Alpha's Blind Luna

Chapter 13

'Kai, what should we do?

“What do you mean what should we do? We go help our pack. This is our home now, if we are going to protect anything, it's going to be here."

I agreed with her, but I was worried about what Logan and Bryan would think.

'You're the one who omitted the details about The Huntress.’ Kai pointed out, a hint of annoyance in her tone.

'Ilt's already a lot to take in. Plus, I've retired.’

“Retired but not dead.’

Bryan was still frozen in place. He was probably giving directions, being the Beta and with Logan gone to work. I didn't wait for him though. I turned towards the smell and ran as fast as my paws would take me. We finally picked up the trail and headed north, further into pack territory.

'We can't let them get further in, Kai."

'I know!"

Kai pushed harder and she followed after the three distinct smells. There were only three of them and they were running for their lives through the territory. I finally caught sight of one and I growled at them. They slowed their pace and split off, two of them trying to come around behind me. Smiling, I let myself fall into a combat mentality. Kai helped as we jumped the rogue in front, canines sinking into his neck. I tore away a piece of his neck, flinging him back toward his friends. We all skidded to a stop, the two other rogues coming behind their companion. But he was dead as soon as he hit the ground.

I growled and bristled, my hair standing straight on my back. They growled as well, readying for a fight. Rushing me at the same time, the rogue who got to me first was black-brow. They tried to take a bite out of my leg. I nimbly avoided his jaws and caught the side of his face with my paw. He yelped and backed off. The smaller grayish wolf was female and she had tried to go for my hind legs. She missed as I had turned to swipe at her male companion. One was behind and one was ahead of me.

The female took the action first, running towards me but she was trying to jump over me, maybe to catch my neck as I had with her other companion. But I smiled and started running toward her, knowing I was far faster than her. I watched as surprised flashed in her eyes when I slid under her jump and grabbed onto her belly with my teeth, throwing her to the ground. She yelped in surprise but with a paw on her stomach, I crunched her neck with my teeth, any sounds stopping.

The last rogue howled in pain as his other companion died. I knew I was covered in blood. My white fur always made blood far more prominent and gruesome. I waited, stalking the last one as he angrily snapped his teeth together. He was furious, blindly so. In his rage he raced at me, trying to catch me in a furry of claw swipes and teeth. Jumping back and swiping at him, he managed to push me back a little.

However, his small victory didn't last long as I sprinted toward him, as he expected me to run into him and he braced himself for the hit. But at the last second I jumped over him and as I did, I kicked him from the back with my hind legs. He shot forward, not expecting it. His body slammed into a tree with a sickening crack and a bunch of leaves fell down from the tree. I stalked him through the rain of leaves. Whimpering, he tried to get up but couldn't. My jaw covered his neck and I closed it with a snap.

Quiet returned to the forest as I looked at the three bodies, all three necks snapped. I howled into the air.

'You can't feel bad Auri, they were trespassing. You were protecting your pack.’

Just because I was protecting my pack, doesn't mean I can't feel for the lives I've snuffed out.’ This was a conversation we had every time.

“They must have been mates, the female and this one. His rage was too much for them to be simple traveling partners. We probably did him a favor at that point."

I nodded as I padded away from the tree. I heard snarling when a group of four wolves skidded to a halt, taking in the scene. They kept on their guard, not knowing who I was or if I was part of the rogues.

“Oh how we must look to them." Kia snickered.

It was then that Bryan jumped in between the four wolves and me, still in his wolf form as well. He growled once and the four bowed their heads, laid down on the forest floor. Bryan turned to me, sniffing my body, most likely looking for any wounds. I could hear a snort as he realized I hadn't been hurt, none of the blood on me being mine.

There was another growl when the largest black wolf came stalking out of the forest. My eyes widened as I saw the midnight blue eyes. I smelled the cracking fire and the rain wash over me but I froze in my spot. Logan had a tremendous presence of an Alpha. I had had my tussles with Alpha’s before, but Logan by far was the biggest and the most intimidating. Bryan's head dropped and he also laid down next to me.

I stared at Logan or Cato, as the color of his eyes dictated that his wolf had taken over. He walked over to me, even with my head at normal height, I didn’t touch his muzzle. Bryan whined at him but Logan snapped his teeth at him. This time I growled. It was not Bryan's fault and he had no right to be angry at him. I stepped between Logan and Bryan, keeping my eyes focused on Cato’s. I growled again, inviting him to snap at me.

