Alpha's love

Chapter New Arrivals

The packs began arriving just as Aria had finished moving the rest of her pack members into the pack house. Blankets and blow up mattress covered every surface, and even Aria's office and bedroom was covered with makeshift beds. Some of the pack members grumbled at the close quarters but were quickly silenced at Aria's speech.

"We must all make sacrifices for the next two days. Hundreds of rogues are coming to kill us, and we are lucky that the other Alphas nearby see them as a threat as well. Without their help we would all die, so we must sleep and live in discomfort for two days, or perhaps less. I suggest that you deal with it." Aria gave her whole pack a hard look before she hurried outside, hearing comotion.

Several cars were pulling up to her house, unknown wolves spilling out as a short stubby male exited one of the front cars and looked around him. Alpha Smith has arrived, Alpha Aria, Eve mind linked her, and Aria rolled her eyes. I can see that Eve, she snorted before striding up to the alpha.

"Alpha Smith, thank you for coming I have sectioned off a section of land for your pack." Aria didn't miss the Alpha's eyes roaming her body but held her tongue, despite Milean's growls. I need this to work, Milean. The alpha can smell Marcus's mark and will respect that. Forcing Milean to the back of her mind, she stepped forward and held out her hand for Alpha Smith to shake. Grasping her hand he held on for a few seconds longer than was respectful before dropping her hand.

"I would have had my pack run here, but I thought that perhaps that wasn't the wisest idea seeing as how the rogues coming will be traveling on foot. These rogues are as much a threat to us as it is to us, and that is why I have agreed to help you. How many other packs are coming?" The alpha crossed his arms and leaned against the side of the car as his pack members filed out of the cars gathering around them.

"We have asked for 25 other packs to come from all over the state, equalling about 2,000 wolves. If they only have a few hundred wolves than we should be able to take them. We are far enough up in the mountains that the humans won't suspect anything, but just in case we have shut down the mountain due to overpopulation of wolves, orders of the forest service." Alpha Smith grinned at her,

"Smart, to bad you have a mate. How are we going to fit 2,000 wolves onto the property though?" Aria gave him a tight smile,

"My mate is also an alpha, and his pack borders mine, we have agreed that we will split the amount and sections off different areas for each pack so that the conflicts between alphas will be minimal. We must make a plan with all of the alphas when they get here." The alpha nodded, his hand coming up to rest on Aria's shoulder. She frowned at it, and lifted the Alpha's hand off her shoulder with two of her fingers. Alpha Smith merely smiled at her before beckoning his pack to fall in behind him.

"Alpha Aria, if you could please show us where we will be staying, one of my pack members will stay here if you don't mind to inform me when the rest of the packs get here." Aria signaled for Eve to step forward and commanded her to take the pack to their designated spot, which happened to be on Aria's property. Alpha Smith signaled for his pack to follow Eve as they grabbed their bags out of the cars. He sent a smile over his shoulder as he strode off after his pack. She scowled off after him, before turning and running right into a brick wall. Rubbing her nose she smiled up at her mate who was staring past her at Alpha Smiths retreating figure. Aria heaved a sigh as she leaned her cheek against Marcus's chest, closing her eyes as he wrapped his arms around him.

"I don't like that he was looking at you like that, A." His eyes darkened as his wolf came out. Aria rolled her eyes as she squeezed Marcus tighter,

"He can smell you scent on me Marcus, and if he tries anything I will stop his advances. As of right now we NEED to keep everyone on good terms." Marcus scowled but relaxed into her arms but kept his eyes pinned on Alpha Smith until he retreated from sight into the forest. Just as they were turning to go back into the house the rumble of more vehicles sounded and Aria spun on her heel to see more vehicles approaching.

"They are going to have to start parking the vehicles somewhere else, or we won't have any more room for the wolves." Aria sighed, one more problem I'll have to figure out. Marcus seemed to sense her distress and hugged her before Aria stepped out of his embrace to greet the new arrivals.

A young woman leapt out of one of the cars and stretched, turning to see Aria she let out a little squeal and ran towards her. It took Aria a second to realize who the woman was, but catching a glimpse of her face she realized that it was her distant cousin, who often visited when they were young. Before her father had died her and her uncle, who was also an alpha, had a falling out and her cousin had stopped coming to visit. They had met up a few times after their fathers had split, having lunch or going for runs but after Aria became alpha things became to busy for her to keep up on the relationship. Now, she let out her own laugh and both of the girls leapt towards each other, colliding in a heap of legs and arms. Her cousin, Allegra, pulled away from her and scanned her face, face pulled into a pout.

"I haven't seen you in forever, Cus!" She hugged Aria again before they disentangled from one another and stood to their feet. Aria looked behind Allegra to see her uncle stepping out of the truck, examining Aria with a smile. He opened his arms when he saw her and Aria and she hurried into them with a smile.

"Haven't seen you since your swearing in ceremony, Alpha Aria!" he pushed her out ot arms height away and examined her and then looked behind her where Marcus stood with his arms crossed. Her uncle sent smiled at her knowingly before releasing her and giving her a little push back towards her mate. "I think someone is a little eager to see you back in his arms, will you show us where we will be staying?" Aria nodded her head once, before motioning for one of her pack members who knew the lay of the land. Her uncle and Allegra both gave her one last hug before they hurried off with their pack into the woods.

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