Alpha’s Surrogate by Pooja

Chapter 47

Alpha's Surrogate Chapter 47

47. Mine. - part 2.

"Who is your mate, Iris?" Adira wondered, as she, too, was experiencing goosebumps for some unknown reason. A dead quiet had descended between the two females, which was scarier than anything else in the room.

"He is..."

"We've been attacked!!" Someone outside the pack house yelled, it was followed by the sound of several howls that echoed throughout the Sirius Bright Pack.

"What exactly is going on?" Adira and Iris dashed to the window, only to discover that all availible

pack members had transformed into their wolves.

"It's a rogues attack!" Iris shouted in panic. A significant number of rogues encircled the pack house, Adira witnessed the unexpected and frightening battle unfolding in front of her eyes.

That's when the young she-wolf saw her Alpha jump down from the second floor of the pack house, only to land in front of the house's door, scaring the wolves that were attempting to enter. Zander had gone up to retrieve Adira and Iris, but had immediately jumped out the window when he heard about the


The ground beneath his feet had trembled slightly when he landed. It was enough to frighten the nasty invading wolves, who backed away in dread as they were frightened and scared of Zander's that surrounded them. He remained in his human form. Evan had come forward in his eyes as he approached them, accompanied by the Beta and Gamma wolves, who had already shifted and followed their Alpha like deadly shadows.

A small grin spread over the young Luna's lips as she watched her grim reaper-like Alpha mate turn into a wolf and tear apart the enemies who dared to enter his territory. The fight was bloody and perilous from the start, the strange thing was that even though the enemy were terrified, none of them had tried to flee or defend themselves. They were more hell bent on attacking, as though their true goal was still unknown.

"No, those are not rogues. They are serial killers type wolves," Adira murmured, observing the fight.

"How did you figure that out? And why would they be here if they are serial killers? No one is allowed

to enter the pack unless someone lets them in!" Iris exclaimed with fright. Luna Maya had been able to enter the pack because her daughter had escorted her. Otherwise, she would have been killed on the border according to pack laws.

"That means there's a traitor among us who allowed them in!" Adira acknowledged that she

understood another piece of the game.

"What now?" Iris inquired, observing that more wolves had encircled her brother.

"We need to fight. Let's go!" Adira yelled as she stormed out of the room, closely followed by Iris, who

was taken aback by this bold side of her sister-in-mate. Adira promptly transformed into her wolf as she

stormed out of the pack house to join her mate. Everyone's gaze was drawn to the stunning female wolf, the pack's new Luna, who had abruptly appeared. Lena fought close to her Luna since it was one of her responsibilities as Gamma female to protect her at all costs.

The large gray wolf drew the enemy's attention as he stood near to his Luna. Lance, the bodyguard, had been told to close the pack house door and not allow Adria out, but he had no clue she would get outside so quickly. The Luna's participation in the battle increased confidence and created enthusiasm among the pack members.

Zander's black fur was stained with the enemy's blood, which indicated that he had turned into a

killing machine. He had to acknowledge that he had not anticipated that their enemy would make this

move. This had to be carried out by the same person who had been using magic and killing their people.

When he was unable to do so, he dispatched these serial killers. Their combat technique, talent, and motive appeared to be distinct from those of other assailants. They didn't belong to another pack. Instead, they lived in a tiny group, more akin to a lone wolf, and only to banded together when they were sent to murder people or packs. They, too, were not terrified of death.

One thing was for certain: Zander could not allow these heinous criminals to slaughter his pack members. He'd ensured that by murdering half of them, as each Sirius Bright Pack fighter was always prepared for battle they would be less likely to be harmed. If they had been harmed none of them would perish. Zander tore one of their attacker's chests so badly that blood spilled all over his eyes, turning his green eyes crimson. He shook his head, letting out another howl before his next assault on his following victim. Until his dark green eyes caught sight of a magnificent white she-wolf killing one of Zander's enemies from the side.

Without even intending to or realizing it, the Alpha's feet slowed as he studied his stunning and rather

furious mate. She was a white wolf? He mentally chuckled. He had no idea. Despite the fact that she had a

crimson blood stain on her fur, it was as white as snow which caused the most gorgeous aspect of her

body, her dark blue eyes to stand out in contrast. At that moment they latched on to him for a few seconds before a wolf attacked her from behind.

Evan whimpered in anguish as her leg bled and she yelped in agony. Lance had successfully leapt on the wolf and flung him away, only to have another one jump on him. Isha tried to push the wolf off, but his canines had sunk deeply into her leg and she was afraid that it would damage her bone if she moved too soon. Lena tried to shove the wolf away, instead she was the one who was attacked, and Tyler rushed back to defend her. Adira was left alone while another wolf joined his comrade to assault her until the Alpha ambushed both of them, causing their bodies to fly into a nearby large tree.

