Alpha’s Second Chance Mate (Sidonie & Carlyle)

Chapter 31

Chapter 31
As ordered, Sidonnie stood in front of me, bowing her head respectfully. Then, I
directed her to take her seat once again, and she did.
“Who were those men?” I asked out of curiosity and concern.
“I don’t know,” she lied, and I could sense it immediately.
“You don't lie to me, Donnie.” I warned with an authoritative demeanor.
“They were sent to kill me by Alpha Raina.” She answered to my utmost surprise.
“Do you mean Raina? Rex's sister?” I was beginning to get angry. Just because I
refused the marriage doesn’t mean they should act anyhow toward me—-my
person, my woman, my mate. How dare she?
“Yes, the assassins confessed to it before you had them killed.” She paused,
taking a moment to look at me as if scared that I might punish her.
“Thinking of it, you caused all this for me.” She said with a bit of fear, keeping
mute immediately I turned my gaze toward her.
“Feel free. You can talk. I won't bite.” My tone softened, realizing the fear in her
eyes. I wanted her to understand that, despite the circumstances, she could trust
me. I'm the one on edge here and I was a bit scared that she'll continue to run
from me.
She took a deep breath before continuing, “I knew Raina wouldn't take your
disagreement lightly, you should have known better how desperate she was for
her to tell Alpha Rex. Those men were her way of getting back at you, at us.” She
expressed herself without restraint.
I chuckled at her pronunciation of the word, “us’ and Laryl was very happy. I knew
the word meant nothing special to her, but it meant a lot to I and Laryl.
“What made you think she'll attack you?"
“It's so easy, Alpha Carlyle. The moment she could connect us together because
of your actions, I became her target right away.
Anger simmered within me as I absorbed the gravity of her words. The situation
had escalated beyond personal choices, and now it involved the safety of those
close to me. Sidonnie’s fear was palpable, and I knew I needed to do something.
But that would be
18:47 Fri, 1 Mar 9027
Chapter 31
after returning rom Aridah. That would be after I sort out the war that threatens
moon Shade.
“I'm sorry if I caused your hurt. I apologized sincerely, staring into space but she
chuckled loudly, and her chuckle manifested into a heart laughter. Either way, it
was nice to see her in that mood. It could only mean that she was becoming
more comfortable around me.
“What's wrong? Did I say something to funny?” I asked.
“That's so expensive, coming from you. The last time I checked, you were all high
and mighty. Hearing you say sorry was nerve racking. She explained.
“You forget one thing. Sidonnie. No matter what position I hold, I'm still someone
with a soul. I can feel people's pain, anxiety, and probably their nervousness and
sadness. I could tell when they weren't comfortable with something, but some
things have to be put in place.”
“Then why didn’t you put me in my place for saying those words to you?” She
asked with a heavy spirit, her countenance changing into a very serious one.
“I can’t. Donnie. And that's because you're my mate. Mine! Moreover, we aren't in
public or the pack where utmost respect is needed. You'll understand when we
finally get mated and be my Luna.”
“I never agreed to become your mate.” She fired back, standing to glare at me.
“Take it easy, Sidonnie. It's not like you have a choice. The moon goddess had it
fated already. I'm sure you can feel the connection between us; you don't need to
deny it.”
“I could reject it, you know. I don’t want to have anything to do with you.” She was
so defiant, with blood coursing through her veins faster. I could see it with the
intensity of her anger.
“Was that why you left in the first place? Because you don't want to have
anything to do
with me?”
“I had to leave, Alpha Carlyle.”
Now, that hurt. The tone at which she called my name and the honorifics she
added made it sound like there’s some sort of distance between us and I really
don’t want her to be like that. As Sidonnie stood there, her words lingered in the
air, creating a tense atmosphere different from the one we began our
conversation with.
I could feel the weight of her defiance and determination not to submit to the
Chapter 31
connection between us. The air seemed charged with unspoken emotions, and
the room echoed with the underlying tension of our conversation.
“You had to leave” I repeated her words, a mixture of surprise and hurt evident in
my voice. It felt like a stab to the heart, knowing that she left because she wanted
to distance herself from me. Though, I knew there were other reasons she left
asides that and that was just her excuse but it still hurts,
1 could see the conflict within her. Her
Sidonnie’s eyes met mine, and for a 11 ions that she struggled to conceal.
gaze held a certain intensity, a battle of
“Why did you have to leave, Sidonnie?” I pressed, my tone softer but still laced
with the ache of the unanswered question.
She took a deep breath, as if preparing herself for what she was about to say.
“I had my reasons, Alpha Carlyle. Reasons that are personal and not open for
The air grew thicker with each passing second, and I could sense the wall she
was building around herself. It was a barrier I couldn't penetrate, leaving me on
the outside, yearning for understanding.
“Sidonnie,” I began, my voice a gentle plea, “we need to communicate, especially
if we're bound by fate. Communication is crucial between mates.”
Her eyes flickered with a mixture of emotions—defiance, vulnerability, and a hint
of sadness.
Sidonnie’s words echoed in the space around us, each sentence a reminder of
the pain. we had caused each other.
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« p .
I don't want this to happen between
us, Sidonnie. Fine, I admit that we
. , :
didn't start our relationship well, but
: »
we could talk it out and move on,” I
pleaded as my voice carried a
genuine desire for reconciliation. The
content is on! Read
the latest chapter there!
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Her silence spoke volumes, and I
could sense the deep—seated
resentment she harbored. The room
felt heavy with the burden of our
past, and I could tell right then that
bridging the gap would not be easy,
but I was willing to give it my all. The
content is on! Read
the latest chapter there!
Visit to read full content.
(rien ” +
Is it that easy?” she finally
responded, her words dripping with

sarcasm. “If my memory serves me
right, I could remember your words
: P [ )
back then. Firstly, it was, “there's not
; B P a
going to be a next time, “Stop stalking
me and get out of my life, and the
likes. You yelled, you were fierce, and
you want me to stay? Who does
” +
that?” The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
Chapter 31
“I'm sorry. Sidonnic. I had my reasons.” I admitted, my tone carrying a genuine
“Of course, you had veur reasons. Everyone has their reasons for the things they
do,” she retorted, her gaze piercing through me.
“I never knew you would end up being my mate after that night at the bar. If I
knew...” I began. trying to explain, but she cut me off with a question that hung
tensely in the air.
“Do you have the right to treat every girl you sleep with anyhow because you're
an Alpha?” Her words were a sharp rebuke, challenging the very foundation of
my actions. and responsibilities as an Alpha.

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