Another End

Chapter 23


“Are you sure about that?” Asks my father.

“I think it the best solution for now.” Says my mother.

“I know! It’s just I don’t like the idea to not be with them. Tom is our grandson and my wolf doesn’t like the idea to trust another alpha with his safety. As so never we never needed help for another pack.

“ I know I’m feeling like that too but I can’t face her. I can’t do it for 10 days. Anna-Lynn is right Nora doesn’t know anything and when she will it will destroy her. So the best solution is to send her somewhere safe. And Markus can’t spy on us. I have already mentioned to her that idea to send her away so I will not be lying to her when I tell her I’m doing for her own safety. She will accept that more easily if Tom is going with her and I will be more appease.” I tell him.

“Okay. I will respect that but why Alpha David?” Dad asks me.

“Because he is my friend and I trust him. Moreover, his pack is the closest one from here. And we don’t have any allies to ask anyway.” I answer.

“We could ask Alpha Chris. I’m sure he will accept.” He says.

“We will not ask him, Franck! He already stole our son!” Says My Mother.

“Don't be silly! What’s happened with Alistair is our fault. We should have accepted his mate’s choice. You know how the mate pull can be strong.”

“The mate pull is not an excuse Franck. Liam did what he has to do and rejected Anna-Lynn like he has to for the pack.” She retorts dryly.

“Don’t use that tone with me, Marie. We are his parents! His happiness should come first!” He scolds her.

“I’m his mother! I know what’s best for him. That witch will never be the mate he needs!”

“And as his mother. You should give her a chance! I don’t want to be like John and realize in a few years that I have a grandkid that I don’t know! Is that what you want Marie?”

Yep, they are still on bad terms with each other as they use their names to speak to each other and not sweet names as they used to. My mother is a very stubborn woman. Dad will have to crawl on her feet to earn her forgiveness.

“He is right mom. Nora is an only child. I want Tom to know his cousins. We need to accept his choice if we want to still have a place in his life.” I say.

“I just wish to know what I did wrong for you to mate with Anna-Lynn and him with that witch.” She says defeated as she knows we are right.

“Maybe we were too proud and too confident. We always felt so superior to anyone. Maybe it’s a reminder from the Moon Goddess that’s we need to put some water in our wine.” Dad says.

“Or in our blood instead. I will try to work on that. He is still my son and I want him happy at the end.” Mom says sighing.

“You didn’t do anything wrong. I don’t think I was cursed in my mating. I don’t regret rejecting Anna-Lynn but I think the Moon Goddess gifted her with a lot of abilities. The more I see her the more I see the great Luna she could have been. I don't change anything at the fact I think Nora is a better match for me.”

My father nods in agreement and my mother is gritting her teeth. 

“You have just said that because you feel betrayed by Markus spying on you. Nora is your mate and I will let you getting close to Anna-Lynn while she is away!” She retorts.

“Mom! Nora is my Luna no matter what. Markus can’t change that. I’m just surprised by Anna-Lynn’s abilities.”

“He is right you know. I’d never expected that from her but she is too dominating for Liam. They would have fight like dogs and cats all the time. Maybe it could have worked with the old Anna-Lynn but with who she is now it can’t.” Dad says.

“Dad, I have a question. When we were on Alpha Henri’s land while Anna-Lynn spoke nobody got involved in her and Markus's discussion. We were 5 Alphas and yet she is the one who did the talking and nobody seemed shocked by that, me first. I can’t ask my wolf why through, can you?”

“Yes, and it was the same when she came on the first day here. I don’t know my wolf was unusually quiet. He was listening all her words almost in awe but he can’t explain why and me neither.” He answers.

“I hate to admit it and I would like to say it was the surprise to see her after so long but I and my wolf felt the same. I did understand why.” Mom adds.

“I think she as another gift then empathy something to like a natural authority.” I tell them.

“That’s would make sense.” My father says.

I sigh heavily.

“What’s? Do you feel good? Are you in pain.” My mother asks jumping out of her sit.

“No, I’m fine. I just have to face Nora now.”

“Can you please reconsider sending her somewhere else than Alpha David, please?” Dad asks.

“I trust him! And if you trust me you should trust him too!” I replied annoyed.


It was a difficult discussion and Nora didn’t want to leave even for nine days. We fought which is practically never happened between us. Last time was when Tom was 2 and we disagreed about a punishment. In the end she cried but she submitted to my decision.

