Alpha’s Second Chance Mate (Sidonie & Carlyle)

Chapter 69

Chapter 69
In the soft light of day, I stood at the agreed meeting spot according to the note
with a sense of anticipation mingling with determination. This place, known for its
tranquil beauty, had been witness to countless rendezvous and tender moments
beneath the sun's warmth. But today, there was an unsettling absence -an
ominous one.
I scanned the area, my eyes searching for any sign of Donnie. The gentle breeze
rustled through the leaves, adding a whispering soundtrack to the scene.
Glancing at my watch, I felt the urgency of the situation. Years of leadership had
sharpened my instincts, urging me to remain vigilant. Despite following the route
to this rendezvous point, there was no sign of Donnie, leaving me with a growing
sense of unease.
Donnie’s non—-appearance, though expected, punctuated the night with a
poignant void. Now fully immersed in the clandestine dance of intrigue, I couldn't
ignore the unsettling nature of her absence. Something was wrong and I needed
to figure it out as soon as possible as she could be in danger.
“I doubt that she’s here.” Said, Donald.
“I know, and that's the more reason I'm so worried. With her character, she would
definitely have. left if she waited too long without seeing me. She's got not much
of a chill.”
“You're right on that. How do you intend to find her now that she’s not here?”
“I've tried tracing her sent but it feels like there's something stopping me from
knowing where the scent leads.”
Out of nowhere, a mysterious fog crept in, unwelcome and unsettling, distorting
the familiar surroundings. My awareness sharpened as I cautiously moved
through the ethereal mist, each step leading me further into unfamiliar territory.
As the mist thickened, distorting the edges of perception, my surroundings
morphed into ant otherworldly tableau. The boundary between the tangible and
the ethereal blurred, casting shadows that danced with the whispers of
In the ephemeral realm created by the mysterious mist, I felt a chill in the air—an
arcane premonition that Donnie’s absence was not merely a result of
circumstance but a carefully. orchestrated act.
“Are you okay?” Donald asked. From the looks of it, he didn’t seem to be affected
by the mist. I tried to tell him what was going on with me, but it felt like there was
some force that suddenly had my mouth zipped.
Determined and resolute, I pressed on, refusing to be deterred by the mysterious
puzzle before him. With each step, I was driven by a relentless resolve to
uncover the truth hidden within the mist. The sun, a steadfast observer of the
unfolding events, bathed the surroundings in a golden hue as I ventured further
into the riddle that had swallowed Donnie whole.
12:02 Sat, 2 Mar RO
Chapter 69
After so many trials, I couldn't get anything and before I knew it, everything was
normal around me once again.
“What happened just now I asked Donald,
“Nothing special, Carl. Just that you were suddenly acting weird.”
“Wasn't there a mist just now?”
“No, there wasn't. Did something happen?” he placed his hand on my shoulder to
see if I was okay as I briefed him about what happened.
“This is more than ordinary. Something wild might have happened to Donnie. We
need to act
Fueled by the urgency of the situation, I orchestrated a quiet but thorough search
for Donnie. The whole squad, sworn to protect the pack’s interests, joined the
nocturnal quest without arousing the pack’s suspicions.
My orders were conveyed in hushed tones and through mind-links, a silent
symphony of cooperation echoing. The search squad moved like shadows, their
senses attuned to every rustle of leaves, every faint sound that could lead them
to Donnie’s whereabouts.
The royal abode became a staging ground for the covert operation. Flanked by
the dedicated members of his pack, I moved with the precision of a strategic
mind navigating the intricacies of a battlefield. Every corner, every secluded
space was scrutinized, each shadow interrogated for
My heartbeat synced with the rhythm of the night, an unspoken plea for Donnie’s
safety echoing in each thud. The minutes stretched into hours, a test of patience
for the leading the search.
The evening air whispered secrets but divulged no clues.
As the sun dipped towards the horizon, casting shadows that heralded the
coming night, the truth became clear-we still had no clue where Donnie was.
Despite our thorough search under the cover of night, the mystery of his
disappearance remained unsolved.
Returning to my chambers, I was greeted with another bad news as if ive not had
enough that day. Mason's nanny greeted me with a somber expression, her
usually cheerful demeanor overshadowed by concern.
“Alpha Carlyle, there's something you need to know,” she began, her voice
trembling with apprehension.
Instantly, my heart clenched with a sense of worry. “What is it, Delilah? What's
wrong?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper, fearing the answer that
awaited me.
“It's Mason,” she replied, her words heavy with emotion: “He’s running a high
fever, and I'm afraid it's gotten worse throughout the day.”
Mason. My son. The very thought of him in distress sent a surge of panic
coursing through my veins. In that moment, the weight of the world seemed to
crash down upon me, eclipsing all other
Chapter 69
concerns with the urgent need to be by his side.
Without a second thought, Lsprang into action, my mind racing with a million
thoughts and fears. Questions tumbled through my mind like loose debris in a
storm, each one more pressing than the last. How high was his fever? Was it
something serious? Would he be okay? How exactly did he become so ill?
As Delillah filled me in on the details, her words became a blur, lost in the chaos
of my racing thoughts. All that mattered was getting to Mason, ensuring his safety
and well-being above all else. I haven't found Donnie yet, and I can't risk
anything bad happening to Mason.
With a sense of urgency that bordered on desperation, I gathered my things and
rushed out the door, my heart pounding in my chest like a drumbeat of dread.
Arriving at the pack hospital, I walked through the maze of corridors with a sense
of purpose that bordered on obsession.
Every moment felt like an eternity with each step bringing me closer to the truth
that awaited me at Mason's bedside.
Finally, I reached his room, the sterile scent of antiseptic assaulting my senses as
I pushed open the door. And there he was, my precious boy, lying pale and still
against the stark white sheets of the hospital bed.
My heart shattered at the sight of him, his small form engulfed by the enormity of
the hospital room. But despite the fear and uncertainty that gripped me, one thing
remained clear: I would do anything, everything, to ensure his recovery.
Taking his hand in mine, I whispered words of reassurance, willing him to find
strength in the sound of my voice.
my usually authoritative demeanor tempered by concern, I approached the
healers with a mixture of urgency and respect.
“How is he?” I inquired, my voice a low rumble echoing the weight of my worry.
One of the lead healers, a seasoned member of the pack with years of
experience, met my gaze. “Alpha, we're doing our best. Mason's condition is
unusual, and we're trying different approaches to pinpoint the cause.”
Carlyle nodded, his brow furrowed. “Unusual? He was perfectly fine until today.
What happened?”
The healer hesitated for a moment before responding, choosing his words
carefully. “We're not. entirely sure yet. It's as if his energy is being drained, but
there's no obvious source or ailment. We've called upon spiritual healers to
explore any supernatural aspects that may be at play.”
My jaw tightened at the mention of supernatural elements. “Do whatever it takes
to find out what's affecting him. Mason is resilient; this sudden change is
The healers exchanged glances, sensing my underlying distress. Another healer,
focusing on a mystical aspect, added, “We're performing a thorough spiritual
cleansing to ensure there are no lingering effects. We'll update you as soon as
we have more information.”
I nodded again, gratitude mingled with impatience. “Keep me informed, and do
everything in your
Chapter 69
power to heal him if you don’t want to lose your heads. Mason is the future of this
pack, and I can't afford to lose him.”
As I stepped back, I couldn't shake the unsettling feeling that something profound
was at play, threatening the very core of the pack’s strength. The healers
resumed their efforts, driven by a shared determination to restore Mason to his
vibrant self, while I continued to wait.
Then, I got a note telling me what to do to save Sidonnic.
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I . - 3
Take off the Royal Crescent insignia
from the pack borders, stop probing
into matters of the Sertid pack and
come alone to the Moonlit Falls by
midnight if you agree to these terms.
Failure to comply will result in dire
consequences for your beloved

