Alpha’s Second Chance Mate (Sidonie & Carlyle)

Chapter 107

Chapter 107
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I have always known what attending a wedding felt like but I never knew how it
felt like to be the bride. Talk less of being the soon to be Luna. I was really
nervous and super happy.
Standing before the mirror, my reflection gazing back at me in the soft glow of the
dressing room lights, a
whirlwind of emotions swept through me. Excitement, anticipation, nervous-all
vied for dominance within
my racing heart.
In the depths of my mind, my wolf stirred, her presence a comforting presence
amidst the flurry of emotions.
“We've waited for this moment, Sidonnie,” she whispered, her voice a soothing
melody amidst the chaos. “We
are ready.”
I couldn't help but smile at her reassurance, drawing strength from her
unwavering confidence. Together, we had endured hardships, triumphs, and
everything in between, forging a bond that ran deeper than mere words could
Yet, as I traced the delicate lace adorning the bodice of my gown, doubts crept in,
like tendrils of mist weaving through the forest at dawn.
“What if 'm not ready?” I whispered, my voice barely audible over the rustle of
My wolf nudged me gently.
“We are stronger than you know, Sidonnie,” she murmured. “Trust in yourself,
trust in us. We can do this
With her words echoing in my mind, I took a deep breath with the scent around
filling my senses. Today was not just about me; it was about the pack, about our
future, about the unbreakable bond between Alpha and Luna which would soon
he established between Carlyle and me.
And so, with a silent prayer to the moon Goddess above, I squared my
shoulders, completely ready for the day.
The wedding began and I calmly followed the procedures together with Carlyle.
After that, it was time for my crowning as a Luna -as Moon Shadow Luna.
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Chapter 107
do you accept the responsibility of being the pack’s mother, shouldering all
responsibilities fairly and being just and considerate in all affairs......."” This
question made me still for a moment. Time flashed in front of me as I recalled all
I've been through to get here. Can I really do this? I hesitated.
One look at Carlyle, I nodded in response to the question.
“Yes, I do.” I responded to the officiator.
If at all I wanted to hesitate for other reasons, just looking at Carlyle’s face, he let
me know I can do it with a nod of his head. Of course, I can't let him down so I
was willing to try my best.
The ceremony ended and the air was filled with merriment. I really enjoyed my
day. But one thing bothered me nevertheless and that was Athena's absence. I
had sent her an invitation with the hope that she'll be there as promised.
However, the time was really far spent but she was nowhere in sight yet. I wasn't
happy about it. I told Carlyle and he tried putting my worries at bay.
Meeting Donald and his mate did justice to that. Her name was Amelia. She was
down to earth. So beautiful!
“Is this how all Canthrastras look like?" I asked myself.
If she was a guy, I would have wooed her possibly. When she spoke, her voice
alone was good and pleasing to be
the ears.
While the four us, Carlyle and I, together with Donald and Sidonnie were
engaged in our conversation, Athena
enter arrived.
“Oh, Athena is here!” I was so excited.
I broke away from the conversation, my eyes lighting up as I rushed towards
Athena, leaving my mate and the guests behind.
“Athena!” I called out to her, waving my hand in the air. I made sure not to act
awkwardly be a use of my new identity in the pack. A Luna cannot be seen to act
Athena turned at the sound of her name, a warm smile spreading across her face
as I got closer to her.
“Sidonnie, my dear Luna” she said warmly.
Emergency calls only
Chapter 107
I reached Athena, embracing her tightly as we exchanged greetings.
“I'm so glad you could make it.”
“Congratulations on your wedding, Athena. You make a radiant bride.”
“Thank you, Athena. You don’t know how much I have been expecting you.”
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We stepped back from each other, our eyes meeting with warmth and
understanding. I have really missed her.
“It's truly a joyous occasion. I offer my heartfelt congratulations once more.”
Athena continued the conversation.
I beamed with happiness, feeling a surge of gratitude towards Athena.
“Thank you so much, Athena. Your support means everything to me.’
Athena nodded, her gaze reflecting pride and affection as we continued to chat
amidst the celebration.
Together, we walked to the midst of the celebration.
“I guess I missed your crowning.” She spoke after minutes of silence and
observing everyone around.
“Yes, but you didn’t miss seeing the radiant Luna.” I pouted in front of her,
earning a smile from her.
“Definitely,” she tapped my forehead lightly. “So cute” she commented, staring at
“You see, Athena. I can’t shake off this weird feeling in me.” I began opening up
to her, as we found a quiet corner away from the hustle and bustle of the
wedding reception so we could have a heartfelt conversation.
“What feeling is that?”
“I can't help feeling overwhelmed. Becoming a Luna is a huge responsibility, and
I'm not sure if I'm that capable.” I heaved a sigh.
“Oh, Sidonnie, don’t doubt yourself. You're more than capable of being a
wonderful Luna.” Athena place a comforting hand on my shoulder.
“But what if I make mistakes? What if I can't live up to everyone's expectations?
You know, not everyone is happy for me. They're all expecting me to do things
that would put Carlyle on a tight spot. You need to see how
Emergency calls only
Chapter 107
these elders were strongly against our marriage before giving their consent.”
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“You have nothing to fear, my dear. Look at all you've accomplished already.
You've shown incredible strength and resilience, especially in raising Mason.”
Nodding slowly with a flicker of determination in my eyes.
“You're right. I have faced challenges before and overcome them. But this is
different. It's more than caring for just one person.”
“Chill, Donnie. Take it this way, this pack is your baby. You nuture it, you care for
it, take care of it, and with time, it'll surely get attached to you.”
“If you put it that way, then, I can do this.”
“Exactly. And remember, you won't be alone in this journey. Carlyle will be by
your side every step of the way. So,
you're good to go.”
“Thank you, Athena. I feel much better now.” I smiled gratefully at her.
“You're welcome, Sidonnie. Just believe in yourself, and you'll do great. Trust
Athena and I continued our conversation, the atmosphere shifting slightly as
Athena raised a curious question.
“Sidonnie, forgive me for asking, but did you or Carlyle invite any other
supernatural beings to the wedding?”
She asked with furrowed brows.
“No, of course not. Why do you ask?” I was a bit taken aback by the question.
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“ ) . >

