Alpha’s Blood: A Vampire Shifter Romance (Midnight Doms)

Alpha’s Blood: Chapter 6


“It’s almost dawn. We need to go,” Lucius tells me. I jerk awake his arms.

“I lost track of time.” This night has lasted a moment and forever. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think Lucius enjoyed cuddling me on his throne. He doesn’t let me walk to the car, either, settling into the seat.

The shadows play over his patrician features as the car moves. Even if he wasn’t the King of the Vampires, Lucius would be quite a catch.

His looks are part of his power, the fine blade of beauty able to cut deep. Being the sole focus of all that beauty and power is a heady experience. Is this what he does every night? Tie up submissives and dazzle them?

When I ask him, his lips curve–either because of my question, or because of my cheek. “Not every night. And I don’t need to tie anyone up. I’m dominant to everyone I meet.”

“I know that.” I almost roll my eyes, stopping myself from being a brat. “I meant–”

“I know what you meant, pet,” he interrupts, and continues gently, “I’ve never reserved the club for my personal use before.”

“Oh,” I try to ignore the warmth curling through me. I can’t help it. I feel special. Lucius looks amused and I mentally kick myself. I shouldn’t care what Lucius thinks of me. I shouldn’t be like this, relaxed and happy in his arms.

I try to escape and his hold tightens. His lips find my ear. “Do I dazzle you?” He nuzzles my hair.

“No,” I lie. His arms squeeze me as he laughs. Gah, that laugh. I could live in it.

“I think I do.”

I bite my lip, wishing I was better at hiding from him.

“Will you tell me about her? Your vampire lover?”

Lucius sighs. He leans back in the seat, taking me with him. For a few minutes he’s silent, nuzzling my hair like he’s a big dog fascinated by a kitten. I should be stiff and scared, trapped in the arms of a bigger predator, but no, my silly wolf likes the attention. “Georgianna was my first submissive. My last. There have been other submissives I’ve employed at the club, ones I’ve shared with other vampires, but none like her. I met her when she was still human, but even as a vampire, she was so alive. So full of life.”

“Did you turn her?”

“No. She belonged to another.” His lip curls. “He took advantage of her sweet nature and turned her.”

My throat’s clogged up. Why did I even ask? He obviously loved Georgianna. Maybe her death made him the ruthless ruler he is today. “You didn’t approve?”

“I’m no hypocrite. I wanted her as much as he did, but I would’ve done things differently. Creating a vampire…requires a delicate balance of power. They’re so dependent in the beginning. Physically as well as emotionally.” He stares out the window at the passing desert. “In the beginning, they will do anything to please you.”

“And later?”

I sense the change before his fingers retreat. I want to push into his hand, beg silently for the return of his touch like an eager pet.

“Eventually they hate you.” His tone is formal, distant. “All that love runs out.”

When the limo stops, the sky over the mountains is lighter, the night easing to make way for the dawn. We’re cutting things close, but Lucius doesn’t seem to mind.

He insists on carrying me into his home and bathing me. His cock is so hard it juts out from his body, but he makes no move to satisfy himself again. Lucius the ruler makes way for Lucius the good dom, taking consummate care of his charge without a hint of cruelty or selfishness. He washes and dries me, carrying me to my room. He lays me on the bed and spreads my hair out on a towel so the wet strands won’t touch my pillow, and the whole time his doting mask never slips.

I have to remember that he’s a monster. A murder of innocents. I can’t forget what he did to my family, my pack.

But when I search his face, I find no hint of cruelty in the patrician lines of his face. He runs his fingertips lightly over my neck and forehead, and I drift deeper under his spell. My mind holds fast to my plan for revenge, but my body is all too willing to forget.

“How many vampires have you turned?” I ask as he stretches out beside me on his side, propping his head up on his left hand, leaving his right hand free to play with my hair.

“Too many too count.”

“Are they all here? In Tucson?”

“Yes. They follow me. In the beginning they are dependant on my blood to survive. I wean them, but old habits die hard.”

