Angel’s bliss by Dripping Creativity

Chapter 45


After waking up and joining Zone for lunch, Ava wanted to check on Tom. She walked to the guestroom he had been placed in and knocked on the door. The door was opened by a woman in her mid–thirties. She looked tired and surprised. 

“Hello, you must be Tom’s wife. I’m Ava. I’m sorry to disturb you. I just wanted to check to see how he is doing.” 

“Hello. Yes, I’m Samantha. Tom has told me about you, please come in.” Samantha told Ava and stepped to the side. 

“Thank you. How is he doing?” Ava asked. 

“Better, I think. He was a wake this morning for a couple of hours. But he has been sleeping since then.” 

It’s normal, He lost a lot of blood. He will be tired for a while. May 17” Ava asked, nodding to Tom’s hand that was laying above the covers. 

“Yes.” Ava bent down and took his pulse. It was stable and strong and his skin felt warm but not heated.. 

“He is doing much better than the last time I saw him. I’m happy. How about you? Is there something you need?” Ava asked. 

“Me? No, not really. Everyone has been kind to me and I got a tray of food both at breakfast and lunch. I don’t usually spend time in the manor. Tom and I prefer to stay at home with our daughter when he’s off work. But they have all been so kind to me,” Samantha said. 

“Tom is well liked, so it doesn’t surprise me they take care of him and his family. But let me know if you need something, something to read or just company while he sleeps. I’m usually around,” Ava told her. 

“Thank you, that is very nice of you.” 

“Not at all. I’ll go and leave you two in peace. Say hi from me when he wakes up,” Ava said and smiled as she left. She felt a little better after seeing Tom. Next thing she needed to do was to talk to Gabriel. She gently sat down on her bed, still feeling the soreness of the morning’s punishment. 

“Ava!” Gabriel exclaimed as he answered. 

“Hi there.” 

“Why on earth haven’t you called me before now?” he demanded to know

“I thought Ryder phoned you last night and told you we were fine.” 

“Darling, Ryder called me at three in the morning, grunted ‘Hi, I’m fine and so is Ava. There’s nothing to worry about. I hope you sleep well.‘ and then he hung up. My brain had barely registered that he was calling before the call ended,” Gabriel told her. His imitation of Ryder’s voice had Ava giggling. She could see it, Ryder trying to be thoughtful but having a hard time with calling the man he liked, and Gabriel’s complete confusion trying to decipher the call. “Why are you giggling? Do you know how long it took me to first of all realised what he had said, then understanding he somehow would think I would worry about the two of you. That led me to spend almost half an hour searching the 



news and internet until the news about the shooting finally broke. Are you really okay?” he then asked. 

“I am, and so is Ryder. None of us were there. Tom got seriously injured, but he is doing better and will make it. Zane and Jax and the rest of the men got minor injuries,” she reassured him. 

“See, this is what I needed to hear,” he grunted. 

“I’m sorry. It’s partly my fault. I told him to call you. Next time, I will give him a script,” Ava said with a smile. 

Thank you, or at least ask him to not hang up until I have the chance to speak,” Gabriel suggested. They continued to talk to each other for almost an hour. What interrupted their call was a knock on the door. 

“One moment, Gabriel. There is someone at the door,” Ava told her friend and went to see who it was. Outside her door stood Zane. “Hi,” she said.. 

“Hi, where have you been?” he asked. 

 she watched the sun go down and the night lights of the city below them come to life. Ava had almost finished all the fruit and cookies and was deep in thought when she heard the bathroom door open. She quickly twirled around in the tub, but/relaxed when she saw Zane. She scanned him. He looked tired, but in one piece. 

“Hi,” Ava said and smiled at Zane. She saw him looking over her body. She was almost completely submerged in the water, only the top of her breasts was showing. 

“Hi,” he said. 


“Why don’t you join me?” she asked, holding out her hand to him. “The water is still warm and I can offer you a cookie,” she added. Zane gave her a tired smile and walked over to her and crunched down, taking her hand and placing a kiss on it. 

“Not tonight, angel. I still have work to do. We will be in my office,he said

“Do you want me to keep you company?” she asked. 

“No, you relax. Me, Jax and Ryder will be at it for a while.” 

“Okay, have you eaten?” Zane seemed to think about the question as if it was a trick one

“I had lunch,” he told her. Ava nodded and decided to be brave. It had worked for her so far. She took a hold of his tie and tugged on it at the same time she raised herself a little from the water, placing a kiss on his lips. 

“I’ll ask Anna to send something up for you,” she told him. 

“Thank you, angel. Don’t stay up too long. It has been a couple of intense days,” he said. 

“Try an intense week,” she laughed. Zane smiled and kissed her forehead. 

