Another Half

BLADE -- Chapter 15

May 2012

Azul Springs Pack

Because Andy’s first birthday was two days later, Blade’s friends invited them to stay for at least a couple of days and celebrate it among friends. Andy and Robby got along well since they were the same age, Crystal had said, and it just made sense.

“I don’t know,” Blade said to Crys and Rachel. After a warm reunion with Andy, they had lunch and talked while they played with the babies in a grassy patch of the courtyard.

“Your Alpha may not like me, a stranger, staying at his house. Alphas don’t like lone wolves. How about if Andy and I go home and we’ll come back for his birthday? It’s not that far. Wouldn’t that work just as well?”

There was also a phone call Blade had yet to make to Joanne. It had been several days since she spoke with her.

“If you’re worried about our Alpha, then don’t,” Rachel said, she glanced at Crys, who nodded. “We haven’t seen him since February.”

Blade gaped at her. “What? Why?”

Rachel shrugged. “He’s busy taking care of the new packs, I guess. Ax tells me they’re in pretty bad shape, so our Alpha is making things work.”

“Put another way,” Crys said, “he’s an extreme workaholic that hasn’t come home in a long time.”

“How long will he stay away?” Blade found this piece of information rather disturbing, but comforting since she wasn’t ready to say goodbye to her friends. They really were the only friends she has ever had.

“Well, he has everything he needs there, including his girlfriend,” Crys said, “so who knows? Maybe never?”

Blade raised her eyebrows. “A girlfriend, but no Luna? I’ve never heard of an Alpha doing that. Is that a West Coast thing?”

Crys glanced at Rachel as if they had just agreed on something.

“It’s not voluntary, Blade,” Crys whispered. “He found his Fated Mate a couple of years ago, but she rejected and humiliated him.”

“Ax says it was awful,” Rachel whispered. “It nearly destroyed him, and he’s never been the same since. We think that’s why he’s been able to take over three packs in so little time. He’s been channeling his rage and sadness towards revenge and conquest.”

Blade stared between the two of them, and it clicked.

That’s why he sounded so heartbroken when he was calling her that day by the river, Blade said to her wolf.

He’s not over her, Talon said, sounding guilty. Can we blame him? I mean, will we ever be over what Nick did to us?

Not likely.

Blade couldn’t help but sympathize with this Alpha she’d never formally met. As murderously angry as he seemed when he was chasing them through the forest, Blade understood what was at his core. She knew that gulf of pain and sorrow that ran so deep it destroyed almost all sense of self-worth and joy while leaving no hope for brighter days. As with Blade, there would be no happy-fated union for him, either. The difference was that while Blade was not obliged to Choose a mate, he didn’t have the same luxury. Regardless of his feelings, it was his responsibility to ensure the continuation of his bloodline. His pack’s survival depended on it. She felt a little sorry for him. At least she’d been able to mourn the death of her happiness in peace.

At least his mate had the courage to reject him so he could move on, Blade thought bitterly. Nick didn’t have the balls to do even that.

“Who was the she-wolf that rejected your Alpha? I’m assuming she rejected him for someone else?”

Without missing a beat, Crys said, “It was Caroline. The Luna from Blue Ponderosa. She rejected him for Maverick.” Crystal looked at Blade. “Now there’s a cautionary tale for anyone: Rejecting your mate may result in the stupidest mistake of your life. Can you imagine? Rejecting the Azul alpha’s son for a lesser alpha?”

Blade stared at her. That’s why Caroline was so certain that Nick would come back to her, that he would be sorry he had neglected her. Caroline had gambled her Fated Mate for what she thought was love and lost horribly. Of course, Maverick had deceived her, but that didn’t take away Caroline’s responsibility.

This changes things, Talon said.


If Rex found her, he might have killed her. It would be his right and no one would contest it.

But maybe he didn’t and he will take her as his mate now that--

Talon growled. That's not how it works, Blade! Would you take Nick back? We wouldn't, would we? If he spared Caroline for the pup’s sake, he would have kicked her out of the area. I know she’s kind of your friend, but--

She asked for my help and I said I’d give it to her! She's a victim, too--

--This is out of your hands, Talon said. Remember, she humiliated him. If we ever meet him, don't bring it up. It's none of our business.

“So, I suppose he’ll choose this girlfriend as his Luna and all will be well with him and his alpha line?” Blade said.

“He hasn’t Marked her yet, but it’s only a matter of time,” Rachel said. “We’re hoping that it will happen soon so he can be happy. He needs to stop being so bitter and angry.”

“In the meantime, I’m sure she keeps him plenty distracted,” Crys said and winked at her.

“Well, if you think he won’t come around,” Blade said, “then I guess we can stay for a couple of days for Andy’s birthday.”

