Angel’s bliss by Dripping Creativity

Chapter 32


Zane enjoyed the moment of quiet he had with Ava in the car to the club. The day had been hectic, to say the least, and he had barely seer her. In one week, he had become used to having her by his side and found he missed her not being there

“Is something bothering you?” Ava asked. He looked at her. She had her hair down, and it flowed over her naked shoulders. Ava was wearing a black, skintight, shoulder–less dress with a rhinestone harness. She had been in a good mood all day, which was odd when he considered the day she had had yesterday. 

“No, why are you asking?” 

“You looked lost, I thought, like you were trying to solve a problem,” she told him. Had she been watching him? The possibility sent a warm feeling through him, and he found he wanted to share his thoughts with her. 

“The meeting lax and I went to this morning was with the mayor. Apparently, the city’s finances are tight, and he is asking businesses in the city to donate funds so they can keep healthcare and humanitarian programs open,” he told 


“That makes sense.” 

“You think so? I was honestly surprised that he included me,” Zane confessed. 

“Why? You run one of the largest organisations in the city. I would bet good money that your businesses earn more money than most other companies in the city,” she said. 

“Angel, you know what kind of business we do.” 

“Sure. But if the city is that desperate, money is money. And you have a semi–good image. Zane had to laugh. 


“Yes, everyone knows what you do, but you aren’t seen as someone who goes on killing sprees,” she told him. “What did you tell him?” 

“That we needed to think about it.” Zane liked the idea of the city owing him a favour, and it could be an opportunity to gain access to parts of society which they weren’t invited into. But on the other hand, Zane didn’t know if it would be double standards of him to offer money when he was responsible for people ending up in the hospital, or worse. 

“I think you should do it. It would do your image good,” Ava told him. 

“Don’t you think it could backfire, as we aren’t exactly peaceful?” he asked. She pondered it for a moment. 

“Why don’t you use the money on something which wouldn’t be seen like that? Like a shelter for women and children? You always tell me you don’t harm women and children, so it should be a safe thing to put money into. And shelters always need more money. It’s sad to see how many need them,” she said. Zane looked at her. It was a fantastic idea. He could see it working, and she was right, women’s shelters was needed, “And as an extra boon, any shelter who gets money from you would be seen as being under your protection. The women and children living there would be safer by just having your name associated with it.” 


“You think of everything, don’t you?” he told her

“Hardly. But I have a good idea or two.” She smiled at him. 

“It’s a brilliant idea. I like it. I will have to talk to Jax and our 


“I’m happy I could be of some help.” They returned to the comfortable silence. Zane saw the club in the distance and prepared himself for a night of more business. But first he would make sure his angel got in safely and he would meet her friend. He hadn’t been too happy about Ava spending the night with her friend. But it seemed to make her happy, and it was high time he met this Gabriel. Zane still had his reservations about the man, despite both Ryder and Tom ensuring him Gabriel was only a friend and had no interest in Ava. Tonight, he would get the opportunity to make sure for himself. He had also arranged a little surprise for her. He was hoping to make up for her horrible experience last night. As the car stopped in front of the club, Zane got out and helped Ava. He escorted her inside and one of his men discreetly pointed towards a table. 

“He’s over here,” Zane told Ava as he saw her looking around. He led her towards the table. Zane saw a man sitting at it. He was in his mid–20s and looked like a slightly mature version of a cherub. This was Gabriel? As the man saw Ava, he got up and gave her the biggest smile. Ava left Zane’s side to walk up to him. Zane had to clench his hands not to grab her and pull her back. Instead, he walked up to the two of them, that were now hugging, and waited. The man noticed his presence and looked up at him. Ava also turned around with a smile on her face. 

“Zane, this is Gabriel, my best friend. Gabriel, this is Zane Velky, my employer,” Ava introduced them. 

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Velky,” Gabriel said, holding out his hand

“The same, Gabriel,” Zane said, shaking Gabriel’s hand. He had a firm handshake. Zane saw Gabriel looking over Zane’s shoulder. Zane followed his gaze and saw Ava’s friend was looking at Ryder. Interesting. “I have arranged for a VIP- room for the two of you. Ryder and Tom know which one. Have fun tonight. Everything is on the house,” Zane told the two friends. 

“Zane, you shouldn’t have,” Ava objected. 

“It’s just something small to make sure you have a better night than yesterday,” he told her. 

“Thank you,” they both said as one. Zane relaxed a little, they were adorable togheter. He could see that this man was no threat to Ava, or to Zane’s place in Ava’s life. 

I have some business to attend to, I will be back to check on you in a couple of hours, have fun and if there is anything, call me or let the boys know,” he told Ava as he leaned down and kissed her cheek. He spotted Jax waiting by the bar and headed in that direction. 

“Who is that?” Jax asked as Zane walked up to him. 

“Gabriel, a friend of Ava’s.” 

“Wow, two angels in one place. The two of them will have all attention on them tonight,” Jax said. 

“Tom and Ryder will handle it.” 

“Sure, and you aren’t worried about letting another man around your angel?” 


“Gabriel isn’t interested in Ava, but I think Ryder might be in for a surprise,” Zane said with a grin. 

“Ryder? Well, I’m almost jealous of the man,” Jax laughed. 

“I can introduce the two of you, if you want to convince him to change his mind,” Zane said. 

“Tempting, but I’m going to be the bigger man and let Ryder have this one. It’s about time that man got some action.” They both laughed. 

with the 

“I think I have a solution to the conundrum with the mayor,” Zane told Jax. 


“Ava had an idea, and it’s brilliant.” 

“Is it really brilliant, or is it brilliant because she thought of it?” Jax asked. 

“Dick head, don’t you think I know better than to let my bed mate screw with my head like that?” Zane asked. 

“Usually, yes. But with her, I don’t know. She isn’t like the others.” 

“No, she isn’t. But I still know a good idea when I hear it. Let’s head for my office and we can go through it and talk about it.” As Zane and Jax walked towards the stairs, Zane noticed the sign holding the drink list. At the top there was a new drink, “Angel’s Bliss‘. At each end of the name someone had drawn angel wings and there was a halo around the capital A. Zane smiled, it was perfect. 

“What are you grinning about?” Jax asked. 

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” 

“Fuck man, are you going to become one of those happy–go–lucky fuckers?” 

“Fuck no. You know me better than that,” Zane objected. 

Sure. But you know, man, it’s okay to be happy. I mean, I know what happened back then screwed you up, it would have done so to anyone. But it doesn’t mean things will repeat themselves,” Jax told him as they climbed the stairs. 

“I don’t know what you are talking about.” 

Sure you don’t. I’m just saying it’s okay to

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