Alpha's Surrogate

Alpha’s Surrogate Chapter 4

Alpha’s Surrogate Chapter 4
Xavier stormed into Ardara Moon Pack territory after burying his cousin’s body. He hadn’t even given his enemies a chance to
defend themselves as he mercilessly murdered over half of them. His Uncle and his family had suffered unexpected misery at
the hands of this pack.
Due to the stupidity of his forefathers, years of enmity had been resolved. But in order to make amends to his pack’s past
blunder, Xavier vowed to eliminate Ardara Moon Pack. He should’ve removed this evil pack from his way years ago. But it wasn’t
too late; Alpha Sawyer’s Gamma had been viciously slain the moment he’d entered the pack house. Luna Martha had hurried
into the living room to discover Noah acting stupidly as he snarled at Xavier.
Alpha Sawyer and his dumb son had continued to lash out due to their hubris, even though they knew they’d lost. Xavier wasn’t
there to have a conversation. It was no use. He’d won the fight, taken over their territory, now he just needed to get rid of the old
Alpha. Sawyer refused to accept that his son had raped and murdered Xavier’s cousin. His blind faith in his son’s education and
upbringing had been his downfall. He assumed that was part of Xavier’s strategy to get rid of them. They hadn’t wanted war but
had been attacked. He’d continued to defend his deceased son and refused to submit.
During this time of loss, Luna Martha had encouraged her mate to set aside pride and consider their children’s future, but Alpha
Sawyer had completely disregarded her. There was a flood of hatred in his heart. He’d ignored the safety of his surviving
children, he was too busy defending his dead son. She’d foreseen that Xavier would be a volatile male. There was a high
likelihood that Xavier’s men would scour the pack house to find any hidden pack members and kill them, if they did that meant
Martha had failed to protect her daughters. Xavier had noticed her panic. She was scared that if he found her daughters, he
would murder and rape them as a form of retalitation. She couldn’t take the anxiety.
Xavier had no intention of entertaining himself with their family drama, the Alpha and his son’s weak hollow egos. It’d only been
two minutes since he’d decided to finish them off as they’d refused to submit; he’d chosen to kill them. Fighting the wounded and
weak was meaningless. They’re merely wasting his valuable time. Just as he was about to signal his men to haul the old Alpha
to his feet, his nose picked up an unusually delightful aroma.
There was so much noise and arguing going on around him, yet he sensed even the tiniest sound quieting down. Ignoring the
reason for his presence in this house and the existence of his enemies before him, he peered over his shoulder at the wall
behind him. The lovely aroma emanated from there. What was it? No, the real question was, “Who was it?” There was only a
door and a wall behind him, but he knew that it was concealing more. The individual behind the wall’s heartbeat and fragrance
had drawn his attention that he’d chosen to ignore.

