waging a war.

“Come in,” Sergio said formally. “You must be Crystal’s friend, Blade, is it?”

She nodded.

“Thank you for taking care of Crystal and my son during these past six months. My mate gave reports each day that it was very peaceful and secure in your home.”

“You’re welcome,” Blade said. “We became good friends during that time.”

“In that case, I officially welcome you and your son to Azul Springs pack. You will both always be safe and welcome among us.”

“Thank you,” she said, raising her eyebrows but pleased by the assumption. She never once said to anyone that Andy was her son.

Once the introductions were done, he offered her a drink, and she politely declined the bourbon and vodka he offered.

“Do you not drink alcohol?” He asked, frowning while he helped himself to vodka on the rocks.

“I’m more of a wine person,” she said, ignoring the awkward silence that followed. She refused to feel pressured to accept alcohol. First of all, Sergio couldn’t pay her enough to sip on anything as ghastly as vodka, plus she figured if she was going to stand her ground, she had to start now.

He cleared his throat.

“Tell me where you are from and why you and your son have been alone.”

Blade had prepared for this question.

“Andy and I are from the East Coast. We left when my mate abandoned me and my parents died. Fortunately, I had started college before I found my mate. My parents left me a little bit of money and that permitted me to transfer to Lazuli. That’s all there is to the story, really.”

“Your mate—left you? Just like that?”

Blade looked down and nodded. “There was another she-wolf involved. I’d like to not talk about that if you don’t mind.”

“Yes, yes. Of course. I understand,” he said earnestly, suddenly even more serious. “Our Alpha would like it very much if you moved to one of our packs and not be a lone wolf anymore, so consider this an invitation on his behalf to become a member,” Sergio said, and quickly added, “Of course, it’s a move you shouldn’t make just because he wants you to, but because of the many benefits membership could provide you and your son.”

“Which are?” Blade crossed her arms.

“Well, for one you and your son would be protected from humans, hunters, other wolves, and anything else that might roam or come to this area. Our Alpha works very hard to provide for and protect all the members from all four packs.”

“Regardless of whether they’re Omegas? Because we’re Omegas, y’know. Will Andy and I be treated respectfully?”

Sergio didn’t look surprised by the question. His stont face gave nothing away. “Of course. Alpha Rex believes Omegas have as much a right to live in peace and prosperity as anyone else. In fact, they make up the bulk of hires at our pack’s distillery.”

Huh. And that has nothing to do with the fact that we make up over fifty percent of any wolf population, does it? Talon said. Tread carefully. I don’t trust this little shit.

“I’m delighted to hear that, Beta,” Blade said. But something else besides his questionable statistics wasn’t adding up to Blade. She was confident Sergio was after something. “Well, I’d really like to move here with my friends Crystal and Rachel, but frankly I don’t think you’d permit me to continue with my studies. That’s very important for me and my future with Andy.”

“Oh, but you wouldn’t have to continue with your studies,” he said with too much enthusiasm that somehow broke through his stone-like face. “You would be hired into the distillery or any other of the Alpha’s businesses, and since we’ve acquired another pack, expansion is certain!”


“Thank you,” she said, finally understanding Crys’s request. “I appreciate your kindness in offering me a job at the distillery, but do you have a paid elite warrior force?”

“Why, yes, of course, we do,” he said looking confused. “They’re very well paid for all their work and training.”

“Good. I’d like that job instead. I would like to try out for the elite warrior force.”

Sergio inhaled sharply.

“I’m not sure you—-I don’t understand—-Why?!

Blade smiled at how unnerved he looked.

“You’re a mother,” he whispered, almost indignant.

Blade shrugged. “Maybe, but I wasn’t born a mother. I trained as an elite warrior long before I became Andy's mother,” she said. “I have the skills to get on the elite force.”

“But how can you be an elite if you say you’re an omega?”

She shrugged again. “Where in Wolf Law does it say that they’re mutually exclusive? Let me try. If I don’t meet the Gamma’s standards, then I’ll accept whatever job you give me. Either way, I will earn my keep. You have nothing to lose.”

Sergio’s face became a stone mask again, but his eyes were analytical. Blade knew something about her wasn’t adding up to him.

“Agreed. What other—requests do you have?”

Aww. He’s caught on, Talon said, disappointed. That’s too bad.

“We want to finish our education. We are at a point in our studies where our schedules are flexible and they will not interfere with our pack duties and responsibilities.”

Sergio narrowed his eyes. “Who is this ‘we’?”

“Crystal and I, of course. We are working on several projects together at school, and she has said her duties as your mate will not hinder her work. She has already given you an heir, so more pups aren’t an urgent matter right now.”

“Why should I let my mate get in harm’s way by pursuing an education she doesn’t need?” Sergio crossed his arms and his stony face broke into an ugly scowl. “She started her degree before she met me, but now that she has me, I can take care of her, and her place is here, by my side. I let her enroll this past semester or whatever only because she was in danger here and it gave her something to do. Now that the war is over, she has no business looking for an education she doesn’t and will never need.”

Fuck. This is going to be harder than I thought, Blade thought.

“I agree, Beta,” she said, feigning relaxation. “Her place is most definitely here with you, but she has about a year to get a degree she has worked hard for and she has been longing to finish. It will be an important personal accomplishment that will make her happy to be by your side. Not to mention the love of learning she will instill Robby as the next Beta and any other pups she has in the future with you.”

She paused to see his reaction. Stony Face had returned.

“All I’m saying is that I am going back to school. That and having a shot at becoming an elite warrior are my non-negotiable requirements. If you don’t agree with either, tell me now and you will never see me again. I will remain in Azul City, which I know is neutral territory, and I will continue to mind my own business as a lone wolf with Andy.”

“Fine,” he said. “I agree to your terms, but here are mine. The pack will not pay for your education. Your tuition, school fees, traveling to school, and such are your problem and your bills to pay. And I agree only because I cannot stop you from pursuing an education I don’t think you need.”

“Thank you, Beta. All of my tuition and school fees are paid for and I have my own car, so my education will not be a burden on the pack.” She got up and he did likewise. They shook hands in a mutually binding agreement.

“I will inform our Gamma about giving your trial as an elite warrior whenever he arrives, although I don’t know when he will be back. I believe you will change your mind about working in the distillery, and I am seldom wrong. Another thing, Crystal and Rachel are sharing what would be our Luna’s duties and they have decided that you will live in the Pack House, so the rooms you currently share with Andy are your own now. Please respect our rules and laws as Crystal and Rachel respected yours and all will be well.”

Blade nodded, smiled indulgently at him, and turned to leave. She opened the door but looked back at him one last time.

“The last thing I will say, Beta, is that I will graduate in about a year, and Crys will be there. I don’t want to imagine how she will feel as I walk on Commencement Day and receive my degree, and how she’ll feel about you then and for years to come.”

His face was still a hard mask.

Goddess, I bet he could beat a damn rock at the No Smiling game, Talon said.

“It may mean a bit of sacrifice on your part for a year, but you have the power to make your mate supremely happy or you can choose to make her incredibly sad and resentful towards you for years to come. As my grandfather used to say, pick your poison very carefully.”

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