Alpha’s Second Chance Mate (Sidonie & Carlyle)

Chapter 52

Chapter 52
“No!” Donnie's voice resonated firmly, and a part of me was hurt but it wasn’t my
thing to back down. I had it in mind that I would do all it takes to convince her.
Tension filled the air as I posed the question, seeking to unravel the layers of
Donnie’s hesitancy.
“Why did you say no? Is there any reason you're responding strongly against
returning to Moon Shade? Against returning to your pack?” I inquired as I
resonated with genuine curiosity and a desire for understanding.
Donnie’s response crackled with defensiveness, a barricade erected against the
probing nature of my question.
“That should be none of your business. You requested I tell you about Mason's
paternity, and I did just right with that. Why pester me about returning to Moon
Shade?” She retorted with her words laced with a hint of frustration.
“You don't have to raise your voice at me, Sidonnie. I'm asking for your opinion
and not forcing you. You know I could have just ordered you as an Alpha to do
my bidding. By then, you'll have no choice,” I asserted, reminding her of the
power dynamics at play.
Then, she went silent, heaving a sigh.
I'm sorry, but my response remains the same.” She uttered.
“Donnie, why don't you put the past behind you and just think about Mason?”
Athena interrupted, approaching our destination.
“Athena. Donnie trailed off as she stared at Athena’s approaching figure.
“You shouldn't reply to your Alpha that way, Donnie.”
“I have every right to choose what I want. And going to Moon Shade is totally out
of it.”
Athena glanced at me briefly before diverting her gaze back to Sidonnie.
“It's better we have this discussion inside.”
In the quiet confines of Athena's space, Donnie hesitated before pouring out the
whispers of her fears, vulnerabilities tethered to the scars of the past and Athena
stood as a pillar of wisdom and maternal strength, listening with understanding.
“Sometimes, Athena, the weight of the past feels like an anchor, pulling me hack
from the prospect of a new beginning. The scars run deep, and I fear that
revisiting Moon Shade might unravel the progress I've made, not just for Mason
but for me too, Donnie confessed, her words carrying the
11:58 Sat, 2 Mar RD.
Chapter 52
echoes of a healing soul.
“I understand you, Donnie. But try facing your fears. If not for anything, just try to
go home. For yourself, for Mason, it's worth it.” Athena paused.
“How am I to be sure things would go well with me returning to the pack? How
can I be sure he’s going to treat me well?” Donnie voiced out in a whisper.
“Donnie, my dear, fear is a natural companion on the journey of healing. But
remember, ther goddess has a way of uniting hearts and forging bonds stronger
than any adversity. Your past doesn't define you; it's the choices you make in the
present that shape your future.”
“You're not getting me, Athena. You don’t understand me. What if-"
There's no if, Donnie. I've had enough. If I knew about your pregnancy, I can't tell
what would have happened and how this whole thing would have turned out.” I
paused for a bit, allowing my words to sink into their minds- both Athena's and
Athena sighed, her gaze shifting between Donnie and me, as if caught in the
crossfire of emotions. Donnie’s eyes held a mix of fear and defiance, a storm of
conflicting feelings swirling within her. The room seemed to tighten with tension,
“But one thing I know is that I wouldn't allow my flesh and blood to be
abandoned. Mason has me as his father now, there's definitely no going back. I
am taking him with me. He needs to be trained as a royal of my pack who will
inherit my legacy! That's a final decision.”
Donnie looked at Athena with fear and I understood what that look meant. I
understood her just right
“You don't need to look at Athena that way, Donnie. You really don’t need to. I
know I fucked up back then with my actions and words, I'm sorry about that.
“Donnie,” I continued, my tone firm yet tinged with a genuine remorse that
echoed through the walls of the room.
“I messed up back then. I let fear cloud my judgment, and for that, I apologize.
But this is not about dwelling on the past; it's about embracing the future. Mason
deserves to know his heritage, to understand the legacy that awaits him in Moon
Athena, sensing the gravity of the situation, spoke softly, attempting to mediate
between the conflicting emotions.
“Donnie, Mason's journey doesn't have to be one of separation. It can be a
bridge connecting his past
and present, a tapestry woven with threads of love and acceptance. You both
hold the power to shape his destiny.”
Donnie’s expression softened, the fear giving way to a glimmer of contemplation.
The air hung in suspense as she grappled with the weight of my words and the
possibilities they carried.
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“ ) .

I know you're scared, Donnie, We
both are. But Mason deserves to
have a complete family—a family that
can guide him, nurture him, and love
him unconditionally, I am here now,
willing to make amends, to be the

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father he needs. Let's give him the
chance to know his roots, to forge
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Chapter 32
connections that will define him in the years to come.” I pleaded with nothing but
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The room fell into a profound silence
as the magnitude of the moment
settled around us. In that stillness,
Athena and Donnie exchanged a
silent exchange of understanding, a
connection that transcended words.
The impending decisions loomed
large, and the journey ahead held
uncertainties. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
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« . .

Mason, would you like to go on a trip

3 ” >

with me?” I asked the little boy to
change the tension in the room.
Perhaps if Donnie feels the
happiness radiating from him, she
might consider my request. The
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the latest chapter there!
Mason took a look at his mother who was obviously deep in thought before
answering me.
“I'll go anywhere mama goes. He replied.

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