Alpha’s Second Chance Mate (Sidonie & Carlyle)

Chapter 74

Chapter 74
...Carlyle really cares about you.... Fine, he made mistakes, but he’s willing to
make up for it. Did you give him the chance? No! You didn't....... You only care
about how hurt you were without considering him too...Admitting mistakes is the
first step to getting better. Forgiving yourself is important too, then make
amends.” Donald and Athena’s words rang in my ears consitently.
With a heart heavy with concern, I made my way to Carlyle’s quarters, eager to
offer comfort and support during this tough time. But as I got closer, I felt like
there was something blocking us. Every time I tried to reach out, he avoided me,
creating a distance that made me feel powerless.
One time when I saw him, I sought his attention but he didn’t pay heed to me at
“What is it that you want to talk about?” he asked without sparing me a glance.
“Are you avoiding me on purpose?” I questioned, feeling frustrated.
“I don't understand what you're talking about,” he replied, still not looking at me.
“You're ignoring me, Carlyle. I want to talk to you,” I insisted.
“We can talk later,” he dismissed, brushing off my concerns.
Before I could press further, a guard interrupted our conversation, delivering
urgent news to Carlyle.
“Sorry to interrupt, Alpha, but your presence is needed at the pack’s training
ground,” the guard informed him solemnly.
Carlyle’s brow furrowed in concern, his attention shifting from me to the guard.
“What's going on?” he asked, his voice laced with worry.
“It's urgent, sir. Alpha Mason has requested your immediate presence,” the guard
replied, his tone leaving no room for delay.
Carlyle’s expression darkened at the mention of Mason’s name, a flicker of
concern passing through his eyes before he composed himself.
“Understood. I'll be there shortly,” Carlyle responded, his tone authoritative yet
tinged with apprehension.
As the guard departed, leaving Carlyle and me alone once more, I couldn't shake
the feeling of uncase that settled in the pit of my stomach. Despite Carlyle’s
attempts to deflect, it was clear that something significant was unfolding within
the pack.
“Is everything alright?” I ventured, my voice laced with concern.
Carlyle hesitated for a moment before meeting my gaze, his eyes betraying the
turmoil within. I'm not sure,” he admitted, a hint of vulnerability seeping into his
voice. “But I need to find out.”
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Chapter 74
With that, Carlyle turned and hurried away, leaving me standing alone in the
wake of uncertainty. A pang of sadness and frustration settled within me as
Carlyle continued to elude my attempts to connect. The weight of concern for his
well-being collided with the ache of being kept at a distance. I couldn't shake the
feeling of helplessness, and the unanswered knocks on his door echoed the
silent turmoil within my heart.
Questions swirled in my mind, each one amplifying the emotional toll. Was it my
presence that troubled him? Was there something he couldn’t express, locked
away in the confiries of his pain? The lack of clarity only intensified the knots of
worry, leaving me to grapple with the reality of not being able to provide the
support I yearned to give.
As night descended and the world around me grew still, I retreated to my bed,
hoping for a respite. from the whirlwind of emotions that had consumed me
throughout the day. The soft embrace of the mattress offered little comfort,
however, as my mind buzzed with thoughts of Carlyle and the unresolved tension
between us.
I tossed and turned, the weight of our conversation weighing heavily on my mind.
Despite my exhaustion, sleep cluded me, as the words exchanged with Donald
earlier in the day replayed like a broken record in my mind.
Donald's cryptic warnings had left me unsettled, his ominous words hinting at a
truth that lurked. just beyond my grasp. What did he know that I didn’t? And how
did it relate to Carlyle and the pack?
With each passing moment, the shadows in my room seemed to grow darker,
mirroring the uncertainty that clouded my thoughts. I longed for the comfort of
sleep, yet the specter of doubt loomed large, casting a pall over my weary mind.
Hours ticked by in agonizing silence, the moon casting its gentle glow through
the windowpane as I lay restless beneath the covers. In the solitude of the night,
with only my thoughts for company, I grappled with the weight of secrets left
unspoken and the fear of what tomorrow might bring.
With the night dragging on endlessly and sleep continuing to evade me, I found
myself unable to shake off the restlessness that plagued my mind. As the hours
slipped away, my thoughts relentlessly circled back to Carlyle, his troubled
expression haunting my every waking moment.
Unable to endure the torment of my own thoughts any longer, I summoned the
courage to rise from my bed and make my way to his chambers. Each step felt
like a journey into the unknown, my heart pounding in anticipation of what
awaited me on the other side of his door.
With trembling hands, I reached out and knocked softly, the sound echoing in the
silence of the night. For a moment, there was no response, and I feared that my
intrusion had gone unnoticed.
Undeterred, I persisted, knocking on the door with a mixture of determination and
trepidation. “Carlyle, it's me, Donnie. Can we talk?” I called out, hoping to breach
the silence that seemed to envelop his secluded space.
“Alpha Carlyle is not in at the moment.” A passing by maid said to me.
“How long has he been out?” I asked.
“It has been a while. He hasn't returned since he left earlier in the day.”
12:03 Sat, 2 Mar F RO-
Chapter 74
“Alright, thank you.” My mind went at rest since he hasn't returned. I had hope at
least. I didn’t know how I slept off in a distant corner while waiting for him. All I
knew was that I woke up after a brief moment of succumbing to slumber to check
