Alpha’s Blood: A Vampire Shifter Romance (Midnight Doms)

Alpha’s Blood: Chapter 2


The curtain falls and the house lights come up. I turn, but the aisle across from me is empty. Xavier is gone.

Pity. I would’ve liked to speak to him. We have a score to settle, going back hundreds of years. I doubt he’s forgotten. A vampire never forgets.

Xavier will come to me again. I can feel it. We’ve only made our first moves in our little game.

Theophilus surges to his feet.

“Amazing, Sire,” he gushes. “I have never seen anything like it.”

I hand him my paddle and murmur instructions to him on how to complete my purchase. I give him my financier’s card and send him off before signalling to my guards both seen and unseen. Four head to the stage to protect my recent purchase.

Vampires surround me, eager to congratulate me.

Dante appears at my elbow. “That was magnificent,” he breathes.

“Your selection is exemplary,” I say loud enough for all to hear. “You’re to be commended.”

Dante beams and I drop a heavy hand on his shoulder. “Get my purchase somewhere safe. See to her needs. When I come to collect her, there’d better not be a scratch on her, or whatever damage she sustains, I’ll inflict ten times that on everyone in this place.” I haven’t forgotten the little ploy with the three thugs. Three thugs on one woman. She protected herself, but from now on she shouldn’t have to. Keeping her safe is my responsibility and privilege.

Dante goes white. “Consider it done, Sire,” he bobs his head. I grip his arm before he can dash off. “Wait.” I shrug out of my suit jacket and hand it to him. “Put this on her.” My scent will be enough of a deterrent to anyone who wants to harm her. A temporary mark of ownership until I give her one more permanent.

The one bright spot in this murky mess: I own the she-wolf now. I can do whatever I want with her.

I can hardly wait.


The guards around me straighten a second before Frangelico walks in. He’s tall, much taller than I am. His dark hair brushes the top of the door jamb. He’s built like Xavier, but where my mentor’s features are harsh and brutal, the Vampire King’s are perfectly sculpted. I’ve seen sketches of him before from Xavier’s surveillance, but nothing takes the edge off meeting him in person. Such a beautiful package to hold so much evil.

His eyes are dark, the color of coffee. He’s swarthier than the drawings showed, his profile sharp and aquiline. His face belongs on a Roman coin, but more than that, his entire mein, look and build is that of an ancient king. For all we know, he was a king in his human days. An emperor. A conqueror.

My knees tremble, ready to kneel. I’m staring straight at him. He meets my gaze with a mocking quirk to his mouth.

Don’t look him in the eyes. A tiny voice in my head screams. Don’t ever look vampires in the eyes. With eye contact a vampire can control you. Of course, the older the vampire, the more powers they have. I bet Frangelico can control me with just a word.

I drop my gaze to his throat. His neck is large and masculine, framed by a white shirt collar. After you stake a vampire, you cut off its head and burn the remains, just to be safe. I’ve practiced countless times, first on dummies, then on real vampires–criminals Xavier caught and dragged to me for their death sentence. Staking and beheading and burning them was a rite of passage, meant to prepare me for this moment.

But now I’m here, faced with Frangelico, and all I can think is “it would be a shame to destroy someone so beautiful.”

I harden myself. This is the vampire who murdered my pack. Killed my entire family. Of course I’m going to kill him. In the end, it’s either him or me.

A chill grips me. I shiver, and huddle deeper in the suit jacket I’ve been given.

Frangelico turns and murmurs something to a guard, who breaks from the pack and heads to the wall. To the thermostat.

That’s when it hits me: Frangelico is in his shirt sleeves. I’m wearing his jacket. Breathing in his scent. I curl my bare toes into the carpet.

“Your Majesty, we are so honored you bid today.” The vampire host steps forward. “And so delighted you won. And such a perfect lot to bid on. She is a prize.”

Frangelico doesn’t spare him a glance. “Is my car ready?” he asks the head guard.

“Yes, sir.”

“You have use of this room as long as you like,” the vampire interjects. “It’s private. No one comes up here–”

“Leave us,” Frangelico says.

The fawning vampire and the bodyguards exit without another word.

The Vampire King crosses the room and seats himself. I’m standing halfway between him and the window, twisting my fingers together. I’ve been trained to fight. This…is something different. The rules have changed. For the foreseeable future, this vampire is my master. He will command me and I will obey. Not unlike my relationship with my mentor, except…Xavier never made me feel this way. My insides are too hot, my skin too cold.

