It's finally nightfall and there is still no sign of my mate.
I know it's possible that he didn't attend the party but did it have to be this way? Why couldn't it be so simple to find him? I pace
about the garden restlessly oblivious of what to do next.
I have been locked up in this mansion my entire life, avoided like a plague by my father and played audience to all my sister's
endless talks about her romantic fantasies.
All 1 wanted was a romantic fantasy of my own.
Arthur always told me that mates are very protective and possessive of each other and that's exactly what I want to experience,
including the unbreakable mate bond. thoughts are interrupted by a sudden sweet smell like that on Vanilla mixed strawberries, totally heavenly.
I look around to see if I can locate what's giving out such a sweet smell but it's nothing I can locate.
Suddenly, my wolf Myla comes back out of my mind and starts skipping around in my mind in excitement.
I hear footsteps approaching and as they come closer, the smell only gets stronger and sweeter and I'm trying very hard to keeps
Myla still.
I swiftly turn around only to see Laura accompanied by...holy moly, the most handsome man I have seen so far today.I scan him
from his toes up to his head and swallow dryly when I realize just how tall and muscular he is.
He has this great aura of dominance and authority around him that seems to intimidate me.
I don't need a sorcerer to tell me that that's Alpha Noah.
Myla screams in my head as she jumps about in excitement.
"Laura, please excuse us for a minute"
Alpha Noah orders.

"Babe .."
He orders and Laura grudgingly walks away.
"Alpha Noah" I call with a wide smile plastered on my face.
"You are my mate!"
I announce excitedly but the look on his face tells me he feels otherwise and that makes Myla to whimper.
He takes a few steps closer to m e, looks at me long and hard but surprisingly I don't feel intimidated anymore.
Instead, I feel like his equal.
"You do know that I'm in a relationship with your siste r, don't you?" He asks in a cold tone.
"Yes Ido"
"And in case you didn't know, I am very loyal to her and not even the fact that you are my mate will make me leave her.So Kiara
Logan, I , Alpha Noah Colton reject you as my mate and future Luna.You are free to go out there and find Love and protection in
another man's arms for you will never find it in mine"
Then he turns around and walks away.I feel like everything is crashing down on me.
Without warning, Myla takes over me in rage and I instantly shapeshift into my snow white wolf caring less about the clothes I'm
shredding into pieces and run as fast as I can away from the mansion.
I never expect that the best day of my life will become my nightmare.I don't want to step into that house again! Thinking that I
might see the loving couple when I go back, my heart sinks.I don't want to see their faces again.
My claws rubs against the moist soil, it comforts me a lot.
This is all I have, this beautiful woods.
When I wander in the woods, I notice the some footsteps slowly approaching me, like a beast crawling on the ground.I lower my
body to hear more clearly, it comes from the south.I can smell it, it's a rogue.

Before [ can turn around to face it, it pounces from behind me and attack me, and I dodge, a narrow escape.
This rogue is really reckless and unlucky.
It dares attack the strongest wolf in the pack.I subdue it with my left paw and bite it's neck.
Within a few minutes, it expires.
This is the first time my wolf has killed a rogue.
I don't feel sorry for that rogue at all, because my mentor always teach me that I should never show mercy to rogues.
Smelling the strong smell of blood, my wolf gets very excited.
"I want more! More!" she growls.
Only then did I really realize how bloodthirsty my wolf is.
When I am on the verge of losing control, my mentor's words echoes in my head: "Keep calm, you have to learn to control your
My reason returns.
I order my wolf.
With no one around, I shift back into my human form.
I dare not continue to wander outside, lest something worse will happen.I run towards home and sneak into the house from the
back door since my clothes can barely cover my body.
When I get inside, I don't see my sister.My heart sinks, she must be with Alpha now.I sob and go back to the room.I bury my
head in the pillow and weep, not wanting others to hear me crying.
They are so cruel.
I can't believe that my sister has the heart to mate with him when she knows that her boyfriend is my mate.

No! I get up and walk to the window, she will definitely come back, she can't be so cruel.
I look in the direction of the door by the window for a while, and it is my father who shows up instead of my sister.
He comes back so late.
Maybe some guests delayed him.
He seems to have changed his clothes.He walks into the house and whispers a few words to the servant.
I can't hear what he says, all I can hear is the sound of my heart breaking.
My sister won't be back.
My sister is spending the night with my mate! I lie on my bed alone, crying.
The pillow is drenched with my tears.
Next morning, I walk over to my mirror to take a look at my miserable self, totally a mass.I let out a long sigh.
Well, I have to start accepting and living with the reality that my mate rejected me and chose my sister instead.
Suddenly, my room door comes flying open and my enraged father barges in.
"Dad what's..."
Before I can finish my statement he smacks me hard across my cheek and yanks my arm.
"You wicked murderer, first you killed my wife and now you have killed my daughter.You are going to pay for this.I will make sure
you pay for this!"
He says angrily as he drags me out my bedroom, along the long corridor and down the stairs where we meet other men.
"Dad please, what's going on?" I ask in tears as he hands me over to the group of no nonsense looking muscular men who grip
my arm.
"Take her away, tell Alpha Noah To do whatever it is he desires with her"

My father orders and the men drag me all the way to where I presume should the Alpha's Castle because of how enormous it
looks.I don't even have the strength to fight back as I'm confused about what is actually happening right now
What did my father mean by I killed his daughter? Why did he call me a murder? And why have I been summoned by Alpha
Noah so early in the morning? What exactly happened while I was asleep that I'm to be blamed for right now? What exactly is
going on? The men drag me into the castle all the way to an enormous living room where I see Alpha Noah seated on his throne
in all his glory with a deadly look on.
Someone please tell me what exactly is going on.
"What's going on?"
I demand the moment they throw me to the ground.
Alpha Noah rises from his throne and takes calculated steps towards me.
"You scheming hard hearted murderer!"
He scolds with his deep Alpha voice and I quiver in fear.
"You have the audacity to commit such an abomination in my land?"
"With all due respect Sir..."
He roars in anger and I see his ocean blue eyes change to yellow and his fingers begin to transform into paws but he stops the
action "I could end your miserable life right now, but I won't pleasure you with an easy death.I will make you die a slow, painful..."
I scream and I can feel my wolf take over me.I struggle to push her back because if she succeeds, I'll rip everyone apart and that
the last thing I want to happen right now.
My fingers shapeshift into paws and I look up into Alpha Noah's blazing eyes with mine blazing as well.
"What is my crime?" I ask giving him a deadly stare and he comes closer to me.

"You couldn't bear the thought of me choosing her over you, that's why you killed her.You killed your Sister Laura "
I cry weakly as I fall to ground "No, I didn't"
"Yes you did.She was found in the forest with bites and scratches all over her body that could only have been inflicted by a
werewolf as strong as you are.You could've couldn't bear to loose her to me so you attacked and killed her!"
"I did not kill my sister" I cry in agony
"The only wolf I fought yesterday in the woods was a rogue who attacked me, why would I kill my sister?"
"I don't have time listen to your non-sense shenanigans.Just know this, your death will be slow and painful and when you're
dead, I'll boil your bones and feed them to the dogs, I will make sure that this wicked soul of yours burns in hell's everlasting
Sulphur! Guards !""
He orders and the same men grab me again by the arm and brutally lift me up.
''Take her to the silver prison and torture her until your hearts content!"

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