And Then There Were Four by Lilith Carrie

Chapter 209

Chapter 209: Preparing for Drama

Twenty-four hours later and so much with preparations, I stood in front of the long mirror in the bedroom I had been staying in, checking out the sleek black dress I was wearing to tonight's event. My brother had tried multiple times to say that I couldn't come, but after much discussion with my mother, she had changed his mind.

It didn't matter what I was, I was still family.

There was no doubt in my mind that Ashley had convinced my brother that I was here to take everything from him. That I had come back now after so many years to try and destroy everything he had built. I mean, he was already convinced that I had tried to take Trixie from him, and that was far from the truth.

"Are you almost ready?" Finn's voice caught my attention and pulled me from the thoughts floating around in my mind all afternoon. Thoughts of what would transpire this evening at the gathering, thoughts of what Hale had planned. He hadn't kept me in the loop with it entirely, but if I knew my dad, he was going to have surprise guests joining tonight.

"Yeah," I replied with a soft smile as I turned to catch his gaze. My eyes scanned up and down his body with shock as I took in the attire he was wearing. "Did you raid my dad's closet?"

The three-piece navy blue suit he wore was paired with a light blue shirt and two-toned navy and silver tie; a great statement piece. Honestly, the last thing I had expected him to wear. Finn was a prince, yes, but his normal attire was more traditional than where he had come from.

"James lent me a suit," he replied, holding up his arms to admire the outfit. "Do you not like it? I thought I pulled it off well."

Chuckling softly, I stepped towards him, running my hand over the material as I stared up into his eyes. "I like it. Just never expected to see you in something like this."

"Well, if I'm going to fit in with the people around me, I should probably start dressing like them. At least for the time being."

"Touche." The smirk that crossed me as I glanced over Finn's shoulders to where Silas stood looking over a sheet of parchment drew my curiosity. "Everything okay, Silas?"

His eyes quickly glanced up to meet mine with a look of concern. "Yeah, everything is fine. I was just checking a few things out for your mother."

To know that my mother had gone to Silas for information piqued my curiosity. It was obvious by the way Silas quickly shoved the paper into his pocket. He didn't plan on sharing it with me right now, but at the end of the day, he wouldn't be able to hide it from me forever.


The tension in the room grew as I turned away from Finn, and Silas and continued getting ready. The black heels I was wearing tonight were simple, and the decision to not wear jewelry made me feel more confident in my attire. I didn't want to come off as being flashy, even if I was royalty. All I wanted to do is get to the bottom of what was going on before I had to leave.

That way I would leave knowing my family was safe and the future would be protected. There was no telling when I would ever get to come back. The next time I could potentially see them would be when they arrive at the gates of Asgard... though that was something I didn't want any time soon.

Regardless of what people may have thought about me when I was growing up, I cared about my family greatly. I would do anything for them, and tonight was going to prove that. My brother and I hadn't been close in quite some time, and no matter the hatred he may have felt for me, I couldn't let someone control him like they were.

I'd kill Ashley before that was allowed to continue.

"People are beginning to arrive," Silas finally said, breaking the silence between us, "it's time to go."

Remember to stay on course...

The sound of a voice whispering at the back of my mind caught my attention and stopped me in my tracks. I had never felt a sensation like that and though one may have found it alerting to hear voices in your mind, I found it comforting.

How? I asked it hoping for guidance.

Remember who you are, Castor. Be the light your people need. Don't hide from your destiny, embrace it and be free.

Anna. It had to have been Anna and, knowing that, my lips turned up into a smile.

"Everything okay?" Finn asked, my eyes lifting to meet his as I nodded.

"Yep, everything is perfect. Shall we go meet the guests?"

Finn offered his arm as I took steps towards him, my eyes meeting Silas' and for the first time in a long time, he smiled at me. The warmth of that smile traveled over my skin and right to my heart. "You look beautiful, Cassie."

"You don't look too bad yourself, Silas," I replied as he opened the front door for us to walk out. This was the first time I'd been attending something with the two of them, and in that moment, my mind drifted to Lucas and what he was probably doing at that moment.

I missed him just as I would if it were Silas or Finn. I wished he had been able to attend, but it wasn't like we knew this was going to happen. All of this was the last thing that we had expected to happen, but I was glad had Silas and Finn at my side.

Walking towards the back of the pack house, I anticipated what awaited me, and I wasn't surprised when the back door opened and Sam stepped out with a straight face. It was clear that before going in, my brother had sent him to set ground rules and though it was ridiculous-I'd cooperate... for now.

"Sam..." The warm tone of my voice caused him to sigh and I knew right then that whatever he was about to tell me he didn't want to. "Is everything okay? Shouldn't you be inside?"

"Yes, but I was told to come talk to you first."