“Kill them all!” He ordered his wolves as he rose from his seat, knowing that the person’s heartbeat had intensified, as if it was
about to burst out of their chest. Someone had been alarmed by his statement. There was apprehension over losing the most
important people in one’s life.
“For the Alpha and his family...” he paused for a few seconds. He’d been told that the Alpha had only two sons, but the person
hiding behind the wall was most likely a family member. So Alpha Sawyer and his family had dared to lie and conceal other
family members after murdering his cousin?!
“Behead them all!” He’d no intention of finding out who was hidden behind the wall or what their motivations were. After killing
the Alpha’s family, if that person managed to hide in the pack then they’d eventually die when his pack set fire to the pack house
in the end. However, the sweetness of that person’s aroma was enough to discern that it was a female. A young female. Every
member of the Ardara Moon Pack was his adversary, this knowledge was enough for Xavier to decide their fate. They’d to follow
his deceased cousin. Again, a sequence of agonizing death began, which would obliterate this pack’s existence.
“Stop!” A terrified voice exclaimed, who’d never spoken aloud in her life, invaded his ears. Xavier abruptly came to a halt as the
female who’d been lurking behind the wall chose to reveal herself. He could sense agitation from his pack members, who were
irritated by the female’s interruption. How dare she raise her voice to their Alpha? How audacious? One of his pack members
who was the most loyal to Xavier had intended to attack the female but he received a mindlink from Xavier.
‘Don’t touch the female,’ he glared at the male from the corner of his eyes. It hadn’t been an order but a deadly warning that’d
been unexpected for all of his pack members. They lowered their heads and eyes immediately but still wondered why Xavier had
stopped them? Shouldn’y they disgrace her in front of her family? It was clear that she was the Alpha’s daughter and their
enemy. Xavier had intended to deal with the female himself.
Slowly turning his head, he noticed a pair of chocolate brown eyes staring into his. Dean, Xavier’s wolf, joined his human in
admiring the gorgeous female figure that resembled an angel. Kiara gasped as she saw his wolf’s eyes. Why had his wolf come
forward? Had he planned to kill her? He’d dark green eyes with hints of black and gold, indicating his supremacy. For the first
time, she’d laid eyes on Alpha Xavier, who’d struck terror in the heart of the werewolf world.
Xavier’s gaze was fixed on her. Her little face with its huge lovely chocolatey eyes complemented her natural soft red lips well.
Her eyes were the only thing that she had inherited from her Father. She hadn’t put any makeup on her delicate skin since she
hadn’t needed it. Her beautiful, brown hair fell over her face, emphasizing her beauty. Xavier pondered the last time he’d let a
female stand so close to him. Maybe it was two years ago, the day that he’d rejected Petra. After that, he hadn’t let any female
get close to him, except his female relatives.

“Please stop,” she pleaded, pulling him out of his thoughts and admiration of her. Her 5.7-foot frame stood tall in front of him, her
daring eyes were the cutest part of her body. She’d been staring directly into his green eyes. As he’d predicted, Alpha Sawyer
had two daughters whom he’d concealed. The older looking one of the two stood behind her sister, as though she’d protect her if
Xavier tried to hurt the chocolaty-eyed female.
“Kiara! What the f**k are you doing here?” Noah, Kiara’s brother, yelled from behind her. She should be hiding in her room and
shouldn’t have stuck her nose in the business of men. She knew it was what he was trying to say but were they really even
talking? If she hadn’t intervened, by now his head would’ve been severed. But he didn’t seem to care about that fact. Xavier’s
furious gaze fell on the blonde. His raspy voice had destroyed the moment. Kaiden watched the displeased face of his Alpha as
he slammed Noah’s face into the floor. How dare he annoy his Alpha?
Xavier turned his eyes back to the female, now he’d learnt her name, Kiara. Even her name piqued his interest.
“Kiara! Why did you leave your room? Go back!” Luna Martha struggled to get free from the two pairs of hands that were
forcefully holding her down. She’d been crying because her mate’s head was about to be cut from his shoulders before Kiara’d
arrived. But she was absolutely terrified now that Xavier’s eyes had fallen on her innocent daughter. She hadn’t been able to
keep her hidden from him. Kiara apologized to her Mom quietly beneath her breath. It was no longer necessary for her to hide.
“Mom, don’t worry about me. I won’t let you all die,” she promised to her Mother while maintaining eye contact with Xavier. Xavier
furrowed his brows as he noted the young female’s confidence. What made her believe that she could stop him? Kiara’s
heartbeat was racing rapidly in her chest, she could tell that her confidence had provoked him. She couldn’t deny that this scary
male was devilishly attractive.
On his 6.3-foot-tall torso, he was dressed in high-end clothing from head to toe. His well-groomed hair, prominent nose, and
sharp chin gave him the appearance of having just stepped out of a magazine. His scent was rich but she couldn’t tell what
exactly it was. For the first time in her life, she realized that this was the true personality of an Alpha. His aura, rather than his
mere presence, was enough to both frighten and attract those around him. Her egotistical older brother didn’t have even a tenth
of the presence that Xavier had in a room. Her brother only knew how to bark and make quick decisions.
“I ...” She started to speak but was interrupted.
“Kiara, go to your room. That’s an order!” She heard from her Father, who’d always used an Alpha tone on her. She’d been
surprised to hear him call her by name. She wondered when the last time he’d used her name was. Had he been worried about
her? But his rage and the venom in his gaze proved her thoughts wrong. He’d been staring at her Mother since Kiara walked into
the room. Martha had been the one responsible for locking her up. She, on the other hand, had disobeyed and appeared here

