Another End

Chapter 7


I can’t believe we were attacked. How those rogues were able to go that far in our territory? That far? I mean it’s not in the center of the territory but it’s almost 10 miles from the border. Fortunately, nobody was hurt. Apparently they tried to kidnap 3 teen girls. Thank god my father was there on time. I need to ask him how he knew. I send the three girls in the pack hospital for a check-up, just in case. The hospital is where I am now, I want to check on them.

Normally it’s the Luna’s job but Nora and Elena went shopping in the city next door and my mom is looking after Tom, Kaiden, and Julia with Tessa. So I am the one on duty which is a good thing because I am really boring staying in my bed all day. Aiden is with me, just in case I’m not feeling good but my condition is getting better. My theory is he uses it as an excuse to not go to his office. The Beta’s office is always next door to the Alpha’s office. He wants to avoid Anna-Lynn at any cost. I don’t even think he went there since she arrived. I can’t blame him.

The doctor tells us that the girls are fine but really shaken up by what’s happened. I ask him if we can see them. They asked to stay together and share the same room. We asked them to tell us what happened exactly. They explain they were swinging and jumping from the fall when they heard howling and when they started to run away they were caught by four rogues.

“That when she arrived and she killed two of them while Alpha Franck was taking care of the other two.” Says Anna.

“Who are you talking about? Who was with Alpha Franck? Asks Aiden.

“The woman who said she is your true mate. She was in human form and she had some kind of Blades. She killed them so quickly. She was confident.” Says Sofia.

So Anna-Lynn was there. How? Did my father carry her? Why did he tell me anything about that?

“She is so beautiful!” Says Cheyenne with envy.

I roll my eyes... In my mind. I’m the Alpha I cannot roll my eyes when I disagree with one of my pack members. I look at Aiden... Seeing is face right now, he is doing the same thing. Why don’t people only see her beauty? Yes, definitely they are talking about Anna-Lynn. She might be beautiful physically, she is an empty shell. There is nothing beautiful about her inner self.

“Thank you, girls. Please be more careful next time.” I tell them before we leave the room.


I mind-link my father on my way back.

Dad why did tell me about Anna-Lynn? How was she here? Do you think she involves in the attack? Did she really kill two of the rogue? How-“I ask my father opening the discussion to Aiden too.

Calm down Liam. One question at the time. She is the one who realizes something was wrong. When she left the office, I followed her to see where she was going. Before I could stop her she went after the rogues and killed two of them. She killed them with Twin Sai, they are Japanese weapons. I don’t where she had or hide them. She knew what she was doing. It was not the first time she was killing a werewolf. I’m sure about that. Also, she may not be one of us but she has our speed she is even faster than me.

How did she know they were here?” Asks Aiden after my father.

She’s gifted with emphatic sense.” Says my father.

This is rare even rarer than the healing gift. How can she be gifted when she’s not s wolf. Aiden is looking as surprised as me.

Are you sure? She can have ordered the attack to prove to us she is useful and trustworthy.” I ask him, not believing him.

Yes, I’m sure! That explains why she fixes the problems of our pack members. She always knows when there is something more. She always knows how to direct the discussion in the right direction. It makes so much sense now.” He answers.

What about her weapons?” I ask.

We didn’t have time to speak more. I will ask her for more information.”

“Ok, we will speak later. Thank you for saving these girls.” I tell him.

“I’m not sure I’m the one you should say thank you.” He answers back.


Five minutes ago, I received on call from my friend David, the Alpha of the dark blood pack. He was more than outraged by Anna-Lynn’s behavior on the phone. She was disrespectful and accused him to work with rogues. I’m walking to my office to have an explanation with her.

“Hey bro, what going on? You look angry, something else happened?” Aiden asks me when we bump into each other.

“ Your sis- I mean Anna-Lynn ( I correct myself when I see his face) had an unacceptable behavior with Alpha David!” I answer him.

“What did she do this time? I’m coming with you.” He is angry too now.

“What the hell is wrong with you!” I scream while entering my office “ How dare you to accuse an Alpha without any proofs!”

“I did not accuse him of anything! I just reminded him what will be the consequences for him if he is working with rogues. It’s not my fault that he concluded that was an accusation.” She dares to answer.

