Anjulina Cornacchia: Attack of the Banshees

Chapter 7: Darkness Caves

We weren’t sure who to be looking for. Pete said I guess we’d know who she was the moment we saw her. Looking at the map we assumed the person we were looking for was at the castle.

As we entered, we couldn’t help but stare. Everything looked as if it was made from different colored clouds and glass! We walked through these two big doors, and saw a woman with sandy colored hair, brown eyes and beautiful prominent facial features! Sitting on the throne next to her was a woman but her face was unclear. We started walking toward them.

“Anjulina Cornacchia, finally I see you in person!”

“In person?” I questioned.

“Yes, I have been watching over you for a while now. Do you remember me?” I would’ve thought this was my imagination. Even considering everything else that has happened, this was pretty unreal!

“Linda, is it really you?!” I couldn’t believe it!

Linda was my mother’s best friend as well as my God Mother. She passed away, or so I had thought, a couple of years ago! I ran up and gave her a hug. It was so good to see her again!

“What are we supposed to do now? Where are we supposed to go? I am worried I cannot live up to the expectations that everyone has of me.” The woman next to Linda answered. Her voice was so familiar, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.

“It will all be fine. This is your destiny. You will be great just like your family before you.” She reassured me.

“Who are you?” I asked.

“My sisters and I are the Queens of Dypim Trefad. We appointed rulers to each territory because it is just too hard to keep up with 7 territories simultaneously.” She stopped talking and just looked at me. “My, how you’ve grown!” she exclaimed. “I have not seen you in, I believe a couple of years?”

Her face came in to focus, and I couldn’t believe my eyes. “Great Aunt Julie?! Is it really you?!” I couldn’t contain myself; I ran up and gave her a great big hug! It was so hard losing her when she supposedly ‘died’.

This is an old photo of Aunt Julie and me.

“I can’t believe it’s you! I thought the only way I would be able to see you again would be in my dreams! You have no idea how much I have missed you!” She gave me her signature kiss; a kiss on each cheek. “So wait, you said you and your sister are the Queens of Dypim Trefad? I know Nanny is here, but Aunt Stella is here also?

“Yes she is. But right now she is out doing some errands with Terri. We don’t have much time Anjulina. I would love to sit here and visit, but time is running out.” She took my hands in hers. “Now listen very carefully, you will need to travel to the Darkness caves. This is the territory before you reach the Tree Village. You will have to meet up with a Lycan named Desmond. He will help you through the rest of your journey. Be careful and keep each other close. Do not underestimate your power. You can do great things if you put your mind to it.”

“But how am I supposed to do this without Marah? Sabrina said the four of us were supposed to defeat the Banshees together! I don’t know if I can...if we can do this without her!” I cried.

“Trust me Anjulina, you will do just fine! Your friends are to help you along the way but ultimately, you are the one who must defeat them. Linda looks over you and keeps you safe. Here, take this and wear it around your neck at all times.”

She handed me a necklace with blue sapphire crystals on the chain. The pendent was the size of a fifty cent piece and looked similar to a diamond shape. In the middle of the pendent was a small purple stone. I put it around my neck and Taylor helped me clasp it.

“This is beautiful, thank you!”

“This necklace,” Aunt Julie began, “...was created by your Great, Great Grandmother over in Italy. She passed it down to my mother who then passed it down to me. This necklace contains magic from every generation of witch in our family. When the time is right, your magic will combine with it. This will make you unstoppable. Do not let anyone steal it. If this necklace falls in to the wrong hands, it could mean the end of life as we know it.”

“I won’t let you down!

I told her. I gave her and Linda one last hug. We were now off to find Desmond before destroying the Banshees, once and for all!

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