with Adira. She’d put her sister in danger as well. More than 20 ravenous wolves had encircled both young females. No one’s
eyes could resist the beauty and scents of the two young female bodies.
Kiara had decided to ignore her Father’s instructions for the first time in her life. If they’re going to die, his command was
counterproductive. So she’d chosen to disregard his command before every member of her family was killed. If they lived, she
may have to face the consequences. Her Father snarled at her again, this would serve as her final warning. Xavier’s enraged
gaze had been drawn to the old male, who’d yet to grasp the fact that he’d lost the battle and his pack. How dare he growl in his
“Rip his throat out!” Xavier growled. Kaiden buried his long, bloody claws into Sawyer’s neck, attempting to rip it apart.
“No, please stop?”Kiara pleaded to Kaiden, then her scared gaze returned to Xavier.
“Please don’t kill them. Don’t kill my family and pack,” her body drew closer to him in panic. Xavier watched her worried eyes so
closely that he could see every single detail of her face. Her lips looked so wet and soft. He couldn’t help but licked his own.
“I wonder, why?” He asked. Kiara was surprised by his inquiry. His question seemed to be legitimate. Her pack had been the one
to wrong him first. He’d suffered the loss of a family member. While his vengeance and rage were to be anticipated, she couldn’t
accept the thought of another one of her family members dying. He wasn’t going to let her live, but she’d to do something.
“Can we talk?” She inquired, realizing that his look had become as frigid as before. She couldn’t tell what was going on from his
facial expressions. Her Mother was in a panic, but before she could say anything, someone else thought he needed to speak his
“How can a lady like you talk to him? Keep your distance!” Noah yelled once more. How could she forget what he’d taught her?
A female had been designed to do house work, bear children as many her male wanted, and take care of those children.
Females should keep their mouths shut unless they’re spoken to. So talking to a male who was not a member of your family was
out of the question. He wouldn’t allow her to do that! He’d no respect for Kiara, she’d never expected him to be kind to her. But
she observed that as a result of his insult that she appeared weak in front of her enemies that the Alpha had drilled a hole in her
face with his eyes. Why had he been staring at her? But she kept her head held high as she waited for Xavier’s response.
“Let’s talk,” she repeated.
“Alone,” everyone in the room was taken aback when she added that. She knew that if they stayed in the room that her Father
and brother would keep interrupting her and she’d be unable to communicate effectively with Xavier.

“Don’t you dare!” Her Father snarled in warning, but she ignored it. Xavier loved Sawyer’s reaction. First his son had killed his
cousin but he was scared to let his daughter be alone with him? Shouldn’t he experience the same fear that his Uncle had felt
when he saw his daughter’s dead body. After defeating Ardara Moon Pack he’d accumulated so much power that he could strip
Sawyer’s daughter naked in front of them. But he was nothing like them.
“I don’t talk to children,” Xavier responded, dismissing her brother and Father’s statements as Kiara had. At the same time, he
gestured to Kiaden to firmly wrap a handkerchief around Noah’s mouth. He’d been barking like a dog.
“I know I’m younger than you, but I know what I’m talking about. Please hear me out,” she begged. This was her final resort. If
she couldn’t get Xavier to change his mind and talk to her, she’d lose everything. Xavier had been lured in by her despair, he
drew closer to her. She said she wasn’t a child? But she’d no wolf as he couldn’t tell her scent exactly.
“How old are you?” He placed his finger under her chin and raised her face up. Dean, his wolf groaned in dissatisfaction and
need. He’d breached his own rule. After two years, he’d finally touched a female. His s****l urges and need had been pushed to
the brink as an Alpha male and werewolf as he’d held himself in check. He’d never imagined that after he’d rejected Petra, it
would be hard to suppress his s****l urges, but his hatred for females had always prevented him from approaching them. Zander
had sent a prostitute into his chamber and given her a large check so that she could pleasure his brother all night. But as it
turned out, she was thrown out of his room after only two minutes since she’d failed to seduce him. Not just her, but all the
females that’d been brought in by Zander had been unable to sexually entice his brother. Hand jobs had been the only option
he’d found for release.
Xavier was irritated with himself, but this young female’s skin had caused his heated blood to rush all over his body. Dean urged
him to touch her as much as possible. After all, he was an animal who was just concerned with his s****l needs and didn’t care
about the consequences. She’d succeeded where other females hadn’t. Her innocent gaze had seduced him.
He was afraid he’d break her. She’d never been touched by a male in her life. Xavier could tell that she was nervous due to the
trembling of her body combined with the fact that her heart had begun to beat faster.
“I’ll be eighteen two days later,” she responded. She was worried about stammering in front of him. She kept her eyes wide
enabling him to read her like an open book. His rough hand on her chin was so strong that she wished she could remain there
with him forever. Although he seemed cold, his touch on her skin was soft and warm. Her skin felt like it was on fire.
“Lead the way,” Xavier said, barely removing his hungry fingers.Her heart was filled with hope as he had chosen to listen to her.
She nodded, turning to show him the way.