mate.” It read. The message was
obviously anonymous. The content is
on! Read the latest
chapter there!
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My eyes narrowed as I read the
threatening note. The demands
struck at the very heart of my
authority, challenging the core of my
identity as an Alpha. It was a
dilemma that left me torn between
my duty to the pack and the urgent
need to save Donnie. The content is
on! Read the latest
chapter there!
Donald, observing the turmoil in my expression, voiced his concern. “Alpha, this
is a dangerous. request. You can’t just abandon your role, especially with the
current uncertainties in the pack.”
My jaw clenched as I wrestled with the conflicting emotions. “l won't let anything
happen to Donnie. If this is what it takes, I'll do it.”
Donald's gaze hardened with determination. “I'll stand by your side, Alpha, no
matter what. But let's approach this cautiously. We need a plan, not just blind
I nodded with a steely resolve in his eyes. “Gather a skilled few, those we trust
implicitly. Time is of the essence. We can’t let Donnie suffer any longer.”
As the Moonlit Falls beckoned under the veil of night, I prepared to face a
challenge that not only threatened my authority but also tested the limits of my
love and commitment to Donnie.
However, before I could leave, my face contorted in pain as my illness resurged,
gripping me with renewed intensity. Beads of sweat formed on my forehead, and
my breaths became labored.
“You're suffering a relapse,” Donald moved to call for Raina’s assistance, sensing
the severity of the situation.
“No!” My voice was strained as my eyes reflected both pain and frustration. “I
regret ever seeking her help in the first place. I'm not letting her near me again.”
Donald hesitated, torn between the urgency of my condition and my adamant
refusal. “Alpha, we need to consider all options, Raipa might be our only chance
to save you.”
My eyes narrowed with determination. “I'd rather face this alone than give her the
chance to give me a hard time. Find another solution, Donald.”
As the battle against my illness waged within him, I grappled not only with
physical pain but also with the haunting consequences of my decisions.
12:02 581, 2 Mar
Chapter 69
In the hushed chamber, Carlyle’s struggles gradually subsided, replaced by the
eerie stillness of unconsciousness. The healers exchanged concerned glances,
their expressions betraying the gravity of the situation.
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« , : "
He doesn’t have much time,” one of
the healers murmured, her voice
laden with the weight of impending
’ :
loss. Standing by Carlyle’s side, felt
the urgency of the moment. Time
seemed to slip through our fingers
like sand, leaving us with a narrowing
: : ,
window of opportunity. The Alpha’s
life hung in delicate balance, and the
once—mighty leader now lay
vulnerable, tethering on the edge of
mortality. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
“We need to act quickly,” I urged the healers, my gaze fixed on Carlyle’s
weakening form. “Find Raina. We can't let pride stand in the way of saving his
life. I muttered to myself.
Reluctantly, I reached for my communication device, acknowledging the difficult
truth that, in this desperate moment, I had no choice but to seek Raina’s

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