Glancing at Finn and Silas, I could see they weren't pleased with being stopped before going in, but they also knew better than to intervene when it wasn't needed. "Okay, well, what is it?"

"Pollux wanted me to tell you to be on your best behavior. Don't speak unless spoken to, and to stay away from the guests unless they address you. You're also not allowed to tell anyone what you are. As far as they know, you have been away because of bad behavior and have only just come home."

Are you f*****g kidding me?! Bad behavior?! I internally screamed.

Calm yourself, Cassie. Remember who you are.

The voice inside me calmed my soul as it spoke. A warm blanket cooling the anger that threatened to expose itself. "I see. Well, I suppose that is the story we will have to go with tonight."

A smile grew on Sam's face, hearing me oblige to the requests that were made. "Awesome. Why don't we go inside then?"

"I do want to point out, though, Sam. I will not lie if I am asked a direct question. So it's best that my brother keeps the guests in check if he doesn't want them knowing the truth."

Turning slowly to me, I watched his smile fall and though he wanted to say something, perhaps plead with me to behave... he didn't. "Alright, I will let him know."


An hour later and having enjoyed dinner with those sitting around the table, I could still feel the glare of my brother's stare upon my skin. He wasn't happy that I was here nor was he happy that I said hello to Trixie and my niece the moment I came into the home. They were family, and no matter how much he may have wanted me to stay away from them, it wasn't going to happen.

The grand dining hall was filled with people, most of which I didn't recognize, but one face in particular I knew made Trixie very uncomfortable. Ashley sat to the side of some young pack leader from the west and according to him, they were in love.

I doubted that, of course.

I wouldn't have actually been surprised if she had him under some kind of spell as well, because the way she kept looking at my brother with fluttering lashes and pouty lips didn't speak to a girl who had actually met her mate like the young Alpha proclaimed.

"We are hoping to have a pup soon if the stars align," Alpha Carlos replied as he looked at Ashley. "Aren't we dear?"

She quickly sipped on her wine, nodding her head with wide eyes as she tried to get out of answering the question. She didn't want to have children with him, she wanted the position Trixie held, and seeing Ashley act the way she did made me want to rip her throat out.

"Trixie, dinner was absolutely lovely." My mother finally spoke up to which everyone, even Carlos, agreed. All except Ashley, who rolled her eyes in annoyance before plastering on a fake smile.

"Yes, my mate out did herself again," Pollux chirped up taking her hand. "Why don't we all head all head into the next room? The staff have prepared more drinks, a nice fire and some wonderful music. The night is still young and we still have so much to discuss."

"I think that's a lovely idea, brother."

I spoke up, breaking one of the rules he gave me. All eyes, including his angry ones, turned towards me where I had sat during dinner quietly. I hadn't said one word the entire night and now that I had said something, I had gained attention he didn't want me to have.

Nonetheless, we all stood from the table and one by one headed towards the next room where soft elegant sofas of dark wood sat near the fireplace and a piano played softly. It was where things would eventually spiral out of control for my brother, but before that happened, I was going to give Ashley a chance to fix her mistakes.

"Cassie, what do you think you're doing?" my brother snapped, gripping my arm tightly as he pulled me back while the others went into the next room.

"I am playing the sweet sister and behaving as you requested. Now, let go of my arm."

His eyes were full of so much hate, and it broke my heart to see that he looked at me this way now. All I could do was try to remind myself that this wasn't him. That he wasn't the monster he had become, and Ashley was behind all of this.

"Don't you dare tell me what to do "

"Alpha or not, I will put you on your ass if you don't remove your grip from her arm," Silas replied from behind me, cutting Pollux off. I wasn't sure what he looked like staring at my brother, but as my brother released my arm, I saw a small twinkle of fear in his eyes.

It wasn't every day you pissed off a dragon, and I had no doubt that Silas looked fierce.

"Keep her on a leash, Silas, and I won't have to put her in her place."

Stalking off, I felt Silas try to brush past me, but gently, I grabbed his wrist and stopped him. His eyes met mine as I gently shook my head with a smile. "It isn't worth it, Silas. Remember, he isn't thinking clearly and will be more than sorry when he realizes what's going on."

Sneering, he glanced at where Pollux had disappeared before letting out a heavy breath, returning his gaze to me once more. "Fine, but you better hurry with your plan. Otherwise, I can't promise I won't kill him if he touches you again."

Laughter escaped me as I nodded, looping my arm through his as I rested my head against his shoulder. "You know... it's sexy watching you act like this. Perhaps the demanding side of you should put me in my place a lot more often."

A low groan escaped his lips as we made our way into a room. "If you're extra naughty tonight, perhaps I will show you how demanding I can be."

His words were a promise I was looking forward to because, in just a moment, I was going to turn this room upside down and leave everyone in shock.

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