Alpha's Blind Luna

Chapter 9

***Logan's POV***

We had spent the last hour and a half of the drive asking way more than 20 questions. It made me realize that she was not as shy or meek as she seemed at first. Auri was strong, independent and wasn't afraid to speak her mind. At least not with me. I loved it. I knew her wolf Kai and Cato were talking in the background but I was enjoying her, basking in the moonlight that was coming off of Auri.

We had finished a few harder questions when I heard her curse for the first time. It surprised me and sent me in panic mode. But when she asked to borrow my phone, I thought about warning her not to call any of her family. I was going to deal with them in the morning when we got back, through Alpha Leo. But I trusted her and didn't say anything

Goddess, forgive me. I couldn't contain my laugh when she had no idea what to do with my phone. I wondered if she was expecting a flip phone from the early 2000's and thought it would be appropriate. When I tapped the screen I nearly cashed the car. The look she gave me. I went beat red. I wanted to die in the seat right there. I could hear Cato chuckling from the back of my mind. She dialed a number and I tried to contain my growl when a male answered the phone. But when she said “Papa” I just kinda dropped into a shellshocked state. Auri was the sweetest person. I realized this as well through our few hours together. She cared, more than she should, considering what life had thrown at her and I didn't even know all of it. Knowing there were people in her life that were able to see that, made me feel better. That my mate wasn’t always alone.

She was in near tears when she ended the call and I was holding onto the steering wheel tight, trying to organize my thoughts.

“It sounds like you at least have someone you can count on.”

She nodded. “Thanks, he would have started to worry if I didn’t show up for work.”

“I'm surprised they let you have a job.” Genuinely interested in the fact that Beta Issac would let the daughter he locked up in a closet outside.

She laughed. “How do you think they paid for my sisters dress?”

I couldn't help it, I turned to her, looking horrified. Did they just take her entire paycheck and pocket the money? Of course they did. What else would make sense? Why else would they let their daughter out of the house? It made me so angry. The things my mate had been put through. I mused about which factory was sitting on the edge of the territory when she adjusted in her seat. Looking out of my peripheral vision, I saw her cuddle up against the seat.

We still had a ways to drive. I kept quiet, listening to her breathe. I was about to put my hand on the shifter when Cato took over for a split second and threw my hand to her thigh. He maniacally laughed in the back of my mind as I felt her stiffen under my touch. Both of us feeling the electricity with every touch of our bare skin. Slowly, gently, I started to brush my thumb against her skin and she started to relax more until her breathing told me she had fallen asleep.

“See. Have some initiative.’ Cato was still laughing.

'I'm not going to push her Cato. The last thing I want is to lose her to something stupid like putting my hand on her thigh."

“Logan, she feels the mate bond too. She wants you as much as you want her. Don’t underestimate that pull.’ Cato responded with pride.

It was 12:15am when we pulled into the packhouse and I quickly shut off the engine. Auri was still sleeping. Picking her up out of the car, I carried my mate bridal style into the house. The house smelled weird. Maybe it was because of the compete lack of her scent but I knew that would change. She would fill the air with her forest and spices and my heart leapt with thought. I made my way up the stairs to my bedroom.

“Our bedroom.’ Cato said matter-of-factly and I chuckled.

Setting her down on the bed, I looked her over. She still hadn't woken up but I knew she couldn't stay in the dress she was wearing. Would it be too much if I changed her? I ran my hand through my hair, pushing it back. I made up my mind and went to my dresser, grabbing one of my shirts, I slowly slipped her out of her dress. My breath was haggard to say the least. My control was waining, wanting to wake her up and take her right there.

She was fucking beautiful. Her body was something I don't think I would ever get over. Her breasts were large but the were also perky. She hadn't had a bra in that stupid closet. Did she never wear a bra? I slipped the dress down and lifted her up, pulling my shirt over her head. That was enough temptation for one night. I did steal a touch as I ran my finger from her neck down the side of her body to her hip. Kissing her forehead, I did a final tug of my shirt and tucked her into the blankets.

I closed the bedroom door behind me and made my way into my office. It had been cleaned off since we had finished our paperwork knowing we might not be back for a day or two. I opened up the small liquor cabinet that I had and poured myself a glass of bourbon. Sitting in my chair, I leaned back and let out the breath I hadn't realized I was holding in.

'Fuck Cato. What am I gonna do?" I mused.

'For one, your gonna mark her. Two, you're gonna tell the council to stop coming by to tell you that you need a Luna. And three your gonna make sure her family suffers exponentially.’

I nodded and took a sip of my drink. Digging around in my drawers, I found the list of Alpha’s and their phone numbers.

'It will have to wait till the morning though. I doubt they will be awake now.’

'So that just leaves marking her. Go mark our mate, Logan.’

I sighed. He had no patience. I took another sip of my drink and leaned back in my seat. Closing my eyes, I went over the scenes and information in my head. There was so damn much and I kept getting distracted by the images of Auri smiling, giggling or outright laughing. Looking up, I saw the door open and Auri peak her head into the office. She was using her wolfs eyes and I figured it was because she didn't know the house.

“I woke up and smelled you were in here...” She blushed as she stood partially in the door.

I smiled and put my drink down, beaconing for her to come closer. She walked into the office and closed the door quietly behind her. She came over and played with the edge of my shirt, that just was long enough to cover her ass. I swallowed, taking in the beautiful woman before me.

“Come sit with me.” I wanted to sound confident and manly but it came out as a small whisper. Expecting her to sit on my lap, she instead sat facing me. Her legs straddling either side, her crotch setting gently against my thighs and my eyes widened in shock. Auri chewed on her lip and I just stared at them.

“Auri, stop chewing on your lip or I will take you right here on my desk.” I growled, the thread of control that had been rebuilding after undressing her was snapping.

She paused her chewing and looked at me with the golden wolf eyes. Her hands stopped playing with her shirt and made their way to my chest. I'm sure she could hear my ragged breath but now she could feel the hammering of my heart. While she was not the first woman I would bed. No woman made me react, made me feel, the way Auri did.

"What if...I want you to take me right here?”

I watched each word spill from her lips. My hands made their way to her hips and I slid her closer to me. She squeaked a little as my erection brushed up against her inner thigh.

"Auri, don't say things like that or I will mark you tonight. It's late and you should be sleeping.” Cato whined at me but I wasn't about to push this woman I had finally found after 10 years.

She froze for a moment but then I felt her shift her body weight and I let out moan as her thighs brushed my dick. The light in her eyes seems to sparkle at the sound and she leaned in. I could smell her, smell the forest and the spices, but I could smell her arousal even more. Her breasts pressed against my chest and I didn't move. Too scared to move as I felt her breath against my cheek. The next moment I felt her teeth bush against my neck and that was it.

I gripped her ass and pulled it tight against mine. I stood up, drink forgotten on the desk and I carried her out of my office. Not even bothering closing the door, I carried this tiny, squeaking, gorgeous mate of mine to the my bedroom. She yelped and giggled as I threw her on the bed. Nearly ripping off my shirt, I growled. “Shirt. Off. Now.”

I fumbled with my belt and the slack pants as I watched her slowly take off the shirt. She didn't take her eyes off me the whole time and I was dying. Pants off and forgotten on the floor, I climbed into the bed.

"Are you sure, Auri? Because this is the last time I'm going to ask. I won't stop after this.”

Her eyes searched mine and she started to bite her lip again. That was it. No matter what she said I wasn't stopping.

" gentle...please.”

I groaned and kissed her. Kissed her with the passion and fire that had been building since I met her, saw her, smelled her. I bit that lip of hers and my tongue slipped in her mouth, tasting her for the first time.

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