Alpha’s Second Chance Mate (Sidonie & Carlyle)

Chapter 63

Chapter 63
“How did this happen?” I asked upon getting to the Sertid Fur pack, one of the
popular and most important packs that contributed to the training and
empowerment of the army—in—training. Earlier that day, I had received a news
that the Alpha of the pack was found dead in his room.
Ferdek, the Alpha’s Beta, took a deep breath before responding. “It seems to be
a case of poisoning, Alpha Carlyle. We are investigating, but tensions are rising
among the pack members.”
The elders of the Sertid Fur Pack gathered around me, their expressions a mix of
concern and uncertainty. One of the elders, a seasoned wolf with a gray muzzle,
spoke up.
“We heard a scream from one of the Alpha’s attendants in the early morning.
Rushing to his room, we found him lying lifeless on his bed. It appeared as
though he had struggled before succumbing to the poison. The room was in
disarray, suggesting a possible struggle or attempt to escape.”
Another elder, a wise-looking she—wolf, added, “We suspect foul play, Alpha
Carlyle. The nature of the poison indicates a deliberate act, and tensions among
the pack members are escalating. Some are pointing fingers, and we fear it could
lead to internal conflicts.”
“What do you suggest we do, Alpha? Ferdek, the Beta, asked, seeking guidance.
I took a moment to consider the situation. “First, maintain order within the pack.
Avoid unnecessary confrontations and keep a close eye on any potential
instigators. Secondly, intensify. the investigation. Identify any enemies or internal
disputes that might have led to this. We need to act swiftly and decisively to
prevent further unrest.”
The elders nodded, acknowledging the severity of the situation. It was clear that
the stability of the Sertid Fur Pack hung in the balance but I was ready to give it
what it takes.
“Can I see the body?” I requested to see the corpse, and the elders reluctantly
led me to the Alpha’s quarters. The room bore the traces of a struggle, as the
elder had mentioned. The bed wast disheveled, and there were signs of a scuffle
near the door. It was evident that the Alpha had fought for his life.
Kneeling beside the lifeless body, I carefully observed the signs. The coloration of
the skin. indicated a rapid onset of the poison, likely acting within a short
timeframe. The facial expression suggested a moment of agony and surprise. I
inspected the claws and fur for any signs of defensive wounds, trying to
understand how the struggle unfolded.
As I examined the corpse, Donald stood by, a thoughtful expression on his face.
“This looks like a targeted attack, Alpha. The nature of the struggle and the swift
effect of the poison suggest a well-planned act. We need to consider potential
motives and enemies within the pack.”
I nodded in agreement.
“Indeed, Donald. We should investigate recent disputes, rivalries, or any signs of
discontent within the Sertid Fur Pack. If this was an inside job, the motive might
be rooted in pack dynamics or
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Chapter 63
personal vendettas.”
We discussed the possibility of gathering witnesses, conducting interviews, and
employing magical or supernatural means to uncover hidden truths..
As we prepared to leave the Alphas quarters, my eyes caught a subtle detail on
the arm of the deceased Alpha- a small but distinctive logo inscribed on his skin.
The symbol seemed unfamiliar, prompting me to check it more closely.
“Donald, take a look at this,” I called out, pointing to the logo. “This isn’t a random
mark. It appears. intentional, like a brand or a symbol with significance.”
Donald leaned in, studying the logo..
“You're right, Alpha. This isn’t a common marking. It could be a clue, a
connection to a group or an organization.”
I made a mental note to inquire among the Sertid Fur Pack members about any
affiliations the Alpha might have had. The logo hinted at a broader context, and
understanding its meaning could unravel hidden layers of the mysterious
circumstances surrounding the Alpha’s demise.
“Let's not overlook this detail, Donald. It might be the key to understanding the
motive behind the poisoning. I stated, determined to piece together the puzzle
that lay before us.
Ferdek returned from where he headed, to complete some urgent tasks and I
called his notice to the symbol.
“By chance, do you recognize it?”
“Not really. I have...” He suddenly trailed off which prompted me to take a look at
his face. I didn’t miss the suspicious expression which I saw on his face.
“Do you remember something?”
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No, no, I don't. Something else came

. Sa p
to mind but it isn't related to the case

at hand.” Ferdek managed to say but
I doubted his claims. I told him to
watch out for any other related things
and inform me as soon as he gets
insight into what might have possibly
happened. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
As we left, Donald seemedost in thought and I asked if he had anything to say or
something he noticed which I didn't.
“Not really. I have...” He suddenly trailed off, his expression shifting to one of
suspicion. It didn’t escape my notice as I turned to look at him, sensing that there
was more to his hesitation.
“You have what, Donald?" I prompted, my tone serious. The investigation had
taken a turn, and Donald's reaction hinted at a piece of information he was
hesitant to share.
He took a deep breath before speaking, “I have a feeling that Ferdek might know
more about this. His hesitation, the sudden rise in tension among the pack
members ~ it all seems too coincidental.”
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I nodded, acknowledging his insight.
Ferdek, as the Beta, would likely have
been close to the Alpha and privy to
certain details. If there was any
internal strife or external influence, he
might indeed hold valuable
information. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
12:01 sat, 2 Mar FR
Chapter 63
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« ) . %

Let's approach this cautiously. We
need to gather more evidence before
drawing conclusions, but keep a

watchful eye on Ferdek. We can't
afford to overlook any potential
» ies
leads,” I remarked, emphasizing the
need for a thorough and discreet
investigation. The mystery
: ,

surrounding the Alpha’s death was
deepening, and Ferdek had just
become a person of interest. The
content is on! Read
the latest chapter there!

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