Animal's Sanctum

Chapter 4

I spent what felt like an hour trying to talk myself into working on a wolf that was very much awake and very much alert. Grabbing my bag I stepped into the cage I might as well just try. The worst that happens is I’m attacked and die.

And with the new bomb that Marcy was so kind to just drop on me. I don’t really care what happens at this point. I talked to the wolf trying to get him to understand that I’m going to be taking care of him. I just don’t want him to hurt me.

He in turn cocked his head and laid down flat, it almost looked like he was saying he didn’t want to hurt me. Of course that is probably my fried brain just attempting to make something up. Because no wolf is just going to let a human get close to them with sharp objects.

At least that’s what I thought. “Ok big guy, I’m going to take off the bandage and take a look. Is that ok with you?” The wolf just looks at me, and gives a head nod. I’m pretty sure that I just imagined that. I don’t think that I could’ve been more tense if I tried. Then I looked at the wolf’s injuries and felt my curiosity blossom.

What caused this to the wolf? The lacerations look like someone took a knife to his belly. “What on earth happened to you?” I feel myself ask and then I roll my eyes at myself. I’m really trying to go crazy at this point.

I sigh, digging through my bag, trying to not let the fact that this wolf is awake and watching my movements bother me. I’m still not sure why I even thought this was a good idea. It’s a little late to change my plans now. Hunting for the materials I look at the wolf in the eye and can’t seem to look away.

His dark grey and black coat makes his golden eyes scream loudly. The vibrant color just seemed to scream intelligence. This wolf is massive, I start to wonder what breed he is. Tilting my head I watch as his eyes trace over my feature, and I suddenly get the feeling that I’m being inspected.

Blushing I look away, pulling out a cleaning solution, my suture kit and something to numb the area. Taking a deep breath I stroke over his coat feeling a warm tingling. I really need to get my head examined at this point. “I’m going to numb the area. It’ll hurt less I promise.”

He just sighs and lays his head down with a whine, I wince feeling bad that I have to hurt him at all. Giving myself a shake I give him the injection and stroke over the fur of his head. Loving the silky feel of his undercoat, I’m surprised that his coat is so soft.

I wait a few moments before I get to work cleaning and stitching the wounds. Talking mindlessly as I work, I’m not sure if it’s supposed to distract him or myself. I mean I’m not exactly in my element working on a wolf that is alert, and this size.

Finishing up with the wounds I debate briefly on what to do with him. I will need to hold him for at least two days. I don’t want to risk his sutures popping open quiet yet. Tying off the end of the last thread I pull back dropping my tools into a bag, I’ll need to take care of them later. Removing a clean bandage set from my bag.

“Can you stand for me, big guy? I need to wrap your wound again.” I watch with interest as his eyes pop open and he stands with only a slight struggle. I give him a smile, questions bounce around in my mind. I just shake my head and reach under his belly and begin the process of wrapping his belly.

He makes this grunting groan sound and suddenly drops to a lying position. I furrow my brow and decide to just tie off the bandage and pack my things. Pulling my gloves off and finding another bio-hazard bag to drop them into.

I feel my phone vibrate and I pull it out to look at the message. It’s from Marcy, I roll my eyes opening it. ‘I left the keys to the place on your windshield blades.’ Scoffing at that I mumble under my breath. I really don’t like her right now. I should call Kyle, I don’t know how this conversation is going to go.

Maybe he wants to buy out my side of the practice. At least this way we don’t have to argue what way to take the practice. Blowing out a breath I pull up his contact and move out of where the wolf is, I’ll need to figure out something better than an old enclosure.

Closing the cage I hear the sad whines and feel my heart starting to break. “I’m sorry big guy, I need to make a phone call, I’ll be right back alright?” He gives me big puppy dog eyes and I instantly feel my heart melt. I hate stepping away but I need to make a call and look around. Reaching through the bars I scratch behind his ear.

Forcing myself to step away and back out into the hallway. Clicking on his phone number I raise my phone to my ear listening as it rings. I start to wonder if he is just going to send me to voicemail. Walking through the place I am slowly getting the bigger picture.

Marcy never really cared about this place. If the dirt, grime and disrepair is anything to go by. I open some doors and listen to the horrendous creek that imitates. Wincing from the sound I looked inside what once was the break room. The cabinets hang at funny angles and that just confuses me more.