Adira rolled on the ground in agony while Zander stood in front of her, preventing any attackers from approaching her. Kaiden, Tyler, Lena, and the other pack members who had been mind-linking while fighting realized something unexpected. They were still surrounded by more than 20 wolves, but their

enemy's focus seemed to be on the Luna. They'd been attempting to reach Zander so that they could then

get their hands on the she-wolf who was lying behind him and quickly healing herself. Wait! Did this imply

that they wanted the Luna? Why? Was she the cause of this surprise attack?

Zander, who had already recognized their motive of reaching his mate, had gone wild and charged two of them as they had been fighting him in a group. But, as he turned aside to block two more, one of the brown wolves sprang on Adira out of nowhere swiping their claws down her chest.

It was so quick that she hadn't been able to defend herself and cried out in agony, which quickly

reached her Alpha's ears. Zander turned in shock to find the brown wolf still hovering over his injured mate grinning at him in challenge.

The brown wolf saw the Alpha's muscles straining as his dark green eyes darken before he let out a lethal growl and charged towards the lowlife who had hurt his mate. Fear was plainly visible in the brown wolf's eyes as he ran into the woods before Zander's bloodthirsty claws and canines could shred him into

numerous pieces. The only thing on Zander's mind at the moment was vengeance.

"Kaiden, Tyler! Leave everything behind and look after Adira until I return. Get her back into the pack house. I'll come back when I've killed that fucker!" Zander gave the command through mind-link, sprinting into the woods after the brown wolf, who was still on their territory but had no intention of fleeing. If he didn't kill the dickhead, the green-eyed Alpha wasn't of Alpha blood!

Following their orders, the Beta and Gamma hurried to protect their Luna, who had nearly healed her leg and chest, but they were stopped by 5 wolves that had intercepted their path making Adira unreachable. Lance, the grey wolf, was successful in shielding her, although he was forcibly pushed away. The young she-wolf, who was still sitting on the ground, had noticed something unusual.

Every member of the pack was busy killing the enemy, only a couple of them were badly injured. No one had witnessed their Alpha sprinting alone into the woods. At the same time, she had observed more than four hostile wolves entering the woods from various directions. When Adira realized that it was a trap, her blue eyes widened. Zander was alone and likely caught in their trap! They wanted him alone and woods and they had gotten it. Using all of her strength and willpower, she spent another few seconds to heal her leg leaving her chest slightly bruised before transforming into her wolf and racing into the forest. She would finish healing later, but for the time being she needed to protect Zander. He was alone and unaware of their attackers' nefarious scheme.

She followed Zander's scent for a long time, reaching far into the middle of the woods. Where could he be? Why had the wolves lured him all the way out here? Something wasn't right! She panicked as she ran, trying to mind-link him until she spotted Zander pinned to the ground by four men. The Alpha had shifted into his human form, they his face was pressed into the ground so that they could securely hold him otherwise he would have gotten loose and murdered them all. Adira growled angrily before leaping

back into the battlefield. She had planned to kill anyone who dared to touch her mate!

"No! You need to leave!!" Zander yelled, but she did not listen to him. How could she turn a blind eye to this when he was in danger? They would kill him. Isha accelerated, seeing that none of the wolves even attempted to defend themselves, and that they were using all their energy in keeping Zander down. That's when Adira realized that the trapp had been set for her as well. A large wolf attacked her from the side causing her to collapse to the ground in pain. Suddenly, two wolves pinned her body to the ground not far

from Zander.

"Well... well. Finally we've got you, Luna," the brown wolf returned to his human form and grinned at her. His caressed for her fur as he watched Zander's reaction

*******g remove your dirty hands away from her. Dont touch her!" The Alpha sneered threateningly. Evan was attempting to take him over once more, but these assholes had him pinned in just the right places, preventing his shift. Adira whimpered in agony and wriggled in their grip, but nothing worked.

"Touch? We will do more than you ever wanted to imagine," the brown wolf warned with a dirty


"Face me like a man. Let her go!" Zander yelled, noticing her bleeding chest.

"I would happily have faced you if I intended to hunt you, but we only want the woman. We lured you here so that we could capture her. Like an obedient b***h she followed her mate so that she could save you Poor woman," the brown wolf chided, poking her injured chest. Adira suppressed her agonizing groan when she realized Zander was going insane from seeing her in this state.

"Why her? She


Let her go," the Alpha roared, deciding to rip the filthy wolf's hand off that

he had used to poke his mate's injuries.