Carlyle’s door. Then, I found him inside, engrossed in whatever he was doing. He
seemed very busy with the files he was going through that he didn’t notice my
Thinking for a while, I decided to pend whatever it was till the next day.
But just as I began to retreat, the door creaked open, revealing Carlyle's figure
silhouetted against the dim light of his chamber.
His expression was a mixture of surprise and apprehension as he regarded me,
the lines of tension softening at the sight of my weary face.
“What are you doing here?” he asked, his voice hushed with the weight of the
“I couldn't sleep, I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. “And I couldn't
shake the feeling that we needed to talk.”
Carlyle’s gaze softened, a flicker of understanding passing between us. Without
a word, he stepped aside, inviting me in with a silent gesture.
As I entered, the air seemed to crackle with unspoken tension, the space
between us filled with a thousand unspoken words. But in that moment, amidst
the quiet of the night, I knew that we had finally broken through the barriers that
had kept us apart. At least, in the slightest way as I was determined to see it
through with him the moment he ushered me in.
Seated across from each other in the dim light of his chamber, we didn’t say
anything for a while. Each of us seemed to be gathering our thoughts. However, I
knew deep down that I didn’t know how to start the conversation with him.
“I'm sorry,” I began, my voice hesitant as I cleared my throat, catching Carlyle’s
attention from his
“What for?” he asked, his focus still on what he was doing.
“I'm sorry for the cold shoulders and all,” I said, keeping my apology brief.
Carlyle paused, looking up to meet my gaze before patting the space beside him,
inviting me to sit..
“Come here,” he said softly.
I walked over to him, and he took my hand, guiding me to sit beside him in the
chair. He then returned his attention to the files he was organizing, remaining
“Are you purposely punishing me?” I asked, feeling a mix of frustration and
“Why did you ask that?” he replied, his tone guarded.
“You asked me to come sit here, but you're basically ignoring me,” I pointed out,
searching his face. for any sign of understanding.
He sighed after studying my expression. “Donnie, seriously you need to learn
patience. You really
Sat, 2M
Chapter 74
can’t continue acting like this if you're going to be the Luna of this pack.”
“I never said I want to be your Luna,” I retorted, feeling defensive.
“That is not important right now. However, I deeply apologize for hurting you, but
you need to understand that I never meant for any of it to happen,” Carlyle
explained, his voice tinged with regret.
“Raina was just here to... I began to explain, but he interrupted me, placing his
finger across my lips.
“Shh... It's fine. I can’t say that I have fully gotten my mind off it, but I'm sorry for
understanding you nevertheless,” I said, finally letting go of some of the tension
between us.
You should know...”
“Alpha Carlyle, someone seeks your attention,” a messenger interrupted our
discussion from outside.
“Who is it?” I replied before Carlyle could speak.
“She says she is Raina,” the messenger relayed.
“Tell her the
Alpha is quite busy to attend to her,” I instructed, sensing Carlyle’s amusement at
“Why did you do that?” he asked, his expression clouded with curiosity.
“Nothing! I only did what I see fit,” I shrugged, trying to brush off his question.
“Come here!” Carlyle opened his arms for a bear hug. I hesitated for a moment,
but he pulled me closer, and I embraced him fully.
“Why don’t you want to acknowledge the bond between us, Donnie?” he asked
softly, his voice laced. with concern.
“How are you feeling? Donald told me how much you stressed yourself for my
sake,” I deflected, changing the subject.
“How do you expect me to be hale and hearty without you?” he replied, his gaze
I'm serious, Carlyle. Enough of your pranks,” I insisted, trying to push back
against the emotions stirring within me.
“I'm not pulling pranks, Donnie. I'm serious and you know it,” he countered, his
tone sincere.
“I doubt it,” I replied, unable to fully trust his words.
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“ . . >
Be mine, Donnie. Take for example, if
you had my mark on you, I would
have sensed it immediately you were
» .
in danger,” he pleaded, his words
echoing with conviction. The content
is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
“I'm scared, I confessed after a brief moment of silence.
Chapter 74
“Scared of what? What scares you when you have me here?” he asked gently,
his eyes searching mine for answers.
“I can’t fit in the position next to you,” I admitted, feeling vulnerable.
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I . ) .
Who said that? You're obviously
going to make a good wife and
mother, not excluding being a good
Luna for the pack. In fact, you're
going to be the best Luna in the
: ”
history of Moon Shade,” he reassured
me, his confidence unwavering. The
content is on! Read
the latest chapter there!
“Don't flatter me. You're not sure about that. I know my own capability,” I replied,
trying to maintain my composure.
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wp . : f
I'm not flattering you, Donnie. It's the
truth. You might not know it, but I do.
Moreover, the goddess wouldn't
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make you my mate if you aren't going
; . »
to be a blessing for this pack,” he
insisted, his words resonating deeply
within me. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter therel
“If you say so.” I conceded, feeling a flicker of hope stirring within me...
“Is that a yes?” he asked eagerly.
“No, I'll think about it,” I replied hesitantly.
“Not anymore. I'm not giving you that chance again,” he declared firmly, leaving
no room for doubt as he pulled me closer, peppering kisses on my cheeks.

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