Altered Path

Chapter On With the Show

I didn’t know what time it was when I woke up because heavy curtains over the windows kept out any light that might be shining outside. Also, the lights were all still on in my room so it sort of felt like waking in the middle of the night after a bender.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes gently, expecting my face to be tender, but the skin was smooth and healed. No pain at all. It was kind of nice to know I wouldn’t have those bruises to hide. I went through a lot of makeup hiding Erik’s outbursts.

I didn’t want to get up, but I thought it would be smart to get a jump on the vampire.

Then, I realized the vampire probably didn’t wake up during the day. That’s how it worked, right? Vampires slept all day and got up at night to eat people.

I shivered, and not from the cold.

I got out of bed and wandered into the ‘private sitting room’ part of my suite. There, I found a folded piece of paper on the dining room table, which held plates and plates of various pastries, donuts, fruits, cheeses, meats, breads……

“Hell, yes!” I said, sitting down at the table and grinning widely at the feast in front of me.

I won’t say that Erik starved me, but he had a habit of using food as a punishment. He would allow me maybe a piece of bread or a few bites of cheese and then cut me off for the rest of the day.

Now, here was this huge spread and it was all for me.

I placed my hand on my tummy then and whispered, “All for us, kid.”

I popped a strawberry into my mouth and picked up the note.


When you wake, I will most likely be at my own rest. The envelope on the mantle contains a set of identification, some cash and credit cards and a set of keys to the house and your personal use vehicle.

I stopped reading for a minute because the words ‘personal use vehicle’ were at the same time exciting and unbelievable.

Feel free to walk the house and the immediate area. Get your bearings and begin thinking about things you will need. Please avoid the woods until I can properly introduce you to Tynan. Dearly, Gideon

Then there was a P.S.

P.S. The envelope also has your new phone. My number is programmed in.

A phone, too? I’d never had my own phone. And a car? I had to see what it looked like!

I grabbed the envelope off the counter and emptied it onto the table, accidentally knocking over a pitcher of orange juice in my excitement.

“Damn it!”

I ran to the bathroom, grabbed the fluffy towel I had used the night before and went back to sop up my mess. In the process of doing that, I knocked over a plate of fruit, scattering berries and apple slices and melon wedges across the carpet.

“UGGGHHHH!” I grumbled, “First task, find a maid.”

I was so excited to get to all this new stuff Gideon had left for me, I finally left the stupid fruit on the floor and turned back to the contents of the envelope.

Luckily, it had all been in a plastic baggy inside the large envelope, so the juice didn’t destroy anything except Gideon’s note. I picked it up and the liquid dripped off, blue ink streaking down the page.

“Tynan...” I read again.

I wondered who Tynan was. Maybe a caretaker or something.

“Alright, what do we have here...” I mumbled to myself as I flipped through the papers.

The first was an ID card with my picture and the name Melissa Preydor.

I wondered where he got a pic of me and also about the last name. My last name was Lambden, but I’d dropped it a long time ago and started using Erik’s last name, Downman. Preydor sounded fancy, though. I liked it.

There was a small red wallet containing some cash and cards. A smaller envelope contained more cash. The outside of the envelope said: ‘Weekly Allowance- $5000 (negotiable)’

“Holy shit!!” I exclaimed.

I had never had this much money. Hell, I had never seen this much money.

I suddenly had the urge to take all of this and run away. Grab some of these clothes and some of this food. Pack up some of those fancy cosmetics. Maybe look for some silver or family heirlooms on the way out to sell when I ran out of this cash.

But where would I go? I had no family and no friends. Erik saw to that. I had this money and a new identity. The car I didn’t consider mine until I saw the paperwork in my name, so I would have to leave that.

Then a piece of paper caught my eye so I picked it up.

It was a birth certificate with the name Melissa Preydor, claiming I was born in some hospital in France, to Gideon and Esther Preydor.

Interesting. Why would Gideon want to claim to be my father? And who was Esther?

The next paper was the registration for a new model SUV and it was in my name!!! Well, my new name.

Okay, I thought, this man...vampire, whatever, has set me up with everything I need to rip him off. Idiot.

