An Extra’s POV

Chapter 5

Rey's embarrassing moment didn't last too long, thankfully, since he wasn't the last one to use the Oculus.
The orb was passed on to the next person, who had a C-Tier Class.
It wasn't an amazing Class or anything, but compared to Rey's Commoner Class, it was far more preferable.
'Even the decent folk around here are giving me strange looks. I guess they don't like underachievers...' Rey mused to himself,
sensing the disapproving glances he was getting.
To avoid those unsettling stares, Rey remembered Adonis's advice and decided to give something a shot.
"Status Window," he murmured under his breath.
- Name: Rey Skylar.
- Race: Human (Otherworlder)
- Class: Commoner (F-Tier)
- Level: 1 (0.00% EXP)
- Life Force: 1
- Mana Level: 1
- Combat Ability: 1
- Stat Points: 0
- Skills (Exclusive): [Doppel]
- Skills (Non-Exclusive): Nil
- Alignment: Neutral
[Additional Information]

You possess the weakest Class, but the strongest Skill. You can only be described as an 'Overpowered Weakling.'
[End Of Information]
'Yeah, not exactly surprised by this outcome,' Rey chuckled inwardly.
He wasn't expecting an overnight transformation into a powerhouse with god-like abilities or monstrous stats. Especially not with
a commoner Class.
'Some Classes hand out privileges, giving you a crazy boost in stats right from Level 1. The higher you climb, the more those
stats pile up,' Rey reasoned, drawing from his knowledge of gaming.
This was why it was incredibly important to have at least a decent Class, even if one wanted an overpowered Skill.
'But I just had to get [Doppel]. There's no way I'm going to regret my choice, even now.' Rey was resolute about his choice, a sly
grin playing on his lips.
He just had to endure these early moments.
'Once they see what I can do, I'm sure they'll change their minds about me!'
Once the Oculus made the rounds, everyone got to see each other's Class. It became crystal clear who was leading the pack.
Adonis was the Hero, and he was the only one with an S-Tier Class.
One could only imagine the amount of Karma he had in stock for him to have acquired such a pricey Class. But that wasn't the
end of the story.
Adonis was pushing for full disclosure, urging everyone to reveal their Skills. His confidence hinted at a formidable set of his
People couldn't help but speculate whether he possessed an S-Tier Skill to match his Class.
"You can check your Status Windows for your Skills," Adonis advised his peers. "By tapping on those Skills, you can dig into their

"For full transparency, and to ensure that we cooperate with each another by assigning roles based on our skill-sets, let's be
honest with our number of Skills and the abilities they have."
Adonis turned toward the H'Traens when he was done talking, flashing his trademark heroic smile at them.
"You might want to step back for this demonstration."
Swiftly reacting to his words, they shuffled several paces away until they were nestled by the entrance to the massive room.
You should have another artifact besides the Oculus. One that sniffs out lies," he pointed out. "Bring it here."
Swiftly responding to the command of the Hero, the leader of the guards shifted his gaze and signaled to a guard who stood
directly beside him.
The guard scurried off, returning in a flash with the artifact.
The swiftness of his movements made it seem like artifacts were just lying around, waiting to be summoned.
In truth, the H'Traens most likely had these artifacts ready for such occasions, well-prepared for any need that might arise.
The soldier's quick retrieval suggested familiarity with the storage spots, a concept lost on the newcomers still getting familiar
with the workings of the new world.
"This is the Truthseeker. It allows us to discern whether a person is telling the truth or lies."
The Truthseeker was not an orb, but a box with an eye at the forefront. It had several symbols on it, and the markings that
decorated it converged at the bulging eyeball.
"Thank you, Chief Warrior," Adonis acknowledged the bushy-bearded man handling the box with utmost care and respect.
"Hold it steady. We'll share our Skills and their effects, and if possible, demonstrate them," Adonis directed.
The unspoken warning lingered in the air: deception would not go unnoticed.
Everyone understood the gravity of the situation, realizing compliance was their only choice under these conditions.
With the terms set, the exhibition commenced.
The air buzzed with anticipation as each individual prepared to reveal their abilities and face the scrutiny of the Truthseeker.

Rey couldn't contain his genuine astonishment at the incredible abilities unfolding before his eyes.
Each person showcased astonishing abilities, leaving both the H'Traens and Rey awestruck. Adonis, in particular, drew Rey's
'Adonis has three Skills, and one is SS-Tier? That's even crazier than I thought!' Rey's thoughts raced.
His other two Skills were S-Tier and A-Tier, an incredible combination.
'Is that even possible? The Karma price alone should make it impossible, right?'
Rey suspected that there was some preferential treatment given to Adonis by Seraph, but he quickly dismissed the thought.
'I might be assuming too much. Maybe those Skills came at a discount or something. It's hard to say.'
Still, once again, Adonis had made it clear to everyone that he was superior.
His power, both in terms of Skills and Class, was unrivaled.
'And it's not just him...' Rey noted, turning his attention to Alicia
She had one SS-Tier Skill, one S-Tier Skill, and one B-Tier Skill.
She was also an absolute beast in her own right.
'The others have some seriously decent Skills. This is insane!' Rey marveled at the impressive array of abilities his peers
His best friend from school, Bill, was no exception.
Bill had awakened one A-Tier and four B-Tier Skills, adding to his already impressive A-Tier Class.
However, not every student boasted immensely powerful Skills. Some had rather average abilities, ranging from C to even D
Tiers, limited by their available Karma Points.

"Next up, Rey," the call brought Rey's attention back, making him slightly jittery as all eyes fell upon him.
'This is my moment!' Rey thought nervously.
He was determined to prove himself, to shatter the perception that he was an underachiever. His Skill was the strongest among
them all, and now was the time to showcase it.
As Rey stepped forward, whispers surrounded him, hateful and dismissive.
"I bet he's got some useless Skill."
"He's just wasting our time, honestly."
"Why's he smiling? Can't be anything worthwhile."
"It's gotta be a C-Tier at best."
Those murmurs, as Rey advanced, triggered a stark realization within him. 'They don't want me to succeed,' he concluded.
The disdain from his classmates wasn't just about looking down on him; it was about maintaining the status quo.
'They want to keep me down,' Rey acknowledged, a new understanding dawning upon him.
Life, he recognized, often upheld this cycle: the strong stayed strong while ensuring the weak remained in their place.
Disrupting this status quo seemed inconceivable to them, regardless of potential or capability.
As Rey stepped into the spotlight, a sinking feeling replaced his initial excitement.
'I get it now,' he sighed inwardly. His smile faltered, fading into the background as a sobering realization settled in.
'No point trying,' he concluded bitterly. In their eyes, he was already pegged as the underachiever of the group.
At that moment, Rey made a choice. 'If this is what they expect,' he resolved, a small smile reclaiming its place on his lips, 'then
so be it.'
'I'm okay being an Extra.'

, we'll see Rey reveal his Skill...
... Or something like that.

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