Alpha’s Rejection Luna’s Awakening

Chapter 2

Chapter 2: 2: Fated mate

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Elena’s POV

The next day;

“I would want us to reject each other in the pack’s meeting square. But at the same time, I don’t want to hurt you in anyway, Elena. It would be a disgrace to you.” Did he ever realize how much his blunt words hurt me sometimes?

How should I react to this? Whether I should be happy if my chosen mate wanted to save me from humiliation, or whether I should be laughing that he didn’t want to hurt me but was doing just the opposite of it? “I have changed my mind, Elena. We will reject each other here and not in the pack’s meeting square.”

All I did was nod.

“And I deserve better,” he added after taking a moment. “And your unborn pup deserves to be with his real father. You both deserve better.” The same clingy line that people use to get rid of another person in the relationship. I tried not to scoff. I wanted to say a lot of mean things to him, but I didn’t. I couldn’t because I didn’t have the audacity or strength to be mean.

“Of course, we do. My unborn pup deserves a better father. Someone that won’t reject him or his mum.” I responded with a smile and watched him flinch at my words.

“Excuse me,” I excused myself to leave there immediately because I was so done with holding back the tears in my eyes. I had to use the restroom to cry my head out.

“Excuse you? Where are you going to? We have to reject each other now.”

“I know and I am not running away. I’ll be right back before you know it. I just want to use the restroom,” I didn’t even know why I was explaining myself to him. He only wanted us to get done with this rejection, nothing more, nothing less.

“I didn’t say you are running away. You just have the habit of delaying things. Anyways, our lawyer has the divorce papers ready and the alimony. Call or text him to make preparations for our divorce and start coming over to the pack house.”

“You should call him yourself, since you are in a haste to get rid of me,” I said and without wasting anymore time, I left the room and began heading to the restroom, so I could cry my eyes out.


“Why do you accept this?” a voice said to me, from behind.

I turned slowly. My eyes spotted a head full of black curly hair. It was a young boy, of about eight years old. He leaned against the door, his eyes down. “I’m Jayden.”

I bowed my head slightly. “Greetings Jayden.”

“And now what happens? You leave the pack pregnant? Do you want your pup to grow up without a father? You let him believe you’ve cheated and that is why he treats you this way, Elena.” The way he called out my name, made me shake a little.

“You should fight back. Be the stronger person.”

“I do not want to. I’m okay just the way I am,” I said. “If he thinks I have cheated and that my pup isn’t his, then I am fine by that.”

“So, should I call you a weakling?” He asked and I groaned, raising my eyes to him.

“I’m not a weakling.”

“It’s to late to prove it.” He said, stepping away from the wall.

“Elena!” Sarah called out, shaking me by the shoulder and jolting me from my thoughts. I opened my eyes and looked at the door. “I’m not a weakling!”

“Oh, yes you are,” Sarah smirked, lifting her chin up. Sarah was Alpha Darius’s childhood friend. She was twenty years old, a year older than me. She was tall and beautiful. But she has not found her mate yet. The day I realized Sarah didn’t like me, was the day the council of wolves had told Darius to pick a Luna since he hadn’t found his fated mate. She must have expected Alpha Darius to pick her as his replacement Luna but he picked me instead.

I had been in the ladies room when Sarah walked in. We were both looking at the mirror. I was happy because Alpha Darius had chosen me. But when I stole a glance at Sarah’s face, I realized that she despised me more than anything.

Before she left, she said to me, ” Alpha Darius would reject you one day, mark my words. I swear to you Elena, Alpha Darius will reject you.” At this moment, I felt irritated and humiliated. The air in this bathroom seemed to choke me. I was so tensed and wanted to cry but that would definitely be the last thing I would do in front of Sarah. She was standing in my way and I was ready to leave the restroom. “Please move aside, Sarah, so I can pass.”

She leaned to me and whispered in my ear, “I’m definitely sure you don’t know the father of your pup. I pity the pup. He’ll grow up a bastard. And a weakling just like his lying, cheating hooker of a woman. I will advise you abort that failure-”

I grabbed her hand. I couldn’t take it any longer. Especially, since it has something to do with my unborn pup. No one has the right to insult him. I won’t let let that happen. I squeezed her hands slightly. “You will never say a bad word about my pup. Did I make myself clear?” My face was a smug. I was very annoyed. A mother’s defensive nature!

“Get your hands of me, Mad woman,” Sarah screamed, fighting to free her hand from my grip. “You’re hurting me.”

I stared at her. I arched an eyebrow. “I will repeat myself if you didn’t hear me clearly. You will never abuse my pup again. Have I made myself vague?”

“Yes… Yes, I’ve heard,” she said, her tone much lower than before. “I’m sorry. Please let go off my hand.”

I released her hand. Before I could begin to leave the bathroom, Sarah turned to the mirror and banged her head on it.

Shit! OMG

She turned to face me, I could see sizzling flesh, with a big cut and blood gushing out of the wound on her forehead. I slowly looked at the mirror, the place she hit her head on had been broken and damaged and blood streamed down the mirror. Why did she just intentionally injure herself? Immediately, she grabbed my hand and began to scream, “someone please save me! Don’t kill me, Elena. Please… I’m dying. Someone help me please.”

She took a glass from the broken glasses and scratched her hand and cheek with it. I tried to free my hand from hers in confusion but her grip was too tight.

“What are you doing, Sarah? You are hurting yourself,” I told her. “Stop it!”

Immediately the door banged open and and Alpha Darius rushed in. “Sarah!” he called. “What the hell is going on here? What did you do to her, Elena?”

“It’s not what you think, Alpha Darius. S-sarah has set this up-”

“Shut up, Elena,” Alpha Darius screamed as he reached for Sarah who was pretending to be dizzy. He caught her and she leaned on him. She whispered. “Elena wants to kill me. She must have found out I am your fated mate.”

Alpha Darius slowly looked up at me.

Mate? Sarah was his mate? Was this the reason he rejected me?

{I hope you’re loving the story}

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