Always Red: Swoony New Adult Romance from a Wattpad Megastar (Chasing Red Book 2)

Always Red: Chapter 2

Kara started the car, reversing so quickly that I grabbed on to my seat belt. “Did you call him?” she asked.

“I-I can’t. What if he doesn’t want to talk to me?”

She stepped on the brakes, turning to look at me like I just spilled my brains on the floor of her car. “What?”

“I can’t.”

“Pussy,” she clucked. She held out her hand, palm up. “Give me your phone.”

“Kar, no. I can’t explain it, okay? I-I don’t want to call him. I don’t want to know.”

“Know what?”

“That…that he doesn’t want me. What if he doesn’t answer? Or what if he does and then he hangs up? If there’s a way that I can postpone it… It’s ridiculous. I know. Don’t you think I know that? I can’t explain it.” I was going to pull my hair out anytime now.

“You’re fucking crazy, Ver, but you’re lucky because I am too. All right. I’m sure Caleb’s at Cameron’s place. I mean, those two are practically married. No offense,” she added.

I wanted to say “none taken,” but I was a nervous wreck.


What if he doesn’t want to see me?

Oh God.

“You okay there, sweetie?” Kara asked after a moment.

My heart was beating madly in my chest, my hands shaking with trepidation. Without warning, a whimper escaped my throat.

Kara let out a sigh and grabbed my hand, squeezing it. “You can do this. You want him back, don’t you?”

The fear and nerves were wreaking havoc in my stomach and climbing up my throat. I felt choked up. I nodded.

“How much?”

“I… Very much,” I sobbed. “I want him back very much.”

She gave an approving nod. “Good. Make sure you tell him that. I mean, it’s Lockhart. The guy would probably cut off his balls for you if you asked.”

But I knew that feelings changed in the blink of an eye. What if his had? I wasn’t an easy person to care for, and I tended to push away the people who tried to get close. I guessed a big part of me had been waiting for Caleb to disappoint me. Everyone in my life had. A long habit of being distrustful was hard to break…but I would for Caleb.

“All right, we’re here,” Kara said as she parked across from Cameron’s place.

Sweat trickled down the side of my face, and I quickly wiped it away.

“Are you sure you don’t want to go back to the apartment and change? I can do your makeup for you.”

I shook my head. “I’m okay, Kar. Thanks.”

She shrugged. “All I’m saying is that the hotter you look, the more he can’t refuse. Boys are visual creatures, okay? They think with their dicks. It’s not their fault; it’s just the way they’re made,” she babbled on. “I mean, the more ammunition, the better, right?”

Oh God.

“Ver? Ver.” She was snapping her fingers in my face. “Geez. Are you sure you can do this?”

I nodded.

“I’d go with you, but you know.” She shrugged. “The devil lives in that house.”

I nodded again. She gave me a pat on the back and pushed me out of the car. My legs felt wobbly as I walked to the door, my hand trembling as I rang the doorbell.

Cameron opened the door, surprise on his handsome face. “Hello.”

“H-hi. I’m—”

“Veronica. Yeah, Caleb told me who you are. I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced.” He gave me a kind smile and offered his hand. “Cameron.”

I shook his hand. “I know. Kar’s waiting for me in the car.”

His eyes snapped behind me, searching for Kara. I knew that look; I’d seen it in Caleb’s eyes too.

“How is…” He looked torn. “Would you like to come in?”

I shook my head. “Is Caleb here?”

He pressed his lips together. “He left a couple hours ago.”

I swallowed my disappointment. “Oh. Did…did he say where he’s going?”

“He went to his family’s cabin. It’s a five-hour drive out of the city.” Cameron’s ice-blue eyes were piercing as he studied my face. “He’s staying there for a week.”


He nodded, crossing his arms as he leaned his side against the doorjamb. “Why did you come here?”

“I…came to get him back.”

He smiled. “He cares for you more than he has for anyone. I’ve never seen him like this before.”

My chest tightened.

“Listen,” he started, his eyes narrowing, “he fell asleep and dreamed about you. When he woke up, Beatrice-Rose was on top of him, kissing him.”

I gasped in horror. That was what Caleb was trying to tell me, and I had refused to listen to him because I was too stubborn, too afraid to trust.

“Caleb always sees the good in people; it’s his weakness. And I’ve seen Beatrice-Rose take advantage of that.” Cameron straightened and slipped his hands in his pockets. His eyes briefly darted behind me again.

“But when he tells you nothing happened, nothing happened. If you know Caleb, and I think you do, you know he’s too honest for his own good.”

“I need to apologize to him. I-I want him back.”

“He thinks you don’t. He thinks you hate him and that you’d left with Damon. Maybe you both need some time to cool off.” He let out a sigh. “She was here too.”

I frowned. “Who?”

“Beatrice-Rose. She was here looking for Caleb just an hour ago.”

My eyes widened in alarm, and I looked at him questioningly.

“No, I didn’t tell her where he is,” Cameron said, smiling.

I gave him a watery smile in return.

“Will you”—he looked at Kara again, then back to me—“take care of her for me?”