"Well, we've discovered that your innocent woman knows far more than she needs to. It's unfortunate that a lady has so much information. It makes them a threat, that's what she is, therefore we need to get her out of here," the guy added nonchalantly before returning his gaze to the female wolf. Adira tilted her head in confusion. What was he talking about? Was he crazy?

"Why don't you shift back?" He suggested to her.

"No, don't shift, Adira!!" Zander yelled. The brown wolf motioned for his men to hit the Alpha in the face until he bled. When Adira saw Zander covered in blood she yelped in an attempt to free herself. She was crying, but she was pushed back into the ground. If she obeyed them and shifted then she would be left naked before their filthy eyes.

"if you don't shift into your human form, we'll slit your mate's throat with that silver knife," the brown wolf warned, motioning to one of his men, who pulled a knife from his pocket. Adira froze in horror as she saw him move the knife closer to Zander's throat. They were going to murder them. But how did they manage to handle the silver so easily? Even though it was encased in a special metal, it had no effect on them. Weren't they werewolves, or were they hybrids?

"Don't shift back! Nothing will happen to me," Zander told her again.

"Kill him," the man ordered. As soon as they put the knife against Zander's throat, he shouted in pain as his skin started to burn.

"No! Don't kill him!" Adira screamed immediately shifting back. Zander roared in rage as she shifted against his request. That's exactly what they had wanted! Isha quickly took a step back to defend their mate. All the wolves grinned at each other as they leered at the nude beauty in front of them. The brown wolf's gaze was fixed on her exposed chest, which moved up and down as she took a deep angry


"Now let him go!" Adira yelled at the man.

"I surely will. We only wanted you so we will...." For the first time, the brown wolf returned his gaze to her face, his eyes widened in surprise when he saw Adira's human face. Adira glared back at him, finding him creepy as hell. Why was he staring at her like that? When Zander saw that man moving closer to his she-wolf, he began to struggle like crazy.

"Have we met before?" The brown wolf murmured while touching her cheek. The Alpha was taken by surprise to find the other wolf's eyes gleaming causing him to roar angrily. He had the audacity to touch his mate?! Adira moved her face away in disgust, but he grabbed her cheeks firmly once more.

"Don't touch me!" She bit his hand.

"Tell me!" he shouted at her.

"I don't know a low life like you!" Enraged she spat on his face. The brown wolf chuckled, wiping his face then slapped her hard. He gripped her long hair tightly as her bottom lips bled.

"You are great at acting b***h! For the time being, I need to finish this business with you completely,

but we deserve a little pleasure, don't you think?" He remarked while removing a gleaming little ball-like item from his pocket that appeared to contain a drug.

"What is that?" Adira asked in horror when he started to move it closer to her mouth.

"I made it using my magical abilities. I've never f****d a woman in heat before, and now I'm interested in doing so," he muttered as he clutched her cheeks.

"No! I don't want that," Adira shrieked, her mouth moving away. So these wolves were a cross

between two species! Half werewolf, half wizard!

"You f*****g mutt! I dare you to touch her! I dare you to feed her that medication! I'll hunt you down and slaughter you!" Zander yelled at the top of his lungs. If they fed her that, she would go into heat! And then... he did not want to think what would happen after that.

"Too bad. We'll have your mate in heat and then leave her dead body right next to yours. Oh, I forgot to mention that if I put this in her mouth, she will never be able to spit it out? She has to swallow it no matter the circumstances." He smirked at Zander before digging his nails into Adira's cheeks and inserting the medication into her mouth. When he did it, the Alpha's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Adira!!" He yelled, shoving those wolves off all at once, using all of his strength. The brown wolf noticed Zander's claws sticking out and he stabbed two wolves at once. Two others backed away from him in fear, looking to their leader for further instruction.

"Kill the Alpha! He will be nothing without his mate," in terror, he instructed his man, but they couldn't stand in front of Evan's power any longer. The man who had been holding Adira rushed to stop Zander as well. The brown wolf was afraid of the blood that Zander's would shed, he felt that he would perish if he didn't flee. He looked over at Adira, who was rolling about on the ground. She still had the potion in her mouth. She had tried everything that she could to spit it out while gasping for air, but it was impossible. She had to swallow it, as the brown wolf had stated, otherwise she would die of


"I can't leave without you," the brown wolf murmured as he dragged Adira away from Zander. He had

to complete his assignment or he was done for. He had also enlisted the help of additional men. He watched all of his men die around him until he was left alone. f**k! He had underestimated Zander, the Alpha. He would not have accepted this assignment if he had known about his capabilities!