“How dare you to answer him when we all know you are wrong! You don’t answer to your Alpha.” Screams Aiden as piss as me for a disrespect.

“He is not my Alpha! I didn’t do anything wrong. This Alpha knew way too much. He knew where they attack and how many they were. And that less than an hour after the attack. How is that even possible? Tell me?” she defends herself.

“Someone told him. Our packs are close.” I tell her.

“So close that he knows better than you.”

“Don’t push your luck Anna-Lynn. I’m close to losing control and kill you!”

“As if you can!” She mocks.

“He can’t now but I can.” Says Aiden, his wolf on the surface.

“Try me!” She defies him. She has no respect at all!

“Everyone calm down and keep it low everybody is hearing you.” Says my father looking worried.

“Don’t tell me you are worried about her.” He doesn’t answer me. “ What you saw her kill to rogue and now you feel indebted!”

“How could you kill those wolves?” Aiden asks her with disgust.

“So it’s normal for you to kill rogues but if I do it’s wrong?”

“You didn’t hesitate at all. How many of us did you already kill? Do you like to kill werewolf Anna-Lynn?” Aiden says.

“I have no problem with bad people, werewolf or not. In this world, there are moments where it’s to kill or to be killed.”

“You are Human! This is not your world. You don’t belong here!” Aiden cuts her. I didn’t realize how her return bothers him.

“I don’t have bad intentions.” She says defeat.

“Maybe you’re killing werewolf because you’re jealous that you will never be one, poor little human. This why you disappeared for so long, building your revenge.”

“I have nothing to hide.”

“Still we don’t find anything about you.”

“Did you try the human way to find information as I am so human!”

“What going on here? Keep it quiet everyone is listening.” Says Nora entering the office followed by Elena. I walked toward her to hug her as Elena go hugging Aiden trying to calm him.

“You will call Alpha David and apologize.” I order her.

“I will not!”

“Fine, I don’t want to see you in my pack house until you apologize to him.”

“You should choose your friends more wisely Alpha.”

“Out now before I put you in prison.”

“One last thing, stop to tell you are my true mate to everybody.”

“I didn’t-“

“I don’t want to hear your lies now!”I cut her.

“One last thing, Alpha David spoke about a fifth rogue you should check if you find him.”

She adds leaving the room and the house. Thanks, God.

“Are you alright my love?” Nora asks me.

“Yes, thank you, honey.”

“We speak later than, Elena and I are going to prepare the meeting.” She says before kissing me.

“You were both rough with her.” Says my father.

“Really you are defending her!” I tell him outraged.

“Without her today, we would have lost 3 members minimum.”

“So what she is on your good grace?! What next you will tell me she is right about David.” Unbelievable!

“What did Alpha David told you exactly?” He asks me instead of answering.

“That you should be able to tame my true mate better as a respectable Alpha.”

“Hum” is his only answer.

“What do think see mean by looking the human way?” I ask him but it’s Aiden who answers instead.

“I will ask Elena. Her birth’s pack is living along with humans so maybe she has an idea.”

“Good. Let’s go we have a pack meeting to organize.” I tell them. They both nod.


Today is a bad day. I’m not feeling well at all. I thought I was getting better... I try to hide it to everyone I don’t them to worry. Damn, I don’t have the strength to get up.

“Stay at bed my love, yesterday was a stressful day you need to rest.” Nora tells me when I try to stand up. Does she know? Of course, she knows everything about me.

“But it’s Kaiden's birthday!” I tried to protest.

“And it’s at 4:00 this afternoon. So until then rest. I will go swim with Tom.” This kid loves water. If he wasn’t a werewolf he would have been a siren!

“He spends more time in the water than on land!”

“Often, I asking myself when his tail will grow.” We both laugh at her joke.

“See you later love. I love you!”

“I love you both.” I kiss her before she leaves.

What’s wrong with me. I feel so bad. I’m worried, my wolf is so faint today while yesterday when I fought with Anna-Lynn, I felt him so close. I don’t understand why I am so weak today. Is that because of yesterday's events? I don’t know... I wish I know why. We need to find more about the LB Toxin.

I think Anna-Lynn knows we bugged her phone because she is not using it anymore, or for useless calls. Collin tells us she uses a lot her computer, but she never leaves it anywhere. Even at home, she put it in a safe place. She is so secretive even with Collin. I wish she could trust him and open up. Maybe we will be able to know what she wants exactly.