“You are handling it like a champ. How’s the ass?” he asked as he stood up

“Better,” she told him. 

“Have you learned your lesson? Will you do as I tell you from now on?” Ava looked at him. She knew that the right answer was yes, but she didn’t want to lie to him. If she had to defy him to save a life, she would. “Tell me the truth,” he said. 

“Not always, but most of the time,” she told him. It was the best thing she could offer him. 

“Good girl,” he said with a smirk, and walked out of the room. Ava got up and asked Anna to send up food for the three men. Then she texted Gabriel to tell him that Ryder was home. After that, she still felt restless. She looked around the internet for a while, looking at videos, and somehow ended up looking at someone crocheting a blanket. She called down to Anna and asked if there was any chance there was some yarn and crocheting needle in the house. Fifteen minutes later, she had two balls of yarn and a crochet needle. Ava watched instruction videos and tried her best to replicate what they did. It wasn’t as easy as she had thought, and she had unravelled her work several times and felt a cramp in her hand when she heard Zane’s office door open and close and two sets of feet descending the stairs. Ava put her new hobby to the side and waited. When Zane still hadn’t shown up after twenty minutes, she got up and cracked the door open. After her bath, she had just put on one of Zanes large t–shirts and panties, she wasn’t eager to show herself to anyone. When she decided the coast was clear, she hurriedly walked over to Zanes office and knocked. 

“Enter,” she heard him gruff. Ava opened the door and got inside. Zane was sitting at his desk. It looked like he had been reading something, but he had looked up to see who had entered. “Angel?” 

“I just wanted to see how you were doing. Jax and Ryder left a while back,” she said and walked over to him. If he had looked tired before, he looked even more so now, and tense, 

“I’m fine, angel. Aren’t you supposed to be sleeping?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. Ava shrugged. 


“I was crocheting,” she said. Zane looked at her, stunned. 

“You were what?” 

“Crocheting, I got caught up in it and didn’t realise how late it is,” she told him. “Zane, you look pretty beat,” she then 


“I’m fine. I need to finish this. It’s important.” Ava heard he was determined to get through the work. 

“Let me help you,” she said. He was about to object when she pushed on his shoulder and made his chair roll back from the desk. Ava stepped into the space that was created and got down on her knees. 

“Angel, what are you doing?” he asked. 

“Helping you. You need to de–stress. When you reach climax, your body releases both endorphins and oxytocin. They help you relax, act as painkillers and lower the blood pressure and stress hormones in your body,” she told him as she ran her hands over the smooth surface of his pants clad thighs and then unclasped his belt and unbuttoned his pants. “Just relax and lean back,” she said as she fished up his cock from his boxers. It was already almost fully hard. 

“Angel,” Zane said. It was halfway between a question and an objection. He caressed her cheek and looked into her eyes. Ava smiled and took his cock into her mouth, without breaking the eye contact. There was a string of curses from Zane as Ava sucked on his cock. She let her tongue play with his piercing and felt his hand go into her hair, grasping it in a tight fist. She started sucking as she moved her mouth up and down his shaft, working the root with her hand. Ava wanted him to cum as soon as possible. He needed some relief if he was insisting on working through the night. She felt herself becoming wet and thought about riding him. But she discarded the thought. She wanted it to be about him, about his needs. Like he had done so many times for her. When she felt ready, Ava took him deeper, feeling the head of his cock hitting the back of her throat. She focused and let it enter the last part and when she bottomed out, she could feel Zane’s hand tightening in her hair as his hips made small pumping motions and he grunted. Ava knew he was close and when he let her come up for air; she swallowed him down again quickly. This time she hummed, and the vibrations sent him over the edge. He threw his head back and called her name as both his hands kept her head in place as she swallowed his cum. He came back down and released the grip on her. Ava licked and sucked his cock clean as he watched. She then put his clothes back and stood up. Ava smiled when she saw Zane looking better. He still looked like he needed to sleep for a day, but he looked more relaxed and had a small smile playing on his lips. 


you angel, I needed that. Why don’t you get up on the desk and I will return the favour,” he told her. 

“You are welcome. Thank you, but no thanks. This was for you. I’m heading back to bed. Don’t stay up all night, even you need some sleep,” she said and gave him a quick kiss. Ava walked out of the office and paused briefly in front of her room, but decided that Zane’s earlier invitation still was valid, and went into his room and crawled into bed. She was exhausted, but as she drifted off, she smiled. Ava, from two weeks ago, couldn’t have done anything like what she just had done. Something about Zane made her brave. The possibility of rejection felt minimal and even if he would reject her, she believed he would do so because of the situation and not because he was rejecting her. 

Angel’s bliss 

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