Crys got up and hugged her. “Yay! We’ll have so much fun!”

The next day, after making sure Andy was sound asleep,

Blade let herself indulge in a five-mile run through the forest at five in the morning. Her Uncle Danny had taught her that the best days start with a Five at Five. The run not only helped her assess that her fitness regimen needed work, but it helped her release her mind and have the courage to make the call she dreaded to make.

Sitting on a bench in the courtyard after breakfast, Blade made her call while Andy and Robbie played with their toys in the grass. Following her instinct, she decided to block her number before dialing Joanna’s cell phone. She answered on the fourth ring.

“Joanna,” a woman’s crisp business reply said.

“Hello, Joanna. Are you still interested in the knives?”

Blade heard a loud gasp.

“Can you talk right now? Are you alone?”


“First, let’s get one thing straight. Never tell me where you are, okay? This is my private cell phone, but—-I don’t quite trust that I’m not being listened to or that someone might try to get the information out of me. Understand? I’ve been worried about you. I thought you were going to call sooner.”

Blade apologized and, since her instincts didn’t tell her otherwise, she explained what had happened.

After a very long pause, Joanna continued.

“Okay, I need you to listen to me very carefully. Are you somewhere safe right now?”

“Yes, I’m visiting friends at a nearby pack, but I’m leaving in a couple of days and going back home.”

“Home? Home to another pack?”

“No. I’ve been living as a lone wolf.”

“Shit,” Joanna whispered. “Why would you do that? And with a baby?”

“Yes, Andy is with me,” Blade said, glancing down at the boys in front of her. “It’s been for safety reasons. Nobody knows where we are.”

“Well, honey, that’s about to change. Someone we both know has been doggedly looking for you and I think they’re close.”

Blade felt her brain capsize in the torrent of information.

“What?” she whispered.

“Do you trust the pack you’re in?”

“Yes, but that doesn’t make sense! Why doesn’t he leave me alone? I’m sure he’s mated to Nadine by now.”

The laugh that came through the line was cold and derisive.

“She found her mate about six months after you left and she left him in the dust.”

Blade gaped.

“Can’t say I blame her,” Joanna said. “I’d dump a non-mate boyfriend for an Alpha Fated Mate any day. Any smart she-wolf would.”

“And so now he wants me?” Blade couldn’t help but relish in Nick’s misfortune.

“So I guess my question to you is, do you want him? Because if you do, things are a lot simpler. Just come home.”

“Hell, no!”

“Then continue to hide and get protection. He can still Claim you. All he has to do is Mark you.”

“But he rejected me!”

“Did he formally reject you?” Joanna asked, sympathy coloring her voice. “Did you?”

“No, but I assumed that time and distance—”

“Assume nothing when it comes to Mating Bonds, and if neither of you said the incantation to reject the other then you are still very much bonded to him. Fated Mate Bonds are tricky like that. They’re great when you want them, but shitty when you don’t.”

“No,” Blade said, feeling sick. The endless months of loveless torment and humiliation had left an indelible mark on her. “I can’t go back, Joanna. I just–no. NO.”

“I know, I know, honey,” she said. “My dad told me your case, but then here’s what you’re going to do,” Joanna’s voice turned into a whisper. “Seek asylum in that pack you’re in or whichever one you trust. Give your fealty and make yourself indispensable to the pack. I know what you can do, my dad often talked about your grandfather’s unique gifts and how he passed them on to you. Use them now because,” Joanna’s voice dropped even lower, “Nick will find you and you’ll need an Alpha’s protection. The stronger the Alpha and the more useful you are, the less likely it will be that he’ll give you up without your consent. Your alpha would be obliged to protect you and Andrés, at least until you find a mate of your choice and he Marks you.”

“I don’t want a mate.”

“That’s fine, but then you better be so damn useful to your pack that they can’t live without you,” she continued to whisper. “And remember, it’s not just your life that depends on it. After what happened to your family, Andrés is the only one that can continue the Zamora line. I’m not exaggerating when I say that your grandfather died depending on you to make sure Andrés makes it to adulthood and lives long enough to continue your family’s legacy.”

“Okay. I’ll find a way. Is this what was so important to call you for? I thought it was about my grandfather.”

Joanna sighed. “And six months ago, it would have been, but things have a bad habit of changing,” she said sarcastically. “Once you’re safe, call me again. Your grandfather left certain items in my father’s care.”

“Like what? More money? Weapons?”

“Yes to both, but also a box of personal journals you might find interesting.”

Abuelo journaled?!

“How did my grandfather know your dad? Your dad was his lawyer, right?”

“Don’t you know? My father was your grandfather’s Beta.”

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