An Understated Dominance by Marina Vittori

Chapter 2322

Chapter 2322

“San’er! Quick! Take out the soul-reviving pill!”

Zizi didn’t dare to hide his secrets and quickly ordered his apprentice to take out his treasure.

The soul-reviving elixir was a top-quality elixir that he spent a lot of money on, as well as a great favor to get back from Stoneray Valley.

It is known as the soul-reviving pill because it is believed to have the ability to bring the dead back to life.

No matter who it is, no matter how injured they are, even if they have no breath or pulse, as long as they take the soul-reviving pill, they can temporarily save their lives.

Originally, he kept this soul-reviving pill to himself, a treasure that would save his life in dire circumstances.

Many wealthy and powerful people are willing to pay exorbitant prices to buy it, but he has been reluctant to sell it.

But today, in order to save Noemi and save his own life, he had to give up the soul-reviving pill.

“Master! Soul-Reviving Pill!”

The apprentice named San’er opened the hidden compartment of the medicine box, quickly took out an exquisite wooden box, and handed it to Zizi with both hands.

Zizi opened the wooden box and took a look. Inside, there was a golden elixir.

The elixir exuded a golden halo under the sunlight, resembling gold, and it looked incredibly beautiful.

You can also detect a distinctive scent through your nostrils that is refreshing.

“Is this the legendary soul-reviving pill that can bring people back to life?”It’s really extraordinary!” Conor’s eyes shone with wonder.

He had naturally heard of the soul-reviving pill from Stoneray Valley. It was a priceless treasure that no amount of money could buy.

Because of the scarcity of medicinal materials, Stoneray Valley can only produce one soul-reviving pill every ten years.

Its value can be imagined.

Zizi clearly gave away all of his treasures at the bottom of the box.

“With the Soul-Reviving Pill, the patient will definitely be safe!”

Zizi took a deep breath and then fed the soul-reviving pill into Noemi’s mouth with great pain.

He couldn’t exchange this priceless treasure for anything. He was really reluctant to use it on others unless he had no choice.

Now, he can only pray that the soul-reviving pill can bring Noemi back to life, like the legend says, and bring Noemi back from h-e-l-l.

Otherwise, he would probably have to explain it here today.

The daughter of the leader of the Celestial Alliance was put to death, and even ten lives were not enough to compensate!

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