Another End

Chapter 1


“Are you sure about that?” Asks my dad.

“It’s not like he has the choice, Alpha Franck” Aiden answers to my father.

“It’s true. I can’t fight him in my condition.” I tell them.

“You know we will follow you and you will always be our Alpha. We all know that we need to protect our luna at any cost.” says Connor.

“Thanks!” I answer.

Right now I am in an emergency meeting with my father, my beta (Aiden), his father (Former Beta John) and my Gammas (they are twin Conor and Collin). I explained to Alpha Markus I was not in condition for a physical fight but he refused to delate it. He gave me the ultimatum that if I don’t “want” to fight him that I have to give up my pack to repay him for stealing his mate. Fucking asshole as if I don’t want to fight him. If I was in shape he will be already dead by now. But I’m so sick now I can’t win any fight right now. So what choice do I have? None!

”We will find a solution when you will be cured. You will become strong again soon, but now you have to give up the pack. I know your wolf wants his blood but I don’t want to lose you too.” Says my father.

“I agree with your father.” John tells me “I don’t see any other solution for now. You will reclaim what’s your as soon as you will be better.”

I sigh and nod. “Let do it in this case!”


”You’re sure about that?” Nora whispers.

“I’m sure, family first. I love you. ” I answer.

“I’m so sorry you have to do that for me.”

“I will do anything for you baby.”

”Can you stop with all this whispering and sign your revocation already.” Says with disdain Alpha Markus. 

We are in front of all my pack in the ceremonial hall (this is where we do all our meetings and parties). I had already explained to everyone that I have to resign from my position of Alpha and I will give my power to Alpha Markus. He doesn’t look happy with that thought. I don’t see why... We are the most powerful pack in the area, what more can he want? Not his true mate for sure. He didn’t even look at her once - thank god, I would have lost control of my wolf. So I really don’t know what he wa-

”So you sign this contract or what?” He says becoming eager to finish with that. “ Or do you wait for a magic solution? You can’t have everything, not fighting, keep your luna and your pack!”

He is so lucky I can’t kill him right now. This will have to wait. Here we go, I can’t believe given up what rightful mine... I sigh and take a pen.

”Actually, he can’t give you his pack.” Says someone at the end of the room. It’s a woman I don’t see her but it’s a feminine voice. “ He needs my approval” Who the hell is she? Why I need her approbation?

“And who do you think you are?”Says Markus with venom.

”I am Anna-Lynn, Liam true mate.”

What the fuck! Is it really her?

“I am the true Luna of this pack and by the article 745 of the Supernatural Penal Code, the Alpha can’t resign for his position without his luna’s accord. And I don’t approve. ”

Wait, what!!!! I didn’t know that! What’s her plan? Does she want for me to give back my Nora to him? Never! At that idea my wolf growls, he wants to take control but he is too weak. Still, I feel is anger and it’s the most I felt him for days.

“You might be his true mate but you’re not the Luna of this pack. She is ruled by his side for almost 8 years now.”

Markus says while pointing Nora.

”Well that’s true but she doesn’t bear his mark and I don’t have one neither so by the article 668 of the Supernatural Penal Code, I am still the official Luna.” That woman answers.

”Of course she can’t have his mark because I had already marked her” He snarls.

Unfortunately, it’s true, I can’t mark her because she already has been marked by her true mate. The mark of a chosen mate can replace the one from a true mate only when the true mate is dead.

“And who would like to mark a werewolf without a wolf.”

How does he know that? Only my family and my closest friends know Anna-Lynn is my true mate and she doesn’t have a wolf.

“You will be surprised...” She smiles looking lost in her thoughts. “ Anyway, it doesn’t change the fact that by our law I AM the Luna.”

“In the case Alpha Liam our agreement is canceled and you have to fight me today.” Says Markus looking mad.

So this is her idea. She wants me to die as revenge. What a b-

“Well sorry to contradict you, again, Alpha Markus but by the article 608 of the Supernatural Penal Code, A fight has to be delayed if one of the opponents is not in the shape to fight. And even from here (she is still at the end of the room) I can see that Alpha Liam is not doing well” She says coming closer to the stage, few men following her. “ I came with Doctor Farnsworth she can check him and confirm for us if Alpha Liam has the physical condition to fight.”

“Laws are obsolete now and I don’t see why we should listen to you, you only are a shame of our kind!” Markus says with closed fists. That reply makes growl two of the men with her.

“I was expected this reaction this is why I didn’t come alone. I have with me Alpha Ezra, Alpha Darius, and Alpha Chris. They all have a strong belief in the law and no respect for it will be seen as an act of war” She said no hiding the fact she is enjoying pissing off Markus.

And it’s working he is furious by now. If I’m not worried about Anna-Lynn’s intentions I would have laughed at his face right now. He asks Ethan - his Beta, to confirm if that true. After checking on his phone he confirms that true. Suddenly Ethan told him something that makes him smile. Um... I don’t like that.

“Go head than Doctor Farnsworth.” Says Markus.


After my check-up by Doctor Farnsworth, who confirm that I was poisoned by an unknown substance, the fight is delayed for a month at least. And I am not contagious. They are really good news! But I don’t see what’s the gain for Anna-Lynn.

“Have a question for you Doctor Farnsworth.” starts Markus “ Considering the health condition of Alpha Liam is he able to fulfill is the position? Should he be in a total rest?”