Anyway better to stop thinking and start sleeping. If I want to hide that my state is worst, I need as much rest as I can.


All the pack is here for Kaiden's birthday. Everyone is exciting. 5 years is a big deal for werewolf and Kaiden is our future Beta. Tom told us, he is a bit worried about his wolf. He is afraid to be like Anna-Lynn. Another consequence of her return. Anyway, Let’s enjoy the party. Hopefully, I will be able to stand up enough time.

We are all enjoying ourselves and I’m even forgetting about everything. We are all laughing and we are all spending a great moment. Well, Elena is acting weird, something is one her mind. I also saw Collin and Connor speaking together even of Collin is ignoring Piper. Hopefully, they made peace even if I think they will need time.

Suddenly Aiden roars, and when I turn in the direction he is looking I understand why. Here is Anna-Lynn.

“What are you doing here, you are not welcome?” Asks John

“I know sorry. I’m looking for Collin there is a problem with Harper. I asked my guardian to mind-link him but he refused.”

“It’s just an excuse to come, you liar!” Says Aiden. He has more to say but all the pack is here.

“Leave us.” I order everyone except my family, the Betas and Gammas. Collin left as soon as Anna-Lynn spoke about his daughter. Piper is taking the kids to another room.

“I know you. You have to destroy everything as always!” He accused her.

“Really! Since when do you know me?”

“You’re right, I used to know you 9 years ago. Now I don’t know who you are anymore. I just know you are bad news.”

She has a sarcastic laugh: “ Oh really! In this case, can you tell me what degrees I passed? What’s happened when I was 10 that changed my life? What was my passion when I was young? Oh, my favorite place in the pack territory?” He doesn’t say anything so she keeps going “to complicate for you let ask simples questions than. What’s my favorite color? What was the last present you offer me? What happened when I lost my first teeth?”

“When will you understand that we don’t care about you. You are nothing to us. How long time do you need to register that in your stupid small brain.” Aiden says full of hate. He needs to take it out.

“Why do you treat me like that? I never did anything wrong! I am supposed to be your sister.”

“My sister...”He says with a dark laugh ”You want to know what you did wrong? You were always in our shadow green of jealousy-“

“That was not jealousy that was envy. I just wanted to belong with you. I did everything for you! I was serious at school, always polite, always discrete. I accepted when you sent me away in that school in the human city. I never said anything. I tried to never bother you!”

“How dare you reproach us that school, you ungrateful brat. We did for you, to protect you from the pack’s kid. You were weak, you would have been bullied.” Says Tessa

“You are kidding me! For me, you did this only for yourself! You never went even once to see that school.”

“Don’t speak to your mother like that. We did everything for you. You never lack anything. We paid your school, your studies, you always had a roof above your head and food in your plat. You should be ashamed of yourself. I would be in your place.” John says defending his mate.

“You are enough ashamed for me. I lacked the most important things: attention and love. I just wanted to be seen but nothing was good enough for you. I was not good enough for you! I loved you.”She says the last sentence with a lump in the throat.

“Nothing you did or are doing we be ever enough to make up for the shame you brought on our family and our pack. ” says John.

“I never asked to born, it’s was your choice.”

“And there is not a day that we don’t regret it. How can we love an abomination like you.” Says Tessa

“You heard that Anna-Lynn. Nobody wants you. You were a mistake. Our parents' worst mistake. We prayed so much time for you to never come back. Goddess, I even prayed for your death.”

“Aiden!” Says Elena chocked.

“I always had esteem for you and respect because we share the same DNA but not anymore. It’s over now. And congratulations your prayer are answered, I’m dead to you. You will never see me again, I’m done.”She says her eyes full of tears and rage.

She turns toward Collin, who came back with Harper a few minutes ago and says: “ I told you I would be disappointed.” And she leaves. He looks at us with disapprobation before following her.

“I’m also disappointed by the three of you betas!” Says my father.

“You can’t defend her!” Says my mother.

“She was a kid seeking for love. And you, we, all make her pay for something that was out her control.” Says my father.

“Tell me you are joking!” Disapproves my mother

“Mom is right. She is just bad news.” I say

“Bad news, you’re sure? She saved the pack, our son and avoided an attack. I don’t see anything bad on that. ” He says to her.

