Angel’s bliss by Dripping Creativity

Chapter 36


“I did as you told me, angel,” Zane lied. 

“You did not. It wouldn’t be as swollen if you had. But you are an adult and the one that will have to live with it,” she told him. She then encased his hand in between the both of hers. Zane liked the feeling and let his hand be there. It was throbbing if he was being honest, and he didn’t doubt that she was right. It would have helped if he had kept the ice on it. 

“I liked Gabriel,” he told her and kissed her neck. He could see the smile on her face. 

“I’m happy. So, you don’t mind me having lunch with him next week?” 

“Not at all.” He kissed her neck again. A part of him wanted to take back his hand and use it to move her hair out of the way. The other part of him was happy having her hands around his and told him not to move. He let that side win and settled on kissing her cheek. She leaned her head on his shoulder. “Tired?” he asked. 

“A little, mostly just content.” He smiled at that. They arrived home and for once she had to get out of the car first. He followed, and they walked inside together as always. Anna stood in the hallway, greeting them. 

“Anna, could you bring an icepack to Zane’s room?” Ava asked. 

“Of course, fniss Ava, are you hurt?” Anna asked. 

“Zane injured his hand.” 

“I will make sure he gets one as soon as possible. Anything else?” 

“Not for me, thanks, Anna,” Ava said, looking at Zane. 

“I’m good, thank you Anna,” he said. As they reached the third floor, Ava started walking towards her own door. Zane grabbed her by the waist. 

“Where are you going?” he asked. 

“To my room.” 

“I’m injured. I need my nurse,” he told her. 

“You said you were fine,” she reminded him. 

“Yes, but I haven’t played doctor in a long while. I’m sure playing doctor and nurse will be fun,” he said with a smirk. Ava laughed. 

“You have been watching too much/smut, Zane.” 

“Maybe, but that doesn’t mean it won’t be fun to give it a go.” Ava laughed and shook her head, but she turned around and walked back to his room. One night of sleeping with his angel, and Zane couldn’t let her go. He needed her with him. They had just closed the door behind them when there was a knock. Zane opened the door, and a maid handed 



him an icebag, Zane thanked her and closed the door. 

“Come here and let me have a proper look. Do you have a first aid kit in your bathroom?” she asked. 

“Yes, there should be one in a cabinet. I will find it,” Zane said. He returned with the kit and sat down next to Ava on the bed. She gently unwrapped the bandages and lifted the gauze she had covered his knuckles with. They were read and swollen, but the wounds had closed and wasn’t bleeding. D 

“Come on, let’s run some more water over it and get the dried blood off,” she told him and led him into the bathroom. 

“Wouldn’t it be better to shower?” he asked. 

“Sure, I can wait for you,” she said. Zane thought she was adorable with how clueless she was sometimes. 

“I thought you would help me,” he told her.. 

“Oh, of course,” she said with a shy smile. Zane leaned in and kissed her. He wanted her dress off her and pulled down the zipper in the back. Then something was in the way. He paused the kiss and frowned as his fingers tried to figure out what the strap was that blocked the zipper. “It’s the rhinestone harness,” Ava told him. He grunted. It looked stunning on her, but he didn’t like that it made taking off her clothes more complicated. 

“I like the dresses with a bare back,” he told her as he walked around her to her back, kissing her neck. 

“I know you do, but I need to change it up sometimes,” she told him as he looked down on the harness straps. 

“I don’t see why,” he muttered as he followed the strap, looking for a buckle or something to take it off. He didn’t find anything. It was formfitting, so there had to be some kind of release mechanism. “Would you be upset if I just cut it off?” he asked. 

“Very. Do you know how much it costs?” 

“I’m paying and I’m fine with it. I’ll even let you buy a new one, even if it’s driving me crazy.” 

“Here,” she told him and lifted her arm. On her side, under her arm were a tiny clasp almost hidden by the design. Zane opened it and found he had to take it off her by sliding it off her other arm. Finally, he could get the zipper down and the dress fell to the floor. Zane had frozen in place as he looked at her from the back. “Zane?” she asked. 

“Turn around,” he told her, and she slowly turned towards him. She was wearing a black lace bodice that was so sheer it barely covered her. The lace pattern created an interesting contrast to her milk–white skin. It reminded Zane of his tattoos. She had on a thong that matched the bodice and covered even less. She had shaved since the morning, as the small triangle managed to cover all her hair. 

“Do you like?” she asked as she blushed under his intense gaze. 

“Fuck yes.” She smiled at him. “I’m doing my best to hold back, angel. If you need a night to yourself, I think we need to call it a night now,” he told her. His self–control was slowly disintegrating the more he looked at her. 

“Don’t hold back Zane. You yourself said there is no need to hold back between the two of us,” she told him. When had she turned into a temptress? Zane reached out a hand that gripped her side. The feeling of the lace over her skin broke his last constraint, and he tugged her into him and kissed her. She responded to him like she always did. How 



could he ever get enough of her? Before he got lost in the taste of her lips, he took a step back and spun her around, making her face the counter and the mirror. “Zane, your hand,” she said. 

“Forget about the hand,” he growled and kissed her neck. His hands gripped her hips, and he pushed himself close to– her, feeling her ass that fit perfectly against his body. “Hands on the counter, angel,” he whispered in her ear. She did as she was told. It put a slight arch to her back and her face ended up closer to the mirror. Zane bent down over her and let his hands go on top of hers. 

“Look in the mirror, angel. Do you see how beautiful and sexy you are?” he asked her and continued his kissing down the other side of her neck. 

“Zane,” she sighed. 

“Answer me,” he told her, a little more forcefully. 

“1–I’m not beautiful Zane,” she said. Zane froze and looked up and met her eyes in the mirror. He saw she was telling the truth. She didn’t see her own beauty. 

“Angel, you are beautiful,” he told her, and it almost killed him when, instead of acceptance, he saw doubt in her eyes. He stood up and spun her around again, making her face him. Ava’s eyes didn’t meet his, so he tilted her chin up. “Look at me, Ava.” She looked up, and he made sure to hold her gaze for a long while, letting her see the emotion in his eyes. “Ava, you are more than beautiful. You are stunning, sensual and your insides match your outsides. Tonight, when you danced, you had the entire club enchanted. I know you must notice the looks the men give you when we are out,” he told her. 

“That’s because of my clothes, and it was Gabriel that danced with me tonight,” she said. 

“Angel, you are killing me. I won’t deny the clothes you are wearing make my mouth water, but I wanted you when you wore that sweatshirt and those horrible mom jeans the first night we met. Nothing can take your beauty away. Do you know why I call you angel?” he asked. Zane had never thought he would tell her this, but if this was what she needed, he would give it to her. She shook her head. “I call you angel because that was what I thought you were the first time I saw you,” he told her and kissed her. He could feel she still was reluctant to accept the simple fact. And he remembered anytime they had eaten together, and she had turned down dessert, every time he had offered her a treat and she had said no. “Ava, has someone told you that you aren’t beautiful?” Ava tried to look away. “Who?” he asked. He would kill the fucking bastard, but first he would make him suffer. 

Chapter Comments 

Deborah Dawdy 

Zane is so very good to her. Available is truly his angel! 


red* and swollen 






Angel’s bliss 


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