Anjulina Cornacchia: Attack of the Banshees

Chapter 9: Misery Maze

We headed out with an hour of sunlight left. Once we reached the border of the Tree Village, the only way to continue with this ‘job’ was to complete the misery maze.

The hedges were 20 feet high! We walked a long but as the light became dimmer in the sky, the voices became stronger from the hedges. All of a sudden Taylor screamed.

We were only 10 feet in to the maze when a hand had reached out and grabbed her ankle. It was trying to pull her in to the hedges! We tried pulling her but the hand was too strong. Desmond lifted the sword and sliced the hand. Almost immediately it regenerated itself but hid back in to the hedges.

“So I take it this is what we have to look forward to throughout this maze?” Taylor said trying to catch her breath.

“Unfortunately yes.” Desmond replied. “C’mon, the quicker we move, the faster we will be out of here.”

We rounded corner after corner only to find a dead end. Time was running out. We now had a few minutes before the sun completely disappeared from the sky. As it got darker, the horror of the maze became worse!

We were going around a corner and before we knew it a big gust of wind came up from behind us. Once the wind died down, I looked up. All four of us had been separated!

"Desmond!” I yelled. “Where are you?!” A snarl echoed from behind me. I slowly turned around and came face to face with a menitor! This creature had the horns and hooves of a buffalo. It was at least 6 foot tall standing on it’s back feet.

As I looked up at it, the creature bared it’s razor sharp teeth.

I started running, trying to avoid the dead ends. I could hear it’s 4 inch claws ripping up the earth as it ran behind me. I heard a howl coming from up a head and I did what I shouldn’t have. I hesitated before continuing on.

That split second of hesitation allowed the menitor to catch up. I tried to get away but it tripped me and I fell down before it.

I tried using a spell but it did nothing. I wish I would have practiced it a little more like Sabrina told me to! The creature swiped off my necklace which sent it flying over the hedges. I could hear Brooke yelling to me.

“I caught your necklace! I will give it back to you when I see you!” She yelled. That gave me a little sense of relief that one of my friends had the necklace.

It raised it’s claws to finish me once and for all. I yelled for Desmond one last time before I braced myself for the impact.

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