And Then The River Went Dry (Wolf Creed Pack, 1)

Chapter 13

A few days later Stephanie and Miles dropped by to see Max and Carmeta for breakfast, at their apartment, to announce something exciting.

"Well, we're pregnant," Stephanie said smiling with excitement as she stuffed a piece of turkey bacon in her mouth.

"We found out last night went the little nugget linked to my wolf," Miles said with a goofy smile on his face while he rubbed his mate's tummy.

"Congrats man!" Max said as he patted Miles on his back.

Max was genuinely happy for him, considering what he had been through in his life and that he came from a lineage of feral wolves, so it was difficult for him to control his wolf and he was extremely territorial. Even with him sitting across from his mate, even though he was mated, was making Miles show signs of being territorial but Stephanie seemed to calm him. That is why they called him the Wolf of Hell. Every day, Miles battled his wolf which had his true personality laced with a touch of brutality. That was why there were so many territorial marks left on Stephanie which he assumed was from their love-making sessions. But she didn't seem to mind. He often noticed that Miles would disappear for a few minutes before coming back smelling of sex and his mate. For a human, Stephanie seemed to be keeping up just fine with him and his demands. Max teased Miles about him working fast and that he might have to put in some extra hours to catch up to him, which made Carmeta blush the brightest shade of red that her caramel skin would allow.

"Wait, if you're pregnant now, that means you can't go through with the Turn!" Carmeta said.

"Yeah, Miles said it would be too much for my body and our baby so it wouldn't even entertain it," Stephanie said with a slight pout. You could tell she was looking forward to experiencing life from the other side but she had to wait.

"Don't pout, it isn't going to help your case. I wouldn't change my mind no matter how many times you beg" Miles said as he kissed the back of her hands.

"But the doctor said it was fine in this early stage of the pregnancy."

" I don't care what that old geezer said, you are my mate therefore my responsibility and I said no!"

"Fine!" She puffed in defeat like she had been arguing with him for a while but he still had not budged in his decision.

They continued to have a lovely breakfast, talking about baby decisions and parenthood before Carmeta said she wanted to bring Stephanie into town to a cute little boutique store in the neutral territory. She had seen it a couple of months ago when she first went there for her birthday celebrations. Miles automatically said no since he would be too busy to go with her today and Max said he would have them send over their collections and they choose from them. Carmeta being Carmeta insisted that she would go and Max eventually gave in. Miles however took more persuading from Stephanie and Carmeta and only agreed because both he and Max decided they had to bring escorts with them. That made the ladies give in for they knew that that was the only way they were going to get what they wanted. Max and Miles left to do their duties for the day because they finally got a solid lead on the murder cases they have been investigating for the past couple of months.

Stephanie and Carmeta left the pack lands with their escort of enforcers to the neutral territory at a boutique called Aisling. Their escort details included six enforcers, all carrying weapons plus three black armored-plated SUVs. In Carmeta's opinion it was a little too much but if it made her mate happy, would just have to suck it up. They pulled up to the entrance of the store and two of their escorts came out of their SUVs to check the surroundings, another two went to check inside the store and the other two stayed in the SUV with the girls to guard them. Once each team gave the all-clear, the girls were escorted out of the vehicle and into the store. Both girls felt uncomfortable with all the VIP treatments they were getting as onlookers seemed to gawk at them. It didn't help that the store owner seemed to close down the store just for them and she was the only staff that was there. Nevertheless, the ladies had fun shopping for a while. Stephanie got a lot of underwear to replace the ones Miles ripped off her in his haste to make love and Carmeta got a lot of lingerie, per the store owner's suggestion, to wear for Max. They both got some beautiful dresses to wear and had fun making fun of the three enforcers stuck inside with them. They tortured the poor men by asking them if certain underwear or scanty outfits would look good on them, which made them blush with embarrassment.

"So all of these will be added to your account!" The store owner said as she neatly folded each article of clothing and placed them in a shopping bag. The bags were then handed off to one of the enforcers to bring to the car while the other two stayed to guard them.

On their way back to the pack lands, on the winding road, all three SUVs were in a straight line with the ladies' vehicle in the middle. All the enforcers were still on high alert as if they were waiting to be attacked by someone or something while both Carmeta and Stephanie chatted away, unconcerned about a thing. Two men came out of the bushes with their heads covered in ski masks, both miles apart from the escort vehicles. Both were carrying RPG 7s and a rifle that swang around their necks. One stood in front of the first SUV and the other man at the last SUV. They fired just as the enforcers shouted a warning through the pack's mind link.

All hell broke loose in less than a few seconds as explosions rocked the quiet evening and its vibrations were felt to Carmeta's bones. The driver of their SUV slammed on the brakes to prevent them from crashing into the now-destroyed SUV in front of them. The SUV that was behind them slammed into their rear so hard that it almost ripped both Carmeta and Stephanie out of their seats, luckily they were both wearing their seatbelts, something their escorts insisted on. Stephanie started to hyperventilate for she feared she was going to die along with her unborn child. Carmeta tried to comfort her as one of the escorts informed them that help is on the way. They both drew their weapons preparing to fight to the death to protect their Luna and a pack member's mate.

The two men came running towards Carmeta's and Stephanie's SUV while they fired their rifles at the windows.

"Get down!" One enforcer shouted as the two of them block the projection of the bullets from the ladies.

Even though the glass was bulletproof, it would not hold up long against the constant bullets piercing it. A couple of minutes passed before it pierced through the glass and shot the two enforcers in their chests multiple times, killing them instantly. They then hopped on the hood of the SUV before pushing a canister of knock-out gas through the hole in the windscreen. Both Stephanie and Carmeta pass out from the gas' impact just as they heard the battle howls of both the alpha and his pack some distance away.

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