I couldn't help but notice a different

: )
scent in the air, one that daesq tn
belong i werewolves? any other
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cation su pernatural creature.” She
leaned in with a serious expression.
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Thinking about it, I recalled that
Amelia was there and she was 3
Canthrastra. Bu stil rhasked he
sefit Dll How could Athena still
pick up her scent? Or could there be
other another creature around? The
content is on! Read
the latest chapter there!
“That's strange. I haven't noticed anything unusual.” I feigned innocence. I
couldn't tell her about Amelia, no
matter what.
Athena narrowed her eyes, sensing that I might not be telling the whole truth.
What could I do? I decided to play
Emergency calls only
Chapter 107
it by ear.
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“Are you sure? The scent was unmistakable. It's not often that we encounter
beings from other realms at werewolf gatherings.” She pressed on.
“Not that I can remember.” I tried maintaining my composure, “I assure you,
Athena, there are no other supernatural beings here. Perhaps you're mistaken.”
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Athena studied me for a moment,
sensing that I was probably hiding
something, but decidednott6plish
tie issuelfrther for now. With
) . :

Athena's character, it was most likely
she broached the topic again at a
later time. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
“Very well. If you say so, Sidonnie. But keep an eye out just in case.”
“Of course, Athena. Thank you. I'll go greet some other guest now. I'll be back.” I
stood up immediately, searching for Carlyle.
Taking few steps ahead, I heard Athena's voice.
“What's a Canthrastra doing here?” She asked and I almost paused in my steps.
She was testing me. She must have known me so well to my next line of action.
But I proved her wrong.
Oh goodness! It was a narrow escape for me.

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