Xavier looked at me as project, a weapon to hone. And I am lethal. My beauty is my best weapon, but tonight it’s turned against me. The Vampire King looks at me as a woman. His dark gaze strips me to the bone. Beyond naked, beyond vulnerable. I feel small and exposed, and thrillingly, wildly alive.

The Vampire King’s beauty and appeal are his own weapons, and he deploys them well.

Frangelico raises a dark brow and goosebumps break out over my skin. My breathes rattles out of me.

Frangelico cocks his head slightly. “Pet?” His index finger points to the floor.

Right. Right.

I take a few steps towards him and lower myself into a kneeling position. Legs apart, palms facing up on my thighs. The suit jacket pools around me. I bite my lip. Should I have taken off the jacket?

I blink at the carpet.

“That’s a good start,” Frangelico sounds amused. “Now come closer.”

I hesitate.

“You may rise. When you are in my home, you will crawl.”

I duck my head. Get to my feet and go to stand at the spot where he’s pointing. I keep my head down and resist the urge to fidget or shift.

Frangelico’s voice is deep, a rolling baritone soothing my frayed nerves. “What’s your name?”

“Selene.” My voice wobbles.

“Selene,” he repeats slowly, tasting every syllable. If he finds it strange that I don’t have a last name, he doesn’t mention it.

I suppress a shiver.

“A lovely name for a lovely pet. You may call me Sir.

My mouth parts but no sound comes out.

“They said you were trained.”

It’s not a question but I answer anyway. “Yes sir.”

“Do you know this?” He signals, pointing two fingers to the floor in a V-shape.

In answer I rock my legs apart.

“Almost.” Amusement tinges his voice. “Chin and chest up. Lock your hands behind your head.”

I obey and the jacket falls open. My nipples are pointed straight at him.

“Cold, pet?”

I lick my lips before I answer. “A little.” My voice is high and breathy.

Face thoughtful, he rolls up his sleeves, exposing strong forearms dusted with dark hair. My mouth goes dry. He motions for me to turn in a circle. I pivot, unsure at how much he can see while I’m wearing the jacket.

“This is your first time at auction?”

“Yes, sir.” I blink at a spot above his head.

“You may look at me.”

I obey without thinking. His eyes are twin dark pools; I fall in and drown.

“Such a beautiful wolf,” he croons. “I will have to get you to shift for me. Soon. What color is your animal?”

I heave a breath. “White.”


“Yes, sir.”

“You needn’t be,” he murmurs. “I don’t bite.” Even as he says it his fangs flash. “Much.”

My stomach flip flops and I fight to swallow.

Steepling his long fingers, Frangelico cocks his head to the left. “You haven’t been touched?”

I shake my head. “No, sir.”

Something flashes in his face. “Not blooded? Not even once?”

Throat too dry to answer, I shake my head.

He stands. I rock backwards, unable to keep from retreating. He’s huge, taller than me by a fair amount, his shoulders broad as Xavier’s. If he’s thousands of years old, he must have been considered a giant when he was human. He looks down at me and I’m Alice in Wonderland, shrunk down. I’m a toy, a doll. I can only hope he doesn’t break me.

A flash of white and I flinch.

“Easy, pet.” He shows me the white handkerchief, amused again. It’s easy to think other’s fear is funny when you’re the most powerful person in the room. I hold tight to my resentment as he gently rubs my lipstick away.

“There,” he murmurs. “That’s better.” By the time he’s done, the linen square is streaked with red. His scent envelops me and I lean closer, drinking it in. His cologne must be specially formulated to intoxicate a victim. I’ve never been this drawn to a vampire. Or any male, for that matter.

“Stay,” he orders and moves around me. I should hate the way he orders me around like a dog, but I’m used to it. Most vampires treat shifters like dumb animals.

The Vampire King moves around me. Prickles go up my spine. The panicked voice in the back of my head warns me of a large predator behind me. I have to close my eyes and will myself to stand still. This is what Lucius bought and paid for: the right to touch me at will.

Long moments pass and he doesn’t touch me. Finally–a soft tug on my head and a coil of hair falls. He’s removing the pins in my hair, one by one. The braid comes undone, easing off my head and I sigh at the lessened weight. My hair cascades down my back, almost to my bottom. I rarely cut it.

Lucius’ hand sifts through the thick tresses. Despite everything, the tension in my neck eases at his touch. He’s petting me. I…don’t hate it.