I know they were probably talking over mind link, and when the Luna ceremony was completely, I would be able to as well. But until then, I could only get across what I could. Kai at this point was the only one who could reply between the two of us.

'He wants us to shift Auri. Kai sounded small, Cato had probably snapped at her to.’

“Tell him if he wants everyone to see me naked, then I would be happy to.’

There was a pause and Logan looked over at the four laying down. They stood and all four shifted. I diverted my eyes as I watched them pick up the bodies of the three dead rogues. Logan turned back to us and Bryan go up.

'He wants us to go back to the packhouse.’

I walked between Bryan and Logan, making sure that I didn't walk too far ahead of them. Logan and Bryan must have been talking as we walked because I could see Bryan's head droop more and more. I couldn't help him being chastised but what I could do is at least protect him from getting snapped at.

The slow walk back to the pack house was excruciating but we finally made it. Bryan shifted first, throwing his shirt and a pair of pants that he had grabbed in his mouth from the hallow of a tree. He didn’t say a word as he went into the house. Bryan came back out with a pile of clothes. He handed some to me and I took them in my mouth gently, padding over to the trees, I shifted into human form.

“Logan and Cato aren't happy.’

I pulled up the white boy shorts underwear and threw on the pink sundress he had handed me. Taking my hair, I quickly braided it. Coming out from behind the tree, Logan had also dressed. He was wearing sweatpants and no shirt. There was a frown on his face but my eyes couldn't help roaming over his uncovered chest. I felt a small fire start to build in the pit of my stomach and I took a deep breath.

Logan looked over at me as I came out from behind the trees. I couldn't organize the emotions that were washing over the mate bond. Anger, disappointment, worry, frustration, lust, shock were just a few that were rushing over me.

“What the hell happened?” Logan looked from Bryan to me.

"We were taking a run Logan, that was all. I needed to let Kai out.”

He growled. “That was all Auri? I've got three dead rogues that say that wasn't all.”

“We were running after breakfast. I got the notice from border patrol that rogues had run past the Southern border.”

I jumped in, stepping forward still wanting to protect Bryan from Logan's fury. “I smelled them. Bryan was still mind linked when I took off towards them. They were heading north and I knew I could catch them.” I looked down. “I can catch anyone.”

“I chased after her, but she’s as fast as the wind.”

Logan turned to him. “You're job was to protect her. I specifically told you this morning...”

I interjected, walking up to Logan. “It's not his fault Logan. I decided to go, to try and catch them, to stop them. It's not like I can mind link, I couldn't have heard what Bryan was saying anyways.”

It was hard to look menacing at Logan right now. My brow was furrowed, hands on my hips but I still looked up at Logan, who was towering over my small frame.

“Oh, don't worry. We will have a discussion about your stupidity after I finish with Bryan.”

My anger flared and I pushed it over the mate bond in full. His eyes flashed in surprise. “Stupidity?! So it was stupid of me to want to protect my pack, my new family?”

“You are their Luna...”

I cut him off again. “I will work to protect this pack, Logan. I don't know what you expected me to do, but I will do my all to protect my pack.” I stepped forward, inches away from him. “If I deem that I have it within my power and the means to do something, I will take that action.”

I took a breath before I continued. “If you hadn't noticed, I killed all three of them. I'm not injured, no one else is injured. Nothing terrible has happened. So step off it.”

He was staring into my soul with his icy blue eyes. “Something could have happened.”

“Something always could happen Logan. But you can't be afraid of that every single time. You wouldn't be able to live with yourself.”

We stood for a long while, staring each other down. Battling each others emotions over the mate bond. Bryan was standing quietly behind me, head bowed down. My jaw was locked, I wasn't going to back down. If there was one place where I felt I might had fit it, it was in protecting the pack. Using my skills with fighting to work with the warriors of the pack but I realized that Logan might have had me sitting out on the sidelines as Luna. A place I was not comfortable being.

“This will not happen again.” Logan finally said. He turned and stalked back into the house. From the sound of it, he went into his office and slammed the door shut.

I took a breath and put my hands on my knees. His Alpha aura was overwhelming and holding my own against it made me weak.

“Luna, you didn't need to...” Bryan softly spoke but I put up my hand, standing up and interrupting him.

“It wasn't your fault Bryan. I wasn't going to let you just take that from him. I knew what I was doing. Whether or not either of you realize that.” I paused. “I did more than sing during my time off.”

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