"How dare you touch my mate!" Zander snarled. He witnessed Evan lunge at him as he rip the brown wolf's arm off of his body in one go. It happened to be the same arm that had been holding on to


"AAHHHHH!" His agonizing cry rang throughout the pack as he collapsed to the ground bleeding copiously from his shoulder while his torn limb lay beside him on the ground. Zander shifted back and kicked him in the chest, flinging him away from Adira. He immediately cradled her in his arms.


"Adira, look at me! Don't swallow it. Spit it out!" He shouted while shaking her harder. She nodded,

trying to spit it but she was getting tired.

"I'm afraid I can't do that. I have to swallow it," she whispered, closing her eyes to swallow the drug

with watery eyes.

"No! Don't!" Zander roared, gripping her cheek and pressing his mouth to hers. If she couldn't spit it

out then he'd do it. Before it was too late, his tongue drew the potion into his own mouth. When she noticed he had sucked all the potion into his mouth, Adira's blue eyes widened in fear.

"No! Why did you do that!" She yelled, fearfully cupping his face. She had no clue why he would take

it in her place.

"Don't worry. Nothing will happen to me," Zander smiled a little but she shook her head.

"Why? Why did you do it?" She cried, hugging him.

"Shhh,I am okay, Adira. You are injured, let's go back to the pack house," he responded, smiling at her again while holding her hand in his. She peered deep into his eyes, her heart was racing for this man.


could he do such a thing to her? How could she forgive herself if something happened to him? She had

observed something out of the ordinary about his eyes and features. His skin had become red and heated. His emerald eyes had softened and become more attractive. Looking at her, he let out a hungry

growl. Isha

grumbled in her head. His wolf had seduced her! When she realized what had happened, the she-wolf

swallowed her saliva in fear.

"You are in rut!" She stated while holding his cheeks. So the drug could put a woman in heat, or put a

man in rut? Rut was more dangerous than heat! He could turned into a emotionless hungry beast for sx.

The Alpha was about to go nuts!

"Kill them!" The brown wolf suddenly yelled. Adira noticed more wolves charging at them, intent on

killing them. He had called for reinforcements to help him! She couldn't confront them alone, especially when her Alpha was stuck in a rut,

"Zander. Get up. We need to run!" Adira helped him to his feet and ran into the woods holding his hand. She looked at him from time to time and realized that he was not in his right mind. His lustful eyes were fixed on her, he was obeying her like a robot but he was omitting a deadly rut pheromone that was affecting her wolf. Ista was growing weak but it was not time to think about their needs or lust. If they got

caught then they were done for.

Adira came to a halt after a few minutes of running, her jaw dropping in anxiety. It was a dead end, in

front of them was a pit. She looked back, where she could hear the pounding of wolves' paws approaching them. She looked to the Alpha, who was still staring at her with lust-filled eyes. No plan was coming to


her mind. She drew a long breath and made her choice.

*Stay behind me! I will protect you!" She drew him back and stood like a shield before him. In an

instant, more than five wolves appeared in front of them in their wolf form, every one of them grinned

evilly at the sight of the lone she-wolf. They opted to ignore the Alpha behind her since he was stuck in a

mplish anything. When they surged toward Adira, she took a step closer, preparing to shift. She felt the Alpha's big hand on her bare waist just as she was about to shift. She looked over her

shoulder, perplexed by his action, before her body was drawn closer to him.

"Mine..." Adira was stunned to hear Evan's possessive voice in her ears as his hand traveled down to

her lower belly. What was he doing to her?

"Zander..." she licked her lips feeling his lips on her ears and closed her eyes with a moan.

"Mine!" he whipered again before he jumped over the ledge of the pit with his arms around her.

"AHHHHH!" The young Luna's terrified s**** m was the last thing the wolves heard before kaiden,

Tyler, and the rest of the pack arrived.

"Kill them all. Don't leave any of them alive!" The second in command ordered as he shifted back into his human form. They had slaughtered all of their enemies, and the only ones who remained were those

who had followed the Alpha and Luna. Tyler and the others had dealt with them in a matter of seconds. In

terror, the Gamma hurried towards the pit, and they had all seen Zander jump into it with Adira.

"f**k! They jumped from here?! Now what will tell the elders and the Alpha?" Kaiden grumbled. They knelt in dread because it was a dead end. No one had ever survived the fall. Their Alpha and Luna

had vanished inside. What will happen now? That's when he got a call from Xavier, but before the Beta could say anything, he heard from the other side that Kiara had vanished.

"What's wrong?" Tyler asked, shaking his head Kaiden had frozen in shock.

"Both the Alphas and Lunas have been attacked, only Xavier hasn't disappeared," they both looked at each other, down at the phone, then at the pit. They were all in deep s**t.

Next update in next four hours.

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