
Chapter Stir

“What was that?” I asked the guard who Asher had sent along with us. I stopped the horse that Noräin and I shared and listened to the echo coming east of where we were.

“There is a Verdan camp that way. Who knows what those savages are up to.” he said with a derisive snort.

“Savages you call them, but they were the ones who won the northern cities of Resna, Raena and Nalahead for the king from what I hear. You’re lucky that you are in an army with such fine soldiers.”

“That may be so for now, but it will not be long before they are no more.” he again said derisively.

“Ah you mean Asher’s plan to murder those who have been loyal to him. Kill your enemies, and murder thy friends. How honoured you must feel to serve under someone like that.”

“You too worked under him, so you should know.”

“Yes, I did work for him, but I did gain wisdom and saw the evil in his ways. Then I turned against him.”

“Not fast enough from what I hear Gareth and maybe it was to our benefit. Everything you seem to touch turns to dust. Your family, the Nuwanhe, it is better for us that you did defect.”

“Maybe that is so, but I guess we will never know will we.”

He shrugged. “Enough of this talk. Tell me where we are headed, the faster I am over this mission the faster I return to important matters at hand.”

“I am in no hurry actually, but if you should know where we head, that would be to Shaeda.” I said making a snap decision.

“Are you mad? The camp made by the Verdans blocks off the main roads to that city. We would have to ride right through if we are to make the journey in a timely manner.”

“I was not distinctly aware of that captain as I was busy being detained. I don’t understand why you sound almost afraid. They are your friends are they not? What harm can possibly come from being among them?”

“They eat human flesh. I can think of plenty harm being amongst them.”

“But they wouldn’t dare touch one sent on a mission for the monarch of Gé Addar, don’t you agree E—I mean Gareth.” said Noräin speaking up.

“What do you know about anything woman? I don’t trust the snakes and we will not go there.” he said tersely.

“Then there is no reason for us to continue then. You will have the pleasure of informing Asher that you stood in the way of what he wants because of your fear. He stopped and faced us. “I could see the indecision marring his features. “Cowards are not rewarded in the army of the king. You probably aren’t a real soldier. What were you before this captain? A common farmer I suppose? I can understand your resistance; not much to be afraid of then, except for mealy worms and weeds.” I taunted.

I watched as my admonishments sunk deeper in, his face red with embarrassment and then went flat and back into a hard mask. “Fine, we go through the snake pit, but if you dare to do anything untoward, you will not live to see another moon. Farmer or not I still know how to kill.” he warned.

“I wouldn’t dream of such.”

“What lies among the Verdans?” whispered Noräin.

“Hopefully our redemption.” I whispered back.

“Why did you agree to do this? Why spare me from Asher’s hand?” she said after a pause.

“I already told you why.”

“Is that all?”

“Of course, what else could there be?” she stiffened a bit at this.

“Something that Asher said left me wondering.”

“Asher knows a lot but he has no idea about what I feel.” I said guessing where her mind was headed.

“Good as long as we are clear on that point. I let you get close to me because I thought you were someone else and after all you have done, I will ever be able to return how you feel or don’t feel.” she said this softly. There was no angry edge in her tone which made it worse. It was almost like she pitied me.

“Good at least I won’t have to pretend anymore.” She shifted slightly but said nothing. “We approach the camp.” I said changing the subject. I knew that she would hate me once she knew my true identity and I could deal with that. What I wasn’t prepared for was the extent to which it affected me. I felt as if a weight had been placed on my chest and I was unable to breathe.

The camp consisting of haphazardly pitched tents, spread wide about either side of the main road. The entrance was guarded by two partially cloaked Verdans.

“I am Mikal of the army of Asher and I pass this way as we head to Shaeda. We will be of no harm to your people as our kings are allies, so are we.”

“You pass peacefully soft-skins in cloth of green.” said the green scaled guard. The axe he had in his hand was hitched in his belt. The one beside him whose scales were more like silver still held his axe in hand. His glare was murderous and almost looked hungry. He sniffed the air once and his eyes settled on me as if he had smelled the open wounds that lay fresh under my bandages.

Our horse travelled through their camp. How primitive I thought these creatures to be but as I saw the skills of a blacksmith as he worked away at his forge and got a glimpse of a battalion going through drills I realised how wrong I had been about them. They still looked like animals, but I now saw them to be more than that. They were people just like us. People, who would be slaughtered in the upcoming battle. A surge of pity rose within me and extended out to them.

“I can feel many eyes upon us.” said Noräin.

“They are watching us. How did you know since you cannot see?”