“Alpha Liam needs to rest and for me, he is not in the condition to assume his position either.” Answers Doctor Farnsworth.

Markus smiled and adds: “ In this case, the Luna has to replace the alpha during his recovery by the article 607 of the Supernatural Penal Code, isn’t it Anna-Lynn?”

“Yes that true.” She says not looking happy with the direction taken by this discussion.

“Only the Alpha’s true mate - if he didn’t mark another shewolf- can replace him while he is recovering. So do you want to stay for a month or get out of my business? We both know that you don’t have a Luna’s competence so save your honor and-”

“I will stay and take the position of Alpha during Liam’s recovery” Anna-Lynn cuts him.

“In this case see you in a month, Alpha Liam.” Says Markus leaving the hall with his Beta. His smile doesn’t reach his eyes. He is fuming by now.

Good thing I don’t have to fight him now and I don’t have to give up my pack but it- wait, wait! What??? Rewind the last few minutes. Anna Lynn is the alpha of MY pack temporally! What the fuck! How did this happen? Do they work together (Markus and Anna-Lynn)? What does she want?

Walking toward her, I say: “ I don’t what you are expecting form this but this pack will never be your and I will never love you!” She laughs. Really she dares to laugh at my face. She is so lucky I’m feeling tired.

“Hello to you too! A thank you would have to be nice! I don’t want you and your pack, so don’t worry about me.” I started to leave the room when I heard her telling me. “ For the next few weeks we will a to see each other frequently, I expect for you to at least be polite!” Then she left to speak with the 3 alphas who came with her.

“Meeting in my office, now! ” I mind-link my parents, Nora, Aiden, John and his wife - Tessa.

“Did you know she would be here?” I ask John and Tessa. I’m sitting on my sofa because I’m too weak to stay up.

“No, of course not. It has been so long since the last time we had news form her.” says John.

“ We are as surprised as you that she appeared today.” Continues Tessa.

“And you Aiden?” I ask.

“ Seriously! I would have told you, man. You are more family to me than her. “

“Yeah, I know. Sorry I had to ask.” He is right we always have to share everything. He is also more a brother for me that my own brother.

“Why did she come back after so long?” My mother questioned.

“I have no idea...” I sigh.

“I don’t like that.” says Aiden.

“ Me neither.” Nora told us “ Do you think she wants you back ?”

“Is it suspicious she coming back when Markus wants you back?” My father says looking at Nora.

“ She is so beautiful, you told me she was but I was not expecting that.” says Nora her voice full of worry.

“She is nothing compared to you, love.” I tell her.

“Do you think she came to have you back?”

“First I was never her and secondly my heart only beats for you. I don’t know what she wants.”

“I want her out of our pack land today.” Nora says.

“ I don’t think we can do that. Markus will use that fact against us and push you to fight.” Dad says.

“So what I have do give her the Luna position!” This is really starting to piss me off! I start to see dark dots good thing I’m already sitting.

“Calm down my love, it’s not good for you to get angry like that”! Nora tells me while putting her hands in my face and sitting on my leg.

“I think she already has the Luna position.” says Aiden. I growl not happy with that.

“Temporally.”My mother says to calm me down.

“ I don’t see how she can lead a pack without a wolf. She went to Human school so she doesn’t even know how a pack works. And she is so shy. She never spoke when she was here” Says Tessa.

”Well it looks like she has a good knowledge of our laws. What did she want to study when she left?” my father says.

”History or Arts, I’m not sure.” Says John. “Do you remember?” He asks his wife.

“No, you were the one signing all her papers.” Answers Tessa.

Someone knocks in the door. “Enter.” I say. And there she is, Anna-Lynn. How long since she is left? 9 years more or less... I think.

“ Hello, Alphas, Lunas, Beta’s family... Sorry I don’t remember all your name.” She says smiling. “ I would like to know if you have a free house where I can stay for the next month. Hopefully, I will not have to stay more. I will start tomorrow. I will use your office Liam it will more simple. Alph-“

”Who do you think you are? You should bow down in front of us!” she is really pissing me off.

“Will you bow in front of me? I don’t think so... I am your equal here! Like you, I would not accept disrespect. Look I’m here to help. You don’t have to like me but we will have to get together for the next month. So can you be polite, please?” She looks at me in the eyes and adds: “Doctor Farnsworth told me if you don’t rest there a high risk that you will never recover. You could even lose your wolf. So just accept my help. ”

“At what cost? I don’t know what you want but there is nothing for you here!” Fuck, I’m feeling really dizzy now.”Mother, find a place where Anna-Lynn can stay.” Far from the packhouse, I don’t her close to Nora and Tom” I mind-link her. “Of course my dear. I know the perfect place.” she mind-links back.

“Aiden, find anything you can about her. I want to know where she went, what she did since she left? How does she know those Alphas? What pack they can from. I want to know everything. Ask Collin (on of my Gamma) to help you, it will change is mind.” Damn I really need to lie down.”You can all go, thank you.”

I mind-link Connor (my other Gamma) to ask him to make sure the others alpha left my territory.

“Are you alright my love? You should lie on the sofa a bit!” Says Nora looking worried. “ Is it true you can lose your wolf.”

“I don’t know...” I told her truthfully “ My wolf is really powerful so I don’t think so.”

”You’re right, he is the most powerful wolf I have never see.“ She said more for herself “Rest my love, mine.” She adds before kissing me possesively.

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