Alpha’s Second Chance Mate (Sidonie & Carlyle)

Chapter 66

Chapter 66
I directed my gaze toward Raina with my stern and authoritative expression.
“Raina, your actions are inappropriate. This is not the time or place for such
revelations. Why did you come in in the first place?”
“You didn’t ask me this question when you were ill, about to die.” She retorted.
“This is not your pack, Raina. I wouldn't let you stray this way. You can't act
anyhow you like here.”
Raina remained stubborn, talking back with a defiance that only fueled the
tension in the room. It couldn't let her disrupt the peace further, and considering
her brother's position in the supernatural world, I chose a different course of
Normally, I would have had her punished gravely for her offense but I couldn't.
“Raina, I warn you. If you persist in causing disturbances and acting wildly like
some uncultured being, there will be consequences,” I declared firmly with the
weight of authority in my voice.
“That should be your problem when you're fully recovered. Right now, all the
power lies in my hands.” Her response was far from compliant, but I couldn't take
drastic measures due to her brother's position and other reasons which included
the deal we made with her before she could lend us the Blue Bliss Crown she
“Have her punished according to the pack’s rules. I was forced to give such an
order to Donald.
“No, you can't. This isn't the way of an Alpha. We have to stick to the rules and
her conditions like she requested.” Donald reminded me of the whole thing her
actions, her demeanor, her mannerism toward me, everything was getting me red
with anger.
Instead of doing what I intended to do, I turned to Donald, instructing him to
confine Raina within the guest space of the pack, hoping to contain the turmoil
she was causing.
“Make sure she has no way to leave that place and find a way to cut off her
communication network with her pack, Rex to be precise. I can’t have anyone
walking over to lecture me about some hospitality treatment at the moment.
“Are you sure you want to do this? Have you thought it through?” Donald asked
but I wasn’t in any way listening to all he has to say. I was way angrier then
because of the way Donnie left.
“Of course, I have. Moreover, it won't be forever. It should be till Donnie comes to
terms with me, till I earn her forgiveness. I replied with utmost honesty. I didn’t
mean to hide things from Donnie in the first place. In fact, I had planned to tell
her when everything with Raina settles down. Who knew that she would get to
know beforehand? Not even in a good way at that.
My anger was seething beneath the surface, fueled not only by Raina’s disruptive
behavior but also by the impact it had on Donnie and the delicate situation with
“Just be careful and ready for whatever possibilities that could turn out to
happen.” Donald's
12:01 Sat, 2 Mar FR
Chapter 66
warning was duly noted, but my frustration demanded a more immediate
“Donald, I appreciate the warning, but Raina’s actions cannot go unchecked.
Confine her to the guest space like I said. I won't tolerate any more chaos she
might cause,” I commanded, my tone firm, betraying the intensity of my
emotions. The turmoil within the pack needed to be contained, and Raina’s
defiance wouldn't be allowed to escalate further.
“Alright, I'm on it.” He led Raina out, and I shut my eyes as the door shut behind
them too. The rest was none of my concern.
Feeling the weight of the situation, I made a swift journey to Donnie’s abode with
a sense of urgency propelling my steps. However, upon reaching her door, it
became evident that the rift created by Raina’s revelation was profound.
“Donnie, we need to talk. Please, let me in,” I pleaded, my voice carrying a
mixture of sincerity and
The door remained closed and her anger was noticeable even through the
barrier. Despite my attempts to diffuse the tension, it became clear that the
wounds ran deep.
“Sidonnie, I really don’t want you to act like this. At least, listen to my
explanations.” I pleaded, while waiting for the door to push open but it seemed it
was only a wish as time went by.
Reluctantly, I turned away after quite a number of attempts to get her to open the
door, realizing that time and understanding were necessary to heal the newly
inflicted wounds.
“I'll be back.” I muttered.
I haven't worked far when the door opened behind me. Turning sharply, the door
shut tightly, dashing the little hope that managed to brew inside me, but Mason's
sudden appearance caught me off guard. His innocent eyes held a mix of
confusion and concern, a stark contrast to the turbulence within the household.
“Mason, dear, how've you been?” I tried to keep my tone light, masking the
heaviness that lingered
“Okay, I guess,” he mumbled, kicking a small pebble with the tip of his shoe. “But
Mom's been crying a lot.”
My chest tightened. “I know, buddy. I'm here now, and we'll figure things out,
okay?” I tousled his hair, masking my own turmoil with a reassuring smile. “Why
don’t you tell me what you've been up to lately?”
He hesitated for a moment, glancing at the closed door behind him.
“I missed you, Dad. Why didn’t you come see us? Mama said you have so many
things to do and
you can't come see us.”
The innocence in his question pierced through me.
“I'm sorry, Mason. Things got complicated, but I promise I'll make it up to you,” I
said, and he nodded.
Sat, 2 Mar
Chapter 66
“I want to show you my drawings. Let's go in.” He dragged my hands towards the
door and I followed suit. At least, if I can enter that way, I would be able to speak
to Donnie.
“Mama,” Mason called from outside but got no response.
“Delilah,” he called again, but to his nanny this time. Still, there was no response.
He tried severally but he got the same bland response.
Since I knew what caused the snobbish act, I decided to let him forget about the
drawings till a later time.
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“ » .

Mason,” I began, kneeling down to

5 : “ :

his height, “Il know things are
complicated right now, but I want you
to understand that your mum and I
are sorting things out. It might take

. ”
time, but we care about you, okay?
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He nodded, a small smile breaking
through the cloud of uncertainty. As
the door lingered closed, I sighed,
grappling with the challenge of
mending what Raina had callously
torn apart. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
“When will you come back?” Mason tugged at the side of my trousers.
“Soon, dear. You'll surely see me soon. Make sure you take care of mama,
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« » .

Okay.” He nodded in response,
hesitant to let me go. But I just gave
in so Donnie would let him in back as
the outside could be dangerous for
him alone. If I remained there, the
door would The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
definitely not be opened. So, I just had to leave as the last choice.

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