“Wow. I didn’t know there were that many vampires here.” Tucson’s big, but not that big. If he’s turned countless vampires and they’re all here… How many square miles does each vampire need to hunt? Do they divide territory by distance or population and potential victims? Either way, it’s a wonder the human news hasn’t gotten wind of them. Strange disappearances, blooded corpses…

“You misunderstand, pet. There aren’t that many of my sired left.”

“Why not?”

I told you, pet, they turn on me. I don’t allow insubordination. Traitors don’t live long.”

“Oh,” I say weakly. “Of course not.”

Lucius keeps playing with my hair like we’re talking about the weather. He takes a strand and brushes it against my cheek, murmuring, “How do you think my maker died?”

I can’t believe I’m lying here, next to the Vampire King, talking death and politics. “I guess you didn’t become king by mandate of the masses,” I mumble.

He chuckles, and keeps tickling my face with my hair.

“What happened to Georgianna? Is she still alive?”

“No,” Lucius says, and pulls his hand away. I press my lips together, keeping my questions in, and after a few moments he resumes stroking my brow.

I stare at the ceiling. Outside, the sky lightens to a rich navy blue. The high windows frame one bright star. Venus. The morningstar. Dawn’s coming, and any second Lucius will leave me.

For now, he seems content to lie beside me and watch me. Is this normal? Am I so fascinating? Two thousand years, and his maker and his lover both died at his hands, along with countless vampires he sired.

“So, over the years, one way or another, everyone close to you has died?”

The heavy silence is my answer.

“Sounds lonely,” I tell the ceiling.

“Pet,” his sigh creaks in my ear. “you have no idea.”


Over the next few days, I fall into a dream. Lucius must have shut down Club Toxic for the whole week, because he takes me there again and again to train me.

“I’m going to break you in, pet. Bring you to heel…”

Maybe it’s what he told me of Georgianna, or how much I look like her, but I find myself striving for Lucius’ approval as if I’m competing with his first submissive.

I’m not jealous of his first love. I’m not. I just want to entice Lucius as he entices me.

I tell myself I’m being smart, gathering intelligence. But I haven’t made any inroads to finding a way to get his guard down. The only time he lets his guard down is after a scene, and I can’t exactly stake him during aftercare. He wouldn’t expect it, but I’m in no position to outmaneuver him, not while I’m recovering from the ecstasy he unleashes.

There are stretches when Lucius leaves me to run his empire, but he works me over beforehand. I sleep while he’s gone, and when I wake, he’s with me, ready to play again.

One night, after a heady session, I wake to him leaning over me.

“What–?” I croak and he shushes me.

“It’s all right, my pet. It’s just a nightmare.” The question must show on my face because he explains. “You were crying out in your sleep.”

“I…” I swallow to wet my throat. “I was?”

“Here.” He hands me a glass of water. I often wake to find water and chocolate on my bedside table. His way of caring for me if he can’t be here when I wake.

I drink and rub my face, clearing the cobwebs out of the corners of my mind. I’ve had nightmares since my family was killed, but no one, not even my foster mother, ever entered my room to comfort me. I’ve always been alone.

The bed dips and he surrounds me, his large body curling around mine. He’s so big, I’m swallowed up in his embrace. My feet only reach his calves. I crane my head to look back at him. “What are you doing?”

“Can’t I spend the night with my sub?” He brushes the hair off my bare shoulder and kisses my neck. His left arm snakes around my middle, gathering me against him when I would tighten into a ball. This is nuts.

The Vampire King wants to cuddle? What planet am I on?

“Time to sleep.” he whispers. “No more monsters under your bed. I’m the only monster here.” There’s a self mocking twist to his voice. “And you don’t have to be afraid of me. Not tonight.”

I close my eyes, willing myself to ignore his presence. It doesn’t work. Head to toe, his body touches me, and even if he leaves my bed later, he’ll be the first thing on my mind when I rise. The last thing I think of when I fall asleep.

I’m forgetting to hate him.

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