How long have things been like this? I know the fencing and outside of the place look like it’s just been forgotten and left to rot, and I realize that the inside is not faring any better.

“Hey K, what’s up?” Shaking my head as I look over the room, I glance over to the fridge and shiver. I don’t even want to think about what has been neglected in that.

“Well, you could say that I’ve had a pretty interesting evening. I recently learned that I am getting another building, location, hell headache at this point.” He gives me a chuckle, no doubt interested in my wording.

“That sounds interesting, how are you now finding out about the building?” Kyle asks and I sigh, really not in the mood to describe that.

“It’s a long story to say the least. I know that this isn’t the ideal way to handle this. But I need to figure something out so I’m pitching this idea to you. I know that we’ve been having a hard time finding a direction for the practice to go in. So I was wondering if you would want to buy out my half.” Peering into another I pause listening to the silence on the other end. “I won’t have time to work at the clinic and get things straightened out here.”

“Where is the building?” Heading towards the back of the place I wander around both amazed and disgusted at the state.

“Do you know that old sanctuary that Marcy Dodd owned?”

“That old thing? Yeah I know it, how did you end up with that? There is over a hundred acres.” Being reminded of how large this area is I grimace, this is going to be a lot more work than I wanted. Well I didn’t want this in the first place I remind myself.

“Marcy is a family friend and I guess she had decided that this place was too much work for her so she was so kind and gave it to me tonight. Called me and said it was an emergency.” I scoff once more, don’t get me wrong the wolf did need actual medical attention. But she really could’ve waited to drop this little bit of information.

“Wow, aren’t you lucky. What was the emergency about?” Kyle has always been on the nosey side. I make my way back into the room with the wolf hearing the soft whines as I get closer my heart breaks a little bit more. Stepping into the room I smile watching as the wolf’s ears perk up. His expression changed completely.

“She found a wolf with some injuries. I don’t know who is dumb enough to take a knife and cut up a wolf like him But I’d hate to see how they fared.” I can’t exactly call myself a genius with what I did either. I did go in there without securing him, not my brightest move. I can’t even explain why I let myself do it either. Maybe it was just a gut instinct or maybe it was, because I was overloaded with information.

“Someone cut up a wolf? Well that sucks, how’s he doing?”

“He’s reacting well, I’m gonna need to keep an eye on him. I don’t want him to reopen the wounds.”

“What are your plans for the place?” Pinching the bridge of my nose I turn around and glance around the area, not liking what I see at all.

“I have no clue. I don’t have the funds to fix it up like it needs, but I need to do something with it. My name is already signed as owner. Marcy told me about the house on the property, so I’ll need to check that out. I hope it’s livable, if it is then I’ll finish fixing up my place and sell it. I can start making some kind of improvements from there.” I lean against the wall and slide down it, putting it on speaker as I glance around again.

“Well I know that we have some clients that aren’t in my area of expertise so maybe you can continue to run a mobile clinic of sorts and just take those calls until you can get that place sorted. I am willing to buy out your part in the practice. Although I’ll need you to stay on until I can hire another vet. I like the fact that we aren’t rushing around like chickens with our heads cut off.” I nod to that. I really liked that aspect of the business.

“Well we’ll need to put up the advertisements soon. I might not be in tomorrow morning. I got some things here to work out before I can come in.” First thing is to look at the house and check that out. I need to see if it’s even worth saving. I guess it’s a good thing that I’m having the heat done in my current home. I roll my eyes and shake my head at that thought.

“I’ll have Ellie put them up in the morning. And that’s fine. Just try to get in as early as you can. We will have to make a public announcement on our website as well. I know that you will have a few clients that will follow you to the ends of the earth. So you’ll still have some business.” Kyle makes that comment like it’s supposed to make my day. And it does ease some struggles. Because when we started our practice it was a nightmare getting a loyal clientele. We had to start with the emergency service just to get some kind of word out.

Then it kind of just snowballed - slowly, very freaking slowly. “Yeah, that’s something. I’ll probably be in sometime around lunch. It depends on the wolf and what other wonderful surprises I manage to find here.” I let my head fall back and hit the wall with a soft thud. My mind is running a mile a minute.

I can’t believe I am actually starting the process of selling my part in the practice. The funny thing is, I can’t tell if that’s a good thing or not. I worked so hard to get the clinic to where it is. And now it just seems like I’m walking away without a second glance.

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