Another Choice

Chapter 8


“Hey! Thank you for coming so fast!” I say opening the door to Tom.

“You sound desperate on the phone.” He replies.

“I was not!” I protest putting.

He laughs at my childish way.

I have to babysit the twins, Kai and Mia. They are Duncan and Harper’s 4 months babies. They have diplomatic travel and they ask me to babysit them. Which is a way for them to let me know they still trust me, even with all the things that have happened lately. I have to babysit them for 4 days and I didn’t want to d it alone and yes the first person I thought about was Tom.

“Where are they?” He asks me.

“Sleeping in their pram in the living room.” I reply.

As we walk silently toward my living room, we see the twins sleeping together. It’s so cute.

“Wow, they are so beautiful!” Tom whispers.

“I know!” I whisper back rolling my eyes. They are my brother’s children, of course, they are perfect!

“They are so peaceful!” He says in awe.

That makes me snort.

“It’s the calm before the storm!” I comment.

And I was right! Those 4 days went crazy. I don’t know how Harper and Duncan can do it. I’m so tired after only 4 days. Tom comes to sit on the sofa with me. I put my head on his laps and he starts to play with my hair.

“That was one of our mission!” Tom says breaking the silence.

“I know! But we did good!” I reply, closing my eyes and enjoying his touch.

“I’ve never expected that it would that complex to change a diaper.” He chucks.

“Or to put a body!” I add agreeing with him.

“Parenting is the hardest work on earth.”

“True, but you did great. You will be a great father one day.”

“I don’t plan to have a mate so I will not have kids.”

“I know that but you could adopt. Give a chance to a child.” I say.

“You’re right. I never thought about that possibility. Why not one day... Just not now I want to enjoy my freedom longer.”

I turn my head to look at him: ” It was nice to co-parenting with you. It’s nice to have you here. And...”

“And?” He pushes me to continue.

“I don’t want you to leave.”

“Honestly, I don’t want to leave.” He replies to my relief.

“So don’t go. Everything is so easy with you.” I keep going.

“Are you asking me to become your roommate, miss Keystone white?” He says teasing me.

“Yes Thomas Sangpur. It’s exactly what I’m doing.”

“Tom not Thomas. Nobody is calling me that excepted my parents when they were not happy with me.” He says.

“Too bad, I love Thomas. It’s hot.”

He laughs: “You’re crazy!”

“So? Will you move with me?” I ask biting my lips when his laugh dies.

“Damn you’re hot when you’re doing that.” He whispers so low that I almost missed it.

“What did you just say?” I ask surprised.

“Nothing! Just I would love to be your roommate! We just need to find another place.”

“Deal! Wherever you want!” I say a huge smile playing on my face.

“Goddess, you’re so beautiful when you smile like that.” He says and a smile light his face too.

“You can speak! Your smile just takes my breath away.” I say.

We start to close the distance between us. We both are following our instincts. When our lips are about to meet, someone knocks at my door.

“Fuck!” Tom says while I blush.

“Hey Lina, we forget Mia’s bottle.” Duncan says though the door.

“Give me a minute, please?” I reply before picking the bottle in the kitchen.

Tom went to open the door at the same time.

“Thanks!” Duncan says. I nod as Tom is looking away.

“Yeah, I should go... I feel like I’m interrupting something here. See you soon Lina. Tom take care!” He adds before to leave.

Oh, goddess, I’ve almost kissed Tom! And the worst is that I’m not upset because of that but because we were stopped before it’s happened.

We are a university undercover. We are investigating rapes by a supernatural being. Girls and boys had been rape during Frat’s parties. When they wake up the next morning, they don’t remember anything but they’re feeling pain and they have marks on their bodies. The rapist is bitting them and this bite mark is typical form a shifter. We just need to find out what kind of shifter it’s and stop him.

Lana was not comfortable with the mission so she is not in the front line so Asher and I are playing baits. Tom is keeping an eye on us. Lana hides our aura and beast side and we all look like humans. This my fourth party in two weeks and it starts to be boring me. We are all boring actually. Asher is lost in his thoughts and Tom is sulking on the sofa. Time to have some fun.

“Come on Tom, let’s dance!” I say taking his hands.

“I don’t dance.” He replies.

“Then, I will dance for you.” I tell him.

Like that, I start to move my body against his, my back on his front. The more time passes, the more my dance is sensual and slowly I feel a sexual tension rising between us. He put his hands on my hips and move with me. The world around us disappears and it’s only us now. Goddess, I want to kiss, I want him to take me. I’m on fire for him. And he’s on fire for me as I’m feeling hardening behind me. This feeling so good. Tom moves his head closer and he’s going to kiss me. Finally! Suddenly he moves back.

“This is so wrong! I can’t.” He says before running away.

Ouch! Another rejection. This is killing me. Asher walks toward me and hugs me.

“Hey, we can leave if you want. It’s late and nothing seems suspicious here. We will start again tomorrow.” He whispers in my ears.

“No, let’s stay a bit longer.” I reply.

“Are you sure?”

I nod still in his arms as his comfort is needing now.

“Your mate, chosen or the true one, will be so lucky. You will see, in his arms, he will make you forget all your heartbreak.” He adds.

“Thanks!” I say faking a smile. If only he knew...


We were right to stay longer because we caught the rapist at that party and he was a bear shifter. It was the first time I met an evil one. Anyway, he is now in the hand of the competent authorities. And I’m on my way home. Tom did just leave the party, he also left the mission... I need to speak to him. We need to clarify the situation. When I enter the house, there is two luggage in the hall. What the hell. Tom enters the hall and jumps when he sees me.

“Hey, going somewhere?” I ask him.

“Shit, you shouldn’t be here.” He says.

“What are you doing exactly?”

“You shouldn’t have seen that.” He keeps saying.

" Are you leaving?” I say restaining my tears.

“It’s not what’s it looks like.”

“So you’re not moving out on my back and if I look in the house I will not find a letter with the reason why?” I say upset.

“I should have never moved with you. It was a mistake.” He says after a few minutes of silence.

“I don’t see why?” I say shaking my head.

“Because I’m falling for when I shouldn’t!” He screams.

“And what’s wrong with that?” I scream back.

“Everything! I don’t want this. I don’t want to feel this. I told you that I don’t want a new mate. And I don’t want to be your mate replacement! For god sake, Noah is my cousin and he used to be my best friend! I can’t do this to him!”

“Go to hell! Do you know what is worst in my position? People know better than me, what I think, what I want and what I should do. I never ask to be the future Queen, I never ask for Noah to be my mate. All my life, I have and had to answer people's expectations. Whatever I'm doing, I’m judged. I face it as I can but at least I’m facing it! I never ask to fall for you but it's happened. But it doesn't mean, I want you to be my mate. I just want to follow my heart for one fucking time. Is that too much to ask!?"

" I'm not the right one for you." He just says.

"And I don't want you to be. I don't ask you to be. I just want you to be here and to accept me."

"I can't! You're my future Queen. I can't get over your destiny." He says looking at his feet.

"And I was stupid enough to think you knew the real me. Get out!"

"Selina, I-"

"Go fuck yourself, Tom! I will be back in an hour. Be the coward you want to be. I don't want to see you when I'm back." I leave before he can add something else. Everything was said anyway!

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