Even if it was my choice and I know it’s better like this, it was not easy to let them go. She told Tom they were going on holiday and he was pretty excited. She is so good about that. She will always protect him. I love her so much. This is so difficult but I can’t take the risk to blame her for something that is out of her control.

I want his blood even more than before. Markus I mean. I can’t wait to see him dead. Well, that witch told me I will lose the fight but not be the one who will die. I thought Markus was the one who will die but what if it’s about Anna-Lynn she was speaking. I can’t let that happen even if I don’t like her. She came to help us, she can’t die because of me. I can’t accept that. I don’t know what I’m going to do.

“Hey Liam, how are you?” Says Aiden entering my office without knocking.

“Don’t you know how to knock?”

“Why? It’s not like I could see something I shouldn’t do.” He teases me.

“Sorry man. How are you holding it?” He asks me when I didn’t reply.

“It’s hard. So much harder than I thought. I’m supposed to be the most powerful Alpha and here I am feeling totally helpless.”

“I know it’s a hard time. You are still the more powerful Alpha, Liam. Don’t be too hard with yourself. The pack can wait to have you to lead us again. Nine days and everything will be back like they were.” He says trying to cheers me up.

“I don’t think everything will be like it used to be.”

“Not everything but it will be for the best.”

“Your optimism is bothering me right now!”

“Sorry, I’m just trying to help you to see the glass half full.” He tells me.

“I know. Why didn’t I see it before? I mean it’s so obvious now how he knows everything he knows. I feel like a part of my life was stolen. Every time I saw Nora since yesterday I was always asking me if he is there in the shadow of her head. Thank god she is not here anymore. And at the same time I miss her so much and she left 3 hours ago only. This is hell.” I put my head in my hands.

“It was beyond possible. If I didn’t so the red ring around Alpha Markus pupils I would not believe it.”

“Don’t use his title he doesn’t deserve it. That piece of shit. Are you scared for your sister?”

“Terrified! But the people that know her better than us trust her, so I think she has a plan. I hope she really knows what she is doing.”

“I hope too, but do you-“ I’m cut by my phone ringing.

“Alpha David, everything is fine? “ I ask feeling anxious.

“Alpha Liam, I’m just surprised Luna Nora is not here yet. I thought you told me she would be here before lunch and it’s almost one.” He answers.

“What do you mean she is not here. She should have arrived half an hour ago the lastest.”

“Well, she is not here. And her phone is not answering.”

“Thank you for calling Alpha David. I will take care of that myself.” I tell him before hanging up.

I try to call her phone myself just in case. And she picks up. Thank god!

“Well, well, well. What took you so long Alpha?.” Says a voice that’s not Nora’s voice.

“Who are you? What did you do to my mate and my son?” I say angry and terrified.

The woman laughs: “ Hopefully I will treat her but then you treated mine.”

“I swear if you hurt them, I will-“

She cuts me: “Dear Brother in law, is this a way to speak to family?”

“Don’t lie to me! Nora doesn’t have a sister.”

“I bear your brother’s mark so legally I am your sister in law.”

“Melinda! Why did you take them?” I ask her not understanding.

She laughs: “You know an eye for an eye. You will have them back when you will have to pay your debts! Don’t try to call back it will not work anymore. About your guards and your gamma they will be sleeping a few hours more but don’t worry they are protected by a shield. I’m not a cold heart bitch.”

She hangs up before I can add anything. My world collapses for the second time in less than 24 hours.


I’m miserable. I should have known it was too dangerous to send her away. Connor and the guard came back an hour ago. They slept almost all day and don’t remember anything except it was foggy. I've locked myself in my room since the phone call. Aiden explained the situation to my parents. My mother is really worried as I refuse to go out of my room and to eat. Someone is knocking at my door for sure it’s her again.

“Mom! Go away!”

“I’m not Luna Marie.” I hear Anna-Lynn says though the door.

“What do you want?”

“May I come in?”


“Let try another time.” I hear her whispering before she adds out loud: “ I’m coming in whatever you say. I will break the door if I need to but one way or another I’m coming in your room.”

“Gosh, I’ve never imagined begging to enter in a man room. And it’s Liam's room! I would have to laugh if someone would have told me I would. Unbelievable what a woman has to do nowadays.” She whispers to herself.