“Out! I don’t want to see you until you come in your right mind. She is destroying our peace right now how can’t you see that. “ says my mother.

Well, not a good day in the end and now I really feel drained. I need to sit or to sleep.

“Let’s go rest my love” Nora whispers to my ear.


No sign of Anna-Lynn. Hopefully, she left. But Collin is not answering either... I hope he didn’t e leave with her. As for my father, he is still in the dog house. He slept in one of the guest rooms and the opposite wing oh the packhouse.

We are sitting in the garden with Nora and Aiden. Elena is nowhere to see. We are looking at the boys playing together while Julia is sleeping on her baby bouncer. We want another kid too with Nora. Hopefully, we will when I will have recovered.

“Kaiden is upset today, he told me this morning he doesn’t feel his wolf.” Says Aiden

“It’s weird I can feel his wolf and he starts to use in wolf sense a few months ago already. He will be a strong wolf for sure.” I answer.

“I know that exactly what I told him. We will go see the pack doctor though tomorrow. Maybe he will convince him that he is normal.” Something is bothering him.

“What is on your mind. Is it about yesterday? I think it’s good you needed to say your piece.”

“No, it’s not that. I feel relieved, I should have done it earlier. It’s just Elena. She is acting weird and today she left without letting me know where she was going.” 

“ No worries Aiden. I’m sure everything is fine. She would have told me if something happened.” Says Nora.

“I hope so.” Says Aiden.

The boys start to play football and ask us to join. I can see Nora is not pleaded but I will go easy. I want to enjoy my time with my son.

Around 12:00, Elena arrives and she is acting really weird. I don’t know what happened but she is a mess. I can see how Aiden is worried about her.

“Did you know she was attacked when she was 10 and she spent 12weeks in the hospital. She almost died and had gone in a coma for 24 days.” She says before he can ask anything.

“Who are you talking about?” He asks

“Of course you don’t. You didn’t come to see her, nobody came actually.”

“I don’t understand?” he tells her.

“She was right. She has nothing to hide. I did it. I looked for information about your sister the human way. I googled her name, and it was really interesting...”

“Tom, Kaiden, go looking after your grandmothers, please. We will have lunch soon.” Says Nora. “ What did you discover about her?” She adds when the kids are not here anymore.

“Except she almost die at 10 and she didn’t come home for 12weeks and nobody in this pack noticed it, you mean?” She says really upset.

None of us dare to say something.

“Well, she is really smart. She graduated at 10, just before she was kidnapped and attacked. She has three degrees in Medicine, Veterinary, and laws. Her dream was to help people. I spoke to one of her teacher who she used to live with during the week. No, she never lived in a residential school. She never went to university as she took online courses. I saw so many videos of her and you know what I discover?” It’s only a rhetorical question she doesn’t want us to answer. “You lied to me! She is nothing that you said she is. She is kind, clever and sweet. I heard a sad story about a little girl who just wanted to be love and did everything she can to make her family proud. My heart broke for that girl. How could you not noticed she was not here for so long! I know you are a conservative pack and in my previous pack we don’t have the same opinion about other species but she was your sister! Your sister and your mate!” She said looking at me. “ For the first time of my life, I’m ashamed to be your mate. Is that what going to happen if one of our children doesn’t have a wolf?”

“No, of course not. It’s not the same. They are my kids.”

“And she was your sister. You didn’t have any problems with your parents treated her like that. Wait no, you did the same. How can I trust you?” She says crying.

“Elena, please! Anna-Lynn is not a good person.”

“And you are? The Alpha and the Beta are supposed to be here for every pack member? How could you do a proper job when you were not able to do it for your sister? And you for your mate.”

“What your tongue Elena, you still talking to you Alpha. Disrespect him once more and you will be punished!” Says Nora.

Aiden is pale. He is way to shake up to say something. What Elena just said really pain him and his wolf. I can feel it.

“Don’t bother, I’m leaving. By the way, she is not your sister. She ripped you and your parents form her life. Even your family name is not on a birth certificate anymore. You can be happy she is not smearing your name anymore.” She says before leaving the garden.

“I um... I um... I have to run.” He says shifting.

What the fuck just happened!

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