“Very good, pet,” he murmurs. I raise my head. How long have I been standing here, letting him stroke my hair? Tingles spread through my body, anticipating those strong and gentle hands touching other parts of me.

Then he clamps a hand on the back of my neck and I go still. My pulse hammers under his thumb.

“You’re doing well, pet. Someone has trained you. What I want to know is…who?”

My breath gusts out of me. Xavier and I concocted a story for this. Not far from the truth–not enough that anyone can tell I’m lying. “The vampires who took me from my pack. They taught me how to be a sweetblood.”

“Interesting.” His fingers reaffirm their grip. “Why did you join the auction?”

I gulp. “For the good of my pack.” To avenge them.

“You allowed them to sell you?” His voice communicates disbelief.

“I went willingly, yes. I was sixteen.”

“You’ve been in training this whole time?”

“Not to be a sweetblood. Not until I turned eighteen.” I itch to turn and face him. “Before that, I was allowed to finish school. I was homeschooled.”

“Sixteen years old.” Frangelico muses. “And your pack let you go?”

“I was in foster care. My immediate family was dead.” My voice is flat.

Frangelico drops his hand and steps away, returning to his seat. He signals and I obey, dropping to my knees beside his chair.

“My people are at this moment interrogating everyone involved in this auction. They will verify what you say. It’s not that I don’t believe you, but,” he waves a hand. “I’ve been the target of more assassination attempts than I can count.”

My blood runs cold. Does he suspect me?

“You needn’t fear, pet. If everything checks out, no harm will come to you or your pack.”

I stare at him. I know Xavier is smart enough to cover his tracks, but I hadn’t guessed Frangelico would be so paranoid from the get go. I shouldn’t be surprised. There’s a reason he’s still alive after hundreds, maybe thousands of years.

It’s one thing to know that rationally. It’s another to look into the eyes of an opponent who’s stronger, faster, older and more knowledgeable than you, and make your next move.

One moment, Xavier told me. One moment where he lets down his guard. That’s all you need. Just a few seconds and a stake. If I can make the killing blow, Xavier will find a way to make sure the Vampire King’s organization is dismantled, their evil work finished for good. Xavier promised me that much. I just have to do my part, win Frangelico’s trust long enough for him to give me an opportunity. What happens after is not my concern.

I never expected to come out of this mission alive.

Lucius toys with a lock of my hair, rubbing the silky strands between his fingers.

I take a deep breath. I should play the passive and meek submissive, but I can’t stand to wait any longer. “Sir…may I ask…what are you going to do with me?”

He smiles and I quiver in response, a tuning fork plucked and playing a perfect note, just for him. “Why, pet, I’m so glad you asked.” For the first time, he lays his hand against my cheek, touching my skin. My heart leaps into my throat as his dark eyes bore into me.

“First I’m going to take you home. Then, I’m going to make you mine.”

I swallow hard. His thumb plays across my lips.

“Now.” he sits back and signals. It takes me a moment to recognize the sign. I scoot back and go to all fours.

“Turn around,” he murmurs and signals again. Slowly, I obey, crawling to face away from him and lowering my chest to the carpet. I rest my head on my arms. My hair pools around me, a white curtain I can hide behind. The suit jacket slides down my back, exposing my upraised ass.

His shoe nudges the inside of my right knee. “Wider, pet.”

My entire backside is naked and vulnerable, and pointed straight towards him. I’ve never felt more like chattel. Sucking in a breath, I wait.

His hand ghosts up the back of my thigh. Not touching but I can feel it there. My skin prickles in its wake.

Breathe, just breathe.

“Arch your back. Further. That’s it.” My entire backside tilts skyward. I’m a mannequin, a china doll, frozen in place, perfectly on display.

“Beautiful.” Hot breath hits my nethers. My breath leaves my body. “So very beautiful. You’re wet, Selene.”

And I am. I press my lips together.

“Reach back and hold your bottom open,” he orders, calm and casual as if remarking on the weather. “I want to see everything I own.”

Eyes closed, I free my arms. Cheek to carpet, I put my hands on either ass cheek and expose myself further.

A slight touch between my labia makes me jump.

“Easy,” he murmurs, gently stroking my wet slit. He circles my clit and I push slightly into his touch. Pleasure tightens, spiralling upwards. He takes his hand away and the sensation dissipates.

“No, pet. You have to earn that.”

His finger touches my asshole, transfering the collected moisture. I whimper as he presses against the taut ring of muscle.