I nodded, because he had taken care of Caleb for me. Because I could see how much he cared for Kara and how much he hurt.

I understood him. Even though I didn’t know his reasons, I understood there were inner demons that prevented us from being with the person we wanted most.

I knew that very well.

When I got back in the car, I told Kara what Cameron had told me.

“Beatrice-Rose is like that evil spirit in The Grudge, you know? That ugly, scary mofo who follows people around? There was this one scene where she chased what’s-her-name—that chick who played Buffy the vampire slayer? Have you seen that movie? Poor girl fell from the hospital building. Ugh. Beatch is exactly that evil spirit.”

Do you like scary movies? We should watch scary movies together. I have a list… In my mind, I saw Caleb’s handsome, smiling face asking me those questions as we sat in his car. I shook my head, trying to erase the memory.

“Do you want to go to the cabin? I’ll drive you, but you have to get the address from Cameron.”

My eyes welled up with tears. I was so emotional that I didn’t recognize myself. I’d gone from having no constant in my life to having Kara.

I’d had Caleb too…but I was on the verge of losing him. He was changing me. He had changed me.

“Oh, Ver. Come here,” Kara soothed, pulling me to her.

“He left. Caleb left me.”

She rubbed my back. “Well, you hurt him pretty bad, sweetie. You were such a dick to him,” she said after a moment. “You accused him of cheating, but cheating requires consent from both partners. Believe me, I know. He was a good friend who wanted to help Beatrice-Rose, but he was really stupid for lying in that bed with her. I mean, come on, Caleb—really? If you did that shit with another guy, he’d bust a nut.”

I half choked and half laughed. Count on Kara to be blunt—and right.

Her tone turned serious. “You’re my friend, Veronica, and I love you. I know you’ve got daddy issues and a whole buttload of other issues, but if you let them control you, you’re going to lose Caleb.

“Do you want to hold on to your baggage or hold on to him? You know when they say ‘If you love someone, let them go’—‘or set them free’ or whatever bullshit they cooked up to put on their damned meme? Fuck that. If I love someone, I’m going to hold on with both of my hands. My feet—hell, my teeth too. That ship ain’t gonna sail without me.”

She had a point, but I grew up in a family where I’d learned at a young age that staying with and fighting for a person could be toxic. Sometimes it was better to let go.

But Caleb was different. He had always been good to me. Losing him was what it took for me to realize that.

“He’s a guy, Ver, and you kind of kicked his balls to the curb. So he just needs to feel like a man again. You know, clear his head, drink booze, not shower for days. Disgusting guy stuff. But if you want, we can still drive there.”

I shook my head. “Not tonight, Kar. I don’t think…I don’t think he wants to see me. I’ll wait till he comes back. He’s coming back, right? He has to come back.”

“Of course he will, stupid.” She paused. “Know what? You need to get out of this funk you’re in. I’m going to text Beth and see if she’ll meet us at the coffee shop.”

“Kar, I want to go home.”

She patted my shoulder. “Well, that’s too bad, isn’t it?”

Ten minutes later, the aromatic smell of coffee and freshly baked bread greeted my nostrils as we entered the little coffee shop. My stomach rumbled, and I realized I hadn’t eaten since morning. Kara’s sandwich was still in my bag.

The coffee shop was only occupied by a few patrons, mostly college students since it was close to the school. An older lady with a big yellow Labrador was trying to sit in a booth, but her dress was caught on the side of the seat. She was wearing shades and holding a white cane to help balance herself.

“Hello,” I said softly. “I’m just going to help you here a bit. Your dress is caught on the seat.”

“Oh, thank you, young lady.”

“You’re welcome. You have a beautiful dog.” I crouched in front of the dog, scratching her chin.

“Yes, she is. This is Catnip right here. My granddaughter named her.”

I chuckled. “Hello, Catnip.”

Catnip gave me a friendly grin and bumped her nose on my arm.

“Beth’s not here yet. Let’s sit here,” Kara called out, choosing a seat near the window where there was a view of the airport.

It was getting dark, and the yellow and red runway lights flickered like a blazing fire.

“I’ll get us some drinks,” I said. “Chocolate milk shake?”

“Yup. With whipped cre—motherfucker.”

I looked up in alarm and turned my head to where Kara was glaring.

“She’s here,” Kara snarled.

I looked over. Beatrice-Rose and Justin were seated at a table in the back of the café, talking quietly with their heads close together as if plotting something evil.

Beatrice-Rose was just everywhere today.

“Let’s sit close to them. Come on.”

“No. Kar!” But it was no use—she was already up and moving. “Kara! Come back here!” I hissed.

Kara sat at the table behind the older lady and Catnip, perfectly angled so Beatrice-Rose and Justin wouldn’t spot us unless they turned their heads. I glared at Kara as I sat down across from her.

She grinned, and I grinned back because it was genius. I couldn’t really hear what Beatrice-Rose and Justin were talking about, and I almost giggled because Kara was making gagging faces. But when I flicked my eyes toward Beatrice-Rose, my heart jumped into my throat.

There, around her forefinger, was the key chain I’d given Caleb as a present. She was twirling it.