She is crazy. In any other circumstance, I would have laughed at her comment.

“Okay, so I have to break the doors. I will not pay for it. It’s even not my responsibility as you refuse to open your door. This is 100% your fault if tonight you sleep without your bedroom’s door.”

I open the door just because I want her to shut up.

“Good! You have decided to be reasonable. Have something for you or rather someone. But you should clean you up a bit before.”

“God to hell!” I reply.

“As you wish.”

She opens her computer and connects to Skype. She is calling someone.

“Hey, Lilly! We are ready and you?” Says Melinda and I jump out of my bed.

“We are even if he refuses to take a shower before. So that not my fault.”

“She is here and ready.”

Anna-Lynn nods.

“I will wait outside your room.” She tells me giving me her computer.

It’s Nora on the screen!

“Hey, My love. How are you?” She says with a sad smile.

“Sweetheart, how are you? How is Tom? Are you both alright? Did someone hurt you?”

“Slow down Liam we are both fine and treat well. Melinda is nice and your brother... well he is colder but I guess I deserve that. Tom is so exciting meeting new people, he is even more unstoppable than normally.”

“Is it even possible?” I joke trying to release the tension but it’s not working.

“How much trouble I’m in?” I ask her.

“Why would you be in trouble?”

“You called me Liam.”

“I’m just tired.” She sighs.

“And something is bothering you. You look sad.”

“Maybe I’m just missing you.” She says beating about the bush.

“There is more and we both know that.”

“I know for hmm for my connection with him. I’m so sorry Liam. I didn’t know what he is and that was even possible.”

“Don’t be sorry sweetheart it’s not your fault. I wanted to tell you but I knew how to hurt you would be.”

“And you didn’t want Markus to know that we know too. I understand but I feel terrible. All this time I thought I had moved one just to know he found another way to rape me again.” She says crying.

“I’m hating to be away from you now. I’m sorry I let that happened. I love you more than anything. Why did they tell you? Now there is a risk that bastard knows.”

“No, Melinda cast two spells on me. One that makes me feel when he is spying and another where I am in two reality at the same time. The real one and the one I created and I can lock him in like that he can’t see what’s going on. It’s tiring but it’s better than him in my head. Melinda came to speak in my dreams. She would have felt him if he was there too and she let me choose what I wanted to do. She proposed the help of werewolf mated with a vampire, who can learn me to block him out but he will be dead soon and he would have to know it.”

“Where are you in our other reality?”

“In jail paying for what I did to them, your brother and his mate.”

“I don’t like that.”

“You don’t have to. I just need your support.”

“You have it as always but what tell me this is real and you are not in jail?”

She laughs: “It’s a Skype call my love. You are not in my mind.”

Suddenly we are hearing noises behind her and she turns her head.

“Someone else wants to speak to you. “ She says smiling.

“Who is this?” Says a really excited Tom.


“Hey, my little man. How are you?”

“I’m great. This is the best holiday ever! Uncle Al has a huge swimming pool, I want the same for my birthday!”

“We will see buddy.”

“Noah also told me his dad knows sirens! Like real sirens! Can I go with him to meet them? Please?”

“I don’t know.”

“Pretty please?”

I laugh he never gives up when he as an idea.

“We will see.”

“Daddy I have to go now we have to help to cook diner. See you soon.” I send me kisses before running out of the room.

“You are right honey, he is excited as I never see him. Who is Noah?”

“Hm, I don’t know if I should tell you.”

“Why? You are worried about me.”

“No, it’s nothing bad.”

“Then what?”

She sighs: “ Noah is Alistair ’s son. He is 4 and half.”

“What?! Alistair has a son!”

“Yes. He went to see us a few weeks ago because he and Melinda are getting married in three months and he wanted to invite us. As you can guess we are not welcome anymore. Goddess I’ve almost destroyed a family. I feel so bad now.”

Wow. It’s just like someone slapped me.

“You did it because I ask you too. I’m the one to blame not you.”

“I have to go my love. Speak to you soon. I love you.”

“I love you too. I love you both. And if anything goes wrong, call me.”

“I will.” She replies before cutting the call.

Thank god they are both fine and with my brother... And his family. How I will tell that to my parents? Good news you have another grandson, bad news you may never know him. When did my life become so difficult?!

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