“I refuse to allow you to be alone in a room with a male!” Alpha Sawyer shouted, displaying his fury. When he gave her a deadly
glare, Kiara trembled in terror. He’d never physically abused her, but her fear of her Father was greater than anything else.
“I don’t permit you either!” Noah had been able to remove the handkerchief from his mouth.
“We’ll all die if I listen to you. Why can’t you see how dire this situation is? I’m sorry, but I can’t obey you,” she answered, walking
away while Xavier followed.
“What a w***e! How could I’ve forgotten that females communicate with their bodies?” He sneered. Kiara clenched her fists at
her sides and bit her lip to keep her tears at bay. He’d called her names almost every day of her life, yet she felt offended that it
had happened in front of Xavier. She hadn’t glanced around, she’d decided to take Xavier upstairs.
“Aaahhhh!.” Her brother’s agonizing cry brought her to a halt. What had happened? When she turned around, she discovered
that Xavier had stabbed Noah’s palm with a large knife. Luna Martha had screamed and attempted to stop Xavier, but it was
futile. By the time Kiara had arrived to stop him, he’d picked up another knife and gripped it in his other palm.
“Please no!” Kiara grabbed Xavier’s hand to stop him before the third knife pierced Noah’s throat. When he felt her touch, his
dark green gaze shifted to her. Her entire body felt chilled, she was shaking. She’d been terrified and for the first time, he saw
tears in her eyes. She adored her family without them, she would perish. Her desire to save them disturbed and irritated him.
Kiara noted that despite his irritation, he released his hold on her brother.
“Think twice before opening your mouth!” Xavier snarled as he stepped on Noah’s injured hand. He squealed like a pig,
screaming in agony. Kiara quickly took Xavier’s hand and began leading him up the stairs to a room before the males of her
family made another mistake. Adira followed her, taking up a position near the stairs.
“I’ll be standing here the entire time. Dad and Noah will assume that I’m with you. They can’t come out here to check on us since
they’re captives. Make the conversation quick,” Adira encouraged in low tones, but the male next to them had overheard
everything. After glancing at Xavier, Adira murmured to her sister.
“Don’t lock the door from the inside and yell if anything happens,” Adira urged loudly enough to warn Xavier that if he’d unsavory
plans for her sister, he should reconsider them. Kiara nodded, not glancing at Xavier’s countenance after hearing Adira’s words.
Had he been offended? He wouldn’t hurt her sister like he did Noah, would he?
They’d three rooms on the second floor. Lewis’ room was the first one she didn’t bother to even look at the door. Kiara escorted
Xavier to the middle room, even though the last one was hers. She shut the door after they entered the room, while Xavier
looked around the medium-sized room he realized it was Adira’s room. Kiara’s scent wasn’t in the room. Why had she brought