He chuckles. Takes his hand away.

He’s sitting up. There’s a rustle of cloth. I imagine him wiping his hand on his handkerchief.

I stay in place. I might as well be a statue he commissioned, carved from marble. Under the jacket, my skin is cold.

“You may rise.”

I go to tall knees and he holds out his hand, helping me to my feet.

“You did well. I am looking forward to training you further.”

My core muscles clench. You’re wet. There’s no reason I should respond this way.

Someone comes to the door and he eases away from me. I’m flushed and shaking. Breathe, just breathe. He’s a vampire. There’s nothing about him that should make me feel this way.

“Time to go, pet.” Frangelico returns to me. He pulls out a leash and fastens it to my collar. His dark eyes flash. I hold my breath as we stare at each other. I can’t bring myself to drop my eyes.

The corner of his mouth turns up.

He straightens and tugs. “Follow me.”

We make it down the stairs an head for the back door. Guards in dark suits and sunglasses line the way, a mix of both mortal and vampire. My cheeks heat as I’m paraded in front of them, the barefoot subjugated slave. A pet on a leash.

We reach the door and Frangelico stops. A guard hands him something I don’t quite see until the he turns and envelops me in its soft folds. A blanket.

My heart melts a little as he swaddles me.

The Vampire King wraps me up tight and picks me up, carrying me from the theater into the car.


With the she-wolf tucked into my arms, I settle into my seat. She looks a little dazed.

A guard shuts the door and she makes a little move. I tighten my hold.

“What is it, pet?”

“Shouldn’t I kneel on the floor?”

“No. I want to hold you.” I tip her back so her head rests on my arm. “Relax, pet. Sleep if you can.”

“Yes, sir.” When she’s calm, her voice is low, soothing, a pleasing alto. When she’s not, it gets high and breathy. Both pitches work dark magic on my body. I want to coddle her, treat her like a fragile flower. And I want to break her down and put her to her paces until she’s blissed out and looking at me as her god. I want to do it over and over again.

Underneath my new pet, my cock threatens to burst from my pants. It’s going to be a long car ride.

I check my phone as we glide through the night. My financier received my confirmation to transfer funds. Such an expensive little pet.

The she-wolf stiffens. I said that out loud.

“Don’t worry.” I tug her silky locks. “You’re worth it.”

In between petting her, I call Dante, ordering him to plan a massive party a month from tonight. To celebrate my new purchase. Dante falls over himself, promising to make it a night I’ll remember. I smile at the double meaning, and hang up.

That’s done then. I have one month to prepare for one night. All of my sired are to be there. If they wish to stage a coup, that would be the night to do it. I’ll be prepared. I’m always prepared. Caesar was a soldier, and trusted his men, but I’m a prince of Machiavelli’s ilk. Better to be feared than loved. When I face my enemies, I don’t just wound them. I destroy and scorch the earth.

“Sir?” Her meek voice pulls me from my thoughts. “Why did you do it?”

“Do what?” she should know better than to speak first, but I’ll allow it. I’ll enjoy breaking her bad habits.

“Bid on me.” She gnaws her lip and I rest two fingers against her mouth to make her stop.

“You remind me of someone. A vampire. You have the same color hair.” I remove my fingers and wipe them dry on the blanket. “I loved her once.”

A furrow appears between her brows and I smooth it out.

“Oh yes, I can love.”

“What happened?”

“She betrayed me,” I answer. “Now, hush until I tell you you can speak.”

Defiance flares in her eyes. There’s my little fighter.

She sighs against my chest, her lower lip puffed out as she stares out the window.

“Now, now, don’t sulk. Save your strength for the rest of the night. I promise you will need it.”

A tremor goes through her.

“Close your eyes,” I order. She slits them shut, but keeps squinting at the scenery. A little bit of rebellion. I will enjoy breaking her.

I won’t fuck her, not right away. First I’ll put her through the paces until every move, every gesture and flick of her eyelashes pleases me. Some vampires would simply wipe their victim’s minds and impress their will. I don’t stoop to those tricks. Even my sired, once weaned from my blood, can choose to love me. My relationship with this wolf will be no different. She will rue and fear me, and I will teach her how pleasant it is to obey. I will bind her to me using every trick and technique I know. And in the end, I’ll give her a choice: leave or stay. If she chooses to stay, she can be a sweetblood at my club. I’ll never fuck or drink from her again. I cannot risk growing attached.

To love is to lose.

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