“It is not what I can’t see it is what I don’t hear. The place was much quieter than before as the activity has lessened. It would be prudent at this time to try and claim your redemption before their attention shifts and they no longer find us entertaining.”

“I agree,” I said. “Hear ye all Verdans of this camp,” I said loudly.

“What are you doing?” said Mikal turning around.

“You fight with a king who is not your friend. King Asher of Gé Addar doesn’t aim to increase your lands nor will he reward you for your service. Instead he wishes to make slaves of your kind and when he needs you no more he will dispose of your race until Verdans cease to exist. He is an agent of this king, he will be the end of your kind if you let him pass.” There was only a cacophony of talk among the Verdans as the spoke lowly in there leaf-wind like tongue.

The captain looked around first in fright and then in victory as no one had moved. “Your plan failed, these creatures heard naught of what you said as they do not speak our tongue.” He leered. “I would suggest we ride ahead before…” his words were cut off in mid-sentence and his eyes widened and his mouth was left swinging open, gasping for breath. He then slouched forward on his horse and then fell off.

“What happened?” asked Noräin.

“He is dead. There is an axe in his back.” I looked up and saw a lone green scaled soldier collecting his axe from Mikal’s back and then climbed onto the back of horse.

“Evander, we ride to safety.” The creature said to me before kicking his horse into a hard gallop. I chased after him without question, leaving the dust of the road chasing behind us.

I held Noräin securely in my hold as we road full force along the road of Shaeda. I knew very well this path as so often it had brought me home. But I didn’t want to go home. Shaeda was no longer friendly territory for me. The Verdan who had helped us was a still ahead. I dug my heels into the horse’s flanks and it shot forward until I was riding beside him.

“We need to stop.” I said after I veered out of the way of a tree and then rode close to him again. “We need to stop the roads will be dangerous.”

“And so is this territory.” he shouted back. “The sentinels of my clan still hide within the trees. We must ride on for another mile.” he said.

“Another mile then.” I agreed as we rode on together.

We came to spot were a small spring bubbled up under the broad leafed maple trees. He slowed his mount gradually into a halt and then he stopped and seemed to sniff the air.

I slowed down and came to stand beside him. “Are you alright?” I asked Noräin who was slouched slightly forward in my arms.

“I am fine, just a bit…” I felt her stomach contract sharply and she leaned to the left. A large volume of warm clear slime tinged slightly with yellow flecks shot from her mouth and on to my thigh. I cringed slightly, but I held her neck away from my body as she continued to retch and with my other hand I brushed her hair back so it wouldn’t be soiled by the acrid smelling mess.

“That was quite a stir you created.” I said to the Verdan.

“That is nothing new to my kind. The two of us have always caused to talk when we are together.” he said smiling slightly hinting at his razor sharp teeth. “I am surprised that you are still alive. Word had reached me that you walked this land no more.”

“I am not who you think I am.” I said and I could see the confusion on his face. “Evander is not with us, but I am his brother, his twin to be more specific.”

“Twin? I know not of a twin. I know the smaller one with hair like dark clouds, Curly. That is the brother I know.”

“Well things have changed and I only knew the truth of my parentage recently. I was raised as Gareth of the house of Tel Anir, which is this region that we are in.”

“I know of Tel Anir, I often listened when Evander’s grandmother spoke of lands beyond home. The people there are mainly farmers of wheat.”

“Yes,” I said surprised at his knowledge.

“The way you are called does sound familiar, Gareth.” he said as if tasting my name.

“I used to be under King Asher’s command. I came to your village once and spoke to your kind.”

“The one that wore the head of the wolf.” he said knowingly.

“Yes,” I answered.

“I see your resemblance to Evander son of Elmera’s son now, but I did not see it then and your scents are similar, very similar.” he paused as he looked at me intently scrutinising every part of my form. “How is it that you moved from captain to the caged of the king?”

“That is a long story but you deserve to know the truth. I charge you to listen until the end before you make your judgments. I have done things that are horrifying but I am not the same person that I was six months ago.”

His black eyes flicked between me and Noräin who had stopped retching and had removed my hands from her neck and hair and slumped forward on the horse.

“I will make no judgments until the end. I will listen and the female needs to drink what she has lost.” he said as he jumped from his horse. The movement was swift, powerful and yet graceful. I wondered what kind of a friendship Evander had with this creature that would make him leave his clan behind to save him. I couldn’t help but to wonder how things would have been if I was in his place and he in mine.

I clambered off the horse and helped Noräin down and the three of us walked over to the tiny stream to sit

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