him to her sister’s room? Kiara turned to face the Alpha who’d strangely remained silent after committing such intense acts of
“What’s wrong?” She inquired, concerned that he’d not forgotten what Adira had said. Was he going to hurt her? She followed
his gaze only to discover that she was still holding his hand!
“I’m sorry,” she said as she withdrew her hand from his. She’d been holding his hand on the way up the stairs, which was really
embarrassing! Xavier observed a blush on her cheeks, which she immediately moved to conceal when she remembered why
she was with him. But she’d no idea where to begin.
“What’d you want to talk about?” Xavier started the conversation.
“My mother informed me earlier about the reason for your attack on our pack. I’m sorry to hear about your cousin.”
“I still can’t believe that my brother committed such a heinous crime. I sincerely apologize on behalf of my family and my entire
pack for his actions,” she bowed her head with humility as she apologized to him. Xavier had received his first apology from the
Ardara Moon Pack. He was amazed that it had come from the Alpha family’s youngest member. The adults of the family simply
had to open their mouths to die in the most agonizing way possible. Kiara, on the other hand, was honest and embarrassed.
“If you believe that with your one apology that I’ll allow your family to live, you’re mistaken.” Xavier wondered whether she’d the
wrong idea just because he consented to have a chat with her. He’d ceased believing in females, perhaps she’d been toying with
him the whole time, just because she’d an innocent face.
“I know,” she said in a panic, staring down at her feet that were encased in a pair of old tattered slippers.
“If you know, then this discussion is pointless because you want me to let go of your family, and I’m not going to do that,” Xavier
asserted, turning to face the door so that he could exit the room.
“But have you not extracted your vengeance?” Kiara asked, she was terrified that he’d leave the room. Xavier turned to face the
frightened female.
“You’ve already killed Lewis. He was the one who raped and murdered your cousin. He should be the one who bears the
consequences of his wrongdoing. You’ve already extracted your vengeance. So why?” She came to a halt when she felt
constricted since her emotions had rendered her weak.
“Don’t kill my family. Please...” she finished her sentence while he studied her face as if he were reading her. He’d seen tears in
her eyes a few seconds before, which she might have used to control and emotionally manipulate him, but he couldn’t see them

now. He’d always thought that the female’s weapon was the tears, which Petra had used to try to gain his sympathy, but this
female was attempting to influence Xavier’s views with her words.
“You’re absolutely correct. Our vengeance was complete with the death of Lewis.” Xavier leaned against the wall, both hands
tucked in his pockets. His figure had grown even more appealing in this stance, his legs seemed longer. There was hope in
Kiara’s heart, according to his statement. He understood what she was saying! Their animosity had stopped with Lewis’ death,
he would no longer harm her family!
“However, things don’t work the same way in our world,”
“What exactly do you mean?” Xavier glanced witheringly at her pale face. He’d just smashed her hopes.
“The weevil is crushed together with the wheat. Similarly, the consequences of any one person’s actions must be borne by his
family. For years, your pack has broken werewolf laws. Despite the peace agreement, your brother barged into a female only
hostel then raped and murdered my cousin. You’ve no clue how that poor female’s family members are doing. Her parents only
had one child. Despite her blindness, her parents hadn’t abandoned her.”
Kiara’s hands and feet felt like ice blocks the moment she realized that the female was blind. Her animalistic brother had put her
and her family into a quagmire from which they’d never be able to escape. Even after destroying the Ardara Moon Pack and
murdering all of its members, Xavier’s vengeance wouldn’t be complete, because the male who’d lost his blind daughter had lost
his purpose for living. Kiara had lost all confidence when it came to begging for the lives of her family members after discovering
the whole truth.
She drew her gaze up, daring to meet his frigid one. He was adamant about his decision. She was finished. She couldn’t
persuade him to alter his decision.
“What are you intending to do with my parents?” she ventured to ask, her chest throbbing with despair. She was embarrassed by
her own query. But she wanted to know if they’d be granted a burial or not because she was sure to die before her family.
Xavier wasn’t sure if he should respond to her question or not as she seemed to be in tears.
“Please tell me,” she begged.
“The Alpha and Luna will be beheaded. Since he was our adversary, a daughter of our family was slain, your parents’ body will
be left for the animals to consume.” Xavier told her about the ancestors’ traditions, which he intended to follow. Upon learning
that, the ground had slipped beneath Kiara’s feet.