But again, I remembered that I had no one in the world to help me. And here was Gideon, just asking me to let him give me whatever I want in return for……

“Oh god, my blood!” I said, suddenly feeling queasy.

No! You suck it up, girl! I said to myself. This guy has money and is willing to help you. You’ve done much worse than this for much less. Give it a shot.

So, I wandered around the house, searching for places that caught my eye and imagining them with different color or different furniture. I pulled the sheets off of any furniture as I went, checking out what was there and trying to imagine what else might be needed. I was difficult work since the electricity didn’t work in most of the house.

I found the kitchen and was very disappointed.

It was filthy. Covered in dust, trash, broken furniture and cobwebs. There were no appliances, except an old wood stove.

“My god, when did your family pass away??” I wondered aloud.

I finally went to the back door and tried to peer out the dusty glass.

It looked like a regular yard. Huge and untended to, but that I would handle all by myself. I had always wanted a garden.

By the time Gideon came down the stairs that evening, I had lists of things I needed and wanted and tons of questions.

Gideon chuckled when I showed him the notes I had been taking.

“I’m glad to see you’re still here,” he said when it got quiet.

I didn’t have to ask him what he meant. I knew he had felt my fear and probably knew I’d thought about stealing all this and running.

“Well, you made it very tempting, but I think staying is the better option,” I said, “I think.”

Gideon nodded and asked, “What is it that makes you unsure?”

I sat down on the couch I was moving around and patted the spot next to me.

Gideon looked slightly surprised, but he joined me.

“How does it feel? Will it hurt?” I asked, straightforward.

“Oh. Well, it does have its discomfort, but it is followed by a very pleasurable intoxication,” he replied, “If you like, we can try for the first time.”

I felt myself trembling slightly at the thought of that.

“I guess it’s going to have to happen eventually.” I said and bared my neck.

Gideon laughed.

“Not the neck, dear. We want to easily cover any marks that may be left,” he explained.

I hadn’t even considered the scars that this would leave.

“Oh my god, am I going to look like a pin cushion?” I wondered aloud.

Gideon sighed and held out his hand.

“Let me see your wrist, Melissa.” he asked.

I held it out and he took my forearm in his hand. He leaned down and gave me a quick wink, then he bared his fangs.

I gasped softly at the sight. I know I had seen them before, but it didn’t seem that the sight had lost its shock value.

“I’m going to bite your wrist. My fangs are quite sharp, and you will feel little to nothing, I assure you.” Gideon said.

I closed my eyes and gulped, waiting for the pain I knew had to be coming.

There! A pinprick, then a warmth.

“Oh...” I mumbled, suddenly feeling a head rush.

Gideon continued drinking.

My head felt light and wobbly. My chest seemed to bubble with giddy laughter. Colors seemed to be sprouting out of the oddest places and moving across my vision.

“Whoa….” I said, reaching out to touch a glowing blob of color.

Then, Gideon stopped. He looked confused.

“Your blood is…. different, somehow.” he said, looking at me strangely.

But I felt floatie and light and didn’t have a care in the world.

“Mmmhmm, yummo!” I mumbled, giving him a thumbs up.

He stared at me oddly for a few seconds, then shook his head.

“Tomorrow, you will see a doctor.” he said.

I giggled, because his face suddenly looked very drippy, like melting wax.

“Melissa?” Gideon called.

I looked over and realized I wasn’t looking at Gideon at all. Just a dusty pillow sitting on an empty chair.

“Uh….what’s going on?” I said, feeling dizzy.

“You’re quite drunk from my feeding, dear. I don’t think I’ve seen a reaction like this before. Are you listening?” Gideon was saying.

I heard him, but I suddenly couldn’t see anything clearly. I looked around and around, but everything was blurry and jerked around wildly.

“Gideon….” I said, hearing the fear in my voice.

Years of drug use had done me wrong. I thought I could handle any trip with ease. This, however, felt as if demons were tearing through my veins, just ripping and shredding as they went.

I felt when I started to fall, but I blacked out before I hit the ground.

I thought I heard Gideon cursing Erik’s name as I passed into unconsciousness...

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