And Then There Were Four (Lilith Carrie)

Chapter 203

Chapter 203: Reality of Night Terrors
The all consuming darkness wasn't something new to me, and no matter what I tried to do with my life, I was plagued by visions
that filtered through my mind, reminding me of everything I didn't want to be. I wasn't supposed to be a queen, princess, or even
an ascending heir. I was simply supposed to be me, and as the shadows of danger filtered through my mind, I stepped forward
seeking a way towards the light.
I wasn't a monster like everyone suggested, and every step I took forward through the darkness I kept telling myself that. The
words whispered of my lips over and over were a reminder of the truth. That I was not the person they sought to fear.
“What are you doing, child?" the dark sultry voice of feminine beauty swirled around me in the darkness, causing me to stand still
in fear, unsure of whether or not I had finally lost my mind.
"Who's there?"
My voice sounded off, and though I knew the words had left my lips, I couldn't help notice how they didn't sound like me.
The chuckling laughter of a woman swirled around me and as it did, the apparition of a woman I had seen so many times before
appeared in front of me as if she was just as alive as I was. "Anna? This isn't real..."
Her kind eyes stared back at me as her hair swirled around her as if blown by its own breeze. A breeze that didn't quite touch my
own skin but made me wonder if she had power as I did. "Don't seem so surprised, child. This visit is long overdue."
Panic filled me as I tried to rationalize what was going on. It wasn't possible for her to be here so the only way was if... if I was
dreaming. That was it... I was dreaming. I instantly felt stupid as I glanced at her once more and sighed.
"I really am losing it. I'm so stressed and off beat, I'm dreaming about you, Anna. My brain is trying to help me process."
Anna stared at me with an odd expression as if not understanding why I was acting the way I was. The lavender dress she wore
flowed around her as her hair slowly calmed to lay upon one side. "You are not just dreaming, child. This is real, we are
"If that's the case then why are you here?" I asked with amusement, deciding to humor her in this conversation.
"To warn you, Cassie."

Warn me. Warn me about what? The statement made my mouth open and close with hesitation as she stared at me with an
indifferent expression. "What do you mean?"
The moment the question left my throat, the swirling breeze that surrounded her picked up becoming a little more forceful. My
heart raced at the idea that something was about to happen and with it came fear. A fear that penetrated my mind and body and
no matter what I did I couldn't control it.
“Let me show you," she whispered as a scene unfolded before me, and I was tossed onto a battlefield of chaos and fire. The
screams of the innocent filled my heart, and I doubled over, covering my ears to try to muffle them out.
“What are you doing?!" I shouted at her, searching the area around me for her figure, but my eyes were unable to find her
shadows. Instead, her voice filled my head and with it, the sense of impending doom.
“This is the future your brother is projected if the darkness isn't cast from his pack. His mind is clouded, and nothing his mate
does will protect him."
My brother?! This was about Pollux?
I was confused even more upon hearing her, and as I tried to find a way from where I was, I quickly found myself cemented to
the spot. Unable to move as a scream ripped from my throat at the panic that filled my mind. “Let me go from here!"
“No!" she yelled as her face appeared inches from my own in almost a ghostly state. “You're not a child anymore, Cassie. This is
a gift I bestowed upon you. Your future was set in stone long ago, and fate helped me to make you see what needed to be seen
to save the future of our worlds."
“What are you talking about?!"
Grasping my face, she jerked it back towards the field of blood and fire. “Look, Cassie. For once, open your mind and look.
You're a goddess with more power than Odin, but you will never be able to reach your potential unless you stop your childish
behavior and accept who you are so the people you love can be safe."
The war before me shimmered slowly as the fires of hell seemed to dim down. I wasn't sure if I was seeing like Anna wanted me
to, but as I continued to look, I realized the scene around me was changing. Instead, darkness filled my vision once more but
above me were stars. Millions of stars that twinkled like diamonds.
“It's changed..." I muttered as Anna slowly let go of my chin.

“Yes, because you're finally looking. Tell me, Cassie, what can you see?"
As I gazed around, a warm feeling rushed over me. A sense of ease and calmness as I watched the trees appear before my
eyes. Leaves blowing gently through the evening breeze and the familiar feeling that I knew exactly where I was. “This is near
the secret lake Pollux and I used to go to as kids."
I didn't wait to hear what she had to say as I found myself once again able to move. My feet were not hitting the floor as I realized
that instead of walking, I sort of glided. It wasn't until I was about to break through the brush towards the water that a noise filled
my ears, and I halted to see my brother break through the clearing to face a woman I was all too familiar with—Ashley.
“What the hell—" Anna's finger pressed against my lips, shushing me as she stared at me with a stern expression and then
pointed slowly to my brother and Ashley, who stood in soft whispers.
“Do it again–" he asked her. A smug expression on her face let me know that she was up to no good. Which didn't surprise me
because she had always been a snake in the grass.
“I don't know, Pollux." She sighed in a very dramatic way. “Giving you power like this... I feel like you're using me."
He quickly grabbed her wrist as he shook his head. “I'm not, Ashley. I never used you... please, I feel it draining, and I can't. I
have to be the best, and because of that, I need your help."
Ashley hesitated for a moment before nodding and as she did, he kneeled before her, placing his forehead against her stomach.
She placed her hands on either side of his head. I had no clue what the hell was happening but the moment she started
chanting, I saw red.
“She's f*****g using magic on my brother?!" I roared as my eyes darted towards Anna with anger. I couldn't believe what I was
seeing and the way the magic felt—it was wrong.
“I told you that you are needed, Cassie. Most can not feel what she is doing, and the magic she has is very dark and very old.
However, your powers allow you to see what others are hiding. Your brother thinks this is helping him, but she only has him
fooled. She is turning him dark, and if she isn't stopped, your family will fall and those you love will die."
With a wave of her hand the scene changed once more and the flames and chaos once again lit my vision. I finally understood
what she was telling me and before me were the bodies of my family and a dark mass that surrounded a woman who had just
taken her revenge. It wasn't until I almost tripped over something that I looked down and realized that Trixie laid dead at my feet
with a small child in her arms.