My blood boiled. I wasn’t even aware of what I was doing when I got up and marched toward her.

“Where the hell did you get that?” I demanded.

Beatrice-Rose’s eyes widened in fear for a brief second before she hid the emotion and replaced it with disdain.

“Hi, Veronica,” she said, smirking.

“Stop with the pretending. I’m getting sick of it.” My eyes darted to Justin as he leaned back in his seat. He crossed his arms across his chest and grinned like he was ready for a show. His attitude made me sick to my stomach.

“Where did you get that key chain?” I asked again.

“This?” She raised her eyebrows in innocence. “Justin bought it for me.”

Justin had a foul smile on his face. “Yep. I did. Cheapest shit I ever bought.”

“You’re lying.”

“I don’t know why you keep throwing these accusations at me,” Beatrice-Rose said. “Frankly, I’m the one getting sick of you and your accusations. You’re imagining things. I am trying to be patient and understanding with you, Veronica, but you make it so hard. And now you’re accusing me of what? Stealing?”

“It’s not any better than kissing a guy without his consent while he’s asleep,” I said coolly.

She paled.

“I saw you at Caleb’s place a few hours ago,” I added. “What were you doing there?”

I wasn’t going to play her game. She was a professional liar and a great actress, but her face was getting splotchy and anger filled her eyes.

“Did you go up to his apartment and steal that?” I gestured at the key chain. “Did you force your way into someplace where you’re obviously not wanted?”

“You bitch!” she shrilled. She stood up just as the server was delivering her coffee and cried out in anger as the coffee spilled on her white dress.

Kara laughed behind me.

“Fuck!” Beatrice-Rose screamed. Her eyes were wild as they zeroed in on me. When I saw her raise her hand, I took a step back, but she lunged at me.

“I’m the one he loves!” she spat out. “Me!”

I held her off as she threw her weight on me, trying to claw at my face. I would have fallen on the floor, but instinct made me step to the side, widening my stance for support, and I was able to push her past me instead and let gravity do the rest.

The low growling made me spin around. Beatrice-Rose was sprawled on the floor, her eyes wide with fear as she slowly got on all fours. Catnip was crouched low so that her eyes were level with Beatrice-Rose’s, sharp canine teeth bared and ready to rip skin.

“If this dog attacks me, I will sue you, you blind hag. And this fucking coffee shop! Get it the hell away from me!” she shouted.

All bets were off now that Beatrice-Rose was showing her true self. So far from the sweet and vulnerable persona she had going the first time we met.

“You’re so pathetic. I feel nothing but sorry for you,” I said.

Kara came up beside me, placing her hand on my shoulder. She peered down at Beatrice-Rose. “Wow. You’re really embarrassing yourself.”

The older lady pulled Catnip back. The dog calmed down, but her eyes were trained on Beatrice-Rose, ready to attack if needed.

Beatrice-Rose got up, brushing away the hair that had fallen across her face, her extensions barely hanging on her hair. One plopped onto the floor. Her eyes widened in embarrassment as she kicked it away.

“I’m going to sue you!” she spat at me.

“For what? For attacking me?” I nodded at the small audience surrounding us. “We have at least five witnesses who saw everything.”

Kara snorted beside me. Beatrice-Rose narrowed her eyes at her. I could almost see the wheels whirling in her devious mind.

“You’re vulgar and cheap. I always wondered what Cameron saw in you.”

“Oh my God, Beatrice-Rose!” Kara exclaimed, her eyes wide as she held her hands up. “Surprise me once in your life, will you? Say something intelligent. Oh wait, I forgot. Ask me if I give a flying fuck first.” She raised an eyebrow. “That’s right, I don’t.”

Beatrice-Rose sneered at Kara. Her head jerked toward Justin, motioning with her chin. Justin sighed and got up. He took a threatening step toward Kara.

Before he could do anything, I got in his face. “Do you want me to beat you up again? Because this time I’ll aim lower.”

Justin turned red. I knew he was going to hit me even before he raised his fist, but he froze. I felt someone approach from behind me.

Theo. He positioned himself protectively in front of me. I turned my head and spotted Beth beside me, offering moral support. Her blue hair and mismatched eyes winking at me. I felt my heart expand as if it would burst with happiness. They were here for me, here to support me. Touched, I blinked back my tears.

Theo didn’t say anything, just looked tall and intimidating and big enough to beat the hell out of Justin. He crossed his arms, his head turned down as he glared at Justin.

Justin backed away. “I wasn’t doing anything, man.”

“Leave,” Theo whispered dangerously.

Justin held his hands up, grabbed his drink, and walked away. Beatrice-Rose looked from us to him, then back to us. She had a look of hate on her face.

“This isn’t over,” she warned before grabbing her purse from her seat and walking away.

“Bye, bitch. I hope your favorite dessert is disappointment because that’s what you’ll be having for a while,” Kara singsonged.

When Beatrice-Rose was gone, Kara and Beth opened their arms to me. I swallowed a sob-hiccup and happily joined the group hug. Theo cleared his throat and awkwardly patted our backs.

I let out a contented sigh.

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