“Your brother will suffer the same fate as your Father, since he would’ve been named the next Alpha.” Before she’d been able to
inquire, Xavier added. She was aware that it was about to happen in the back of her mind. If the Ardara Moon Pack had won the
fight, they’d have done the same.
“What about my sister? What will happen to her?” She hadn’t even bothered to think about herself. The Ardara Moon Pack’s
laws included no mention of beheading females. Only the Luna would be beheaded, but her sister wasn’t a Luna. She pondered
what penalty she would receive under Sirius Bright Pack’s law, but instead of responding to Kiara, Xavier stared into her eyes.
Would she be able to withstand the punishment meted out to her innocent sister? She waited for his answer impatiently, but he
simply turned to walk away. What had his silence meant? Why hasn’t he responded?
“No,” Kiara staggered as she realized what the penalty was. Adira, the Alpha’s daughter, would be thrown to the males of Sirius
Bright Pack. Those males would exploit her body for as long as they desired before killing her.
“I’m prepared to be punished in place of every member of my family.” Xavier’s hand came to a halt on the doorknob. He returned
his frowning gaze to Kiara, who was on her knees before him.
“What are you doing?” He growled. Even though he’d only spent five minutes with her, he knew she wasn’t one to submit easily,
but she was willing to do anything for the sake of his family.
“Please forgive my family, kill me instead. You can cut not only my head off but my whole body into pieces. You can feed my
body parts to wild animals or whatever you choose. I’m ready to face the punishment on behalf of my family, but my family and
the innocent pack members aren’t responsible for Lewis’ sins. Please...” Kiara couldn’t hold in her tears anymore. Xavier sat on
his knees in front of her while watching her big chocolaty teary eyes. She looked even more beautiful while crying.
“It’s impossible,” he said, glancing at the V-neck of her blouse, which revealed her breasts. Her top was already thin, he could
see that she hadn’t been wearing a bra underneath the fabric.
“Then take me as a slave,” barely able to rip his hungry eyes from her full breast, his surprised eyes snapped to hers.
“You do intend to murder us in retaliation for the insult to your family and pack, right?” You’ve already slain Lewis, so now you’re
bringing justice to your cousin. For other reasons, if you take me as your slave, I can make up for your loss. I’ll obey you and do
anything you want. I swear I’ll not weep if you abuse me. I’ll take the beatings and spend my life as a slave until you’re pleased,
but first you’ve to let go of my family. Allow them to live,” she attempted to strick a bargain as she trembled with terror. She was
well aware that what she’d offered would ruin her future. However, being an orphan would be worse than being a slave.

“The deal sounds appealing. But I don’t mistreat females or pups, so there’s no way I’m taking you as a slave,” Xavier brushed
her tears, pushing them away, but new tears flowed down her cheeks.
“Then what do you want from me? I’ve nothing else to offer you,” she realized. She’d run out of ideas.
“Are you a virgin?” Xavier’s question was straightforward as usual. Kiara was stunned and had a horrified expression on her
face. Why had he wanted to know about her virginity? Had he intended to sully her dignity in the same way that Lewis had sullied
his cousin’s? His eyes had changed hue to a deeper shade than earlier. She kept staring at him in horror as he waited for her
“Yes,” she couldn’t escape from his question. Her response sent a sense of relief through his chest. Dean growled with delight.
Xavier and his wolf had already discussed what they needed from this female.
“There is something I need you for and if you agree to it then I’ll spare your family and pack.”
“Really?” Kiara was stunned. He’d finally come up with something. He was willing to let go her family. But what did he desire
from her? She was terrified of him at the same time. She’d no clue what he was about to ask her. She needed to agree on
“What do you expect from me?” Her voice sounded like a whisper. Xavier ran his fingertips across her delicate lips.
“Be my surrogate,” he said.

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