It was then that the scream of pain and agony ripped through me.
It was then that I felt determination as I pulled them both into my arms and cried.
“Cassie!" a voice came loud and clear through my mind as I cried and slowly opening my eyes, I found Finn's familiar gaze
staring back at me. Confusion clouded my judgment before I quickly realized where I was and what had happened.
It was just a dream... wasn't it?
“What are you doing in my room?" I finally muttered as I slowly sat up and realized that Finn was almost naked and Silas was
shirtless, both men staring at me wide-eyed and slightly confused.
“Are you f*****g serious right now?" Silas snapped as he narrowed his gaze. “You gave us a f*****g heart attack, Cassie."
Dumbfounded, my dream slowly started coming back to me and as it did, I realized that what had happened was a warning, no
matter how strange it was. I just didn't know what to tell Finn and Silas—although part of me knew I had to tell them something.
“I'm sorry..." I whispered as I slowly turned to face them, crossing my legs upon the bed as my hair fell loosely down over my
shoulders. “Was I being loud?"
“Were you being loud?" Silas snorted as Finn quickly shot him a glare.
“I think what Silas means is yes, Cassie, you were screaming, and it didn't matter how many times I tried to wake you, I couldn't.
Even the tears coming down your face were scaring me. What happened?"
Tears? Lifting my hand to my cheek, I felt the wet touch of the tears he was speaking about and sighed. “Again, I'm sorry. I had a
bad dream, or well... a warning from Anna."
“Anna?" Her name came off Silas' lips quite quickly and instantly, I felt a pain of jealousy in my chest from the way he had said it.
It wasn't like he was mine, but the stories he had of her and their relationship reminded me that while I had a few s****l
encounters with Silas, there was still so much that I didn't know about him.
“Yeah." I sighed, casting my eyes towards my hands as I fidgeted. “It was weird as if she was like a ghost or something in my
mind, and the way she spoke to me..."

Finn stepped forward, taking a seat on the bed next to me as his hands reached for mine, taking it gently within his grasp. “Take
your time, Cassie. This kind of thing isn't strange to me. I have people where I come from that can see the future—"
“Of course you do," Silas snorted. “Let's cut the s**t, Finn. She isn't a baby and her family has been dealing with s**t like this for
a long time."
“What is your problem?" I snapped at him trying to understand why he was acting the way he was. “Ever since we got here, you
have been acting like an asshole. If you don't want to be here, you're free to leave."
We held each other's gaze for a moment before he finally caved in with a sigh. “I'm sorry. It just seems like it's always something
with you, Cassie. I didn't want to be here, but if you think for one moment I'd let you come back here and not be protect—"
“I am protected, Silas," I retorted, cutting him off. “Finn is a great warrior and can protect me."
Laughter exploded from his throat as he looked towards Finn. “He may be, but hate to break it to you both... he doesn't know a
f*****g thing about being in this realm."
I looked towards Finn, who simply sighed and shrugged his shoulders. “He is right, Cassie. I can protect you but this realm is
completely new to me."
I didn't want to accept what they were saying and in frustration, I jumped to my feet with my hands on my hips as a heavy breath
escaped me. “Look, I'm sorry that I'm a pain in the ass, guys. I didn't ask for any of this. I'm just trying to understand what's going
on as much as you guys are."
They were both silent at my words and exchanged a look that made me slightly uncomfortable. I wasn't sure I could handle the
silence or anything else going on for that matter, but when Silas opened his mouth next, I was surprised by what he had to say.
“Start from the top and tell me what happened. We can figure this out together."
“Really?" I asked in shock, my lips parted and eyes wide.
Silas rolled his eyes as a groan escaped him. “Yes, really."
Glancing at Finn, he nodded in return, and I sat there for a moment trying to figure out where I was to begin. While things were
fresh in my mind, they were also very confusing. “She was warning me that something was wrong with Pollux. That I needed to
stop what was going on."

“Your brother? Anna was trying to warn you about Pollux?" Silas asked in a tone that radiated confusion.
“Yeah, she was. She showed me an area that we used to frequent... Pollux and I." My mind seemed scattered for a moment as I
opened and closed my mouth. My eyes drifted off, out towards the window as I looked up at the stars in the sky. “A woman was
there and she was using very dark magic... old magic on my brother."
“Did you know this woman, Cassie?" Finn asked, causing me to glance at him with a new found determination.
“Yes, her name is Ashley and I'm going to kill that f*****g bitch."

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