Alpha's Claimed Mate

Chapter 5


I have been moving to and fro in my room after taking a shower and staring at the mate mark over my neck for a whole hour.

At first, I tried to cover the mark by wearing a high neck but when I realised that it was the middle of the summer and I was only going to make everyone suspicious by wearing it, I removed it and covered the mark with many layers of concealer.

I like to believe that I can keep it a secret but my mind is about to explode with anxiety.

For one, I have to find out who that man was.

For two, I am scared that I am going to die tonight.

For three, if I don't die, my Dad will kill me with his own hands after finding out that I slept with a man who was an outsider.

All of this is weighing me down and there is nothing positive I can think about right now.

“ Natalie. “ The door to my room opens and Emilie strolls inside without permission.

I gulp my saliva and question. * What do you want? *

Although I try to appear fearless and unbothered, I know she can see right through me.

"Is what Mom saying true? “ She flutters her eyelashes innocently.

Mom must be listening in. That's why she is talking so sweetly.

I purse my lips, choosing to remain silent.

"I believed that you will change but had to get caught and hurt Mom like this. ” Her voice has all the sympathy and hurt she can muster up.

And all I can do is to watch her lips displaying a smug smirk and her words turning sweeter so Mom can hear how good she is to me.

“Why do you always do this? Mom and Dad are already disappointed in you. ” She sniffs, pretending to cry when no tears flow down her eyes at all.

" Emilie...Please leave me alone. ” I whisper, wanting for her to get the fuck out of my room.

“ But I... am here for you. Please talk to me. Please tell me why you can't just wait for your mate? ” Her voice remains sympathetic but her smirk only widens.

She is provoking me. She is... close my eyes, taking a deep breath to calm myself down but it's impossible.

A lava is cooking inside me which is ready to explode like always.

* Natalie...Dad will be... " She starts and sniffs.

My eyes snap open, burning to the point I feel as if blood is about to come out of them.

“ GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY ROOM! “ I end up yelling at her.

The door flies open once again and this time, the person who steps inside scares the living shit out of me.

“ Dad...I can...” I stutter over my words, stumbling back.

“ Why are you shouting at your sister? “ Dad asks calmly for once.

Although, his usual black eyes are flashing Golden due to rage, he is trying to ask politely.

“ Dad...I just tried to make her understand that what she is doing is wrong but she doesn't want to listen to me. ” Emilie doesn’t waste a second and runs into his arms, complaining and crying at the same time.

My gaze switches between Emilie and my Dad's figure in disbelief.

" What did she do wrong? ” Dad asks the dreaded question.

I walk backward, shaking my head.

“ Dad I can explain...I swear. ” I try to make his heart change.

" She slept with a stranger yesterday night. “ Mom delivers the news from outside my room

My blood freezes in my veins. Emilie looks at me and smirks hidden to my parents eyes.

* was a m—mistake. " That's all I can say to him.

“ Natalie...” Dad's voice drops a few octaves.

His eyes disappear into those familiar burning golden eyes of his wolf's. I stumble back once more, shaking my head from left to right.

“1am sorry. I am sorry, Dad. I will never do it again. ” I cry out the moment he pushes Emilie aside and walks to me threateningly.

Before I even get the chance to defend myself, Dad's hand reaches out to my neck. He squeezes it so hard that my eyes bulge out.

Despite the pain which makes me thrash, my mind goes to the mark which is on my neck. It burns bright. My soul departs from my body at the thought of anyone finding out about it.

I claw at my Dad's hand while my body flaps uncontrollably.

“You have decided to drag my reputation in mud. I will not allow this to happen! “ He sneers close to my face.

Tears well in my eyes as it becomes impossible for me to breath.

“1 will kill you! * He tightens his hold around my neck and yells.

My head hits the wall behind me and black dots start to appear in my sight.

“ Nile! Leave her. She will really die. " Mom rushes in, grabbing my father's arms to pry him off me. My mind begins to lose focus on everything due to lack of oxygen. My hold around Dad's hands loosens.

* Dad. I will make her understand. She won't do it again. Leave her please. Emilie doesn’t remain behind and comes to my aid so she can see it happening again and again.

They don't let me live but they won't allow me to die either.

My hands drop by my side, my eyes rolling back in my head.

Before I lose consciousness, Dad releases my neck from his death grip. I fall to the floor, coughing and wheezing for air.

My lungs hurt, my eyes burn, my head pounds. All the energy has left my body, leaving me with only agony and the burning sensation of the mate mark.

“If I find out you have done something like this again...I will kill you, Natalie. I will kill you before anyone else finds out about your shameful actions. ” Dad threatens me before he stomps out of my room, followed by Mom.

Emilie takes this chance to lock the door and come to me. I open my eyes and look up at her after regaining my breath.

* Don't — Don't tell Enzo. " I plead.

My teary eyes beg her silently, while she hums staring down at me maliciously.

* Why not? ” Her lips morph into a grin.

“I...” I push myself on my weak knees.

* I will do anything. " I tell her.

* Anything? ” She tilts her head, still grinning.

My breath hitches in my throat, understanding what she wants this time.

* Give it to me, Natalie. I really need it. ” She lets out in a sugary tone.

“ Emilie I... "I choke on my breath.

* Are you refusing me? “ Her grin changes into a deep frown.

My heart skips a beat and I shake my head right away. * I will give you the painting. You can use it however you want but please...please don“t...don't tell Enzo. ”

“How can I do it? You are my twin sister, after all. * The poisonous grin returns on her lips.

Emilie turns around to leave and I can only watch her with my hate and tears filled eyes.

“ Drop it in my room. “ She directs me, stopping beside the door.

Opening the door, she turns to me again

“ Oh My Goddess, Natalie. Your head is bleeding. Please get it bandaged from the pack doctor. ” Her tone is back to sympathetic and worried because she knows Mom and Dad can hear her now. "You can't heal like us so please get yourself treated. And make sure to not tell Doctor Yoona how his happened. ” She has to add it, to remind my parents that I am a disappointment.

I lower my eyes to the floor and exhale a heavy breath.

My fingers touch the burning mark over my neck. At least, they didn't find out about it.

I have to get rid of this mark before anyone stumbles upon this secret and reveals it to Enzo. I can not take it — I can not live without Enzo. He is the only one who understands me and loves me despite my shortcomings.

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